Hey everyone! It's been a while, like 2 years a while. I was still getting reviews and favourites for this story so thought I'd continue it on again. I'm not sure how often I'll be able to update but I know it won't be another 2 years for the next chapter :P

Thanks everyone for your support, I hope this story can do some justice as my writing style has probably changed a bit since last time.

Oh and how good was it to have Paget back, even for an episode, make my little Jemily heart beat a little faster when they're both on screen together.

Anyways without further ado, my next chapter. Love you all


When Henry calls out to me we walk back into the lounge and he says good night and grabs Garcia and they run off to his room and tuck him in, I turn back around to Emily and feel the usual butterflies in my stomach whenever I see her

"Hey" I smile and sit down on the couch "more secret squirrel business I'm not allowed to know about?"

"Yep" she laughs "how are you?"

"I'm alright, been keeping busy, how about you?" I ask, she's looking really tired and I'm starting to worry

"I'm good, can't wait for this case to be over. Once it is my suspension comes into play and I get my 2 weeks off. I don't think I've ever been this excited for time off work, I actually want to talk to you about that. I was thinking I might come over and visit during then, what do you think?" she asks and I can't help the smile that graces my face

"YES! I think you totally should" I smile and feel like a kid because I'm jumping a little in my seat

"Ok Henry, gosh a little excited there Jen?" she laughs

"Of course, I miss you so much!"

"I miss you too, more than I could possibly ever think I would. I actually want to talk about us, if there is an us, I mean I don't want to presume anything, I just thought because you still said you want me and I still want you and-"she rambles and I laugh

"Em, it's ok. Breathe. Yes there is an us if you want there to be. I want to be with you Emily and I will wait until you're ready for that" I tell her and after taking a breath she smiles

"I want to be with you too Jennifer, hopefully I should be over within the next month, we're so close to ending this case but then there's all the paperwork to go with it. I want you to finish the story to Henry before I do come over though, I want him to know everything before we start something, if that ok?"

"That's fine, I can do that, I've just been telling him a basic overview of the year then one or two things that happen between us. I think he might already know it's you and even though I didn't really want him to find out straight away but as soon as I start to tell him about your time after coming back from Paris he most probably will figure it out, especially because I fell more in love with you that year when you came around to see him nearly every weekend we were home" I smile, remembering how every Saturday we weren't away on a case she should be at my front door at 8 with breakfast and a new game or toy for Henry to play with

"I just missed you guys so much that year, waking up in a different city, in a tiny apartment, wishing and wanting so many things and when I was finally home, if I could only get a piece of what I had dreamed of during that year then I was taking it" she states as she rubs her hand over the brand on her chest, which is now covered with a blackbird tattoo

"I know" I break eye contact with her, knowing that everything back then was my fault "I hate how everything turned out, how I wasn't strong enough to leave Will then, how I hurt you, again, fuck. I'm just so sorry about everything" tears run down my face faster than I can wipe them away

"Jennifer, please don't cry, I can't stand not being able to hold you while you're crying and I'm on the other side of a screen. It's all in the past now. I sometimes think everything happens for a reason. If we didn't go through everything then, I wouldn't have gone to Interpol and I wouldn't have been able to help when you needed me the most. I probably would've been kicked off the case because you would've been my girlfriend and I wouldn't have been there for you, this way I was and I wouldn't change anything that has happened between us now that I know I helped save you" she said it with such conviction I couldn't help but believe it and the guilt slowly ebbed away

"You're right, as always" I laugh "I can't wait for you to be here, even if it's for two weeks, I just.. I dunno I just want to hold you, feel you in my arms again"

"Usually it's me holding you but I know what you mean. We've still got a lot to work through but so far with both of us on the same page and the first thing I'm going to do when I get there is ask you out on a date" she smiles at me and I can't help but feel my heart almost burst with love

"Well the first thing I'll be doing is saying yes" I smile back and we hold eye contact, a special moment passing between us

"Great" she smiles her big toothy Prentiss smile that fills my heart "oh hey is Garcia still there? I was going to ring her tomorrow but if she's there then saves me some time"

"Yea, I'll just get her for you, it's time for Henry's bath anyway. Will you be able to ring Henry on his birthday?"

"Um maybe, I've got interviews and meetings all day but I'm hoping there's a lunch break between it all, if so I'll ring you and talk to him if he isn't too busy"

"Oh he won't be too busy for his Aunt Emmy. Anyways I'll go get Pen for you. Give me a ring or text whenever you want or are free, my days are pretty boring when Henry's at school and Pen's at work so a phone call from you would brighten up my dam immensely" I smile, secretly hoping she doesn't call during Young and Restless and realise I've been sucked into day time soaps

"I will try my hardest I promise" she smiles back "Hey Jen" I look up into her eyes "I'm glad we've had a bit of a talk about everything and there's a beginning of an us again"

"Me too" I smile back, knowing the expression on my face is a mix of love and hope "ok now I'm really going to go and get Pen, I'm sure Henry would love more of the story during his bath. So for real now, bye Emily, I will talk to you later" I smile and stand up

"Bye Jen, and will definitely talk soon" her smiles the last thing I see before turning around and go upstairs to Henrys room.

"knock knock" I say as I enter the room, both of them quickly stop laughing and look at me "it's time for someone's bath and Emily wants to talk to the other someone" Henry jumps up

"Time for you bath Aunty Pen, I'm going to talk to Aunt Em" he laughs and I grab him before he escapes

"Hold your horses there mister, it's your bath time not Aunty Pen's, plus I'm sure she can bath herself" I laugh as Garcia gets up off the bed

"But Mommy I can bath myself I'm 6 this weekend" he says as he holds up 5 fingers, I can't help but laugh at how cute he is

"Ok well then you go bath yourself and I'll just have to tell your teddy some more of the story while you're in there" I laugh as his smile turns to a frown

"Oh, well I guess you can bath me then" he says like it's a chore, he turns to grab his pyjamas

"Emily's on Skype still waiting for you, said she wants to have a quick word about something" I say to Pen as Henry grabs his stuff "we'll be down when we're done up here so someone can say good night before he goes to bed, then we can have a glass of wine or something?" I ask and she nods as she leaves the room

"C'mon Mommy, story and bath time" he grabs my hand pulling me into his bathroom. It takes a few minutes for his bath to fill and for him to choose which toys he wants to play with and after an apparently hard decision between cars and dinosaurs, he throws his dinos into the bath and jumps in after them. "So what happened after you went dancing with the pretty lady"

"Well your Aunt Pen and I had had about 2 hours sleep before we got called to another case, but during this case we found out that your Uncle Hotch had been hurt"


We all, apart from Reid who was in his own hospital bed, stood outside Hotchs' hospital room as he was getting his bandages changed. The case was over, the bad guy dead but we all knew that the real threat was still out there, The Reaper has officially become out number 1 most wanted. They were all worried about Jack and Hailey hoping that their handler will be there to look after them until the team could find Foyet.

"So what are we going to do about this?" Morgan asks us

"The only thing we can do, catch this son a bitch" Rossi answers, looking into Hotchs' room

"Well what are we doing standing here? Let's get back to the office, I'll get Baby Girl to start a search, see if we can follow him from when he leaves the hospital using traffic cams" Morgan takes out his phone, I stop him by putting my hand on it, preventing him from calling

"No, the first thing we need to do is check on Hotch see if he needs anything, second is we do the same for Reid then the third thing we'll do is go home and get some sleep, we've all had a max of 3 hours sleep last night, plus no sleep while we were in Canada. I know we want to get Foyet but we won't be any help without being rested, you all know this, we all work better when our brains are at 100%" I see that they are all conflicted between agreeing with me and wanting to jump straight into work

"JJ's right" I turn to Emily "we can go back to the office, spend an hour working flat out before we all start snapping at each other or we go rest and look at everything with fresh eyes in the morning" everyone nods and split up, Rossi and Emily check on Hotch while myself, Morgan and Garcia check on Spence. After about another hour spent at the hospital we all go our own way, I went and picked up Henry from the babysitter as Will was on nights this week and headed home. Henry went down pretty quickly and as I debated between opening a bottle of wine or just go curl up in bed there was a quiet knock on my door

"Emily, hey" I say as I opened the door, I quickly noticed the dried tears and red eyes "what's wrong" I pull her inside and into a hug

"Hanna and I broke up" she cries into my shoulder, and even though she was sad I couldn't help feel a bit happy at the statement

"Why? What happened?" I ask and pull her towards the couch, deciding on that wine I hold my finger up in a 'just a moment' sign and quickly run into the kitchen and grab what I need before going back to the couch, handing her a glass

"Everything finally caught up with her. Between the late nights, days away at a moment's notice, I fell into bit of a funk after everything last year with Matthew dying and bringing back thoughts of my abortion and she doesn't like how I compartmentalize things. I think last night was the last straw, when I got home from the club she was there, she had finished early and wanted to surprise me, I was too tired to do anything then we got called in a matter of hours later. She was sitting on my couch tonight with a bag full of her stuff and just said it wasn't working and we both wanted different things in our life at this time and left." She started crying harder and I tried to catch the tears as they fell but it just seemed pointless so I just held her. Tears kept falling from big brown eyes for another half an hour, and the more tears that fell the more my heart broke "What's wrong with me?" she whispered and I could literally feel my heart lurch at the sadness in her voice

"Nothing sweetie, you are amazing and if she didn't see that it's her own fault" I kiss her forehead and ran my fingers through her hair

"It must be something, none of my relationships work out. No one ever loves me and stays, ever since I was a kid"

"Hey" I grabbed her face and held it between my hands, forcing her to look into my eyes "our team loves you and we'll stick around for as long as you want us, even then you're probably going to have to shoot Pen to keep her away. Henry loves you, I eyes always brighten and a smile graces his face when he sees you or I mention you, even though he's only a baby he still knows who his Aunt Emmy is. And... and I love you, still and I probably always will, I know things aren't where we want them and we both made mistakes but without them I wouldn't have my baby boy and I have to try and make my family work but just know Em, I love you with everything I am. Hanna is an idiot for not realising how amazing you are, how smart and beautiful, inside and out, you are, how sexy it is when you wear your belt buckle just a little off centre, how much of an amazing wife and mother you will make one day, how cute it is when your nose scrunches and a slight frown creases when your concentrating. There's nothing wrong with you Emily Prentiss, its everyone else because they don't realise what a catch you are, or in my case do realise it but have fucked up and have to live with that and watch someone else take what you want" I feel the tears run down my face mirroring hers, and she just pulls me in for a hug, I feel her breathe me in and I do the same

"I'll always completely love you to Jennifer, but what I said last night still applies, it's not our time right now. It hurts seeing you with Will but I'll forever be grateful for him for bringing you Henry." She pulled back and looked into my eyes "Thanks for tonight Jen, I really needed it" she looked down at my mouth and I can't help but do the same, we both slowly moved in, our lips brushing each other's, just holding them in place, tasting a mixture of tears and wine. At the same time we both pulled away, nothing dramatic just a mutual understanding that that was a thank you kiss. "I should probably head off, big day tomorrow looking for Foyet and all" she goes to stand but I stop her

"It's late and the guest bed is all made up. Stay, you can play with Henry in the morning and I know your go bag is still in the car. Will won't mind, I'm sure he'll love the fact that he can go straight to bed without feeling bad that he's leaving me with the baby while I try to get ready" I can see the excuses running through her mind "Please Emily, you will hardly see him, maybe for 10 minutes and even then you can go for a shower while he's still up. I don't want you to go to an empty home like this. Stay here, play with Henry and then we'll head to work" I beg and finally she nods in agreement.

After she ran out to the car to get her bag and I had cleaned up the bottle of wine and tissues, we made our way upstairs. We both went in and checked on Henry, who was sound asleep, after both of us giving him a soft kiss we made our way back out to the hall. Both standing there unsure of what to do next

"Well I'm just gonna…" she indicates towards the guest room and I nod. Taking a step forward I wrap my arms around her, holding her close

"Goodnight Emily, sleep tight and I'll see you in the morning" I whisper and pull back, we immediately make eye contact, our love for each other passing between our gaze and I had to forcibly move myself away from her. Turning my back I was about to enter my room when I heard a

"Goodnight Jennifer" I paused and looked up at her, she slightly smiled and made her way into the room. I fell into bed, absolutely drained from the last 3 days of work and tonight's emotional conversation, knowing that it's only going to get worse.

End Flashback

That was one emotional night, I didn't realise I had tears running down my face until Henry's bubbly hand was on my cheek wiping them away

"Don't be sad Mommy" he whispers, I pull him in for a hug, not caring that my top half is completely drenched

"Sorry baby. It was just a very tough few days. But that morning when we all woke up, she had so much fun playing with you and feeding you breakfast. You made her happy when she needed it, even though you didn't know that she was sad you were just having fun, throwing your pureed apple around."

"I don't throw food Mommy, think you got the wrong baby" he laughs and pulls himself out of the bath

"Oh it was you alright. Even got the pictures to prove it" I laugh and grab the towel, wiping him dry

"Are you going to be ok Mommy?" he asks and I can't believe how much he's grown. He's an almost 6 year old but he understands grown up feelings and empathises with the best of them

"Yea my sweet. It was just a sad moment, which was the beginning of a sad 6 months for everyone. Now c'mon its bed time and we've still gotta say goodnight to Aunt Pen"

"Ok" he runs off towards the lounge room, dropping his towel as he goes and I can't help but laugh

"Henry! Get your little naked bum back here" I yell as I start chasing him down the hall.