Chapter 1: the letter and the cold baby

It was quite an ordinary day for the Russian toymaker. He was sitting in his private workshop, working on a new toy design, humming along to his favorite Russian composer. All of a sudden one of employees, Aster E. Bunnymound also known as Bunny, bust into his workshop without knocking, causing him to drop his new toy in the making causing it to break.

The Russian, named Nicholas North, let out a sigh and rubbed his temples as he yelled at the intruding employee, "how many times have I told you to knock?" "Sorry North, but I thought you might want to know what we just found left on the doorstep of your private home" that piqued North's interest and he walked over to Bunny "explain! What did you find?" Bunny looked a bit unsure if he should tell him, after all North could be rather intimidating due to his massive frame and huge beard making him look slightly like a biker. He let out a sigh, as he thought it would be for the best to inform him of the situation so he could decide what to he would do about it. "A baby, no more than a month, maybe two old"

North's face immediately paled in horror of the thought that someone could be heartless enough to leave such a young child like that in in the middle of winter. Bunny continued "there was a letter left by the baby." he reached into his pocket, taking out the letter in question, holding it out for North to take. North took the letter from Bunny and told him to look after the child while he read it.

"My name is Emily Overland Frost.

I know you probably find me horrible for leaving my child like this, but believe me it's for the best and please know that I stayed around close by to make sure that you or one of your co-workers found him.

11 months ago I was on my way home from my college, it was rather late as I had just spend most of the evening in the library studying to an upcoming test. the next thing I know I woke up in the hospital with the doctors telling me I had been assaulted, drugged and raped, I could hardly believe a word they had said and left as soon as they let me, but when I found out a few weeks later that I was pregnant I could no longer deny that it had happened. I decided to keep the baby and report the rape to the police. They still haven't found the culprit and I doubt they ever will, but I found myself no longer caring as I soon would have a child to take care of.

When my son was born it was the happiest moment of my life, but my joy was shortly lived as I quickly found out about his condition. Due to some genetic anomaly, my son won't be able to handle heat and his own body temperature is far below average and cannot be raised or it would endanger his health. The doctor told me he could easily live a normal life with this kind of condition I just had to make sure to keep him cold enough. I was willing to do anything for my son, so I left collage and moved further up north where I knew it would be cold enough during summer for him to live, without too much discomfort. But it was also then I found out I had terminal cancer and informed of the fact that I had very little time left to live.

I've spent every moment since looking for someone suitable to take care of my child as I would hate to see him end up on some orphanage somewhere, with no one to give him the proper care he needs. I found your shop by chance and I even had a conversation with you, though I'm sure that you don't remember it, I quickly saw that you absolutely adored children and love to make them smile. After that I sometimes watched you from afar to confirm what I had seen in you that day. That's when I decided that you would be the best choice for looking after my little boy, but as I lacked the courage to ask you, I reluctantly left my son by your home along with this letter, in desperate hope you would take him in and take care of him in my stead.

I know it's selfish of me, but I would very much like to meet you again after you read my letter. I know that you most likely hate me for doing what I did, but I just wish to know if he is safe, so I can allow myself to die in peace.

My son's name is Jackson Overland Frost and he was born on the 16th November 1992.

You can find me in the local hospital in case you take me up on my offer to meet."

As North finished reading the letter he had tears streaming down his face. Now that he knew the reason why the boy had been left alone like that, he couldn't bring himself to hate the woman, Emily, for doing what she did. He took a few moments to compose himself before going out of his private workshop to ask one of his employees for the location of Bunny and the baby. As Bunny saw North approaching he could already tell what the man intended to do about the baby, and he couldn't help but smile at that as he had grown quite attached to the adorable little ankle biter in his arms despite only having known him for a short time.

As North reached Bunny, he said "I've read the letter..." Bunny rolled his eyes at North for stating the obvious, as North continued "I've decided to keep him and raise him myself. I can't bring myself to just abandon him." he hesitated slightly, looking at the small bundle in Bunny's arms and held out his own in an obvious gesture. "Can I... can I hold him?" Bunny smiled and handed him the boy "of cause you can, he is your son now after all."

North chuckled at Bunny's response as he took the boy into his arms. He looked down at the little boy, gazing into his sky blue eyes. The boy studied North curiously before he started to smile and laugh happily as he reached out his tiny hand to touch North's face. North smiled in pure joy at the boy's reaction toward him and took hold of the tiny hand, immediately noticing how cold it felt. His face fell at that remembering the boy's condition. He continued to hold unto him like that as he explained the situation to Bunny.