Title: Poisoned Blades - Chapter 1

Pairing: GraLu (Fairy Tail Fandom)

Summary: She broke through his impenetrable wall.

Rating: T

*An entry for September 2013 GrayLu week's Day 1 prompt: Breathe

*Reposted from my Tumblr Account. All chapters will be in drabble lengths.

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail.


He was seven when he made his first kill.

That night, he managed to claim the lives of three people: one corrupt Lord and his two guards.

The battle wasn't easy for he was still little (thin, skimpy, untrained) and had the innocence and hesitation of a child. His body was only able to move through the use of pure instincts – telling him that if he wouldn't swing the sword he carried, everything would be over for him.

The blood haunted him for days (that whenever he glanced down at his fingers, he could clearly see in his mind the warm saline liquid dripping through them) and yet he felt no regret. For when he saw his mother's smile of relief (with tears forming in her eyes), asking him if he was alright, he finally understood why he wanted to come home so badly.

Gray grew up training and honing his body into a perfect assassin – proving to his entire clan that he was not one to be trifled with.

Killing became his second nature.

Blood became as mundane as water.

"Hey, are you all right?"

He groaned in reply – feeling his consciousness coming back. It was supposed to be another successful mission but a mishap happened at the last second that led him to his current incapacitated state.

As soon as he was about to slay the sleeping Lord, a blade pierced his side from under the mattress. He was stunned for a split second but his body moved on its will and when the light entered the darkened chambers, the clan seal of the Vastia's became visible.


His back was throbbing with pain but the need to report what had transpired to his father was of utmost important. He shouldn't be -

"I tried to fix your wounds – "

A girl?

"- so I think you should be okay."

Definitely a girl.

"Your sword is another story."

With all the strength he could muster, he pushed whatever was holding him down and opened his eyes to look at the annoying creature.

"Listen you –"

But he stopped when he saw the deepest chocolate orbs he had ever seen (full of worry, care, and honesty).

And for a moment (that was supposed to be a great opportunity to slash his savior) he stopped in his tracks because she had on her face the same (beautiful, warm, and sincere) smile as his mother's.

He breathed an air of surrender, letting his shoulders sagged a little than normal.

"Thanks." He murmured.

Thanks for reading and I'm hoping to hear your wonderful feedback/comments/criticisms/thoughts.

hugs and kisses,
