(A/N: Remember that music montage during "Tak, The Hideous New Girl" where Zim was repeatedly getting rejected by Tak? And then, for about three seconds, it shows Zim's legs sticking out of a mail box and Tak walking away in the background? If not, go see the episode again.

Anyway, I started thinking about that part a lot, so I wrote a little story to it. I hope you enjoy!)

"Come on, come on...!" Zim muttered to himself. He wouldn't be able to stay in this position for much longer."Hurry, human, my arm is getting tired..."

He was currently standing on his "tippy toes" (A/N: For some reason, I hate that term.) and holding an envelope up to the mailbox. That way, when Tak showed up, it would look like he was about to mail it. Clever.

Finally, Tak came around the corner of the sidewalk and saw him standing there.

"Ah, Tak! What a coincidence that you happened to show up!" Zim greeted her.

She put her hands on her hips."Yes, it's only the tenth time I've run into you already."

Zim lowered himself back onto the ground."Yeah, yeah. Anyway, I was about to mail this letter to you, but, since you're here, you can just take it!"

He wiggled the envelope in front of her face until she snatched it from him. Tak nonchalantly opened it and there was a paper inside with what appeared to be a poem written on it.

"A poem...How...nice?"

"Read it," Zim instructed her, crossing his arms and smirking. "Trust me, it's a lot better than the one you wrote for me." He sure was proud of himself.

Tak brought the sheet up to her face and read the "poem" aloud.

Roses are red,

Violets are purple or something,

Your boots are black,

And I like the way they look, I guess.


Tak looked up from the paper in disgust. Zim was pointing at her with both hands and giving her a smile that was twice as big as it needed to be. It looked pretty forced.

"That was...INTERESTING," She crushed Zim's poem in her fist and dropped it on the pavement. By now, he had stopped smiling."Ahem. It just so happens I've got something to mail as well."

"WHOO!" Zim squeaked as Tak suddenly grabbed by his waist and lifted him into the air. She began carrying him away.

He looked down onto the sidewalk."Huh. Not exactly what I had in mind...Oh! Are we going to your house? Are we going to have 'private time' on your couch, like they do on this planet, which I am also from? Are- -OUCH!"

Tak had shoved Zim's entire head into the mouth of the mailbox.

"Ow! Heh, uh, Tak! That actually hurt!" He said nervously from inside."A lot! OW! OUGH!"

Tak was using those combat boots of hers to stomp Zim into the mailbox even further. She repeatedly kicked him in the bottom...it really hurt...

"TAK!" Zim cried from inside as she continued."WHAT I DID WAS OUT OF LOVE! OUT OF LOVE, YOU DEMONIC CHILD OF PAIN AND HURT!"

Zim's entire torso was now stuck in the mailbox. Tak dusted herself off and walked away.

"Ugh..." Zim moaned, in pain. He put a hand to his bleeding forehead. His leg twitched.

"I hate that girl...I'm going to destroy her in the most brutal manner possible when I'm done with her. THIS I SWEA- -...wait a minute. Is that a squid? WHO MAILS A SQUID?! GET AWAY! AGH, got me in the eye! THE INK! IT BURNS!"

(A/N: Poor Zim.

And yes, if you were wondering, the squid in the mailbox IS supposed to be the squid that GIR has later in the episode. Zim took it home and gave it to him.

Well, I hope you liked. Review, fave, follow, check out my profile. I have other stories to work on and stuff. So, bye!)