Hi all! Alrighty then, First things first: I'd love to thank everyone who faved my Totally Spies!™ Versailles collages! I got the idea of using the pictures of the girls (or should I say, women, lol!) wearing the dresses from the Season 6 finale, So Totally Versailles! I'd also love to thank Totally-Espionne & Cresenta's-Lark for adding my Sam collage to their faves! Again, thank u sooooo much! *Grabs Academy award & blows kisses to fans* Sappy, much?

Disclaimer: Here goes nothin'...I own Totally Spies!™ No...not really, it belongs to Marathon, Inc.© Blaine should've appeared in Season 6! *Smirks* & Tim Scam. Oh, & how about letting Alex finally get herself a man?! Wishful thinking, much? Okay, I'm done...maybe.

Mali-U - 8:00 A.M.

Clover & Britney were walking the crowded halls of Mali-U. Clover, who's usually in the happiest, lovesick shopaholic mood, was now worried about her best friend, Sam. It's been almost a week since she's been in school & she was sure he had something to do with her absence. Britney stopped walking, looking at Clover with a worried expression on her face. "Clover, have you heard from Sam lately? I haven't seen her since I left for Hong Kong to attend my grandmother's funeral." Clover then shot a look at Britney, screaming, "Britney, if I knew where Sam was, don't you think I'd know by now?! I'll bet it's that damn Tim Scam keeping her from coming & all of her professors are lookin' at me, expecting me to gather up all of her missing assignments, when she's usually the one who never lets herself get far behind in her work. And to top it off, do you know the last time she's been on a single mission with us? Since before Alex's party!" Britney put a hand on Clover's shoulder, replying "Clover, I think you're just overwhelmed with the whole 'Sam/Tim Scam' reunion thing, & now that they're back together-" Clover interrupted her, now raising an eyebrow & screaming in rage. "Excuse me?! What the hell do you mean 'Back together?' How long have you known about this, huh?!" she snapped. Britney took two steps back, trying to avoid any further confrontations. "Hello! Silent treatment, much? I'm calling her RIGHT NOW to put an end to this!" Clover pulled out her X-Powder to call Sam, when she suddenly stopped. "What if they're still having sex? I know she wasn't too thrilled when I called her from Blaine's house last night." she thought. "Well, I might as well call to check up on her, just to see if she's alright."

Spies' Villa - 8:45 A.M.

Scam & Sam were still asleep, his muscular arms were wrapped around her slim body, while her head rested on his chest. Scam quietly got up from the bed & headed downstairs to the kitchen, to prepare a lovely breakfast for his fiancée. He remembered the last time he cooked for her...

Flashback - 6 years ago - Spies' Villa

Sam walks downstairs & peeks at her new fiancée. She walks into the kitchen quietly, while staring his muscular body down. Without realizing it, she trips over her long bathrobe, therefore falling face-first onto the floor. Scam abruptly turns around, smirking a little while holding back the urge to burst out laughing. Sam quickly gets up, trying to brush off her embarrassment. "I'm so damn awkward! Maybe I should run upstairs & change into something sexual to knock his mind off this incident. It NEVER fails." she thinks to herself. She heads upstairs to change into the black silk dress he loved so much. Her hair is pulled into a bun, leaving 2 strands to flow effortlessly on each side. She walks downstairs, only to stop when she comes in contact with a sweet aroma of Cinnamon Brown-Sugar pancakes, Maple Syrup flavored sausage & her favorite, Orange Juice. "This is beautiful..." she thinks to herself. Sam walks further downstairs, alarmed in shock as she suddenly felt herself being picked up in his arms. Smirking, Scam responds, "Mmmm, You should know not to wear something sooo...hot, Samantha Scam". Sam smirks, "You should know not to drool like a horny dog ready to take advantage of his mate, Tim Scam." "Oh, really? Why doesn't that surprise me?" he asks, grabbing her by her waist & pulling her close to him...


"Hey, baby. Daydreamin' about me again?" Sam asked. Scam turned around, smiling. "I thought I heard you up." he said. Sam walked over to him, kissing him on his neck. "I haven't gotten in the shower, yet. You ready for another round? I got 45 minutes 'til my next class, so that gives me enough time to do this..." she said seductively, while slowly unbuttoning his shirt, unvieling his chisled, ripped chest. She kissed his chest, making him moan in satisfaction. Within a matter of seconds, Scam picked her up, running straight to the bedroom. He slammed the door shut & lifted her up, pinning her against the wall, while kissing her, making her moan. "Tim, I don't have that much time-mmm." Walking over to the bed, he began to slowly untie the silk straps of her dress, letting them fall from her shoulders. He slowly laid her down on the bed & continued undressing her. "But you said you had 45 minutes until your next class, & I'm gonna make sure it's the best 45 minutes you've ever had." Scam was already undressed. Sam tried to stop him in his tracks, but he was already on top & inside of her. "Mmmm...ohh, Scam! "I love it when you scream my name." he moaned, kissing her even more, making it even harder for her to resist him. "You canbe late for one more day, can't ya?" he asked. Sam couldn't hold back her desire for him anymore. She threw herself at him & gave into his love. Within a matter of minutes, she was moaning in pleasure & twisting in-between the sheets. "C-Clover's gonna be pissed at me if I'm late again." Sam said in-between breaths & him thrusting in & out of her. Soon the phone rang. Sam attempted to reach it, but she was suddenly pulled into his arms by force. After about 3 rings, the call eventually went to voicemail. While kissing her, Scam kissed her even more, making her want him even more. "Tim, I gotta call Clover-ahh!" she protested between breaths & moans. Her X-Powder rang. Now irritated, Scam jumped off of the bed to answer it, ready to give Clover a piece of his mind.

Scam looked at the caller ID. "Dammit! I'm so tired of her interrupting us. Maybe she'll finally catch the hint & hopefully leave us alone." he thought, not wanting to hear the annoying ass blonde ramble on about him being the reason Sam was absent from Mali-U for almost 2 weeks. Hesitating, he opened up the X-Powder. Clover's face showed up on the screen. "Sam, where the hell-Oh HELL no! What the hell are you doing answering Sammy's calls, you convict?! You're not allowing her to answer her calls now?! Oh, I should've known you were gonna be trouble the minute she let your ass back in her life! Let me talk to her!" she screeched, with tears falling down her face. Smirking, Scam replied, "Well, hello to you, too. And Sammy's tied up at the moment. So, if you don't mind, I'd like to finish what we started without you interfering with us. Got that?" he said, immediately hanging up on her. He turned around, only to find Sam looking worried. "She didn't sound too happy. Maybe I should call her." she said, later feeling guilty. Scam stopped her, grabbing her wrist, & pulling her close to him. "I don't think she'll be bothering us for a long time." Sam hated to ignore her friend, but she hated not being with her soon-to-be fiancee even more. Sam kissed him passionately & pushed him back onto the bed. She climbed ontop of him & began to kiss him seductively, ripping the remaining sets of his clothes off. From then on, they were making passionate love to one another all morning long without a care in the world.

At W.O.O.H.P. - 3:00 P.M.

Clover, Sam, & Alex were all seated on the red loveseat in the office. The women were chatting happily as Alex gave them a summary of her & Jessey's vacation in England. She had plenty of pictures of them on various landmarks, along with pics of her baby sisters. She pulled out a big bag with the letters GMOE (Great Mall of England) printed on it. She'd bought Sam a new pair of European-Vouge stilettos & Clover some Yves Mont Blanc bath sets. After they finished chatting, they were soon greeted by Jerry. "Hello, spies! Alex, let me be the first to thank you for the gift I got from you. I really appriciate it loads!" he said, pulling out a case full of assorted ties & pins to match. "Sure thing, Jerr. You know I couldn't forget about you after the killer party you all put together for me." she said, crying. Jerry couldn't help but tear up, knowing how much Alex really cared about him. Sam looked at him, trying not to laugh, but she knew he was excited about Alex being back where she belonged. "Jerr, do you have another mission for us? You've had us sitting here for a half-hour!" Clover stated, sounding annoyed. Snapping out of his trance, Jerry repled, "Oh, yes. Girls, I'm afraid I have some terrifying news." Taking a deep breath, he continued, "Britney's..." He paused, turning away from them. "...dead. "What?!" the women exclaimed, their voices filled with shock & disbelief. Clover then stood up from the sofa, walking over to the desk. Crying, she angrily asked, "Jerry, how did this happen? Where was she when you last had contact with her?" Jerry walked over to the sofa, kneeling on his knees & proceeded to explain. "The last time I spoke to her was..." Soon, he started to sob uncontrollably. "I talked to her 3 weeks ago & she was at the mall buying Alex & herself new outfits for T-Bone's concert. She'd flown back to Hong Kong for her family reunion. She would've been here last weekend, but the pilot lost control of the plane & couldn't land properly, therefore causing it to crash, immediately killing her."

There was a long period of silence as everyone cried uncontrollably, reflecting on all of the times they've shared with their long-time friend, Britney Wong. Alex felt her heart sink as Jerry's words echoed in her mind: "Britney's...dead." She started to cry uncontrollably, grasping onto Jerry for comfort. He pulled her close to him, embracing in a hug. "All these years, I've wasted being jealous of her, assuming she was replacing me here & I never gave her a chance. I start to finally build a friendship with her & she just leaves me?! We need her, Jerr! I know I haven't been a good sport towards her over the years, but I didn't mean any of the things I said about her aiming to replace me or being perfect. Where is she?!" she asked in-between sobs. Still hugging her, Jerry responded, "Her body was brought here at the W.O.O.H.P. BEL (Body Examining Lab). It's located on the 5th floor, just above the W.O.O.H.P. Prison Facilities. You'll need these." he said, while handing them a bag full of Medical Examiner uniforms. They changed into the uniforms & headed to the elavator just outside of the office.

W.O.O.H.P. Body Examining Lab - 8:45 P.M.

After making their way from the elavator, the spies managed to shuffle themselves into the lab to view the damage that was done to their friend. Only half of her body was covered with a sheet, showing her neck up. The content of the injuries were almost too unbearable to view. Sam pulled out her X-Ray Inside Lens Camera & began to take pictures of the body. Shaking, she suddenly dropped the gadget, running out of the room crying. Jerry then entered the room to check on Alex & Clover. "She's shaken up over the whole thing. You'll have to give her some time." he said. Alex was standing against the wall, looking very pale. Clover immediately rushed over to comfort her. Soon, she felt herself collapse into Alex's arms & they were both crying, unable to stay calm. After Sam took a minute to calm down, she walked back into the room to talk to Alex while Clover went outside to catch Jerry for a lift back home. Sam sat down next to Alex & wrapped her arms around her. "Alex, how are you holdin' up?" "I can't believe this...she's gone & I can't take back anything I said about her, even if I wanted to. If I would've been more civil with her, none of this would've happened! This is my fault, Sammy, I took all of my jealousy out on her all because my fear of being replaced by her!" she screamed, crying.

Sam took her hand & pulled Alex's head towards her shoulder. Crying, she looked at her friend & said, "You don't know that your fear of being replaced actually killed her, Alex. Okay, sure she might've had a few good skills, but she ain't got nothin' on you, honey. Clover & I loved having her around on missions, but she can't ever take your place, okay?" Alex looked at Sam & said, "Well, I've always felt that way, Sam. It's just when she was around, I felt, you know...like a useless screw up, & I wasn't gonna just stand around & mess things up even more. That's why I stayed away from W.O.O.H.P. for so long." she explained. Sam looked at Alex with shock & understanding. "Honey, I never thought you were thinking about leaving the team. Look, I know how hard it was for you to adjust to having someone new join us, but always remember our motto: Spy Friends 4Ever! I promise you, Alex, NO one is gonna change that, even if they tried to." she assured her. Soon, Alex hugged Sam & said, "Sammy, I don't know how you do it, but you never fail to make me feel better every time I'm down." she replied, still crying. Sam got up from the floor & helped Alex as well. "And that'll never change, honey. Now dry those tears. Brit wouldn't want us to be depressed. Let's go home. Clover's probably worried." she said. Soon, both women left to go drive home.

Meanwhile at the Villa...`

Scam was in the living room watching Passion Hospital when he was suddenly startled by a loud pound on the door. He headed to the kitchen to grab a baseball bat when Clover suddenly walked out of her room to stop him. "What're you doing?!" she screamed. Smirking, Scam replied, "Oh, I'm just getting rid of a pest, Clover. There's nothing for you to worry about." Clover raised an eyebrow. "Oh, a pest? Scam, that's what you said last time when you got into a big confrontation with David. C'mon you're not that sly. What's the bat really for?" she asked. Scam walked over to the couch & sat down. "Well, since you have to know, Dean called here leaving a lot of messages for Sam saying he was sorry for the way he'd treated her lately. You know that was a bunch of bull because I just found out soon after Sam divorced his sorry ass, he immediately married that girl with the nasally voice." Clover shot a surprised look at him asking, "You knew about the divorce? I thought you were away on a business trip." "I was away. 2 weeks after it was finalized, she called me, crying & telling me I was right the whole time & she wished she would've listened to me. That's probably why she was so hesitant about telling you about our engagement. Look, I know we're enemies & all-..." "Scam, we're not enemies. We're...friends. And besides, I was just holdin' all that 'criminal' stuff against you just to get under Sammy's skin. I know how much she hates that." she said, laughing.

Scam looked at her, unsure of what to say. "Clover, since no one's here, I've picked up a few bridesmaids dresses with Carmen for you & Alex. He got up from the couch to go into the hall closet & get them. A minute later, he walked back into the living room with two dresses. Clover looked up, seeing the dresses & felt her eyes feeling up with tears. "Whaddya think?" he asked. Unable to speak, she responded, "They're...beautiful! I can't believe you did this, Scam! Thank you so much! I don't know how I can repay you!" Scam hugged her, saying, "Come to our wedding, please? Sam would hate it if you didn't show up, sweetie. She loves you to death & you & Alex are like sisters to her, along with Britney." Clover started crying even more at the sound of her name. "What's wrong, honey? Did something happen at W.O.O.H.P.?" he asked. "Yeah. Britney died in a tragic plane crash. We just left the W.O.O.H.P. Body Examining Lab after looking at her." she said. "That must've been hard on Alex, you know, despite her jealousy." Scam stated. Clover looked at him & said, "Well, that changed a long time ago. She was looking forward to going to the T-bone concert with her, but I guess she & Jess will have to go with each other."

Sam & Alex entered the house. "Uh, honey, what's he doing on our doorstep?" Sam asked. Soon, Dean walked into the house, staring her down. "You know you look sexy in that uniform, baby." he said, trying to flirt with her. Without realizing it, she blushed at his sudden compliment. Scam jumped up from the couch & ran over to Sam, wrapping his arms around her. Smirking, he said, "Really Dean, You honestly think dry compliments & flirtatious gestures are gonna give you an all access pass to my Sammy's heart? Sorry, but you've lost your shot with her & there's no chance in hell she's running back to your ass after all the shit you've put her through. Do yourself a favor & hit the bricks, kid." Unphased by the insult, Dean snapped, "Oh, & I suggest you know just how to treat Sam, is that right? Well, let me tell you something Mr. Big Shot, You may think you won this battle, but I've got up to 5 years of experience at W.O.O.H.P., something you will never live up to."

Scam's face formed a "Sad" expression. "Oh, I feel sooo defeated! How will I ever live up to 5 years of wasted experience? While you were "working" there, all you've done was sit around talking to the employees asking them to make Jerry give you more vacation time while Sam, Alex, & Clover work their asses off saving the world from villians on a daily basis! Listen, Dean, why don't you go back to your little slut of a wife, or have you cheated on her, too?" he barked. I've worked for W.O.O.H.P. for almost 30 years. I highly doubt the 5 years you're very proud of can match up to 30 years of experience." Dean just stood there, speechless. "What's the matter, Dean? Cat got your tongue?" Clover asked, pissing him off even more.

Dean walked over to Sam, who was smirking at him. "You know you look sexy when you're in defeat, baby." "Oooooh, you just got OWNED!" Clover & Alex said in unison. Scam looked Dean in the eye & said, "This conversation is over. Oh, & before I forget, if you think you're gonna crash our wedding, ya might wanna think twice." he said. With that, Dean shuffled his way out the door with his head lowered in shame. Sam walked behind him. "Dean, wait! There's something I have to give you." She then jumped into his arms & kissed him. "I want you to remember this moment, baby. Oh, & this." She then punched him in the face, making him fall to the ground. "That's for cheating on me, you arrogant, egotistic, selfish son of a bitch! By the way, your wife called, & she wants a divorce. My mother was right. You were never good at relationships, which makes me think back to why I ever got involved with you, but while I'm at it, let me tell you something, Dean. You may think you were good enough for me, but you will never be as good as Scam. He's been so damn good to me. He's even better than youin the bedroom." she bragged. Dean, still in shock from being punched in the face, replied, "I love you, Sam. I never meant to hurt you, baby. Please give me another chance. I'll never cheat again!" Sam looked at him & she couldn't help but laugh at this man's pathetic attempt to plead for her forgiveness. Laughing, she said, "I'll never take you back, no matter how much you beg. Take your fake ass apologies & stay out of my life! Got that?! Now, GO!" Dean got up from the ground & left.

One week later...

Sam, Clover, & Alex were preparing for the homecoming celebration for Britney. Everyone had very heavy hearts. Clover & Alex walked outside to talk. "Hey, sweetie. How are you doing?" she asked. "Well, I would be alright if I wasn't feeling crappy. I can't believe I'll be burying my best friend. I was just getting along with her & she's not here! I'm not going." Alex said. Clover gasped, looking at her. "But Alex, you have to go! I know you feel guilty about what happened, but blaming yourself for Brit's death shouldn't keep you from going to the service."

"My death? What are you talking about, Clover?" a soft, sweet voice asked. Alex & Clover turned around in shock, unable to speak. "How-but you-Jerr-." Now, fuming woth anger, the women stormed back inside the house. Sam was in Clover's room fixing her hair, when she heard the door slam shut & the voices of her two friends, making her worry. "What's wrong, guys?" she asked. Jerry suddenly appeared in the doorway, immediately feeling uneasy. "Hello, girls, nice to-..." Clover marched over to him, screaming, "Don't you DARE try to talk sweet to us, Jerry! How long were you planning on this little joke, huh?!" Jerry lowered his head down in shame & proceeded to explain. "Britney & I planned to fake her death. Seeing that Sam said that Alex was easy to fool, we decided to conjure up a plan, which would have you thinking she was dead, therefore, you had to plan a fake funeral service!" he said, laughing. Confused, Sam looked at Jerry & asked, "So, you were fooling us the whole time?!" "Yes." he said, laughing.

One year later...

All 3 couples are happily married...well, almost. Alex & Jessey decided to stay engaged until they were officilly ready to wed. As for Clover & Blaine, they broke up...again. Blaine remained unfaithful, causing her to call off their wedding. Sam & Scam are married with twins Chelsey & Khelsey. After learning about Mandy, Sam & Clover forced her to donate her designer clothes to Mali-U charity drive. Norman & Alex are still friends. Muffy was mentally beaten by Sam soon after her attempt to crash her wedding. It wasn't long until she drugged Scam & forced him to sleep with her...

Yay! I finally finished the chapter! I wanted to make this last chappie as drama-filled as possible.

To Cresenta's-Lark,

I tried to finish this story as fast as I possibly could, lol! You'll be happy to know Scam set Dean straight. I was trying to think of the name of the eppie where Sam was singing in the shower (very poorly). Her voice was recorded, thanx to Clover, "Planet of the Hunks" This is another fave of mine. Did u get a chance to watch the movie? Anywayz, can't wait to read what u think!

Much ,
