The Guardian from Australia

"Wow…this barely feels real."

The small, scruffy haired brunette would hardly have believed she went from her home in Sydney to the quite town in Japan, Namimori, so quickly. It was a real culture shock, to say she had prepared so much…after all, this was where her father and mother met.

And now it was where this young woman would be working, alongside the mafia.

Yep, he was gonna do it…He was gonna bash his head against the wall and give himself a concussion. It was the only way out. This was it. Good bye cruel world.

…okay, maybe he wouldn't go that far. But either way, he'd probably die.

"The winner of the rain battle is Yamamoto Takeshi. We will announce the next match-up…The battle between the guardians of snow."

This was stressful as all hell…his friends were getting hurt, all for his sake. For the sake of something he barely even wanted!

And now he had to rely on Reborn for the snow and mist guardians…he didn't know who they were and a part of him didn't ever want to know. They'd probably be insane. Just like the rest of the mafia.


"Ack! R-Reborn! Where have you been?!"

"I brought you a new friend."

"Please don't."

"Well…they're not here yet. Just got to the airport. We're gonna pick them up."

"WE'RE? Why do I have to get involved?"

"Well, the battle of the snow is tonight. Might wanna make them feel welcomed."

Tsuna grumbled, knowing he was being dragged there against his will. "So, who is the next guardian? Some other weird assassin you've hired?"

"Not hired. I've offered them a permanent place in the Vongola. They're a newbie when it comes to the mafia. You don't need to worry so much."

"That just makes me more worried."

As usual, Tsuna was dragged along…his mother didn't even try to stop them. Reborn just claimed he was picking up a pen pal from the airport. Hell, she even offered for this new guardian to stay over for dinner! Stupidly, Reborn said yes…stupidly in Tsuna's opinion, anyway.

Getting a cab to the airport was annoying, too. Reborn stuck Tsuna with paying for it.


Oh God, no.


Please, Lord, shoot him down.

The brunette was instantly shooting glares at the infant, who was, as usual, feigning pure innocence of how the two knew Tsuna was going to be at the airport. God damn.

Yamamoto and Gokudera waved their boss over, the tall, raven haired boy sporting some new gear. By which I mean bandages and even an eyepatch.

"Ah…Y-Yamamoto-kun, are you okay?"

"Perfectly fine! The kid told me to come to the airport to meet someone. I ended up running into Gokudera!"

"Reborn told me to meet tenth here. I was annoyed to see this idiot running around."

Yamamoto just laughed as Tsuna sighed, almost annoyed. "Well…it can't be helped."

Reborn smiled, jumping onto the brunette's shoulder, speaking to the three of them.

"The guardian of snow should be coming out with her luggage now. We're waiting for them, to greet and welcome them."

The silver haired teen raised an eyebrow, scratching his neck a little. "Hate to sound rude-"that was a first "But why do we need to meet them? What makes him so special?"

"They travelled here all the way from Australia. They'll be tired as all hell, so it'd be nice for them to feel welcome after a long flight."

"W-Wait! Australia!?"

Tsuna might not have been good in school, but he was pretty sure Australia was pretty far away.

And had nothing to do with the mafia.

"How did you find an Australian to come and be a guardian!? And why would you!?"

"I knew someone a while ago who owed me a favour. Sadly, he passed away a while ago, but his child was willing to take his place. They turned sixteen recently, so their mother allowed them to come and join the Vongola."

Yep. This had to be another weirdo.

"So, do me a favour and hold up this sign."

"Wait, what-?"

Reborn practically shoved a small sign with a name on into Tsuna's hands. The brunette actually had no idea what it said, though…it was in English and the poor kid had not a damn clue how to read it. And neither did Yamamoto…Gokudera on the other hand-

"June Spencer? What kind of a name is that? Sounds like a girl's name."

"Well, I'd hope so. Either that or I've been lied to. Your next guardian is a young woman."

"W-Wait! Reborn! Not only is this someone's daughter, but it's a girl!? You shouldn't drag people into this when they're not involved!"

"Like I told you, I knew her father. So she has mafia connections running in her family. She's just never been involved."

Then explain why you wouldn't say their gender for hours…

"Useless Tsuna, you shouldn't be questioning my decisions."



Tsuna was gonna feel that punch in the morning. And he got hit on the head where nobody will see a bruise…sneaky child…

"So, she's basically here to play mafia with us? Wow, coming all the way from Australia."

"Dumb ass…"


Please don't fight, not now. Tsuna was not in the mood for this…


The trio of friends heard a feminine voice. Turning, they saw a young girl with short, scruffy to the point of spiky, brown hair. Though her hair was short, long hair framed her face, reaching down past her neck. A single, blue eye blinked in their direction, her other covered by a white eye patch, not dissimilar to the one Yamamoto was currently wearing. Her cheeks were covered in freckles, dotting her face, mostly around her nose.

Her clothing was simple enough. A red shirt, covered, mostly, but a half zipped up, black hoodie, the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, and a pair of blue, denim shorts, brown boots and black, thigh high socks, adorning her legs.

"There she is. Tsuna, this is June Spencer. Your snow guardian."

She looked…relatively normal…

There had to be a catch. Some huge catch.

The girl looked at all three of them, smiling. "It's nice to finally meet you. Reborn has told me a lot about you."

Tsuna really hoped not…

But he couldn't help but notice something. To say she was Australian, she was fluent in Japanese, as far as he could tell. Though, he did hear an accent on her.

"I-It's, uhh…nice to meet you, too, Spencer-san…"

"Spencer-san? June is fine."

"Eh? A-Ah…"

The girl just smiled at Tsuna's flustered face. Really, he was just terrified that she'd turn out completely insane or something…