Jazmin: Hey,readers. I have another Slugterra fanfic for you all.

Farah: And it is a Blakkmin story.

Jazmin: *blushes* Farah Balqis!

Farah: Anyway,here you go.

Jazmin's POV

Man! That badminton practice sure worn me out. My legs were aching and I was nearly out of breath. I couldn't wait to sit on the couch and watch my favourite show,Slugterra. I'd been busy for 2 months and a half since I was in charge for this year.

"Jazmin,we have a meeting with the head resident from the other side."

"Miss Liyana,Alor Star had a major flood and if you don't mind if we can form a donation pool."

"Jazmin Liyana,please train the kids for the Junior Tournament."

Jazmin here,Jazmin there,Jazmin everywhere. A lot of people in my neighbourhood gave a lot of orders until I nearly fainted. Eventhough I have my closest friends to help me,there was no way I could keep track on everything. I need a break from all this. I must get some rest before my mind gets to occupied.

It was a metre away from where I was standing when I saw something very unusual and unexpected next to my house. I went closer to in and gasped like I was completely shellshocked.

The drop was actually there,right in front of my eyes. This was totally crazy. The pathway to Slugterra was next to my house. Without hesitation,I quickly went into my house,packed up,left a note said,"Out of town forever,Jazmin," and sat on the drop. I wore my dorky glasses and braces so that nobody would recognise me. When I pressed the button,it quickly went down until I reached a hundred miles beneath the surface of the earth. Wow! I've only seen it in the tv but now,I'm really in Slugterra, I thought.

It was really beautiful. My dream had become a reality and I would not have to worry about anything ever again. I went into the forest to hunt for some slugs. For real,I had never imagine that I would be in Slugterra. Too bad that my friends were missing this.

I nearly done with my slug hunting when I actually saw a big figure behind the bushes. I didn't like the sound of that and quickly ran away as fast as I can wih all my effort but the figure was way faster than me. I was about to climb a tree to get away but a hand had pulled my leg and I fell onto the ground. My glasses just broke and the braces on my teeth just fell off. The voice was so familliar that I was scared. "Well,look who do we have here?"said the voice that totally creeped me out.

The voice actually belonged to the evil Dr Thaddeus Blakk. But how could he get here? Diablos,Locke and Lode were along with him. I tried to break myself free but my strenght was no match for Blakk's. My worst nightmare had come true. Oh why I didn't went straight away to the Shane Hideout? I just hope someone will save me.

Dr Blakk's POV

I finally caught a beautiful woman but she was kinda tough. Way tougher than any women in Slugterra. Just my type and I really wanted to bring her back to my citadel. "So,what's your name young lady?"I asked.

She didn't even answer my question. I told my associetes to go back to the citadel and they did. She was quite scared of me so I pinned her to a tree and asked again,"I ask for the last time. What's your name?"

"Jazmin...Jazmin Liyana..."she replied. Jazmin Liyana. That's a nice name she has. I really wanted to know more about her so I keep asking and she did answered all of them except one. "So,where did you come from?"I asked.

Like the first question,she didn't answered and shook her head. Five times I had asked the same question but she still didn't want to answer. I had no choice but to force her to answer it. With that,I quickly capture her lips in a fierce passion. I knew she tried to pull away but I kept pulling her closer so that she couldn't escape. It wasn't love anyway. It was the only way I could force her to answer my question. The more she tried to pull away,the closer pull her in. I did pull away to asked a simple question to her,"Are you gonna tell about your origin or not?"

"Never in my whole entire life,"was her answer. That was a rude answer and I gave her another forceful kiss.

Jazmin's POV

He gave another forceful kiss but I didn't like him at all. I tried to pull away again but he still didn't let me go. Then,I could feel him unbuttoning my shirt. Is...Is he going to take advantage on me? I couldn't let this go on. To stop him,the only choice I have was to kiss him back and I did. I guess right now,he was in a complete shock.

Dr Blakk's POV

I stopped unbuttoning her shirt when she kissed me back. This was my first time receiving a sweet kiss from a woman and this was the sweetest kiss that I had in my whole entire life. Turned out that she was nearly the sweetest woman that I had ever met. And now,I'm head over heels in love with her. Oh,Jazmin. Right now,I LOVE YOU!

Jazmin's POV

I pulled away,looking into his lime green eyes. I put back the buttons of my shirt and saw him holding my hand in the sweetest way. Is he being so sweet to me for the first time? In my head right now,the song For the First Time in Forever began to play. Now,my affection towards him instantly grew. No more hatred towards him. Just love and affection was in me. He began to hold me in his strong arms as we headed back to the citadel. Dr Thaddeus Blakk,I LOVE YOU TOO!

Jazmin: Finally finished the chapter. And a note to nicoleblakk,BLAME MY FRIENDS FOR THIS BLAKKMIN MOMENT!

Dr Blakk: Jazmin,just cool down.

Farah: Okay,Slugterra belongs to its rightful owner,Nerd Corps Entertainment. Jaz OUT!

Jazmin: Farah,that's my line.