Clarke's POV

I had only taken three steps after my realization, when I heard a twig snap. Discreetly looking behind me, I saw the shadow of a person following me.

I decided to pretend that I hadn't seen them and walked farther into the forest. When I was deep enough in that nobody from camp could see us.

I grab one of my knives from my belt and quickly spun to throw it at the person following me. The person was quick and dodged the knife aimed at their chest.

They weren't faster than I was though, so while they may have dodged the deadly blow.

I knew they were not quick enough to have not gotten hit in some way.

I was proven right when Bellamy stumbled out from behind the bushes. He raised his hand to the cut on his cheek, then pulled his hand away stunned.

I stared passively at the blood on his hand as he look at it in disbelief. Bellamy snapped out of his shock quickly and started to yell at me,

"What the Hell Clarke," the anger and wonder was clearly heard in his exclamation.

It was clear from his reaction that he was shocked that someone like me, who he had thought to be a princess, could wound the great and powerful Bellamy Blake.

Not going to take his or the hundreds crap anymore. I ignored the question in his eyes and instead of answering. I ask my own question,

"Why are you following me Bellamy. Incase you hadn't realized. I left the camp to get some alone time."

His flippant answer angered and at the same timed affirmed what I realized earlier,

"I saw you leave the camp and decided to follow, you looked out of it. I just wanted to make sure that nothing happened to the defenseless little princess."

Grunting at him in displeasure I turned my back to him and continued walking in the direction I was before.

"Go back to camp Bellamy. As you just saw I am far from defenseless"

Before Bellamy could come up with a retort, I walked away from him. That though didn't detour him and before long I could hear his pissed off stomping behind me.

Realizing that Bellamy wasn't going to let this go without a fight. I sat down in the grassy bank by the river and waited for him to catch up.

Bellamy's POV

In the time that I had stood there stunned, Clarke was able to cover an impressive amount of ground.

By the time I decided to follow her, she was way ahead of me. So I had to resort to following the tracks she made in the soft, recently rained on, ground .

When I finally caught up to her, she was sitting in the grass by the river. The sun broke free from the clouds right as I exited the forest.

Its bright yellow rays caused her blonde hair to shine a golden color and her pale skin flushed with color.

The sight took my breathe away, in the suns bright light she almost looked like an angel. She was breath taking and when she turned to stare at me in curiosity.

I oddly found that I was no longer angry at her. Her beauty had stolen the anger from my being.

Clarke cocked her eyebrow and stared at me expectantly, it took me a minute to realize that she was waiting for me to blow up on her.

In that moment, with the sun shining brightly, and Clarke looking at me the way she was. I felt something shift within me.

Clarke became important to me, she wasn't just a passing conquest like she had been before.

Years later, when I would look back on our times together. I would realize right away and be able to point out the exact moment, I fell in love with Clarke Griffin.

For now though, the thoughts and feelings flowing through my veins confused and overwhelmed me.

Acting purely on instinct and not thinking about anything. I walked over to were Clarke was sitting, knelt in the grass beside her, and kissed her.

I poured everything I felt into that kiss, my confusion, my anger, my awe at her innocent beauty.

Most of all, I poured my passion for her into that kiss, something I've never done before and after a minute of shock.

Clarke kissed me back, her kiss was hesitant and unsure. The kind of unsure that came with inexperience.

While she was untried in the ways of the body, she did not lack in the passion department. Her kiss was as passion filled as any kiss could be.

I could feel her confusion, her anger, her sorrow, and her acceptance. I felt as she parted her lips to my probing tongue and allowed me to deepen the kiss.

Her actions spoke louder than any words ever could, she was telling me that she felt the attraction.

She felt the chemistry that always flowed between our skin anytime we touched, and she was telling me that she trusted me.

Trusted me not to treat her like one of my groupies, to use and then discard. Humbled by her trust.

I pulled her closer to my body and held her tight to me as I slowed the kiss to a tender stop.

Pulling away from her lips, I rested my forehead against hers and together we panted as one, as we tried to catch our breaths.

Placing a loving kiss on her forehead, I sat back on my heels and looked at her. Her hair was a mess from where my hands ran through it as I kissed her.

Her lips were a bright recently kissed red and her eyes shined with a light I had yet to see in them before.

Clarke shook her head to clear it then looked at me in astonishment. It was a look that no girl, other than Octavia, had ever graced me with.

That look gave me the confidence to kiss her again and this time when we pulled away. I pulled Clarke into my lap.

We sat there in silence and watched as the sun set and the moon reached its summit in the sky.

I knew that our kissing didn't solve everything and that there was still many problems we needed to work out.

They could wait until tomorrow though, this, this couldn't. I would never again be able to bask in the relief I felt now.

Never again get to rejoice at the feeling of holding her for the very first time. So for tonight, I put aside my questions and held her tightly.

Clarke's POV

I woke to the feeling of being too warm and as I groggily opened my eyes. I had to immediately slam them shut again.

The sun's bright light was blinding and it took a minute for my eyes to adjust. When they did, I opened them again and saw that I was by the river.

This realization brought back the memories of last night. Of Bellamy kissing and holding me.

As I moved to sit up, I both saw and felt Bellamy's arm holding me to him. He grumbled in his sleep, then pulled me tighter to his front.

I gently moved his arm from around me and flipped around so that I was now face-to-face with him.

He looked so relaxed, so peaceful, and childlike. I had never seen the soft look that was on his face now. Not even when he was with Octavia did he look like this.

I was reluctant to wake him but I knew we had to get back to camp. We had been out all night and the hundred had to be freaked out.

It wasn't like Bellamy to disappear all night, not even when he went hunting did he stay out past night fall.

Lifting my hand, I gently brushed back a piece of hair that had fallen in his face. Cupping his face with that same hand. I lent in until our noses touched and gently kissed him.

Bellamy's brow furrowed and his eyes opened but when he saw it was me. He gently and lovingly kissed me back.

When I pulled back I smiled at him and said,

"Well look who finally decided to wake up. Did you sleep well?"

Bellamy rubbed the sleep from his eyes, then smiled before he chuckled and pulled me towards him,

"What do you think princess? I had a sexy women pressed against me all night. Do you think I slept well."

Now that I was more awake and pressed so intimately to him. I could feel his erection as he pressed it against my stomach.

Deciding to tease him a little, I shifted so my core rubbed against his cock and grinded my hips.

Bellamy cursed, then grab my hips to stop my movement. In a husky voice that was one part sleep filled one part aroused said,

"If you don't stop that right now. I will not be held accountable for my actions. I am barely holding on to what little control I have left and you rubbing yourself against me. Is testing what little control I have left in my body."

"What if I want you to lose control"

I whispered in his ear before taking the lobe between my teeth and gently nibbling on it. Bellamy moaned out in surprise, then gently pushed me away from him.

"Clarke as much as I would really enjoy fucking you. We both know there is a lot we need to talk about before that happens and we don't have the time right now. We have to get back to camp before the others notice were gone and start freaking out."

"Bellamy Blake saying no to a girl throwing herself at him. I am shocked."

"Clarke" Bellamy's tone was a warning and had I been anyone else. I would not have pushed him.

"Wow Bellamy you can restrain yourself."

Author's Note: So what did you guys think. Do you like it so far? Review and let me know what you all thought.