Disclaimer: I do not own skip beat or any of the characters. Any relations to any people in real life is purely coincidental (unless you are in my school the b you best recognize yourself)

Ren's POV

'Did she just say that she likes me wait she likes Tsuruga Ren not Koun and she would probably doubt if I confessed to her'Ren was steel reeling after he heard what she had said.

"So Corn, what should I do? I know that he likes a teenage girl and he doesn't think that he deserves love." Kyoko was blushing from ear to ear as she finished her sentence.

'Where did she get that from, the only person that knows about how much I love Kyoko, how does she know' Ren was deep in thought he realized that that she was about to speak again.

"I mean he doesn't know I know…"

'Please no, don't be Bou then she'll know about my feelings, wait she's as dense as can be'

"That I'm the chicken at TBM" she said with a gleeful smile.

"Well, I can read his mind since I have a connection with him threw his voice, right" Ren was winking at her as she contemplated on whether to let him do it or not.

'All or nothing as they say' well if she doesn't like me I can just said I read the wrong mind. It's a shame that I can't do anything for her to know that I'm Corn, she'd never trust me again.

"I think I got a connection" Ren really sounded true I mean he didn't get the number one actors title for his looks (even though it was part of it).

"Really!" I don't want to pry but I really want to know, wait what would Tsuruga-san think about this. Ah, to hell with it. "What did he think, what does he think about me?" I know this is too much to ask but I just hope I'm more than just a friend.

"Well, I think that I have the right mind... Kyoko-chan can you promise me something?" Oh please don't hate me, don't think that you're a plain, boring girl with no sex appeal, because I promise you you're more than that.(A/N: seriously she shouldn't think that)"I think that he likes you, but there is a burden that he needs to get over before he can confess to you. I think you should just sit down with him and talk about what's bothering him. Most of all you need to be there for him can you do that?" why am I telling her to try and help me with my past. Do I need to be fixed that much?

"Yup I can, since he started playing Cain Heel it feels like there's darkness in him," but I want to show him my feelings "I wanna show him my feelings what should I do?"

"Kyoko-chan I have a suggestion, kiss him." Damn if she does this I don't think I could keep my self-control from snapping.(A/N: never even had my first kiss so if this happened to me I'd be like "b what?")

"Okay thank you Corn, is there somewhere I can contact you?"

Ummmm I can make a new E-mail. "I'll make an E-mail, just cuz I'm a fairy doesn't mean I can't use network" they exchanged emails and Kyoko went back to the hotel as Ren went to retrieve his things.

Before I start on my whole please comment speech I'm give thanks to RisaliaDragneel cuz you are my first reviewer thank you a lot.

Imam start out by saying dat Ren needs to make her move in skip beat and I can't wait for the new chapter to come out.

See ya'll l8ter and love you!