OK all you lovely people, here's the last chapter for Come Back To Me.

I've had a great time with these stories, and you all have been wonderful. If there have been any reviewers that I didn't respond back to, I'm very sorry. And to the few that have reviewed as Guest's, you guys have all been amazing. You really are just so very awesome!

So without further ado...

Chapter 6

"Do you think that I planned this? Do you think I woke up one day and thought to myself, Gee what can I do today to make Miles hate me? Oh I know, I'll go and fall in love with his niece, that'll do the trick." Bass said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Miles and Bass stood facing each other in the Matheson living room. Charlie sat in the chair closest to Bass while Rachel sat on the couch beside Danny.

They had been yelling back and forth for a while now, but at Bass's declaration, some of the fight went out of Miles and he looked at Bass with his brows furrowed.

"You love her?" he asked, as if he hadn't considered that before.

Bass nodded. "Yeah." He said, throwing his hands up. "What did you think this was?" he asked, sounding exasperated.

Miles looked at Charlie without answering him. "And you love him?" he asked.

Charlie nodded, looking her uncle in the eye, making sure he really understood. "Yes." She said, simply but firmly.

Miles sighed and sat down on the coffee table. "How did this happen?" he asked, looking back and forth between the pair.

Bass shrugged. "I don't really know, it kind of snuck up on me." He said.

Miles looked at Charlie and she shrugged as well, but she had a bit of a smile on her face. "Miles I've been in love with him my whole life, nobody else stood a chance."

Miles groaned as he saw the smile on Bass's face as he looked at her. "I can't really say that I approve, but I have a feeling that wouldn't really matter one way or the other would it?" he asked.

Charlie shook her head and reached out to grab ahold of Bass's hand.

Miles sighed and ran a hand over his face. "This is just…I'm going to need some time." He said finally. Charlie looked to Bass, knowing that this could end up costing him more than her. After all he and Miles have been closer than most brothers for forty years. But she knew no matter what Miles would always be there for her.

Bass squeezed her hand, letting her know that he was with her, if Miles wanted time, he was willing to give it to him.

Bass nodded. "That's fine, I understand." He said. "But I'm not going to stop seeing her just because you need time. You need to understand that."

Miles stood up, looked at them both for a moment and then nodded.

He turned to leave the room but stopped and looked at Danny. "And you knew?" he asked and Danny nodded. "And you didn't say anything?"

Danny shrugged. "She's my sister, sibling confidentiality and all the jazz you know." He said and Miles rolled his eyes before walking out.

"Mom?" Charlie asked. Wondering what was going through Rachel's head as she sat over there, quiet as Miles yelled.

Rachel stood up and walked over to them. Charlie stood as well. Rachel reached out a hand and laid it on Charlie's cheek.

"Are you happy?" she asked and Charlie nodded. "Does he treat you right?" she asked, and once again Charlie nodded. "Good." She said.

Rachel turned and looked at Bass, standing up a little straighter, a little taller. "I know things." She said.

Bass nodded. "I know."

Rachel raised a brow. "You know the kinds of things I could do to you if you hurt her." She said, not a question.

Bass nodded once again. "I do." He said.

Rachel nodded. "Good, remember them." She said before stepping around him and going after Miles.

"Holy crap." Danny said from his spot on the couch. He looked at Bass. "You were right."

Bass nodded. "Yeah, I know." He looked at Charlie. "Are you ok?" he asked.

Charlie was still staring at the doorway her mother had just walked through, but she nodded. "Yeah, that was…" she trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"The scariest thing anyone has ever said to me." He said. "I told you."

Charlie looked back at him and shook her head with a small chuckle. "No I mean, that was, easy." She said.

Bass shook his head. "Yeah well, it's not going to always be that easy, not until Miles sees that this isn't going to just go away if he ignores it." He took both her hands in his. "You need to be prepared for this," he said. "It's probably going to be awkward and uncomfortable around here."

Charlie nodded and shrugged. "That's ok, I knew that was going to happen when they found out." She said and then she smiled.

"But that's ok because know I can do this." She said as she reached up and brushed her hand through the short curls by his ear. "And this." She said as she leaned up and softly pressed a kiss to his lips.

"Yeah but do you have to do it here" Danny asked from his spot on the couch.

Bass smiled and grabbed her hand and turned to Danny. "No, we don't." he said as he started to pull her towards the front door. "We'll see you later kid." He said before pulling her along behind him out the front door and over to his car.

They got into the car and he smiled at her. "Alright, so what do you want to do? You're probably tired aren't you?"

Charlie shook her head. "No I slept on the plane." She said. "What I want to do right now, is go somewhere where we don't have to hide anymore."

Bass smiled and took her hand as he backed out of the driveway. "That my dear," he said, looking at her playfully. "is anywhere."

Charlie smiled because he was right. They didn't have to hide anymore because no matter what, whether Miles and Rachel approved or not, they were in this thing. Together.

I know, I know, tension at home and Miles and so on and so forth and what have you...

Don't worry though, because even though this may be the last chapter here, I've already started planning out the next one! yay!

But like I said before, it'll probably be some time next week, maybe even that following weekend, before I start posting anything because I'm finishing up school right now...got a couple of big papers due :/

Anyhoo...thanks to everybody for reading and reviewing and favoriting (That's not a word) and following. you are all great.

And remember...reviews make you AWESOME!