Hey guys, I am sybelcomvelik this is my first published Skip Beat Story so please go easy on me. I've been lurking in this part of since 2007 and now feel semi-comfortable writing a story for Skip beat. I really do hope you guys enjoy this. The story is AU. And set in drabbles so some chapters may be really long and some chapters may only be 100-200 words. I will try to update regularly as I have 20 chapters already outline but I can't make any promises because I have a very busy schedule. But, without further ado...

Disclaimer: Iown'znothing


"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."
―Oscar Wilde

Fiddling with her chopsticks Kyouko sighed. Warm fingers padded through her hair affectionately. The infectious smile of the Okami coaxing her to speak.

Nails grazing against her scalp the elderly woman hummed, "What's got you so thoughtful little one?"

"...A vagrant" Replied the girl twisting her chopsticks between her noodles before settling them down once again. "He was such a strange man."

He sputtered the dank coldness freezing his bone. The dark blonde tendrils weighing against his eyelids. Behind him the flickering sight of a bubblegum pink blouse approaching.

"Excuse me, Stranger-san!"

She was a daunting little thing, more stubborn than precarious. With each step he took to flee from her another step she took to chase him down. He fled through back alleys, stairwells and unsavory hotspots. His overly long legs stretching further and further to create more space with his tracker.

Resilient she kept his mark not caring how silly she looked chasing down the drenched vagrant.

"Stranger-san! P-please slow down!"

Twisting swiftly around the corner the unusually lean figure grunted. Unable to stop her momentum the teenager collided into his sternum. Uncomfortably he felt her tiny fingers pressing against his wet skin. She unknowingly twisting the thin fabric of his shirt further up.

He wasn't much for keeping up "airs" but found it a little ridiculous to lose his cool as the very small woman tapered down again upon his elbow.

For a moment a sudden rush of tug-of-war commenced with his captured limb. Both pulling blindly against each other before huffing to a standstill. She too commandeering to let go and he too merciful to be cruel.

Following the long willowy shadow splayed against the sidewalk her honey suckle eyes lifted. First fluttering in a gobsmacked state before closing under large sable lashes as she hushed a slur of apologies. "Gomen! Stranger-san. Please forgive my unruly friend!" Un-fisting her warm fingers from his cold body she lowered herself into an elegant bow. "His behavior was unwarranted." The little bird like creature's eyes stayed wavered to the floor unknowing of the coldness settled in his frosty gaze.

Glowering his stare weathered and worn settled on the tiny woman. He spurned in the damp coldness consuming his clothing. Feeling close to a mockery as the young woman created a spectacle before the tiny gathering crowd.

Tenderly her fingers reached forward the sight of a white handkerchief settled against her palm. He did not know weather to relish in the oncoming warmth of her touch or fear the seed of radiance it was planting in his chest.

"Che, Kyouko!"

He felt neither.

"Awh... Sho-chan!" And with the fire of her smile he disappeared, forgotten by the easily happy woman.