Hi everyone!

So this is my First Riren fic and I am excited! Hope you like it cause it was really hard writing this while my family was literally just a few feet away from me. It was awkward...

Discalimer: I sadly down own anything SNK except my survey corps jacket.

Warning: This fic is rated T for a reason. Dots of mature language within this fic, you have been warned.

Eren had gotten home early from school and made it back to the shitty apartment that his small family lived in. It really sucked because they couldn't afford anything better because of the dead beat in the family. Said name of dead beat was Grisha Jeager, his dad, and Eren hated him more that broccoli. That was really saying something because Eren despised broccoli! Anyway, Eren shared the apartment with his deadbeat dad and his overprotective older sister, Mikasa. His mother would have been living with them too if she hadn't have died because of some drunk driver.

Eren sighed as he entered his crappy abode. "I'm home!"

Mikasa popped her head from her bedroom and gave a sad "welcome home." in response. Eren cocked his head to the side and narrowed his eyes. Why did Mikasa seem so sad?

The young teen set his school things down on a near couch and quietly went into his sister's room. Mikasa was surrounded by boxes and inside said boxes were her things. Dread coiled within Eren's stomach.

"Mikasa, what's going on?" He asked in a small voice. His older sister looked up at him with a blank face, clearly not wanting to upset her younger brother.

"Dad has kicked me out." She spoke monotonously. As soon as she spoke those words shock entered though every pore of Eren's body. There was no way Grisha had kicked out his sister, right? He'd be an idiot if he did. If she left who was going to help him pay the bills? Eren knew he wouldn't be able to handle paying the bills with his meager job at Kyojin café. He was barely paid minimum wage, there was no way he'd be about to hold the apartment, no matter how crappy it was.

"Y-you're kidding, right? There's no way Grisha could kick you out. What the hell is he thinking?!" Eren raged, loudly. Mikasa stood up and hugged Eren tightly as tears wielded up in her eyes.

"I don't want you to leave Mikasa…" The brown haired cried tearfully. Mikasa pulled back from the hug and wiped the water spilling from her younger brother's eyes. She didn't want to leave either but if it kept Eren from seeing her getting abused by their dad, then so be it.

"I'll come visit you whenever I can, and make sure to steer clear of dad when he's drunk." Mikasa told him. Eren nodded, already knowing the damage Grisha could do under the influence. With that said and done, Mikasa resumed packing up her things with Eren helping her. They continued in silence for a while before somebody knocked on the door. Eren put down the box that was in his arms and ran to it. He opened the door to find Mikasa's best friend, Annie standing there. She forever had that bored expression lodged on her face but her blue eyes shown worry.

"Hi," Eren greeted solemnly, she nodded and went past him to Mikasa's room. He sighed as followed her after closing the door. For the next hour, the three some went back and forth from the apartment to Annie's truck, putting Mikasa's things inside it. When they finished Mikasa pulled Eren into another hug and held onto him tightly. The brown haired boy chocked out a sob and buried his face in Mikasa's hair. The two jumped as they heard a door being shut loudly.

"Wha…What the hell are y-you still doin' here you slut?" Grisha spat drunkenly as he came into view. He had parked the car he owned in a light pole and staggered to the teens. The siblings turned to the man who supposedly fathered them and Eren held back a larger sob.

"Go straight to the apartment and lock the door, go to your room straight after, okay?" Mikasa whispered to Eren. "Be careful, I love you Eren."

"I love you too, Mikasa." Eren cried out softly. He let go of his sister and dashed up the stairs to the apartment. Mikasa turned to Annie and nodded; the two got into the truck and drove off.

Once Eren got in the apartment he locked the door and ran to his room. He locked his door and flew under the covers of his bed. It was only a hand full of minutes later that he could hear Grisha trying to open the door. The man banged, rammed and yelled for the door to open to no avail. Eren blocked out everything and cried himself to sleep.

The next morning, Eren woke up at three o'clock. He tiredly got out of bed and unlocked his door, peering into the hallway. Everything was still the same. Being a bit bolder, Eren tiptoed to the front door and unlocked it, only to find a sleeping Grisha besides the door. He sighed and dragged the body inside the apartment, leaving the man asleep on the living room floor.

The routine continued like that for several days. Eren waking up early, finding his dad drunk out his mind, going to school with nothing to eat and then going to work. No one noticed anything; Eren had no friends at school or at work so people didn't see Eren getting unhealthily skinny. His job was the only thing keeping allowing him to try and keep up the payment on the apartment. Mikasa had kept her promise and visited him, but since she had been accepted into a top notch university, it had been harder to see him.

Finally it was one day that Eren came home from work that he noticed something different about the apartment. His eyes almost popped out when he noticed the lack of furniture and appliances in his shitty home. The brown haired teen ran to his room, only to notice his things were also gone when he got there. Anger coursed through his veins as he looked for something that indicated that people had broken into his home and Grisha hadn't sold his stuff. After looking around he finally spotted a note on Mikasa's once bedroom door.

Hey Eren…your name is eren right? I remember kicking that slut Mikasa out but not you. Anyways, I lost a whole bunch of money during a gambling game and kinda betted everything in the apartment. Yeah, but here's the funny part. I bet you too! Can't blame me kid, they were offering a life supply of whiskey and a man can't pass that up. I guess you wouldn't understand cause you're a damn pansy and a fagot at that. Sooo, some men are going to get you and use you as a sex slave! Be happy whatever your name is, I got you a reeaal job, as a slut just like your sister.

Your dad.

The young teen crumpled up the note and shoved it into his pocket. If Eren had been angry earlier, well now he was furious. How dare that disgrace to humanity just sell him like that? He was a person, a human being not some property that you can sell when you have no more money! Eren cursed his luck when there was a loud bang.

"We know you're in there kid, open up!" a booming voice resounded. Eren's blood stopped cold and panic set in. He had to get out of there and now, there was no other option. The brown haired teen quickly pushed a nearby couch and shoved it where the front door was. He continued to blockade the door and placed random items against the door to buy him time. When he finished blocking off the door, Eren ran to his room and dumped his backpack out of all its content. Then he began to shove clothing and money he had gotten from work into the bag. There was another bang from the front door and his heart spiked in fear.

Eren bit his lips from yelling at the men and quickly went to make a makeshift rope. He would need one since his apartment was on the third floor. He stripped his bed and began to knot the sheets together, he went faster as more knocking issued. Why the goons hadn't tried to break in yet, he didn't know, but what he did know was that he needed to get his ass out of there.

When he finished his crappy rope he opened the window and kicked the screen off. He then tied the rope to his bed and threw the rope out the window.

"Down we go…" Eren grabbed his backpack and grinned. As he began to descend he heard the men from the door start to try and break it. The young teen scrambled down the sheet rope and hissed as his hands started to get burns. When he reached the ground he took off, only looking back when he heard a goon shout at him. The idiots in black suits stood at his bedroom window waving their arms indignantly.

As he ran, Eren laughed merrily and almost skipped as he got away. Meanwhile, the idiots in black watched as the teen they were supposed to collect got away. The main goon pulled out a cellphone and hit speed dial. It was answered after three rings and the boss greeted him.

"Boss, he got away." The goon spoke.

"Then what the hell are you doing? Go after my toy!" The man on the line bellowed and hung up.

"Alright boys," the main goon yelled. "We have to go after the boy for the Boss!"


Eren collapsed on a bench and groaned as his feet pulsed. He had been running for about an hour and a half if his watched as right. The brown haired teen had ended up in Shina Park and was tempted to keep running. For all he knew those idiots in black could be still chasing him.

"Whatever, if I keep going I'm going to die." The teen spoke out loud and placed his arm over his eyes. That's when he heard it.

"Where the fuck are you, Bean?" A voice growled. "Dammit, this is the last time I'm ever taking Hanji's advice."

Even though the voice sounded harsh, the mellowness of it washed over Eren. The teen took his arm away from his face and looked around to see who it was talking. He spotted a short man with pristine black hair and a thin black jacket. The man was bent over looking for this bean thing and by freckled Jesus his ass was perfect. Eren always thought he could be gay, but this assured him pretty well. Anyway, he continued to watch the man until said guy turned in his direction. Eren resisted jumping as the man's beautiful steel grey eyes glared at him.

"What the hell are you staring at, brat?" The man called. Eren just watched with wide eyes as he got closer. Soon enough, the handsomely short man was standing in front of him.

"N-nothing at all…" Eren stuttered and averted his eyes. He could practically feel the others eyes calculate him with unimaginable speed. Up close the guy was like some super model or something. Maybe that was just his hormones speaking though. The man's skin was like a porcelain doll but he didn't look delicate. No, he looked like he was ready for a fight at any moment and if those amazing steel eyes had any say in it; people would be dead just by one look.

"So what are you doing out here so late?" the guy asked. Eren looked back at the stunning man and opened his mouth to answer when…

"Hey, we found boss' toy!" A goon shouted. Eren's eyes widened and he scrambled to his feet almost hitting the shorter man. The teen looked down and watched as the man's steel eyes narrowed; if looks could kill…

The two were soon surrounded by idiots in black. Eren honestly thought that all hope was lost and he was going end up some guy's sex toy. That was until the handsome man next to him chuckled lowly.

"You bags of dicks, trying to get a brat to be your boss' toy." The man picked up some random tree branch and had this glint in his eyes. "You deserve what I'm about to do."

"And what would that be, midget?" the leader of the goons edged on.

The short man gritted his teen at the insult. "I'm about to fuck you up!" he growled and lunged at the leader. He swung the branch and smacked the leader hard in the face. He attacked the other with the same vigor until they were kissing the filthy ground. Eren's jaw dropped in awe as his savior beat the living mess out of those goons, with a dead tree branch no less. With a final smack in the face to one of the idiots the short man growled and threw his weapon.

By freckled Jesus, just who was this man?

"You alright brat?" The guy asked. Eren just nodded and watched the man with large eyes. The short man snorted then grabbed Eren's wrist and started dragging him.

"W-What are you doing?!" The younger squeaked. The shorter gave him as glare and continued to walk with Eren tripping after him.

"Hey, where are you taking me and who are you?!" Eren shouted as he tried to pull away. The guy stopped and slapped the younger on the back of the head.

"Shut up, by gods you are one annoying brat." The short man messaged his temples and gave Eren a deadpan look.

"Are you going to answer my questions?" Eren asked quietly after a few seconds.

The guy nodded. "I'm taking you to my apartment because you look like you've been to hell and back," he started walking again, pulling Eren who went along willingly this time. "Also you look like you are some lost puppy." The guy smirked causing Eren to flush lightly.

"I'm Eren. Eren Jaeger." The brown haired teen introduced.


"Huh?" Eren blinked and tilted his head. The other gave an irritated sigh and looked back at the teen.

"You wanted my name, didn't you?"

"Levi then…" Eren grinned and followed after Levi like the lost puppy he was.

*wipes sweat off of brow* Jegus, this is over 2K words!

Hoped you liked the first chapter cause there is more to come.