This is a fun fanfiction. I'm not writing this for any particular reason so if you don't like it don't read it. I would love to know how I could make it better but don't just blatantly bash my work! Thanks!

Additionally, Chapters one through eleven are all getting updated before I continue. I've taken a 4-year hiatus and came back to this as a fun thing to do with the little bit of free time I have while I finish my bachelor's degree.

1:I am JacobXaviorVail

The fields of the Amity plains looked smaller then they had when I was a child. I remember looking out and thinking that the emptyfields went on forever, but you can see small abandon houses, hillsides, and the remnants of old roadways to other cities and civilizations that we assume no longer exist.

"Jacob." my mother's voice rang clearly in my ear. Even though, there was a 30-meter distance between us and a powerful howling wind. I guess there was a reason that they called it the windy city before the war.

I only knew that because of an Erudite girl I had met at school. It was a particularly windy day and my hat wasn't staying on my head. That is when the girl proceeded to fill my head with such useless knowledge. I didn't know why but Erudites always seem to want to show off their superior intelligence. Although Dauntless were always flaunting their athleticism and Candor, though they didn't flaunt their honesty, always called out other people when they were lying. Even if it was a white lie to protect someone's feelings. Honestly, I have never met a Candor that could shut up or that I even liked for that matter, but I had to remain peaceful.

"Jacob!" her voice rang again with more power. She wasn't being mean. She thought that I was being disrespectful. Rudeness and disrespect are highly frowned upon in our culture and so I understood her inpatients.

"Sorry, I was zoning mom!" I yelled back.

"It's time to go! You have gymnastics practice!"

I had obviously lost track of time. I hadn't forgotten about gymnastics, I just wanted to be outside the fence a little bit longer. In Amity, most of the people are farmers but a special few who show promise in the arts are granted with the privilege of training to be entertainers for all the factions. Luckily, I was one of the few and I had been training since I was five years old to be a gymnast and a dancer.

The down side to my gymnastics training was that I only got five hours outside the fences to farm each week, one-hour Monday through Friday and most of my fellow dancers didn't take advantage of this opportunity. They chose not to farm at all which I had a hard time understanding. I loved to see outside our world. To know there was more.

My mother and I began walking back to the large fence surrounding the city. The doors opened, and we quickly walked inside.

"Thank you." My mother said with a wave and a smile as we passed two Dauntless guards who had opened the door.

One of them nodded with a small grunt, as he always did, and I always took that as a sort of 'you're welcome.'

We boarded a small trailer full of other workers who also had to return to Amity headquarters.


I arrived at the gymnastics studio and the instructor quickly got me started on a warm up. The warm up was followed by a 45-minute arm workout, 15 minutes of intense core training, and a hour-long tumbling session. Then we had a 45-minute dinner break at 7:00pm. We got 15 minutes to stretch and warm up and promptly at 8 we began a rigorous ballet technique class that left us all exhausted. After that, most of the dancers cooled down and then were free to go home.

I didn't leave immediately; I stayed at the studio for another hour with a small group of dancers to work on our independent small group piece for the opening of the Choosing Ceremony. Shaina –my best friend, Mazi, Maddaline, and Trevor. We were all 16 and all going into aptitude testing tomorrow.

The piece we were doing was a representation of each of the factions. Shaina took on the role of Candor, Mazi took Abnegation, Maddaline Erudite, and because of his size and musculature we made Trevor take Dauntless even though he was the most gentlehearted person I knew. I took Amity because everyone else wanted to explore the character of a new faction.

"It's 11 y'all." I said as we finished our last run through.

"It's looking amazing." Jenette our instructor came in during the last 10 minutes to give final critiques. "I think you all should be well prepared for the performance. No, need for a rehearsal tomorrow night. Take the night off and recuperate after aptitude testing. We will have a final run through the day of the ceremony."

"Thank you Jenette." "Thank you!" "Thanks." "Thank you." "See you in a few days Jenette."

As I grabbed my bag and walked out the door, Shaina followed behind me. Being that we were best friends and neighbors we usually walked together.

"So, are you ready for aptitude testing tomorrow?" She asked with a smile.

"Yeah." I said with a lack of confidence. Honestly, I didn't know how the test was going to go. To me it was obvious I was going to get Amity. I was born an Amity. I spent my whole life here. I had dedicated myself to the arts and to the perseverance of my craft. Besides, Amity was the only faction that would openly accept my sexuality, without qualms (except maybe Abnegation but that would be my last choice of home). I had heard stories of homophobia being rampant in Erudite culture and though Candor had a small gay population they were frequently put down and torn apart by their fellow Candors. I hadn't heard any stories of Dauntless, but I assume that every guy there is a macho, homophobic, ladies' man.

"Well, aren't you afraid they are going to tell you that you're not Amity?"

"No. I'm pretty sure I'll be an Amity." I responded with a smile. But will I.

"But say you aren't." Shaina said seriously. "Haven't you at least thought about how you would live in the other factions? I mean in all honesty I am sure I am Amity too but what if I'm wrong? What if my test says otherwise and I follow what it says?"

I looked at her with a bit of shock. I'd hate to lose my friend, but I understood what she meant. I thought about what she said for a second. I guess I hadn't considered what being part of another faction would be like since I was a child.

"I could see you being a Dauntless." she said thinking about it with a genuine smile. "Except the violence, you fit the bill pretty well."

"What?" I was perplexed by her thought. "I mean I can see you being a Candor, but I still see you more as an Amity."

"I didn't mean to say you weren't Amity material" She laughed joking around with me and I chuckled back nervously. "We are still Amity at heart."

She turned to walk up her the cobble stone walkway, toward her house. "Have a good night. I'll see you tomorrow."

"You too." I said still thinking about what she had said. "We are still Amity at heart."

Was I really Amity at heart. I mean I was gentle and forgiving but that didn't mean I was truly Amity because I was also competitive and daring. I wanted things to change and get difficult. I wanted a challenge. These thoughts got me to thinking of a whole new side of myself that I always just attributed to dance but who was I kidding? Shaina was right, I could be a Dauntless and that terrified me.

As I closed my eyes, I repeated a mantra till I drifted into sleep. "Don't forget where you came from. Amity."