Hey everyone, this just came to my mind, so I hope you all enjoy if not then that's cool to.

Italic is a flash back or memory.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

(Chapter updated 10/20/16)

"Are you ever going to wake up?"

6 Years Ago

"I've done these missions a thousand times, I'll be fine." A female voice spoke, not menacing but surprisingly soft, and in a sense reassuring, though her tone still held a stern quality suggesting just how stubborn she was. According to the mask she wore; -a white porcelain mask shaped like a wolf, blue designs painted upon it-, it was easy to tell she could be far from kind if she wanted to be. "It's my duty."

"I know that, but I'm asking you not to go." Another ANBU spoke; he wore a porcelain dog mask, red markings painted upon it. His voice was worried, and he sounded stressed, yet an underlying understanding was still found there. "For my sake don't go. I can't handle loosing anyone else." His voice was soft, a hint of affection which was a rarity for the ANBU had for the most point taken away all of the mans kindness.

"You want loose me." The female spoke again moving closer to the male, her hand reaching up to remove her own mask. "I swear to you Kakashi, I want be lost as Rin, Obito, Hokage Minato, and Kushina-sensei were." As her mask came off her face she set it down on a shelf, her unique purple eyes staring at his through the holes in his mask. "This is my last mission then I resign."

Kakashi stared at her for a moment, she hadn't used his code-name. They always used code-names, it was a rule, but these two knew who the other was, they had known for a long time.

They had both discussed leaving the ANBU -perhaps form a bit of persuadining from their Jonin and Chunin friends-, had agreed to it, and had even put in their resignations, but she had been called to duty before it could be processed.

Still silent Kakashi finally gave a displeased nod, she was one of his precious people. He knew of course that she could take care of herself, and he had to trust her. But he had become protective of many of his friends ever since he had lost his Sensei, and his team. And over the past few years -least sense he started allowing his friends to get close to him once again- he had learned more and more that his friends and comrades were more important than missions. For those in the ninja world who break the rules are scums, but those who abandon their friends are lower than scum.

"Fine, but hurry and return safe." Kakashi reached up removing his own mask, they were no longer ANBU comrades as the mask implied, just two people who were precious to each other. "Please Minori."

Minori smiled slightly before giving a nod of her head, the usual spark of determination in her eyes. "Hai. I will Kakashi." She took a step towards him, before she heard her code name being called out. Giving one last look at Kakashi she grabbed her mask putting it back on and quickly leaving the room. "Good bye Kashi, I'll see you soon."

Kakashi gave a simple nod of his head as he watched her disappear out the door. "Hai." He hated goodbyes...

"The mission was failed Kakashi." The third Hokage spoke his voice firm and even as he stared at the silver headed ANBU, not bothering to use the mans code-name he knew them all anyways. "Both Aeko, and Tomoko fell into enemy hands, there has been no contact from either. According to out intellect Tomoko is dead, as for Aeko we aren't certain but all evidence is making it seem the same.." The third Hokage never took his eyes off of Kakashi. "I sending in a recovery team, a team that will consist of you, Kyo, and Yuri." His voice and gaze were both sterner now, ordering. "I've already briefed them. Your mission is simple, recover the bodies, anyone who stands in the way, dispose of them. Can you handle it?"

"Of course Hokage-sama." The third nodded his head and handed over the mission, dismissing him without another word. Kakashi left the room, a swirl of leaves being the only sign that he had even been there. Now standing on a roof top he took the scroll reading through it, his exterior was calm, collected, and un-phased, despite the turmoil of emotions that swept through him. With a nod of his head he was off to meet his comrades and start the journey to Takumi village, located in the land of rivers. The location the wolf and mouse masked ANBU had been sent to assassinate a weapons maker, and deliver an important message. It turned out to be a coy however, based on intellect there was a traitor in both villages.

The wolf and mouse masked ANBU had been lured into a trap by this mission and outnumber by a group of rouge ninja. They were hired by someone from the village hidden in the clouds. The Raikage wanted to settle this without war and was running investigations while giving permission to let the leaf personally deal with the situation regarding the failed mission.

"Let's head out now that Jigoku is here." An ANBU spoke aloud looking at Kakashi; he wore a bird mask, yellow paint decorating the white porcelain. The other ANBU one in a tiger masked decorated with Green paint nodded his head. The team set off moving quickly and silently to their destination.

Cling! The sounds of kunai clashing with one another rang through the air, enemy ninja fell lifeless to the ground, over taken by the three ANBU who had successfully snuk into the warehouse. For the most part their attacks were silent, hardly giving anyone warning they were even present other then the few odd ninja who came through at the wrong moments. Still thus far the had managed to kill all enemy ninja without setting raising to high of suspicion, of course the more bodies left behind the quicker the alarm would be raised.

"I'm catching signs of Aeko's chakra." Kakashi spoke up, careful to still use her code name, and not her given one. "I haven't gotten a read on Tomoko's yet."

"The data's is correct then, Tomoko may no longer be with us." Bird said solemnly as he landed next to Kakashi.

Kakashi remained silent for a moment before he moved cutting his hand open and flashing through a series of signs before slamming his hand upon the ground. "Summoning Jutsu!" A small pug appeared in front of the silver haired ANBU, it wore a Konoha headband, and a blood vest. "Pakkun, track Aeko's and Tomoko's scent." Kakashi ordered the dog, Pakkun merely nodded, and without questioning he took off not bothering to argue.

"In there boss… both of them." Pakkun said, staring intently at a door before them. He turned his head for a moment to look at the ANBU who summoned him. "There is also a heavy smell of blood."

"Me and Jigoku will retrieve the bodies, Yuri you keep guard for any enemies, the alarms bound to have been set. If anyone shows, eliminate them." Kyo spoke while drawing a kunai and moving to the door, Kakashi following after him.

"Hai." Yuri replied the ANBU turned his back facing his comrades, his eyes locked on the corridors in front of him. Kakashi and Kyo entered the room along with Pakkun. The sight the two ANBU and one pug came across was far from pleasant, and in ways they weren't ready for it; despite having been trained to deal with such situations.

Each of the two female ANBU were unmasked, their mask lying on a table near a back wall, the mouse one broken in half, the wolf one chipped and covered in blood. Tomoko was in a kneeling position on her knees, her arms stretched behind her back as her body slumped forward limply, if not for the chains and cuffs around her wrist she would be flat on the ground. The more gruesome part about it was Tomoko had been beheaded. Her head laid not far from her body, having been taken clean off, and left wherever it had rolled to. Long blonde flowing hair was knotted and mattered in blood, and lifeless blue eyes stared towards the opposite side of the room. Despite the dead stare, her eyes and face still held the look of surprise, possibly from suddenly losing her head, but it was also mixed with anger, and something else… A look that suggested the mouse ANBU had been smug about something upon her death.

Across the room was a table, the area around it set up like as a makeshift medical facility. Aeko was lying on the table, hooked to various machines and monitors. Her chest rose and fell; the movements suggested that there was something off with her health, as if she was having trouble breathing. What could be seen of her skin was tattered in fresh cuts, scrapes, and bruises, and her brown hair hung off the table, mattered and tangled much as Tomoko's, though harder to tell the darker area's in her hair suggested blood. Upon closer inspection the ANBU's head was bandaged, though poorly; blood stained the wrappings which were dirty, and the wound itself seemed severe.

"Jigoku…" Kyo begin slowly, looking at Kakashi before crossing the room to Aeko. "Her chakra's low, we need to get her properly stabilized and back to Konoha for proper treatment… If not soon she'll die." Kyo spoke simply, adjusting the bird mask covering his face. "It seems they are trying to keep her alive, judging by the hook ups, question is why? Even after what they have done to Tomoko." Kyo's voice was still calm, but an underlying anger was masked within it.

"The Shijo girl is well on her way to being dead as well." A new voice spoke form behind them, causing both ANBU to turn swiftly in surprise. It was a cloud ninja, a medic. "Your friend is a bit distracted outside. I will give credit however, even when outnumbered my comrades are having a hard time keeping him restrained" The medic said carelessly, walking towards the table, Kakashi stepped in front of him however a kunai drawn.

"Explain yourself." Kyo order, Kakashi stared the rogue medic down, daring him to refuse the order.

"Very well, I see no reason why I cannot give you an explanation." The medic replied carelessly, "You see they both put up a fight after being captured and even capturing them was troublesome, very quick-witted they were; it took a lot to restrain them. But as it is we were not concerned for their life, we only sought for the information they carried on them which they had brought so willing and naively. During the struggle this one here received a head wound from an explosion, nearly died on us slipped into a coma before we restrained the one wearing the Yamanaka." As he spoke he pointed to each body in turn. "When we managed to restrain her we noticed her chakra had drained incredibly fast, it wasn't until we had her fully restrained and had searched them to realize that the information we were seeking was gone."

The medic stepped away from Kakashi crossing over to where the mask laid; fiddling with the wolf shaped one. "Somewhere in the ambush we had laid out they had caught on, we were after their special delivery. One got nosey I assume... Very naughty, ninja aren't to read information entrusted to them. Then again it wasn't your Hokage that entrusted them the scroll, so perhaps when they caught our ambush they had gotten suspicious, perhaps read the note then destroyed it. After all it is your village's secrets, better for it to be locked away in memory then on paper right? The blonde thought so." He set the mask back down and flicked the edge of the Tomoko's mask with his finger, causing a few pieces to crumble off. "The blonde girl used up her chakra as I said, when we went to interrogate them, and pick through their memories; we were unable to even get in. She had completely sealed the Shijo girls mind, locking it up in an arrangement of mental locks and blockades, which we have still yet to break through. However luck had it, she hadn't enough chakra to completely seal her own mind. Unlucky for us, she never read the message."

Kakashi and Kyo were silent, they only watched the medic as he spoke. "We managed to get information on what the technique she used was, and had tried to get her to undo it, to no prevail I'm afraid. We decided it would be easier to just kill the spare, and work on breaking the mental locks on our own, after all having the technique it wasn't crucial to keep her alive any longer. As for your friend there," He pointed towards the ANBU lying on the table. "We decided it was crucial to keep her alive until we managed to break the locks, but if her life is lost then it isn't much information lost that we couldn't just get re-delivered." The medic smiled before raising a hand, a ninja star secured in his grip. Kyo moved in front of the fallen ANBU member and threw a kunai. The medic disappeared in a puff of smoke, a clone.

Kakashi and Kyo turned around facing Aeko, only to see the medic with a knife going towards her throat. It however never reached its target, with a shout the knife fell from his hand hitting the floor with a cling, and attached to the medic's wrist was a small brown pug. Pakkun had his teeth latched securely into the medics flesh blood dripping to the floor and coating the dogs teeth and muzzle.

Kakashi moved fast, drawinga kunai and throwining it easily making dead contact with the medic's throat, strangled breaths could be heard as the man started to choke on his own blood. Pakkun released him and moved by Kakashi's side, who was busy unstrapping Aeko, not bothering to give a second glance to the down medic.

"Will she make it to Konoha?" Kyo asked Kakashi while doing a quick surveillance to make sure there were no more potential threats; once satisfied Kyo checked about, looking for a proper carrier for Tomoko's body and pocketing the two broken mask.

"We'll have to be quick." Kakashi decided, he wasn't a trained medic, but Yuri was at least enough to stabilize her until they reached proper help. Kyo walked over once he had Tomoko's body.

"Pakkun let Yuri know it's time to move." Kakashi said solemnly, his voice low. The small pug merely nodded before heading towards the door, he glanced at the wolf ANBU before looking at the one who wore a dog mask.

"She'll make it boss." Pakkun said reassuringly before taking off.

"I'm sorry Hatake, we don't know how long it'll be before she awakens, if ever." A Konoha medic told the silver haired man, standing in the halls of Konoha hospital. "She may never awaken, she wasn't treated properly to begin with, and comas are tricky but to be mixed with a jutsu of that intensity, I'm afraid I cannot promise her life."

"And as for the technique that locked her mind?" Kakashi asked, he refused to believe she would never wake up, and decided to just not acknowledge the possibility. The doctor sighed before opening her mouth, only to be cut off.

"They contacted Emiko's clan, my clan to be precise Hatake." Inoichi Yamanaka spoke while walking over to the duo. "I'm here to personally break the technique. The technique though powerful, want keep her from recovering... As long as its removed right." Kakashi nodded silently, his head lowering. He watched under his lashes as Inoichi walked with the medic into the room, he stayed outside.

Once the medic and Inoichi left Kakashi went inside and took a seat in an empty chair by Minori's bed. "Wake up Minori."

Present Day

"Are you ever going to wake up?" Kakashi asked he was seated in a chair that was usually occupied by him; rarely did anyone else visit these days. After all Minori had been in a coma for six years now, many had said it was becoming more and more unlikely for her to wake, but no one was willing to give up on her.

Leaning forward Kakashi took one of Minori's hands in his own, he was watching her, and though his face held little emotion his brain reeled. It had been six years since purple eyes had stared back at his, six years since she had even moved, talked or acknowledged the presence of another. She only laid motionless, brown hair kept neat by hospital staff, eyes closed and needles stuck in her arms. Her body was pale, and the tattoo that curled around her neck much like a choker stuck out brightly. She looked in many ways like a doll, cold, fragile and lifeless.

"I have a team now… I finally passed one; they understood the concept of teamwork, though it took them a bit to figure it out. It consists of Sensei's son, Naruto. As well as the last Uchiha, Obito's young relative Sasuke, and a girl Sakura." Kakashi said while smiling in an almost fond manner. "My first impression was that they were idiots, even pranked me coming through the door, I allowed them the humor of it."

Kakashi continued to speak for a few hours before he looked up at the clock that hung on the wall, "Hnn. I have to go, seems I'll be late meeting up with my team, and today is only the first day after they passed my test." With a sigh he stood up, looking at Minori again he brushed her hair back tenderly before leaving the room, and made his way to the training grounds.

"You're late Kakashi-Sensei!" Sakura and Naruto yelled in union, as Kakashi showed up twenty minutes behind the set meeting time. He had walked up non caring, a book in his hand as he went.

"Sorry I'm late, but a black cat crossed my so I had to go the long way." Kakashi stated simply to his new team, not looking up from his book.

Let me know what you think, hope you enjoyed!