During his daily run his phone rang. Looking at it he realized it was his ex girlfriend. Knowing she wouldn't call unless it was an emergency he picked it up.

"Isabella" he answered in his deep voice.

"Agent G Callen" a different voice than expected answered.

"Janvier" Callen spat out with venom lacing his voice.

"Now Agent Callen I would be nice, seeing as I have a very pretty young lady here who I know is very important to not only you but Owen Granger and Henrietta Lange. I wouldn't want to hurt her so I suggest you listen closely. You are going to dispose of your phone and then you will go to the train station. There you will find a locker number 234. When you open it you will find a plane ticket that will take you to the city I am in. Someone will be waiting to take you to my location. Now if you call or make your team aware of what is going on I will kill Agent Swan here and our game will end."

"Let me talk to her first" Callen ordered trying to control his temper.

"Oh, alright. Here you are."

"G" her voice came on sounding strong but he could hear a little weakness that he knew she wouldn't show The Chameleon.

"Isabella are you okay?" he asked showing the tenderness he felt for her in his voice.

"I'm fine G" she said causing him to sigh in a little relief. "Don't come after him. This is his end game. He's going to make you choose..." Before she could finish Janvier ripped the phone from her.

"Now no sharing our secrets. I suggest you move Agent Callen." The phone call was dropped.

Dropping his phone in the trash he made his way to the train station to save his ex lover, the one woman he ever loved.

NCIS Headquarters

An hour later Sam, Kensi, and Deeks all entered the ops center. Sam was the first to notice that their team leader was missing.

"Where's G?"

"That is one of the reasons we called you here Mr. Hanna" Hetty said walking into the room. Her normal mask was on but their was a sadness in her eyes. "Mr Callen received a phone call earlier today. Play it Mr. Beale."

Eric played the call and everyone had a face mixed of confusion and anger except Granger, his face was pure fury.

"So as you see Mr Callen is off the grid going after Marcel Janvier" Hetty said. "We need to find him before Mr Callen kills him and save Miss. Swan."

"Why is this Isabella Swan so important to all of you?" Kensi asked.

"She was Agent Callens girlfriend for sometime and she is also my daughter" Owen Granger informed the team.

"If she is your daughter why is her last name Swan?" Deeks, the ever curious agent, asked.

Granger pierced him with a hard stare but noticed that no one was going to let this go but before he could answer Hetty stepped in.

"30 years ago when Owen and I were both young, we were on a mission together and it ended in us having a daughter 9 months later" Hetty sighed. "We both knew that she would be in danger with us as her parents we asked Owens sister and brother-in-law to adopt her. They agreed."

"We visited her often and she knew we were her parents but we made sure the world did not know" Owen added. "Now please help save my daughter."

The pair of parents left and the group went to work but not before Deeks had to add another comment "Who would have thought Hetty and Granger" he shuddered. "I think I might need some brain bleach."

Down in Hetty's office

"You know Henrietta this is your fault?"

Hetty poured herself a glass of whiskey and offered some to Owen who gladly took it. "And why do you say that Owen?"

"If you hadn't set them up on that first mission together they would have never met and Janvier wouldn't have Isabella to hold over G."

Hetty pointed one finger to him off her glass. "While that is partly true Owen, I am sure that they would have met one day. Don't you remember the two of them together? They had a strong love, they would have found each other one day."

"I remember and I also remember when he broke her heart 8 years ago. She came running to me crying, needing a place to stay" Owen said his anger rising. "She was scared that you wouldn't want to get in the middle of it or that you would choose G over her since you knew him longer."

Hetty shook her head "I would have held her, given her a place to stay and I would have also sent her back to talk things out. Not sent her to D.C. like you did."

"There was no talking it out. Callen ended it with her with no reason. I sent her away for her own good. She was moping around for months, I couldn't take it anymore. She got better out there."

"Tell me Owen did she date anyone out there?"

"Not often" he said taking a sip of his drink. "We have to get her back Hetty. I cannot loose my little girl."

"We won't Owen. She is strong and Mr. Callen would never let anything happen to her. He still loves her."

A/N What do you think? Please review.