Bumbleby Daycare

Summary: Yang and Ruby spend their day at Bumbleby Daycare.

Bumbleby Daycare, a beautiful daycare owned by my grandparents, I work here during the summer along with my friend and classmate Weiss. Today we just so happen to be the only two working. We've worked here for the past two summers together yet Weiss still finds the smallest things to complain about.

"Why do I have to come here during my precious summer time when I could be doing far more important things." Weiss complained.

Weiss actually came here out of her own volition but I won't say anything to her. I invited her to help the first year but not the next year since she seemed to dislike coming here. The reason Weiss came back the next summer must have been because during her first year here she met Ruby Rose, a quirky seven year old who instantly took a liking to Weiss. Despite the indifferent attitude Weiss gave Ruby she seemed to care deeply about the young girl who was always dressed in red.

Ruby didn't come here alone though, she was dragged in through the doors by her slightly older eccentric sister during their first visit. Yang was a fearless eight year old who always took charge and got what she wanted without question. Apparently she earned the nickname "The wild one" from the other children because of her wild behavior. Yang was also overly protective of her long radiant blonde hair and her little sister.

Two years passed since they both started to come every summer to Bumbleby and there wasn't a dull day when those two burst through those doors and announced their arrival.

"Blakey! Ice princess! we're here!" Yang walked through the doors with holding her sisters hand.

"Yang how many times have I told you to call me Miss Belladonna like everyone else?"I get up from my seat next to Weiss and start to walk over to the two girls. This child will never learn will she?

"I refuse." a flat out rejection, what a stubborn kid.

Yang lets go of her little sisters hand while looking at the other kids who got here before them and her little sister who went over to Weiss who is sitting down drinking tea at a table in the corner.

"Hi Weiss!" Ruby happily chirped in response.

Weiss looked over and looked towards Ruby greeting her "good morning Ruby how are you today?"

"I'm feeling great! Come on Weiss let's hurry and play house this time we'll be a married couple I'll be the husband and you can play the wife!" Ruby jumped in place excitedly as she waited for a response in anticipation.

Weiss whose cheeks were colored a light pink color stuttered, "o-okay let's play"

Ruby smiled and pulled Weiss towards a table in the opposite corner of the playroom that had a small table with play teacups placed on it accompanied by a playhouse next to the table.

Yang turned her attention back to me she stared at me with gleeful eyes. I wasn't in the mood today to get caught up in a troublesome situation as a result of agreeing to play Yang's destructive adventure game. Instead I suggested a peaceful activity to Yang.

"Yang how about I read you a book while we drink some tea sound fun right?" I point at the table that Weiss was previously sitting at before she went off to play with Ruby.

"Sounds boring." Yang objected she went on, "I have a better idea Blakey lets play the adventure game there a part two to the game!"

"Absolutely not part one ended with me being stuck in a tree and having to call the fire department."

Yang chuckled covering her mouth with her hands to prevent herself from bursting out laughing. This little flame head thinks that was funny? I've never been so scared in my life!

Regaining my composure I suggest, "Hey Yang, there are other kids here today that are around your age why don't you play with them?"

"Pyrrha is always flirting with that dork that came here last week what was his name? Jean? Yeah that's it." no Yang that is definitely not it.

"That Cardin kid who came here a few days ago is a jerk I refuse to play with such a delinquent humph~!"

Yang really is a troublesome child I might have to play with her after all the time I could be spending reading my novels are slipping away from my fingers.


"Hmm? Something wrong Yang?"

"Could it be that you don't want to play with me?" Yang looked at down towards her feet and started pouting.

Darn, this kid is really adorable when she starts to pout. I have to resist the urge to scoop her up in my arms and nuzzle my face against hers. Anyway I have to make her feel better.

"No way where did you get the idea that I didn't want to play with you?"

"I kind of got the impression when you called me troublesome and said you might have to end up playing with me." Yang looked dejected and fiddled with her hands.

I have to stop that habit of saying my thoughts aloud might as well give up and play with her. "Okay Yang you win I'll play with you but no adventure games."

"Deal! Yay Blakey is going to play with me!"

"Yang, please call me Miss Belladonna like everyone else."

"No way, besides you're only sixteen that's six years older than I am. We're also friends so there shouldn't be a problem. Unless, you're deceiving me making me believe we're friends only to betray me at the last minute! What a cruel kitty cat."

Slightly ticked at Yang's remark I pinched Yang's cheeks and pulled.

"You little fire ball! Who do you think you're calling a 'cruel kitty cat'?"

"Ow, ow, ouch! I'm showwiee pwease forgwibe me!" Yang yelled out in agony.

Satisfied with Yang's response I let go of her cheeks and gently cupped Yang's face while softly rubbing my thumbs over her red cheeks. Yang who for some reason wouldn't make eye contact with me suggested, "B-Blakey lets play house with Ruby and Weiss." She seems a little red and fidgety is she going to be okay?

As we walk towards Ruby and Weiss I check to make sure everything is okay with the other children and surprisingly all of them are occupied with no problem.

After playing house for what seemed like an eternity the game finally ended with Yang somehow being in jail. Yang then leaned back on her chair holding her stomach and hollered, "I'm hungry!"

Ruby agrees and yells, "Yeah! Let's eat some cookies!"

"Ruby you can't always eat cookies you know?" Weiss commented as she walked towards a door that led to the kitchen.

I followed Weiss through the door to help prepare enough sandwiches for the kids. After around ten minutes Yang walked through the doors and tugged at my sleeves.

"Do you need something Yang?" I know she has a large appetite but can she really not wait another three minutes?

"Ruby can't wait another minute do you have something she can eat right now?"

"There's an apple in the fridge take that to her" I can only smile as I watch Yang who takes out an apple and quickly cuts it with a knife into bunny ear shaped pieces. She is a good big sister to Ruby. Suddenly Yang walks towards me until she is standing in front of me and holds up a bunny ear shaped apple to me.

"E-e-eat it…" Yang quietly says to me. She's really cute when she gets embarrassed maybe I'll tease her a little.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you."

"I-I sai-" Yang abruptly stopped her face was flushed with embarrassment. She slowly breathed in once and then out finally she resumed, "I said here eat this!" she held the piece of apple towards me. "I-It's not like I made up an excuse like Ruby being unable to wait for food just to do this or anything! Humph! You should be grateful that I'm feeding you!"

Huh? Who's this? Was Yang's personality always like this? She reminds me of someone I look over towards Weiss who is sneakily looking at us from the corner of her eye. Yang resembles Weiss when she's teased I'm not so sure how I feel about this, but I should probably hurry up and comply with Yang's demand.

"Okay, thanks Yang." I open my mouth and slowly bite the apple unavoidably my lips come into slight contact with Yang's index finger.


Was that Yang? I didn't think such an adorable noise could ever come out of her mouth.

"What's wrong Yang cat got your tongue?" Weiss teased Yang who was now looking at the ground in embarrassment.

"S-s-shut up ice princess!" Yang blurted out before running out of the door with a plate of apples.

"She's a cute kid when she's honest. Blake you've taken quite a liking to her I've never seen you have so much fun talking to someone."

"I could say the exact same thing about you and Ruby." I finish preparing all of the sandwiches picking up the tray I walk towards the door with Weiss following close by with beverages.

After ensuring that all the kids are happily eating I sit down at the table occupied by Ruby, Weiss, and Yang. I silently watch Yang stuffing her face with food only stopping to wipe off Ruby's face with a napkin but not her own face. Weiss seems jealous judging from the envious gaze she's sending towards Yang.

After Yang clears her plate she yawns "I'm tired I want to take a nap" Yang stretched her arms and leans her head on my shoulder.

"Yan- and she's asleep already…" I lift her gently onto my lap and lean her head against my chest as I caress her hair. Yang snuggles her head against my chest and grabs my shirt pulling herself closer to my body.

"Weiss, Weiss! I want to sleep on your lap too!" Ruby complains with a pouty face.

"No way absolutely not."

"But Weeiisss" the dark haired girl whined.

Weiss stood up and stretched her hand towards Ruby "I'll give you and everyone else some cookies if you don't complain."

"Okay!" Ruby now satisfied grabbed the Weiss's hand.

"Blake why don't you take Yang to the couch in the back lounge? I'll keep an eye on them." Weiss smiled towards Blake.

"Thanks Weiss" I stand up and readjust my arms under Yang then proceed to walk through the kitchen and through another door to the back lounge. I get close to the couch and gently lay Yang down on her back. This worked out better in my head Yang has a tight grip on my shirt and I can't pry her little hands off of me.

"Yang let go of my shirt" I quietly whisper to her.

"Mmm…Blake…" Yang softly groans and says my name before her breathing returns into a slow rhythm.

"I guess it can't be helped." I lift Yang up and lay myself down while positioning Yang on top of me. I wrap my arms around her small body before closing my eyes.


"Achoo!" what could possibly be tickling my nose while I'm sleeping? I open my eyes to find strands of golden hair covering my face. After removing the jungle of hair from my face I look down to find that Yang moved closer to me with her face buried into the crook of my neck. I look over at the clock on the wall that reads three o' clock and proceed to gently nudge Yang into waking up.

"Five more minutes mom..." that's an odd way to say my name. I continue to shake Yang until she wakes up from her slumber.

"I'm up. Blakey I was having a good dream did you really need to wake me up?"

"You mean Miss Belladonna." I reply, hopeful I can finally stop getting her to call me by a nickname while she is half asleep.

"Nice try Bumblebee." Yang now fully awake smirks at my failed attempt to reform her.

Suddenly there is a knock at the door and Weiss enters. "Yang your mom is here to pick you up"

"Alright, thanks Ice Princess"

"I prefer you call me your majesty"

"Keep dreaming." Yang laughs as Weiss leaves the lounge.

"Well I guess it's time for me to go, bye Blakey!" hinted Yang with a smile on her face.

"It's Miss Bell- never mind" I internally chuckled at Yang's never changing habit of referring to me by a nickname. "I'll see you tomorrow Yang" I put my hand on the top of her head and rub it gently sending her hair into disarray.

"Huh? Didn't my parents tell you about tomorrow?" she looks up at me with a confused expression and somewhat sad expression causing me to feel slightly concerned as I rack through my brain to try and remember anything important.

In the end I can't remember Yang's parents contacting me anytime throughout the past week or two. "I wasn't told anything, so what's tomorrow?"

"I'm moving tomorrow so I won't see you tomorrow I guess this is goodbye?" Yang replies hesitantly with a melancholic expression.

"Huh?" is the only thing I can manage to get out.

It hurts, it stings, my chest feels tight. I knew this day would eventually come I just didn't expect it to come so soon. I've seen so many kids come and go throughout my time as a caretaker and I always felt a tinge of sadness as I watched them leave. This time was different though the feeling was intensified to another level entirely. If only we had more time together, if only she didn't have to go, wait! What am I thinking it's not like I could keep her…or maybe I can? NO! Of course I can't keep her. Darn, why is this so hard? Yang is is just a rude, annoying, snot nosed brat that has beautiful long hair and wide toothy smile that always brighten up my day. I have to say goodbye to her after all there's no use stalling.

Wrapping my arms around Yang I bring my lips close to her right ear and gently whisper "Goodbye." letting go of Yang only to be met with a flushed face with matching ears tinged pink.

Yang who seems slightly flustered by my previous actions is looking down at the floor and fumbling on her words as "ah-um-er" noises leave her mouth.

"Come on Yang I'll walk you out" I grab her small hand in mine and begin to walk towards the door, but a sudden tug on my hand pulls me back.

"Wait!" Yang yells out.

"Huh what is it? Did you forget something?"

"Bend down I have to tell you something important" Yang answers with a serious tone I can only comply since it must be important if she acts serious. Bending down to her height I bring my face close to hers.

"Close your eyes"

"Yang you're not making sense I thought you had to tell me something"

"I-I do just do it!"

I close my eyes and wait for Yang's confession. "Okay Yang go ahead and tell me."

What feels like minutes pass by until I feel a soft sensation on my cheek accompanied by a small "chu~" sound causing me to shoot my eyes open.

Yang opening her eyes and distancing our once close faces with a large grin on her face was the only things in my field of view as I felt the world just for a moment revolve around us.

"Yang…" I place my hand and my cheek in the end I could only return a smile and grab her hand to lead her out of the small room and towards the larger play area.

"Yang! Come on Mom is waiting for us outside!" yelled out Yang's eccentric younger sister Ruby who waves at Weiss and runs towards her older sister.

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming" Yang slowly let go of my hand replacing it with her sister's hand and leads them towards the door. They both turned around and faced both me and Weiss who had just moved next to me. The two young girls smiled widely and said a loud "bye" waving their hands towards us as we returned their waves with our own and softly said our goodbyes. They turned around and walked out of Bumbleby Daycare and got into their Mom's car slowly leaving down the street.

"Did Ruby tell you about them moving?" I replied to break the silence between us.

"Yes, it's going to be a little lonely without them" Weiss voiced out her feelings with a tinge of loneliness in her voice.

"Yeah." I could only manage that much as a few tears slid down my cheeks as I choked up.

"Blake?! Hold up don't cry! I'm not good with comforting others so please show some restraint." Even though the flustered Weiss said that she embraced me with a small hug while rubbing circles on my back with her hand.

In the end I swallowed the words that I had wanted to say to Yang. If I had said those few words to her things still wouldn't change, but I would burden Yang with feelings of guilt for leaving. I couldn't say the words that expressed how I really felt the words that were on the tip of my tongue.

"Please don't go." I quietly sobbed into Weiss's shoulder.


A week has passed since Ruby and Yang left and as Weiss said we were both filled with a sense of loneliness and the silence of that resounded through the week at Bumbleby Daycare was suffocating.

"I wonder how they are doing" my thoughts accidently slipped out of my mouth.

"Where ever they are if it's those two I'm positive they are doing just fine." Weiss responded in a confident manner.

"I remember when Ruby got herself stuck in our washing machine while it was on" Weiss reminisced.

"Haha, that reminds me when Yang got her head stuck into a rabbit hole"

"How is that even possible?" Weiss questioned.

"Honestly I'm not too sure myself but apparently the rabbit instigated the situation."

"Now that I think about it…."

""Will they really be okay!?""

""How rude!"" Ruby and Yang both respond loudly.

"Weiss I've started hallucinating please call the fire department" I'm seeing things it's only been a week since the two left and I've already lost it.

"C'mon Blakey I come back from moving and you treat me like a ghost" Yang crossed her arms looking at me with a confused expression.

I froze I couldn't really believe she was back and I'm at a loss for words.

"Since Blake's turned into a statue I'll ask what are you two doing back?"

"Eh? Weiss I told you we were moving but why wouldn't we come back? Oh, I forgot to tell you Weiss we would only be gone for a week." Ruby innocently said.

"Now that I think about it I did too." Yang sheepishly grinned scratching the back of her head.

"Ruby" Weiss rubbed her temples in irritation. "most people don't cry and cling onto someone for dear life if they knew they had to move for only a week!"

"But I was going to miss you for a whole week." Ruby pouted.

"Weiss seemed to melt as she saw Ruby's cute face and pulled her into a warm hug as she said, "you dolt."

I finally regained my senses and realized that I'm not hallucinating.

She's really here I'm not exactly sure what to feel or what to say. A long lecture on how to not make others worry would work, but I think a few words are in order before that.

"Yang, welcome back."

Yang smiles warmly at my words a smile that makes the sun pale in comparison.

"I'm back Blake! Did you miss me?!" Yang runs towards me and pulls me into a tight hug she then whispers, "Oh right next time I'll steal your lips so just wait a bit for me okay?" She moves back a little to see my face and gives me a mischievous wink.

"W-w-what are y-you talking about don't say silly stuff like that!" As if I'll fall for a little kid like her! I don't even want to think of how troublesome Yang's going to be when she grows up.

"Hehe, I love you too Blakey!"

"It's Miss Belladonna!"

A/N: My first attempt at writing so be a little easy on me? Some feedback would be nice. I might write a second part to this from Ruby's perspective and her "last day" with Weiss. If not I might just write another bumbleby story.