Kurt groaned, he was sitting in the living room, alone, while his mama and papa were helping uncle dave and uncle sam settle in to their new apartment. It had been a month since papa had surprised him and mama with the visit. Auntie Santana and Auntie suger moved in a week later, saying they needed a new place quickly because they didn't like the creepy land lord anymore, uncle sam and uncle dave took a bit longer, since they had to wait until their lease was up.

Kurt flopped back on the floor, annoyed. It wasn't his fault, both aunties were at work and Brittany was at daycare, while rory was helping with his stuff. Plus his toys were boring now, he had played with them so much already, and he wasn't allow to work today, he worked for two hours and mama hates when he works for longer than that a day, says he causes to much stress, he couldn't help it, he had designs to make and books to go over for his daddy at the garage.

As he lay there, falling asleep while trying to stay awake, because mama didn't like when he sleep before nap time, he yelped as the air was knocked out of him by a body landing on him. When he caught his breath he looked into the smiling face of rory, and blushed "Rory?!" the boy smiled back, a bandage on his cheek, making him look extra little "hi Kurtie, you wanna play? Papa said I could play because I was a good boy and finished my room up. So he said I should come play with you, so you don't cause trouble for you papa and mama" he laughed when kurt crossed his arms "I wouldn't cause twouble, I just hate being left alone" he could feel his face heating up.

"Come on, lets play ball" Rory said crawling over to the basket to look for kurts ball, kurt shook his head before remembering rory couldn't see his action "we can't play ball in the house. I broke a cup last time I did and papa got upset, he spanked my bottom. It hurt real bad" he rubbed his bottom when he remembered the pain, it was not a good pain. Rory frowned "then what can we do? I don't play dress up or dolls, like you do with brit brit" rory said while sitting next to kurt, his face a little pink. He only admitted it to his papa and daddy, but he really liked kurt. Ever since he highschool, he had a crush on him but he was with blaine and rory wasn't the kind of guy to steal another man away. When he came back, he found sam but he had lost contact with everyone else. It was by luck his papa found kurt's papa, his papa sam told him he should tell kurt how he felt but rory wasn't sure how kurt felt and didn't know if he could face the awkwardness.

Kurt thought for a moment, then his face lit up like it was Christmas "lets go down to the playground outback. Mama lets me go all the time." He stood up, offering a hand to rory "but we gotta ask first, or we get spankys" he added before tugging rory along with him.

Puck and Dave were in the middle of moving a table when kurt and rory found them "Papa" Rory called "Daddy" Kurt shouted, shocking both men. Puck and Dave turned to face the boys and smiled "well if it isn't the little monkeys, how are you today?" Dave asked taking a breath "Mama and papa must have talked today, because you guys are matching" puck smiled when the boys blushed. They looked at each other and realized he was right. Kurt was dressed in a green shirt and blue overalls, while rory was dressed in a blue shirt and green overalls. Both in red sneakers "well, were cool like that" Kurt stated crossing his arms, his pale face turning a bright pink. Rory giggled, taking kurts hand in his, only making both boys turn brighter.

Puck and Dave shared a glance, they new that look and the four of them had talked about it one night while the boys were asleep. Sam and Dave had informed Quinn and puck that rory had a crush on kurt, and they informed the two dad's that kurt also had a crush on rory. The four agreed to let it run its course. It would be cute if they got together, but they would always be their babies, none of them worried about what would happen if they did get together. Puck and Quinn had sat down with kurt and had asked him, what he would want if he ever found someone to love again, he stared at them and said he loved mama and papa so he was confused by what they were asking. When they clarified it for him, he smiled and said that they would always be his mama and papa, they would just have to share him a little more, he said he didn't want to give up being their baby. Needless to say it made them both happy to hear, they didn't want to give up their baby anymore then he did.

Sam and Dave had a similar conversation with rory, his response was pretty much the same as kurts. The four agree that if they got together, they could remain their little's for however long they wanted and still be together. Now that they were living across from each other, just made it much easier for that.

"so what did the monkeys want?" Dave asked "you hungry?" the boys shook their heads making the men grin, they were so in sync already "no, we wanna go to the playground out back. But mama always said get permission before going outside" kurt said smiling "can we papa?" Rory asked. Puck and Dave shared a look, when they faced the boys again they found both boys using the eyes of doom. Those eyes could get anyone to do anything, which they did many times. Kurt had used it on puck a few times, which seemed to end with his baby putting his lips around his big cock while Quinn watched. Just thinking about it brought blood rushing to his cock. Yeah he and Quinn were so ravishing him tonight, as long as he was good all day. By the looks of the tent forming in daves pants, he must have been having a similar thought. "Fine, but make sure you mother and papa know where you guys are too" puck informed them, using his serious voice "I don't want you getting in trouble, or me" he laughed.

Kurt nodded before running off with rory. He found his mommy and uncle sam in the bed room, folding cloths and putting others away "mama, uncle Sammy. Papa and Uncle dave said we could go play in the back" kurt said jumping around, rory laughed at the childness "hes right papa, auntie Quinn. Papa dave and uncle noah said we could, we just had to let you know where we's going" he lisped making the grownups smile "alright sweeties. Go play, but come back in before the lights come on, by then it will be dinner time. Me and sam are making a big meal tonight. Were having a sleep over in our place until you guys are finished moving everything in" they laughed when the boys raced off, barely waiting for them to finish "those boys. They are so cute together" Quinn gushed smiling fondly, sam nodded "they are. You think they will figure out soon that they like each other?" he asked, she laughed "oh please. Kurt and rory? They will figure it out once someone points it out to them, mostly Brittany, maybe suger." They finished up before going to help the men so they could prepare dinner.

Rory couldn't believe the playground that was outback. IT was huge and tons of slides and swings, their was a jungle jim and a sandbox. "This is so COOL" Rory gushed racing toward the swings, kurt following behind him "its awesome, papa and momma let me come down here by myself sometimes, cause I a big boy" he put his thumbs through his suspenders and pushed them forward, before they broke lose and snapped back at him, causing him to yelp in surprise while rory laughed "kurtie you silly. Come swing with me, pleeeeease" he shot kurt a smile that the other boy just couldn't resist.

It was nearly an hour later when the boys found themselves in the sandbox, building a sandcastle "I had so much fun. Thank you for bringing me here kurtie" kurt smiled "anytime rory, you live here now so you can use it too, next time we can bring Brittany and play rescue the princess." Rory tilted his head "but who would be the bad guy?" he asked, if it was only the three, one of them would have to take Brittany away. Kurt thought for a moment before smiling "we can get the adults to play. Mama, auntie Santana and Auntie Suger can be princesses with Brittany, while my papa and your papa's are the bad guys, who take them away and lock them in the jungle jim, I mean dungeon. Then you and me go save them, and get cookies for being brave mens" he stood up and made a stance like a super hero, if he had a cap it would be blowing behind him, rory laughed "that sounds fun, but I not sure if they will want to play, we are still moving our stuff in" he stuck out his lip frowning at the idea of the adults not wanting to play. Kurt opened his mouth to speak before shutting it closed with a click "kurtie?" rory asked turning his body to face him "whats wrong?" he asked, when he didn't receive an answer he thought about running to get papa or uncle puck. As he turned he stopped, standing at the side of the building with his hair a mess, his face unshaven and a sloppy bowtie was blaine Anderson, at least it looked like blaine Anderson "kurtie, is that blaine?" rory whispered, kurt nodded "what he doing here?" kurt shook his head, he hadn't seen or heard from blaine in three years, not since he cheated on him and caused his life to spiral out of control, until his mama and papa stepped in. "we need to go inside" Kurt whispered as he stood up, pulling rory with him.

As they took a step to leave, they stopped. Blaine raced toward them "Kurt?" he gasped, out of breath "is that really you?" he asked, the boys cringed back as they smelled the beer on his breath. Up close he looked so far from the blaine they new in high school. Black rings settled deeply around his eyes, which looked so dead and lost. Kurt settled into his adult mind, which was harder to do since he liked being little "what do you want blaine, how did you even find me?" he asked crossing his arms, a slight lisp escaping with his words "I have been looking for you. I spent months trying to find you, when I heard sebastion talking to you a few weeks ago, I knew I had to find you. I needed to beg you to forgive me" he went to reach for kurt but missed when the boy stepped back, pulling rory with him, kurt ignored the hurt look on blaines face "I have gone through hell this past week finding you. I haven't slept, I barely ate. I came here because I can't live without you kurt. I know you feel the same, you can't use this boy to replace me and he definitely doesn't make me jealous, I am way better then this trash" Kurt went still, clearly blaine had lost his mind too if he couldn't recognize rory, or the fact that he just hurt the poor irish boy. Kurt pulled rory into a hug and whispered in his ear "Run. Run and go get papa and mama, get them all and bring them out here. Tell them blaine is here." When the boy looked like he was going to protest he gave him a quick peck on the lips, causing both boys to blush and blaine to growl, before rory raced off to get help. Blaine crossed his arms "Well, finally were alone" he smiled "it's time we had a talk"

Inside rory found the four adults in the kitchen making dinner and singing along to the radio "PAPA DAVE, PAPA SAM. Uncle puck, auntie Quinn, you need to come quick please" he cried, tears welling up in his eyes. He knew he shouldn't tale what blaine said to heart, his papa's have told him plently of times to never listen to bad words from people. The four turned to face him, worry on his papa's faces at the sight of tears "oh little boy what is it, whats going on?" Sam asked kneeling down "where's kurt, did something happen?" he asked noticing the missing boy. Rory nodded, setting off puck and Quinn" what is it, is he hurt?" puck asked his voice going tense, he loved his baby and wanted to protect him from any and all harm "he's fine, we was playing in the sandbox, building a sandcastle when he stopped. I moved to come get you guys when I saw him" he sniffed "saw who baby?" Quinn asked kneeling down, rubbing his arms, it was a soothing motion that worked for kurt all the time "we saw blaine." The four adults growled but before anyone could move rory was speaking again "we started heading in to get away from him but he stopped us. HE started saying things to kurt, that he had been looking for him for a long time, that he only found out when he over heard kurt talking to sebastion on the phone. Then he said mean things about me. Then kurt told me to run and get you guys" sam pulled his baby into a hug to calm the tears and nodded to the other three who raced off, if any harm came to kurt, blaine would pay.

"Listen up blaine, were done. You cheated, again. We are never getting back together. I moved on, you need to move on as well" Kurt said meaning to end the conversation, he didn't want to be around the boy anymore, it made him feel gross "kurt, you can't mean that. Were soulmates. We belong together" he tried to reach for him again, causing kurt to step back and trip on the sandbox, landing with a huff.

The adults reached the back just as they watched kurt fall, assuming blaine pushed him "ANDERSON" Puck shouted "Get the fuck away from my baby" he raced toward the smaller boy, tackling him to the ground, pinning him there as Quinn ran to scoop up the baby in her arms. Dave helped puck pick blaine up "Baby? What the fuck? You're the biggest, straightest man whore I know" he spat at puck before turning to dave "and you ruined kurts life all through high school until you decided to grow some balls and confess your love for him, when we were still dating. Then you have the nerve to try and steal him after you tried to kill yourself" both men growled, itching to punch the little shit "listen up fuck head, you are going to leave and never come back. Kurt is our baby" Quinn spat, covering her babies ears while his face was buried in her chest "If you even step foot back here again, I will not hesitate to let the others come after you full force. You know what dave and puck will do, you have no idea what Santana will do if you show up here again"

Quinns threat didn't even seem to break the surface of the raging midget in their grasp. Puck shoot his head when he realized the only thing that would work. He pulled his arm back and punched the boy in the stomach, causing him to double over in pain. Puck allowed dave to take ahold of the boy fully, crouching to be eye level with the stricken boy "listen up, and listen good. If I ever catch you near my baby again, I will cut you into tiny pieces and feed you to the neighborhood dogs. You sent my baby into a spiral and almost cost him his life, so you get new right to even see him, let alone talk to him." With a final kick he moved over to help his wife and baby up, dave adding a few hits before following the trio. A glance back showed blaine spitting out blood, clutching his stomach. Puck would have to remember to come wash that away later so no one got sick from it.

Later that night found kurt snuggled up with rory, asleep on the couch, a Disney movie playing in the background on repeat. The four adults sat at the kitchen table, a glass of wine infront of each of them "god dam, this day has been tiring" Dave groaned, his husband chuckled before kissing his cheek "relax babe, the boys are alright and you gave that little sh..i mean little punk a reason to fear coming back here. If he's smart he wont try it again" puck grunted "if he's smart my…butt" he shook his head "he will keep trying because he thinks they belong together" Quinn rolled her eyes "he wont get near my baby again, or rory or Brittany. Not while I am here" Quinn said before sipping her wine, the day had been good until blaine showed up, she needed two glasses of wine tonight "come on, lets move the boys to kurts room, you guys can take the couch, we could all use some sleep" the others nodded.

Puck and Sam moved the boys while Quinn and dave set up the couch. Kurts room was bigenough for the boys, they had converted a twin bed into a crib, which was still big enough for both boys being as tiny as they were. Sam lay rory down, giving him a quick kiss before leaving to help the others. Puck knelt down and held his babies hand in his, not wanting to leave his side. When he saw his baby fall, he just couldn't handle it, he was supposed to protect his baby, no harm was to come to him. That was the promise he made to himself and to kurt and to finn when he first found out. A tear slipped down his cheek, he felt like he had failed his baby. "Papa?" a tiny voice broke him from his thoughts "baby, what you doing up, did I wake you?" he asked thinking he made a noise or something. Kurt smiled and shook his head "no, I always wake up for a minute or two during the night when im not snuggled up with you and mama" he wiped the tear from his papa's face "no tears daddy. I is fine and all better. You are the perfect papa ever" he gave puck a kiss before snuggling up with rory, who smiled in his sleep. Puck smiled "goodnight little man, I'll make waffles in the morning for everyone" he whispered, leaving one last kiss on both boys foreheads before leaving the room, his heart feeling just a little lighter after talking to his baby.