[[I do not own InuYasha, or any related copyrights- this is a fan made story for the amusement and entertainment of many on-going fans of the story and it's wealth of characters and history- nothing more.]]

Don't things always start out so easily? The reasons we love are often shrouded in mystery. Why something that bothers you can be endearing over time, yet something sweet can become just as bothersome with time as well. It shouldn't be surprising given Miroku's tendencies, though perhaps it can be overlooked given his position during their adventure- yes, if he failed, he would need an heir, it made logical sense, and reasonably logical that it would end with the defeat of Naraku. It did.. for a while. Looking back, it was clear that the new of a willing and uncomplicated life would bring about such an effect in them both, but Miroku would always be Miroku, and attraction has never been more indiscriminate than with him. Certainly there were times when Sango may have found the occasional passerby interesting, but the loyalty to refuse, and the restraint to resist came easy to her- not so much to her husband.

Miroku should not have been surprised, maybe he wasn't, when he returned from an exorcism in another village, to find his house was no longer a home for his family. He might say that he didn't see it coming, but so quickly he accepted that it was gone- one can only assume that somewhere inside he knew before he'd even gotten home, that the end was coming. Sure his trips became more frequent, lasted longer, and when he was home he was often out or preoccupied with the children, or an attractive visitor to the small village.. but surely Sango had known he did care about her, right?

Maybe had he decided to fight for that family, he could've regained it, but it came all too easy to embrace the life of freedom he had once before. It wasn't long before he too left town, the monk embracing the life he'd left behind if only to avoid missing the life that he abandoned through his misdeeds.

InuYasha had seen it coming, which was saying a lot, considering he was rarely observant of anything unless it was food, or battle-related. Then again, he can easily recount how many times his own meals were delayed because Sango was visiting Kagome, and when he was ditched outside with three miniature demon slayers he knew well enough that it meant that there was something to discuss. He sympathized with the monk on some level, not because he agreed with his actions or his reasoning, but because his hearing had overheard many a time Kagome encouraging Sango to leave, let him chase- never know what you have until it's gone, she said that a lot. He knew Sango, and though she'd gladly fight if something troubled her, it wasn't natural for her to leave as she had. What he didn't know was how much they truly depended on each other in this time of peace.

InuYasha and Kagome were never ones to let arguments go, but he never considered how often it was eventually resolves because of the presence of others. Either someone to talk Kagome down, or someone to scold him. Without Sango there, Kagome's temper was quickly being bottled, and soon it had become quite explosive- small details would set her off, making InuYasha vacate for some time, not only to let her calm down, but also to cool down himself. There was no trust here, no understanding, not really. Kagome rationed her understanding for larger issues, never mind he was a half demon who lived alone in the forest for the majority of his life- with Sango gone something as simple as eating too fast was becoming a quick peeve of the training Miko. It was becoming so much that many nights InuYasha spent on the edge of the forest, in a tree, muttering to himself into the night- while Kagome tossed and turn at Kaede's hut as if being home was only a reminder of the troubling half demon she was involved with.

Small things were surmounting, like leaves a midst the fall months- gathering layer upon layer until each step you took sounded like the cracking of glass. That wasn't too far off from the reality, they maintained such distance from eachother as if avoiding fighting any further that soon the hut was nearly abandoned. Kagome went there maybe once a week to clean up, only annoying her further as clearly InuYasha wasn't going to do it- while InuYasha spent his days lingering around the village or it's surroundings, unpleasantly grumbling over whatever argument they may have had last.

They say a straw too many is enough, righteously so, but what happens when a log is dropped upon the camel buried in straw? Bet you it breaks just as fast. A newcomer to the village had fallen over the edge of the bridge, while enjoying the view of the water flowing downstream. InuYasha whom was loitering beneath the bridge at the time, enjoying the shade and the sound of the water, noticed and caught the woman before she could fall in. That was how the beginning of the end began. This woman was shocked by the half demon's sudden appearance, so the initial event was let slide- that night he even had dinner with Kagome, and for the first time in a long time, didn't fight. However, as the woman come to understand InuYasha's standing in the village, the gratefulness for her rescue became a debt she was determined to repay. A simple gesture, but ill-timed.. as usual.

Kagome was giving serious consideration to getting out of Kaede's way and returning home, finding some renewed hope that InuYasha hadn't changed, or perhaps more like, coming to appreciate the fact that he wouldn't ever change.. that he wouldn't be the dream, but at the very least, he was a good guy. Unfortunately for him, no sooner than the day she'd returned home, was the day the lady came knocking. A simple gift of food, but given Kagome's Cooking skill, it was no surprise that InuYasha enjoyed it far more than what Kagome served that night. She really tried to let it slide, but in idle conversation with the woman on a chance visit, InuYasha acknowledged his enjoyment of the meal, and soon another was provided.

Each small meal, or additional dish added to her table by that woman was building up, and each time she grew more and more irritated- InuYasha was none the wiser until eventually the camel broke entirely. They'd said goodbye many times in their relationship, another one should not have been any different, she'd storm away and they'd spend time apart again, the only difference was that this time she kicked InuYasha out. He fumed and complained to himself for several days afterwards on the outskirts of the forest, working himself up repeatedly only to cool off and regret his actions, followed swiftly by repeating that process. When he'd finally decided to return and see this event end, he stumbled upon Kagome during her spiritual training with Kaede. Even he could see the difference. Kagome was happy, enjoying her training- he watched for some time, and though there were struggles and frustrations, Kagome wasn't the same one he had come to know. She wasn't rejecting living in this world, she wasn't rejecting her role in this life, the only thing she was rejecting at all- was him. He visited Kaede's hut after he knew Kagome had left one night and approached her with a simple request, he wished the rosary around his neck removed- with the addendum to give it back to Kagome. Kaede may have tried to convince him to reconsider, but the fact that he wanted her to return it meant that he wasn't going back.

Love, the will to love someone, and the act of expressing that love is fundamental in being in love.. without all three, all you will end up doing is hating them. He knew that much. Somewhere along the way they were just trying to love each other, sure they cared about each other, but they weren't succeeding at loving each other, only trying, and given them- only part of the time at that. It would never be enough