There are some things that have to be made clear about this fanfiction. I will say it only once: here. So the Author's notes will be short in the future, mostly explaining stuff if there is something more than one person wants to know. So please bear with it now.

The plot is vaguely based on real historical events, namely on Francis Drake's trip around the world.

It isn't historically accurate and a lot of things were changed or adjusted to my needs and the One Piece universe. As sources often have different opinions anyway, it really is only the route.

The characters who were named after pirates from that era became pirates from that era with their positions and everything. But I have added and changed some, who weren't there. Of course, there are some who don't have such a counterpart (like Law or Kid). Here is a list with the character's name and the historical person I have chosen as their counterpart if you want to look them up.

Nami – Elizabeth I. , Queen of England

Nojiko – Bloody Mary, Queen of England

Franky – Dr. Matthew Barker, shipbuilder

Usopp – Adam Dreyling, cannon caster

Basil Hawkins – John Hawkins, privateer, later bursar of the royal marines

X Drake – Francis Drake, privateer, politician and merchant

Spandam – Thomas Doughty, English noble

Cavendish – Thomas Cavendish, privateer

Boa Hancock- Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland

Doffy – Philip II. King of Spain

? - Duke of Medina Sidonia, Spanish noble

Shandia – native Americans

I have planned this story in two parts. If the second will be published will depend on how popular this stuff gets and how much time and energy I will have. The first part will be about 9 chapters, the second probably 4. I can promise you that the first 9 will be published for sure.

The story will concentrate mainly on plot, but it will include mostly KidLaw with hints of others, but these won't come to surface more than once or twice in the entire work.

There are parts you can skip that are not necessary for the plot but involve these other ships. I have marked them and put a warning in so you see them.

You are allowed to kick my ass if the updates take too long (more than 2 months a chapter).

Please review and tell me what you think. It really is important to get feedback and helps a lot in the case of writer's block. If you don't understand something, ask. I will try and explain it to you.

Disclaimer for the complete work: One Piece belongs to Eiichiro Oda. The plot is inspired by historical events.

Betaed by Ventusio. Thank you for that (: (and for the title xD)

Please enjoy :)


England of the 16th century – the country prospers under Queen Nami.

Thanks to her, stability and wealth finally came to the people after the suffering her sister, the Bloody Nojiko, has brought over them.

However, this golden time wouldn't have happened without a certain group of people – without the privateers serving the Queen and fighting against Spain under King Donquixote Doflamingo.

The first of them, Basil Hawkins, didn't bring many treasures, gold, silver or spices.

No, the goods he brought were even more important – information.

Information on how to conquer the sea, where to sail and how to act towards the Spanish colonists.

It was worth even the fiasco that lead to the end of his career as a pirate and him becoming the royal marine treasurer.

This opened new paths and led to what became one of the most remembered events of Nami's reign.

On one hand, his nephew, X Drake, could step into the spotlight and become one of England's most successful men.

On the other, Hawkins himself could stay back and engage in planning the war against Spain, using his fortune-telling abilities.

As X Drake relied on those abilities more than anybody, he asked Hawkins for advice before his long planned expedition and the answer was clear:

He needed a man, a man who would turn the fate of the trip around.

And this man's name was Eustass Kid.