Hi... Well this is awkward... The good news is that now I have finished my exams and I now have time to update my stories. The really good news is that I have now updated this story and the really really good news is that I will now shut up so you can read this chapter! Don't forget to review!



Jack stood there flabbergasted as he stared at the one person he knows he's ever loved. He had no idea what to do. And the fact that he was still holding onto Taylor didn't help.

"Kim? I... I... What?... Wait give me a second... What are you... doing here?"

"Otai finishes the school year earlier than in America. When we tried to VideoChat that night, I was in the middle of a prom sort of thing to celebrate the end of the school year." Kim paused, her eyes getting misty "What are you doing?"

"I'm... I'm...-"

"He's uh, going out with me." Taylor said.

"How could you?"

Rudy and Milton had been standing there awkwardly and silently for a few minutes now, they still didn't say anything.

"I should probably go." Rudy tried to make a run for it before Kim stopped him.

"No. You're going to stay."

"You know what, I'm going to stay for a bit." Rudy sat down on one of the benches.

"Rudy, when I called you saying that I was going to surprise everyone why didn't you say anything about this when I asked 'is anything new'?"

"I... thought that he would have told you by the time you came. Considering they've been dating for nearly three weeks now."

"What?" Kim whispered

"Yeah. Well about three weeks since he kissed her. Probably just of two weeks since they've been dating."

"What?" Kim whispered again. She turned to Jack and he saw the tears running down her face. "Jack... why didn't you tell me?"

"I... I... I...-" Jack didn't finish that sentence before running out of the dojo to who knows where. He felt disgusted with himself. He had made Kim cry.

Three days later

"So have you talked to Jack yet?" Milton asked Kim after sparring for an hour.

"No. He's been avoiding me. I haven't spoken to Taylor either, I don't know what to say to her."

"According to Taylor, she hasn't seen Jack either. I don't think anybody has in fact."

"I wonder where he is."

"Also Kim, you might want to talk to Jerry."


"Because he got Jack and Taylor together. I don't know how but I know he had something to do with it."


"So what are you going to do?"

"I don't know."

"Whatever you're going to do, I'd do it fast. Jack had asked Taylor to the prom which is next week."

"Great." Kim muttered sarcastically.

Taylor and Jerry both walked in at the same time. Taylor saw Kim and walked straight to the smoothie station but not before giving Kim a glare filled with jealousy, hatred, anger and confusion. Jerry did a U-turn right out of the dojo but Kim ran to him and grabbed him by his shirt when he got halfway across the courtyard.

"What did you do?"

"Uh... I do a lot of things... Care to be exact?"

"What did you do to get Jack and Taylor together?" Milton asked

"I did nothing."

"Don't lie to me Jerry. What did you do?"


"We set up that video call to make it look like you had already moved on from Jack so that he would ask me out."

"Who's we?"

"We is me. Me set up that video call. Me did it all. Just me not we. Me, myself and I."


"And Taylor."

Kim's blood was boiling. She marched right into the dojo and walked up to Taylor.

"Yes may I help you?" The spite in her voice was so obvious it was nearly visible.

Kim replied by punching her in the face.

"Oh my god!"

"Kim!" Milton yelled.

"Why the hell did you do that?" Jerry asked.

Kim turned around and then punched Jerry in the face as well.

Jerry started mumbling in Spanish. None of them are fluent in the language but they know that Jerry only knows the bad words. Kim walked out but was stopped when she heard Milton following her.

"Why did you do that?"

"I know that it wasn't the best idea I've had. But I was just so angry. I could've done a lot worse if I hadn't controlled myself."

"That's what you call controlling yourself?"

"Watch it."

"Yes ma'am. Where are you going?"

"To find Jack and ask him what he's going to do."

2 hours later

"Jack?" Kim answered her phone frantically forgetting to check the caller ID

"No..." Milton replied

"Milton, have you found Jack yet?"

"No have you?"

"Yes. Yes I have." Kim said sarcastically "Yes, that's why I asked you whether you've found him or not and that's why when you called I hoped it was Jack."

"Is the sarcasm dripping off your tongue yet?"

"Oh shut up. Where have you checked?"

"I checked the mall, the skate park, Phil's."

"I checked his home and his mum said that Jack was staying over Jerry's last night so of course he's been lying."

"Did you tell her that he was missing?"

"No, I just said that he and Jerry were late for practice and wondered whether they came round to get Jack's gi."

"What did she say?"

"She said that he had taken it with him."

"So he's somewhere training probably. You know it helps him think."

"Think about what?! How to tell me it's over? He and Taylor already made that quite clear!"

"Or who to choose."

"Why would he need to think? I mean how long has Taylor known him for, a few months? She's not the one who's been in love with him for years!"

"You love Jack?"


"You just said it. You love Jack. Does he know?"

"Does he know what?"

"Does Jack know that you love him?"

"I told him that he was my first love but no I've never said 'I love you' to him."

"If you tell him that then I'm sure he won't need to think about who to choose."

"Yeah Milton, let me call him and tell him that I love him. Wait, he hasn't answered his phone for the last three days and we still don't know where he is!"

"There's the sarcasm again."

Kim stood there thinking about where he could be. She came up with multiple places then fixed on one. "Milton? What happened to our old dojo?"

Sorry to leave on a cliff hanger but I would like to make a few more chapters out of it still. I hope you enjoyed it and please don't kill me for how long it took for me to update. If you liked it then please review, I love to know what you think. I hope to update this story soon. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!