Your friends finally came about two minutes later to find you crying on the ground beneath the bloody, hanging body. Gasps flooded your ears and even a few screams were heard.

"Bella!" Rosemary screamed as she untied Bella's body from the tree, throwing the tie to the ground. Anon got to her knees to pick up and examine the fallen tie.

"Wasn't this Makoto's?" She asked aloud.

Makoto was Bella's boyfriend for a few months. He had given her his tie for her birthday, telling her that it was his favorite. She was slightly pissed off at him since she was expecting some expensive piece of jewelry (preferably an engagement ring even though she was only 17.). Makoto had broken up with her a few days prior to Bella's death because she was far too clingy and bothersome. He said that he wanted a more mature and dignified woman, rather than an immature brat. Bella was deeply in love with Makoto and it was almost scary just how much she loved Makoto. She would stalk him during the days and make her very own shrine of him in her closet during the nights. Makoto had even found out and confronted her about the issue. However, Bella broke down in tears before Makoto could even get a couple sentences out after he brought the subject up.

Since Bella had received the tie, she refused to go anywhere without it. She had even seemed more depressed than usual after the break up.

"Yeah, that was Makoto's... I think. Didn't she tell us that was his?" Anon recalled.

You nodded softly, not wanting to even speak. It wasn't like in that moment you could anyway so you didn't even bother. Your voice was as frozen as the frigid winter.

Bella had always teased you and hurt you for as long as you could remember. She was always so mean to you. She also was a notorious slut that would sleep around with almost any guy that would ask. Even so, you found the good side in her that was rarely seen by anyone else. She was funny, loving, and tender when she wasn't bashing you. You two became like sisters over the past two years and you were inseparable. Most people saw Bella as a bully. However, though she was mean, she meant a lot to you. Now, she was gone.

"What are we gonna do with the body?" Rosemary asked curiously.

Totally thought-blocking her, Krystyn gasped and pointed directly towards the bloody tree.

"'Anorexic Slut'?" Alice read aloud with a chuckle.

"She wouldn't have written that... Wait... Why is her stomach slit open?" Rosemary's milk chocolate eyes widened as she spoke.

"There's no way she could've done that. The bitch couldn't even effectively cut herself because she couldn't deal with the pain." Alice stated.

Alice and Bella had been sworn enemies since they met. Bella attacked Alice with mean words, as did Alice when they first met. Bella was dating Avion, who also happens to be your ex boyfriend. While Bella and Avion were dating, you, him, and Alice were close friends. You all didn't like Bella at first because of how rude she was to Avion. Alice eventually had talked Avion into leaving Bella and that shattered Bella's glass heart. Since then, Bella has hated Alice.

Now, you and Avion had dated before, yes. He was your first love. You two dated for a year and seemed pretty happy together. The truth of the matter is that Avion was controlling and horribly mean. You even feared to be yourself around him because of how easily he judged. It was a side of him that you had never seen while you two were friends. Even so, you believed that you two were soulmates. In the end, he cheated on you with some girl named Ariana and left you for her. Having your first heartbreak, you had no idea how to deal with it. After it happened, you and Alice became even closer and now, you were practically sisters.

Krystyn became paler than milk very suddenly.

"You don't think that there's someone out here, d-do you?" She asked nervously and began to shake like a frightened chihuahua.

"Maybe it's Jason Voorhees." Anon spoke with a light, innocent laugh.

You felt your heart skipping in your chest after she had said that name.

All of the girls started to laugh for a few moments, but it quickly faded into silence.

"Wait... What if the legend is real?" Rosemary asked.

"I doubt it." Alice rolled her eyes and stared off at Bella's dead body as a bunch of flies and Mosquitos hungrily attacked it as if they hadn't eaten in ages.

"Well... Haven't you read up? He kills the most when you're alone! Just to be safe, let's sacrifice two people. Any takers?" Anon asked.

The word slipped out of your mouth without any hesitation,


The girls clapped and whistled at you.

"Okay, so who else?" Anon asked impatiently.

It took a few minutes and a game of Not-It, but she finally caved in.

"I'll do it..." Krystyn accepted

Again, more clapping and whistling.

"Alright, so it'll be Krystyn and (Y/N)." Rosemary stated.


"Sing the song if something happens." Alice asked of you. You right away knew exactly which song she was talking about.

"How would you hear it?" You wisely asked.

She paused for a moment.

"Sing loudly. It's quiet out here." She replied.

You sighed and nodded once in acceptance.

You and Krystyn hugged the girls goodbye before they turned their backs and left. Alice took the longest to say goodbye, of course. Was she even near tears?


You and Krystyn exchanged small talk for a while. About twenty minutes passed of just sitting around and chatting about life. You did most of the talking, of course. Krystyn usually was rather quiet.

"Do you think it's real?" Krystyn finally asked.

"Do I think what's real?" You tried to play dumb, but it was obvious.

"H-him..." Krystyn looked down at her petite hands nervously.

"I don't know..." You answered truthfully. What if the man from the night before was just some guy playing a sick joke? Then again, he did cut you. Maybe he was psycho? Either way, you couldn't be sure.

"Well... I kind of believe it..." Krystyn's voice grew quiet.

You stood up to turn around and face the little blonde.

"Why?" You simply asked.

She twiddled her thumbs and frowned before adjusting her little red glasses.

"Well... Weren't there reports and records here?" She began to shake again, causing you to place a hand gently on her shoulder.

"Maybe it was a hoax. Krystyn... There is nothing to be afraid of, okay?"

You smiled reassuringly at her, though you had your own doubts.

She looked up across her glasses and matched your smile before hugging you tightly.

"Nothing is gonna happen, okay?" You assured her.

"Okay!" She giggled lightly and closed her baby blue eyes.

Your eyes closed for a few moments before opening slowly. You felt as if someone or something was watching. Sure enough, there he was standing. He was about ten feet away from you and he was staring you two down.

You felt your heart drop from your chest down to your stomach.

"Krystyn..." You whispered shakily.

"Yes, (Y/N)?"



She opened her eyes and turned around before letting out a long, high-pitched scream.

Jason right then threw an ax right towards you two. Before it could hit you, you grabbed Krystyn's arm and took off running with her.

You two ran through the woods away from Jason together and would look back to see if the other was still next to you every-now-and-then. Krystyn kept on screaming, despite your attempts to silence her.

"Sing the song!" Krystyn shrieked.

"Ah, yes!"

You cleared your throat once before singing as loudly as you could,

"Can I stay alive forever?

Can I stay alive forever?

Can I stay alive forever?

Forever. Can you feel a chemical reaction?"

As fast as you ran, it seemed that Jason was just getting closer and closer.

You made a few random turns in the woods and suddenly, you ran straight into Alice.

You three fell to the ground and rubbed your heads as you all groaned loudly.

Not too far behind Alice came all of your other friends.

"We heard the song." Rosemary panted with her upper body bent down and her hands on her knees.

"What happened?" Anon asked concernedly.

"He's... Behind us..." Krystyn panted.

Anon stared at you two as if you were crazy, which you were going.

"Where?" She asked.

You two turned your heads back in sync only to see that he had disappeared without a single trace.

"Impossible!" Krystyn cried.

Your palms began to sweat again and the hairs on the back of your neck stood straight up like arrows to the sky.

"Maybe they're just fucking with us." Alice suggested with a sigh.

"H-he threw an ax at us!" Krystyn tried to explain.

The three girls laughed and stared intently at you two, appearing rather amused.

"You know that I love you two and all but wouldn't be able to escape a Voorhees attack. That guy would destroy you two." Anon said casually.

"He's real! We saw him! You tell them, (Y/N)!" Krystyn turned to you.

You stood silent.

" (Y/N)?..."

After a few moments, you finally replied,

"Just let it go."

You stood up, brushed yourself off, and began to walk back to the campsite. You ignored all of your friends' pleas to wait.

Who was Jason? Why was he real? Why was he still around? Why did he want to kill you? Well, wouldn't he have killed you already? None of it made sense. You even feared that you no longer wanted to know the truth. Even so, a part of you was aching to find out. Could you? Or would the mystery kill you before Jason could?