Author's Update:

Hello everyone! Long time no update. After seeing an increase of requests and questions about to my whereabouts and whether or not I will be updating this story, I decided that an update is long, long, LONG overdue.

First, I'd like to sincerely apologize for my absence and lack of updates since 2017. I was in my last year of university and was working 3 jobs at the time so I, unfortunately, had to put off writing for a very long time. Although I don't want to use any excuses, I hope you all understand that it is my explanation for my absence. ;v;

After graduating last summer, I've still been working full-time but on top of that, I've been studying during my spare time for an admissions test I need for my graduate school; one that I've tried and have been unsuccessful many times in my past few attempts so my morales been low. My test is scheduled for mid-July 2019 so once that's finished, I can finally use my free time to do the things I've been wanting to do.

Long story short, TL;DR, here's the update:

Yes, I will continue writing this story, but after July.

Feel free to message me with any questions, comments, and/or concerns. I will be there!