Disclaimer: I'm not creative enough to own Minecraft


I yawned as I perfected a bug in my machine. I loved the machine more and more with every passing week, especially after it got me out of the Pokémon world.

Oh, I should introduce myself. I'm Alex, the only teenager that has ever made a trans-dimensional machine…well, that's not entirely true, but that's why I'm working to make it better! I had brown hair, matching brown eyes, and a thin body that has saved me more than once from attacks. Normally, I wore a plain T-shirt and shorts, but I was wearing a coat I found and jeans.

Anyways, at the moment, it has been a week since I came back from the Pokémon world, and I was starting to think so much heavy use of the dimension traveler (as I decided to call my machine) was having a permanent effect on me…but that doesn't matter right now.

It was late at night, and I was almost ready to test it out again. I made sure it had a home coordinate set, and I got it ready for travel.

"Hi Alex!" a familiar voice said. Aqua, a blond hair blue eyed girl who loved blue dresses came down the stairs. There was nothing out of the ordinary about her body, except she was a bit thinner than most girls.

"Hey Aqua" I said with a yawn. Aqua loved being around me, mainly because she was my girl friend. Aqua also lived with me, because she was the only one of my friends too shy to find a new home (read "The Return Home" for more).

"Oh, where are you going this time?" she asked.

"No where yet" I replied "it hasn't found any new coordinates"

"I can help!" she said excitedly. Aqua meant well, but because of where she came from, she tended to be a bit…destructive. And if she messed with the wrong thing, my machine would overload.

"Just be careful, ok?" I said, letting her mess with it.

She pressed a couple of buttons, and the machine turned on. Suddenly, the lights flickered. "What was that?" Aqua asked.

"Probably a power surge" I replied calmly, then I realized what that meant for my machine. It was too late though, because the dimensional transporter was already starting the teleportation process…and we were its targets.

Before either of us could say anything, it activated, making us both pass out...

Yay! New story! I had a bit of trouble with the last story I tried to post, so I'm replacing it with this one. In case you couldn't tell, this one is based on Minecraft, but there's a bit of a twist from normal game play…but that's later. Minecraft is by far the broadest subject I've written about, but that's both good and bad. Good: lots of story, tons of room for input, no limit and no dead ends. Bad: no guidelines, infinite story possibilities, no true goal. Remember: I love criticism, reviews encourage me, and I'm open to input. Bye for now!