Eyes blood shot and tired, body lethargic and aching. His overall sense of wellbeing is completely worn down but he has made it back. Sebastian returns to New York with plenty of time to quickly change and run his hands through his hair before catching a taxi to head to the Russian Tearoom for his meeting with Tanaka.

Sitting in a shiny red leather booth, Sebastian looks around as he waits. To his surprise, he is the first to arrive, which allows him to take a moment to steady himself for whatever this meeting is about.

Ronald has arranged for them to meet here because it will be quiet at this time of the morning and Sebastian kind of likes the place. It isn't necessarily his style but he enjoys the ornate art deco opulence of it. The walls are forest green with decorative gold leaf firebirds that swoop down from the sides of the ceilings. There are tables in the center with crisp white tablecloths that off set the dark yellow lighting, adding a little brightness. At the back of each booth there are polished sliver samovars that refract the light from a circular deco chandelier with dangling red bobbles.

It is ostentatious and a little gaudy but Sebastian likes it nevertheless.

Looking at his watch, he sees that he still has a few minutes before Tanaka is due to arrive. Closing his eyes for a moment, he exhales as he tries to relax his mind, letting it wander back to the events that happened not seven hours ago.

That burst of air that leaves through parted lips as they disengage and connect with another pair of moist soft lips. Using your weight to push them against the wall as hands frantically search and explore their body. Their hands reach up and tangle themselves in your hair, pulling you closer to them. Even though they are in public, it doesn't matter. People stop and stare but they don't care, there is only each other.

If he licks his lips, Sebastian swears he can still taste Ciel on them. The light hint of sweet cacao on his lips and in his breath is heady and potent as he remembers their kiss so vividly, and he can still feel Ciel on him, his presence surrounds him as he leans back in the seat of the booth. He imagines feeling the softness and the sensation of his hands on his skin, gripping him tightly, holding him close.

I wonder what he's doing? He thinks to himself.

"Good morning Sebastian." He is greeted politely. His eyes jolt open as he jumps out of the booth on to his feet. Eyes land on a well-dressed older man in a charcoal grey pin stripped suit.

"Good morning Mr. Tanaka, I trust you're well."

"Ho, ho, ho, I'm very well, thank you. You know, there's no need to be so formal." Tanaka chuckles lightly, motioning for Sebastian to sit back down. He takes a seat across from Sebastian and picks up the menu in front of him. Holding it close to his face, his eyes scan it quickly but he looks over to Sebastian who is anxiously drumming his fingers down on the table. Smiling to himself as he observes him, Tanaka sits the menu back down. "Well Sebastian, the reason I wanted to meet with you was to let you know of some… proposed changes to the legal division." He begins.

Sebastian pulls his suit jacket together as he shifts in his seat.

"Such as?"

"We want to merge the European office in London and the New York office, making New York the main base of legal operations."

Sebastians' face falls slightly, "I see."

"You look worried." Tanaka smiles.

"Should I be?" He wonders as he sits up.

"No, of course not. You have one of the best legal minds I've seen in a while; to let you go would be a giant mistake, which is what I wish to discuss with you. If we do decide to merge the teams, I would like you to head it."

"To head it?" He repeats.

"Yes Sebastian, it would be a promotion but not anything you can't handle, I'm sure."

Sebastian leans back in the booth, stroking his chin with his index finger as he thinks. This is a huge opportunity for him and he knows it.

"Mr Tanaka I-"

"It's a big decision, I know." He pauses for a moment and lets out an airy chuckle. "Well, it's not set in stone, we're still working out the details and I really wanted to see if you would be interested."

Sebastian leans forward, "Of course I'm interested; it's a great opportunity for me."

Tanaka raises his hand halting him.

"But I sense some hesitation." He states.

"No, there is no hesitation here." Sebastian tries to assure him.

"If you insist." He smiles. A young man appears from the side, catching Tanakas' eye and he nods. "I must go; I have another appointment to get to." He sighs as he starts to stand with Sebastian following. "It was nice to see you again Sebastian." He holds out his hand and Sebastian accepts it, shaking it firmly.

"It was good to see you too, Sir."

They let go of each other's hands and Tanaka starts to leave but he stops for a moment.

"You know, you never did say why we had to postpone our meeting to today. It isn't everyday I get asked such a request."

"I know and I apologize for that, my friend was, uh, sick and I had to take care of him." He replies. Well, at least it wasn't a lie.

Tanaka chuckles again, "I see, I see. Oh well, it doesn't matter. Anyway, have a good morning Sebastian, I'll be in touch." He waves as he leaves. Sebastian watches as Tanakas' assistant accompanies him out of the main room.

As soon as they are completely out of sight, Sebastian sits back down; leaning back in the booth; he rests his elbow on the table and stares vacantly at the empty plate in front of him.

His mind races as he feels the excitement of his possible promotion shoot through him. It is a fantastic opportunity; he relishes the challenge and simply can't wait to make it official. However, with all his excitement there is one thing that weighs on his mind.

Sebastian sighs as he thinks of Ciel.

Emitting a small snort, he realizes that this isn't like be enamored with someone so quickly, it simply isn't him.

Sebastian has a reputation that always precede him and a nickname he lives up to. He is known as the demon Michaelis, a title that Sebastian himself doesn't mind to be called. In fact, he quite likes it.

He is respected and feared from the moment he enters a room to duking it out in deposition. Sebastian is fierce, unrelenting and unrivaled. Being the demon that he is, he is never ruled by morals but by aesthetics, which he adheres to strictly.

Sebastian is used to winning, to getting exactly what he wants. From results at work to his pick of lovers, no one can escape Sebastians' charm. A fact that bothers him, irks him and even fascinates him when it comes to Ciel. He basically can't understand how the young man isn't won over by him yet and it isn't from lack of trying.

Everything about Ciel has set him alight, from his unwillingness to be charmed to their kiss, and how it felt like electricity going through him. From the moment their lips met, Sebastian felt as though he was on fire and it's been a long while since he's felt this kind of feeling. Especially as the last person that made him feel this alive was Shiori.

Cringing, he slams his fist down on the table causing the glasses and cutlery to rattle. A waiter instantly appears at his side with a bright smile.

"Is everything okay Sir?"

"Yes, sorry, everything's fine."

"Can I get you anything?"

"No, thank you. Just the bill for the coffee, please?"

"Right away." He nods as he leaves.

Reaching into his top coat pocket, he pulls out his wallet and sits it down on the table.

Shiori, why does she always appear in his mind when he thinks of Ciel? Sebastian doesn't know but he wishes she wouldn't, he would much rather think of anyone but her.

She brings out the worse in him, the deviancy and the depravity; she draws out the demon he's known as. He craved her like a drug and was just as addicted but, like most addicts, he wanted to stop, to be free of her. Although, as free as he wants to be, he knows that he may never be. Shiori is right when she says that he will probably return to her, like a vicious cycle he is destined to repeat over and over again. Now, however, it seems that he is closer to breaking this cycle.

He wants something else to sate him, he tastes someone else when he licks his lips and even though the object of his affection is hesitant, Sebastian knows that he will stop at nothing to have him. However, how can he have Ciel if he is permanently based in New York? Was this the hesitation Tanaka sensed earlier? No, it couldn't be, could it?

Shaking his head, Sebastian realizes that it doesn't matter, he has to have him and with that, Ciel has become another addiction.


William waits at the table he has booked at Lounge Bohemia in Shoreditch. Truth be told, he doesn't know much about the place, all he knows is what he googled and even then, it wasn't all that much.

Lounge Bohemia is an underground hot spot in East London, not all that far from where Ciel lives. William isn't entirely impressed by the retro 60s décor or the fact that they wouldn't let him in with a tie and suit jacket, making him take them off and leave them by the door. That fact alone almost had him change his mind and go to a different location but he didn't know where else to go and Ciel is probably already on his way.

He hates the concept of this new hipster culture; it is nothing more than studied nonchalance to him and he often wonders how people of this generation could put so much work into looking effortlessly cool. Shaking his head, he realizes that these are the thoughts of an older man and even though he isn't all that much older than Ciel, he wonders what they would really have in common? This is his generation after all.

Leaning back in the orangeish brown couch, William picks up his cocktail of dubious alcohol quantity and pretentious name; dismissing the thought of a generational divide and glancing down at his watch, he realizes that he is a little over fifteen minutes early. Taking a sip from his drink, he just waits for Ciels' arrival.

Outside, Ciel marches down the High Street with a fast stride as he turns a corner. Cursing to himself for not bring an umbrella, he pulls up the collar of his navy blue double breasted mac. Mid curse, he also wishes he hadn't chosen to walk the extra distance to Shoreditch from Liverpool St. station as it happens to be a lot farther than he first thought. As he heads down, his phone sounds off in his pocket. Rolling his eye at the incoming message, Ciel is sure that it's Alois imparting his worldly knowledge in dating arena, advice that Ciel is sure to completely ignore.

Wiping his hand on his coat, he fishes his phone from his pocket and has a look at the message.

'Do you miss me yet?'

Ciel smiles, then quickly looks around to see if anyone else notices it, of course not, he is alone. Stopping, he steps to the side underneath a shop awning and holds his phone in both hands, typing back.

'Not really, no. In fact, I'm just off to meet William for our date.' He replies with a smirk.

Not a moment passes before his phone starts ringing. Glancing down at the caller ID, Ciel sighs to himself just before answering.


"And where is mister boring planning on taking you?"

"Well hello to you too Sebastian. What time is it over there?" Ciel asks casually as he starts to move out from under the awning and back down the street.

"You know, if I were to guess, he's taking you somewhere equally as boring as he is, like the library? I bet it's the library; he seems like that kind of guy." Sebastian mocks.

"What kind of guy is that?"

"Uptight and boring. Seriously, someone like that interests you? I bet that guy sleeps in a suit." He teases.

"And you think you're better?"

"I know I'm better."

"Should have guessed you'd say that." Ciel snorts aloud to himself. However, before he has the chance to retort, Sebastian sighs.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I know you like the guy but I can't figure out why?"

Ciel smiles as he adjusts his coat around his neck, still holding his phone to his ear.

"It's probably because he doesn't get me drunk, make me lose my violin and get hit in the face with balls."

"Hey, what you're describing sounds like an awesome time to me." Sebastian chuckles.

"Ha." Ciel retorts dryly.

"Seriously though, where is he taking you?"

"To this hipster haunt in Shoreditch."

Sebastian is silent for a moment. Ciel holds his phone out to make sure they are still connected, which they are. Putting his phone back to his ear, he hears Sebastian exhale softly.

"Wow, he's putting effort into this, he must like you."

"Oh, are you jealous?"

"Do you want me to be?" Sebastian replies quickly and Ciel hesitates for a moment. He likes William, he's wants nothing more than this chance but then again, if he were being honest with himself, he would admit that Sebastian has been on his mind since the moment they parted. Did he want him to be jealous?

"You can be whatever you want to be." He answers.

"Then I'm jealous, are you happy?"

Ciel purses his lips as he fights a smile.

"That's good for you." He mutters, trying to fight his lips from grinning.

"Are you going to be this cold to Spears or is this delightfully sullen attitude something you reserve just for the people you like?"

"Who says I like you?" He huffs as he turns the corner.

"You know you do, come on Ciel, why don't you just give into me already?"

"Yeah right!" He protests as he arrives at the kebab shop next to the undisclosed entrance of Lounge Bohemia. "You know what, I have to go now." He sighs.

"All right, well have fun with the worlds dullest man, try not to fall asleep."

"Ha-ha. Good bye Sebastian." He snorts as he hangs up.

Slipping his phone back into his pocket, Ciel steadies himself for a moment, taking a deep breath in and smoothing down his coat, he feels ready. However, just as he crosses the threshold, his palms start to sweat as his heart races. This is it, he has waited for this moment ever since he met his professor and now it's here. What would he do? How should he be? He drags his hands down the sides of his coat to dry them and quickly brushes his hair away from his face. Now, he feels ready to go down stairs.

As he heads down, he looks around for his professor. Spotting him sat on the couch adjacent to the bar, Ciel can't help but smile to himself as he approaches him.

"Professor Spears?" He greets him. William looks up, sitting his drink down he starts to stand as Ciel shrugs off his coat and lays it over the back of the chair, opposite.

"Did you find the place okay?"

"Yes, well, I've been here a few times before with Lizzie and Alois." He smiles.

"Oh, I really didn't know if you would prefer a place like this or somewhere quieter."

"This place is just fine."

"I'm glad."

The pair remain standing for a moment, both awkwardly unsure of how to proceed.

"Should we sit down?" Ciel suggests as he lowers himself down on the chair and William quickly sits.

They sit across from each other; both quiet, shifting uncomfortably in their seats as they look around the room. Ciel desperately racks his mind for something, anything, to say but he keeps drawing a blank. After a while of silence between them, a wry smile creeps onto Ciels' lips as his eye glances to the side. William looks at him curiously as though he wants to be let in on the joke but he is unsure how to broach the subject. Catching is gaze, Ciel lets out a small chuckle.

"What is so amusing?" William finally asks, picking up his drink by the top of the glass in between his fingers.

"This. This whole thing is just so bloody amusing."

William takes a sip from his drink as he tries to see what about this is so amusing to Ciel.

"Well, I'm glad you find it so amusing, I'm finding it horribly uncomfortable."

"I do too, why is that?"

"What do you mean?"

"We can talk so openly in class, I mean, you practically know everything about me but we can't seem to put two words together here, why?"

"Well, it's different."

"How so?"

"In class you're my student." William replies.

"I'm still you're student."

"Maybe that's why it's so uncomfortable."

Ciels' face falls at his admission. Even now, he only sees him as nothing more than just a student.

"Oh." Is all he utters as he glances down to his hands on his knees.

"Ciel that's not," He sighs as he as adjusts his glasses, "that's not what I mean."

"Then what do you mean?"

"I mean that I wish to think of you as more than a student and I'm not quite sure how to go about that."


"I'm out of my element here, which makes me uncomfortable. I just, I just feel so awkward around you, Ciel." He concludes.

Ciel blushes as his eyes go back to his knees, however, he can't help but smile. It seems his professor is just as nervous as he is. His eye travels back over to William and he nods.

"Okay, how about I get a drink and then we try this again?" Ciel suggests.

"I wouldn't mind giving that a go." William agrees as his face relaxes slightly.

Ciel gets up and goes over to the bar.

Ordering a virgin cocktail, he leans against the countertop, absentmindedly watching the bartender assemble everything for his drink. He can't help but feel conflicted, things are much easier with Sebastian, they just get along as though it is perfectly natural. Although, Ciel is loathe to admit that fact to the man, as he won't dream of giving Sebastian the satisfaction. However, shouldn't things feel a little awkward? That feeling of nervous excitement you get on a first date? Though Ciel realizes that perhaps they never technically had a first date.

What would it be like? He wonders, as the bartender finishes his drink. This is something that amazes him the most. Sebastian already acts as though he's won, as though all of this is mere pretense and that Ciel should be madly in love with him already. Why shouldn't he be? Sebastian is handsome, charming, confident and challenging. Although Ciel doesn't know that much about him, he knows that he must be powerful.

This isn't to say that William is without charm, though. He can be distant and solely focused on work, however, he can also be kind. It has always been easy to talk to him in and outside of class, as though no subject was off limits. They talked openly about Ciels' past, his love of the violin and what he wishes to get out of University. William made Ciel feel good about himself and confident in anything he set out to do.

Picking up his drink, Ciel thanks the bartender and goes back over to William whose brow is furrowed in contemplation as he thinks to himself.

"Professor Spears?"

"Yes? Oh, right. Sorry." William snaps out of his thoughts as Ciel sits back down in front of him.

"What were you thinking about?"

"How to make this less uncomfortable."

"I was thinking the same thing."

"And did you come up with anything?"

"No, you?"

"Well, I was thinking that it might be best if you started to call me Will."

"Okay, Will." Ciel smiles. "Um, I'd like to apologize again for the other day."

"What happened the other day?"

"You know, the performance and Sebastian."

"That guy." William snorts, folding his arms across his chest. "How long have you been friends with him?"

"Not all that long."

"Long enough for him to stay the night." He mumbles.

"I'm sorry?"

"No, excuse me, I didn't mean anything by that." He rambles. Ciel leans back, crossing his legs as he mirrors Williams' defensive body language.

"How long have you and the redhead been friends?" He asks, almost demandingly.


"The one that was all over you the night of my performance."

"Grelle? She's, well, she's no one-"

"It didn't look like she was no one."

"Neither did Sebastian." William reposts with an arched brow.

Ciels' mouth drops open as though readying to snip back but instead, he closes it, shaking his head slightly.

"Okay maybe we should stop, this isn't getting us anywhere."

"No, this is not how I imagined this would go." William agrees, sliding his glasses up the bridge of his nose. Ciel looks to the side for a moment, chewing on his bottom lip as he thinks to himself for a second.

"How did you imagine this would go?"

"Well, I thought that we would get to know one another better. We'd have a few drinks, talk about Classical music-"

"We can still talk about that."

"All right," William smiles, "what is your favorite piece to play?"

"That's easy, Tchaikovskys' Violin Concerto. It's difficult, yet beautiful."

"I love to hear you play that piece." He admits.

"You do?"

"One of the things I like about you Ciel is your incredible talent."

"Anything else?"

"I'm drawn to you. You have been through so much, have had so much tragedy in your life and it shows every time you play. Your anger, your sadness, your passion, it all comes through."

Ciel bows his head as his cheeks start to burn.

"I don't know what to say."

"Say nothing." William smiles as he starts to stand. "It's my turn to get another drink, I'll be right back." He leaves as Ciel nods.

As he goes to the bar, Ciel can hear his phone sound out. Pulling it out of his pocket, he looks at the screen to see a text message from Sebastian.

'How's it going?'

Ciel looks around to see William still at the bar.

'Will you just let me have this date?' He quickly types his reply.

'Why are you putting yourself through this? You know he's not right for you.' Sebastian sends back.

'Oh and you think you are?'

Within a minute, his phone rings again and Ciel rolls his eye before answering it.

"I have much more to offer you and I'm not boring." Sebastian states.

"Will isn't boring." Ciel responds in a hushed tone.

"It's Will now is it? What are you even talking about with him?"

"If you must know, Classical music."

"That's like the epitome of boring. Case in point."

"Then what do you listen to?"

"I don't know, stuff like Interpol, Royal Blood or Arcade Fire."

"Arcade what? Never mind, I just don't listen to modern music."

"You understand that Kylie Minogue is modern music right?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." He sighs exasperatedly.

"Oh yes you do. La la laaa… la la la la laa…" He sings.

Ciels' cheeks flush again as he remembers his sing along in the taxicab as Sebastian escorted him home. His eye looks up to see William coming back and he whips back around.

"Okay, whatever, I have to go now. I'll talk to you later." He whispers.

"Looking forward to it." Sebastian swiftly replies.

"I bet you are." He scoffs, hanging up the phone and quickly shoving it back into his pocket.

"You bet who is?" William wonders as he takes a seat.

"Sorry, that was, uh, Alois just being nosy." He lies.

"Tell Alois that his paper is still overdue."

"I will." He smiles as he looks at the drink in Williams' hand. It's cloudy with a head of foam on the top with a tiny rubber duck floating on top. "What on Earth is that?"

"She said that it's called a Rubber Duckie martini." He pauses for a moment as he regards Ciels' confused expression. "I thought it was whimsical."

"It certainly is. Now, where were we?"

Carrying on their conversation, they begin to relax around one another. Ciel leans forward, listening intently as William talks about his favorite operas and various works of art. They both feel at ease with each other as they laugh and carry on. Ciel is surprised to hear Williams' laughter, seeing the typically stern professor loosen up around him makes his heart beat a little faster. He is different around him, lighter and more confident, not what he was expecting but he is pleasantly taken aback nonetheless.

It is in this moment, Ciel shifts in his seat as he continues to listen but his mind drifts off. He is conflicted, as much as he likes Sebastian, he can't seem to deny his feelings for William. A few hours pass and they don't even realize it, finally, William glances down at his watch and his eyes widen.

"It's late. We've missed our dinner reservation." He comments.

"Oh, well that's okay, next time." Ciel shrugs.

"So, you'll see me again?"

"Do you want to?"

"Yes, of course I do, I just didn't know if you wanted to see me."

Ciel nods, "I want to see you again."

Standing, Ciel puts his coat back on, sliding it over his arms and pulling it over his shoulders. Moving away from the couch, William holds his arm out to escort Ciel past him and towards the stairs. Going up, Ciel fidgets slightly, completely unsure what to do next. Does he shake his hand? Should they hug? Ciel shakes his head as he isn't much of a hugger and he figures that William may not be one either.

Getting to the top of the steps and out of the door, he sees that it's still raining. Sighing heavily, he realizes that he's going to get soaked on his way back to the underground station.

"Do you have an umbrella?" William asks.

"No, I forgot it."

"Here, take mine." He offers.

"No, it's okay, I can make it back to the station."

"No you can't, you'll get wet. How about we share? I'll walk with you." He suggests.

"Okay, sure."

Pressing the button on the handle of his umbrella, it pops open and he clicks the leaver to secure it. He holds it over his head and motions for Ciel to join him. Rushing over to him, Ciel steps underneath the umbrella and they start to walk down the street.

It's quiet between them as Ciel thinks about what to do or say. He can't understand why he is so tongue tied in this moment, especially as they were getting along so well. Turning the corner, William closes his eyes for a second, drawing in a deep breath. Pulling his hand out of his pocket, he reaches out and then drops his arm to his side. Sighing, he raises his arm again and slides it around Ciels' waist, pulling closer into him.

Ciel stops and looks up at him, his eye bats slowly as William glances down at him.

"Why did you stop?" He wonders.

"I don't, um, I don't know." Ciel hesitates.

Resting the thin pole of the umbrella on his shoulder, William wraps his other arm around the side of his waist, pressing him against him. Ciel rests his chin on his chest as he stares up at him curiously. William exhales, squeezing him tighter as he bends over, he wavers for a moment as he watches Ciel close his eye, tilting his head upwards. He feels Ciels' arms wrap around him as his whole body tenses up for a moment and then eases, relaxing into him. Smiling to himself, William leans over further and his lips touch Ciels' gently.

Parting his lips a little, Ciel can taste the sweet lavender liqueur from the martini William had earlier. Breathing out, he leans in deeper to the kiss as he holds on to William tightly.

Now what do I do? He thinks to himself.