A/N: This is a yaoi story! If you are not comfortable with guy on guy action, or are too young, then I recommend not reading this. Consider yourself properly warned.

I know the first two dance numbers feature Christina Aguilera songs but that is just how the set list worked out. I have a plethora of songs and will have plenty of variety in the future so please don't stop reading if that is something that bothers you! Also I recommend you look up the songs, they're fantastic!

I, of course, do not own these boys….but if I did…these are exactly the kind of things they would be doing…only I would be involved :)

Special thanks to Lavareef because without becoming her friend I would not have had the courage, and possibly not even the idea, to write this! I also heavily recommend reading her Marinka fics because they are fantastic and her sex scenes are delicious! They created a monster Marinka fan in me and I don't regret it for a second. I can only hope to create other Freesome monsters as well.

Also special thanks to RaliPB of deviantart for creating fanart of Haru's dance! It is stunning and I am so grateful and proud! Open deviantart's website and add /art/HaRu-452613980 to the link to find it.

Chapter One – Only the Beginning

The sun was setting on Thursday when Makoto walked up to the brick building with no other identifying markings aside from a fire pit lighting up the word Elements. He waved to Miho, his boss Goro's girlfriend/ex-swimsuit model/bartender, as he stepped through the heavy oak doors. This was his first night bartending here and while Makoto was used to working in the club scene he felt a strange sort of excitement as he stepped onto the main floor. He curiously glanced towards the giant, fish tank above his bar and wondered where the fish were. He made his way backstage to the bartenders' dressing room to remove his shirt and change into his black vest, before he smudged a hint of eyeliner around his waterline to accentuate his emerald eyes. He stepped back and took in his appearance feeling slightly self-conscious about the exposed areas but grateful that he was in decent shape.

He stepped behind the bar top to familiarize himself with his surroundings and avoid fumbling tonight when he actually had customers. The counter was made of a smooth, sand-colored marble while the bar back was all glass shelves and mirrors. He jumped slightly at Miho's gentle voice behind him, and turned around scratching the back of his head with a bashful smile.

"Taking the initiative to familiarize yourself with your surroundings, I like you already." she said with a smile, she was wearing a black corset that had the appearance of a vest, similar to his. She tilted her head to the side and let her gaze slide from the deep V of the vest that exposed his chest muscles with some sort of tattoo peeking out, over his broad shoulders, down his nicely toned biceps and forearms, to end at his tapered waist before she looked him in the eyes and smirked as she noticed him blushing. "Get used to it, that vest suits you."


"I'll be working with you for your first couple of nights before releasing you to the wolves. You should be used to everything by this weekend when the crowds come. We let people in at nine, the shows start at ten, last call is at one thirty, and we close at two just like everyone else. And we are closed Sunday nights to give the dancers a break and not many people go out Sundays anyways."

It was eight when the dancers walked past him to drop their things unceremoniously on the floor before they hopped up onto the stage to begin stretching. Makoto paused to watch when he noticed a gorgeous raven-haired man with a bored look on his face begin folding himself into positions that made Makoto's jaw drop. He heard a faint growl as an equally attractive redhead stepped into view and pulled the contortionist into a heated kiss.

A little blonde with bright ruby eyes popped up next to him and giggled. "Looks like he caught you staring. The bendy one is Haru and the redhead is his boyfriend, Rin. He's a possessive one, so I wouldn't mess with that if I were you. The grumpy gray haired one smoking a cigarette in the corner is Nitori, he's a bit of an acquired taste, the tall, fiery one is Seijuro, he thinks he's Casanova but he's nice, and I'm Nagisa!"

He said with the brightest smile Makoto had ever seen as he reached a tiny hand towards him.

"I'm Makoto," he said as his hand completely enveloped Nagisa's.

"Nice vest," Nagisa said before he giggled and skipped away when Makoto blushed.

"What a flirt. Don't let that innocent smile fool you, Nagisa's a little vixen." Miho says with a fond smile.

The bar had filled up by nine thirty leaving Makoto to wonder, if this didn't count as busy then what were the weekends like when the "crowds" come? He didn't mind though because more people meant more tips and Makoto would rather stay busy than sit around twiddling his thumbs.

The moment ten o'clock came, the lights dimmed and an eerie silence fell over the crowd. Goro stepped out into the spotlight at the corner of the stage with a microphone.

"How's everybody doing tonight?" cheers are heard. "If you came here looking to have your minds blown…I know you did," he said with a grin as he pointed to someone in the front, "you're in the right place! It's time to give you your first glimpse of paradise with Haru!"

Makoto looked up as the entire bar went dark and the song "Sex for Breakfast" by Christina Aguilera filled up the room. He quirked his head to the side curiously as he heard a soft splash just before the spotlight illuminated a giant water bowl with Haru, wearing tantalizingly short, white jammers that clung desperately to every curve, rolling and twisting around underwater as the lyrics kicked in. He surfaced, facing the audience, placed his arms on the ledge, and leaned his chin on his arms with the most seductive pout Makoto had ever seen.

Makoto watched with rapt attention as Haru slid back into the water only to begin caressing himself and thrusting his hips as if he were actually making love. When the song mentioned the sun rising, Makoto's breath caught as his eyes followed hundreds of little rivulets of water trailing down Haru's toned chest and flat stomach when he surfaced, as he raised himself onto the ledge of the bowl. The crowd gasped when he transitioned into a handstand just to curl in on himself and swivel his hips before he turned his back to the water, extended his legs, and ever so slowly bent back further and further until his feet were nearly touching the water before pushing himself up and sliding feet first into the bowl. From underwater Haru reached toward the audience at the words "don't go" and stood, arching his back over the side of the bowl as he hooked his thumbs into his jammers and inched them lower, to expose his pale skin and hip bones playfully causing the crowd to go wild, as well as, leading to a slight tightening of Makoto's pants.

That wasn't the worst of it though and Makoto nearly groaned when Haru pushed himself onto the ledge, spread his legs and beckoned 'come hither' with his finger seemingly straight at him and slid back into the water. Makoto sighed and ran his hand through his olive colored hair trying to regain his composure only to look up and find Haru standing again only this time he was teasing his nipple with his left hand as his right hand crawled down his abdomen to dip into his jammers while making a face so erotic that it made Makoto moan and he couldn't help but imagine Haru laying beneath him making the same face. Makoto snapped his mouth shut and looked around to see if anyone had heard him then shook his head and took a few steadying breaths because Haru was with Rin and that wasn't even an option. He blushed realizing just how flustered he was becoming from this little show.

Makoto couldn't help but stay mesmerized by the way that Haru moved in the water. But as Haru climbed onto one of the ledges and balanced as he tiptoed around the rim of the bowl to the opposite ledge to lift himself into another handstand, and shifted into a one-armed position before he spun and let himself fall back into the water, Makoto decided that watching him outside of the water was just as good. As the song came to an end, Haru slowly rose and shook his wet hair out of his eyes, breathing deeply. The bar roared with applause as the lights went out once again.

Fortunately for Makoto it was break time and if that last performance was any indication as to what the rest of the night was going to be like then he was glad that it came when it did so he could splash some water on his face and get himself together. This job suddenly became a lot more complicated because he had never imagined having to worry about getting hard at work before. Usually he was much more in control of his…urges, but there was something about Haru and the things he did with his body that made Makoto want to hunt him down and take him where he stood and that could not happen. But despite this new challenge he found himself even more excited to see whoever was next.

Feeling a little more relaxed again, Makoto strode back out to the bar with a smile on his face ready to tackle the next performance. Goro came out to make another cheesy introduction, this time for Nagisa. Apparently he was going to give a lap dance to some twenty-one year old named Rei for publishing his first book. The poor guy looked completely out of his element in his business suit, with his tie still tight in a Windsor knot, and more embarrassed than excited about what was about to happen. When the brassy, burlesque notes of 'Nasty Naughty Boy' by Christina Aguilera began to play he looked as if he were trying to dissolve into his chair.

Applause and whistles sounded as Nagisa sauntered out in a thin silk robe, swirling the sash before he untied it and pushed the robe to his shoulders, letting it drop to the floor to reveal a thick, jeweled necklace, glittering nipple pasties, diamond wrist cuffs, a sparkling belly button ring, and a gem-studded thong with a short lace train covering part of his pert, little ass. He stopped right in front of the man of honor to sway his hips and caress himself, which caused Rei to blush and push his red glasses further up his nose in a nervous gesture. At the words 'you've been a bad, bad boy' Nagisa leaned over Rei and ran his finger down the other's chest and when he raised his hands up to protest, Nagisa playfully batted them away and climbed into Rei's lap to straddle him.

Rei closed his eyes when he felt Nagisa caressing his cheek, but then Nagisa placed his hands on Rei's shoulders and leaned back to swivel in his lap, and Rei screwed his eyes shut tighter and turned beet red. Nagisa grabbed Rei's hands and ran them slowly down his torso as a look of pleasure crossed his features. Rei's eyes snapped open and he yanked his hands away just before they reached Nagisa's crotch. Nagisa giggled and fanned himself at 'got you hot, bothered, and wet' while he placed his other hand on his chest to feign looking flustered. Makoto couldn't help but smile at the performance so far because it fit Miho's warning about Nagisa perfectly. It was deviously flirty and sexual and Makoto had a feeling it would only get worse.

Nagisa smiled at Rei and slid down his legs to kneel on the floor before he spread Rei's legs and crawled in between them, staring up into his eyes the whole time, pressing his face closer to Rei's hands which had covered his crotch the moment Nagisa had reached towards his lap. Nagisa leaned up and tugged Rei closer by his tie to nuzzle his nose. He smiled even wider when Rei pulled back once more opening his mouth to say something and placed a finger on his lips. He leaned closer again, right for Rei's mouth, passing it at the last second to brazenly lick up Rei's ear and nibble his ear lobe as he ran his fingers through Rei's perfectly placed dark blue hair before he pulled back with a painfully fake guilty look, covering his mouth as if even he were surprised by his own actions as Rei just gaped at him. Yeah that one was nothing but trouble, definitely a vixen. Makoto could see the appeal though because Nagisa was cute and super playful; but he was glad that he wasn't in Rei's place.

The song mentioned needing a spanking and Nagisa grabbed Rei's hand and plopped it on his ass pretending that Rei had used that hand to pull Nagisa even closer which allowed him to grind himself into Rei's lap as he ran his hands through his blonde locks and down his body. Nagisa spun around and swerved and swirled his hips seductively while he rubbed his hands down the tops of his thighs, then spread them and pulled his hands up his inner thighs. Rei had leaned slightly to the side to watch Nagisa's hands and Nagisa peeked back and smirked before he tsk'd him. To "punish" him Nagisa leaned back against Rei and ground himself into Rei's lap while he used Rei's hands to caress himself everywhere. Nagisa looked like he was having a little too much fun and Rei's eyes had fluttered shut and his jaw clenched.

When Nagisa turned to straddle Rei again he looked down into Rei's lap with a smirk. He proceeded to intentionally rub himself right against Rei's erection as he massaged his chest which caused Rei to bite down on his lip, hard. Again, the song mentioned a spanking and again, Nagisa made Rei spank him, only this time he pouted when it wasn't hard. He grabbed Rei's tie again and arches back as he "rode" him. He leaned forward and tugged on Rei's chin to get him to release his lip before he kissed him and ran his tongue across Rei's bottom lip, the moment Rei's mouth opened in a gasp Nagisa hopped off his lap and sauntered away with a little wave, hiding the phone he had just acquired out of the pocket of the jacket hanging off the back of Rei's chair, followed by a stagehand carrying his robe. Makoto chuckled and shook his head at Nagisa's cheeky little dance. Congratulations to Rei…he surely won't forget that one.

Makoto decided to check if the dancers wanted anything to drink since he hadn't seen them out on the floor the entire night aside from performances. When he knocked on the door to Haru's dressing room, a semi disheveled Rin answered looking annoyed and when he saw he had been interrupted by Makoto, who he remembered from earlier, he glared.

"What do you want?"

"I came to see if you guys wanted anything to drink…everyone's been back here the whole time so…I thought maybe umm…" Makoto replied as he tried not to fidget under Rin's hard garnet gaze.

"Water." Haru said without turning towards him from his spot lying on the couch.

"I'll have the same." Rin said shutting the door in Makoto's face.

"Alright…" Makoto exhaled the breath he didn't realize he had been holding.

Nagisa answered the door in his little diamond thong without all the jewelry and Makoto made sure to stick to eye contact. Of course Nagisa noticed this and smiled knowingly.

"Hi Mako…enjoy the show?"

"Uhh…yeah it was…definitely something. I'm sure that guy won't ever forget this party."

"I should hope not. Did you need something or are you just here to see me?" Nagisa asked as he stepped forward and ran his fingers along one of Makoto's arms, "I really do like you in this vest..."

"A drink! Something to drink I mean…for you…I'm asking everyone," Makoto replied nervously and cleared his throat and Nagisa pouted playfully.

"Hmm…that's nice…surprise me." Nagisa sashayed away, leaving the door open and Makoto's eyes trailed down his ass before he caught himself and shut the door quickly. He sighed when he heard Nagisa let out a tinkling laugh.

Makoto knocked on the Nitori's door but no one answered so he moved on to the next door figuring that he was the dancer performing right now. Makoto knocked on the following door and opened it when he heard a muffled voice telling him to go in.

"Hey, you're that new bartender right? Nice vest, I should get one like that, the ladies would love it. I'm Seijuro." he said extending his hand.

"Makoto. Doesn't everyone have to wear this?" Makoto asked as he shook Seijuro's hand.

"Yeah but they don't look like you in it. Don't worry man it's a good thing. What's up?"

"Thanks. Umm did you want something to drink and do you know what Nitori would want? He wasn't in his room."

"Sure I'll take…a shot of Patrón with a pineapple back and Nitori's a whiskey guy, give it to him neat. Thanks man."

"No problem. Nice to meet you."

"Yeah, you too."

Nitori had just finished his dance when Makoto came out to get the drinks. Makoto was curious what he had done because he could smell smoke or something but he could always find out tomorrow. He had decided a Dirty Shirley fit Nagisa perfectly. And when he delivered it Nagisa had, indeed, been satisfied and threw his arms around Makoto, almost causing him to drop the other drinks.

Miho sent Makoto to the door to cover the bouncer's break and so he missed Seijuro's dance as well but could hear a heavy bass beat and women screaming through the door so it must have been good. When he came back inside it was last call and Goro was announcing Rin as the last dance of the night. Just like with Haru the crowd became hushed as the lights went down and Makoto was anxious to see what Rin would do.

When the song 'Sex on the Ceiling' by Sevyn Streeter began and the stage was illuminated, Rin was lying there in short, red shorts to match his hair with his eyes closed. He ran his hands up his perfectly toned chest and through his maroon locks as he arched his back to a sitting position and swung his legs around to kneel. At the words "the shower is overrated" billowing, black silks dropped from the ceiling and Rin disappeared from view. His right hand appeared and wrapped around one of the silks and his left hand followed with another silk.

Makoto watched curiously to see what he would do with the silks and he gasped when the beat of the song changed and he heard the words "turn the bed upside down, flip me round, gravity's left the building" because that seemed to be exactly what happened. Rin was suddenly lifted into the air and then he flipped into an upside down split before he twisted himself into the silks to form a cradle, splayed himself out, and cradled in again. After spinning a few times he wrapped his foot in the silks and released himself into an inverted front split, caressing his leg as he curled it back up to climb higher in the silks as the words "want you to take me up, up, up, up" played.

Makoto swallowed when he saw Rin fall into that second split, he had never seen anything like this. No wonder Rin and Haru were together, they were hot as hell and Rin moved through the air the way that Haru moved in the water. Makoto found himself thinking about what sex with either of them would be like with their flexibility and sensuality and sighed deeply before returning his attention to Rin just in time to watch Rin let go of the silks, extending his legs out to spiral down the silks, then he arched his back, wrapping his right leg around the silk to do two standing somersaults. He grasped the silks above him and let his legs fall out of the makeshift harness as his feet touched the floor and he took off on a run, showing off his muscular thighs, to soar above the audience causing everyone to clap and cheer.

When he landed he began climbing up the silks again at the same part of the song. Once he was about twenty feet in the air he spun his back to the silks and hooked them through his legs and around his waist once before looking at the audience, smirking, and letting go with the hand above him. This caused him to do another somersault and at the last second he caught the silks with his free hand, leaving him in a one-handed grip still high above the stage. Makoto's breath caught in his throat as the crowd ooh'd and aah'd because that hand was the only thing stopping Rin from plummeting to the ground below him. Again at the words "up, up, up, up" Rin wrapped his foot in the silks and lowered himself into a squatting position to arch his back seductively as he rolled his body and pulled himself back into a standing position to climb higher.

The drum beat of the song began to crescendo, and with it Rin flipped himself upside down and weaved the silks around his waist, and then around one leg at a time, creating a harness. He pulled himself into a vertical mirror of the position he was just in, with his hand above his head holding him in place. And when the song said "let's go" he released into a standing somersault, followed by a triple twist, and ending with another standing somersault that caught him upside down. He righted himself and slipped his legs out of the silks as he slid, one-handed, the rest of the way down the silks to the floor.

The silks retracted and Rin dropped to his knees, dragging his hands up his body before he got on his hands and knees and did a body roll and grind towards the ground and flipped onto his back letting his hands roam intimately over his body looking as if he were in ecstasy. He bit his lip when the words "sex on the ceiling" played and the lights dropped. The crowd went wild, Makoto included; he officially loved his new job.

At the end of the night as Makoto and Miho were cleaning the bar and glasses, Nagisa popped up next to Makoto once again.

"Hey Mako! Good first night?"

"Yeah it was."

"Tomorrow night Rei might be coming in here looking for his phone…I need you to give it to him for me, kay? Also we're gonna go to the beach on Sunday, you should come!"

"Sure, wait why do you have his phone?"

"Now he has to come back." Nagisa smiled, his eyes twinkling mischievously and grabbed Makoto's hand and started writing on him, "Anyways here's my number. Text me about Sunday, it'll be fun, promise. You better come!"

"Okay, okay I'll come."

"Yay! See you Sunday!" Nagisa cheered, skipping off.

Rin and Haru got home a little after two in the morning, ate a quick, nutritious meal on Rin's say so, and had just successfully showered together without too many groping incidents. They lazily made out once in bed, Haru's fingers twisted in Rin's hair and Rin lightly scratched at Haru's back above the hem of his boxer briefs.

Haru rolled on top of Rin and pulled away as the red-head tugged on his bottom lip with his teeth, pulling a soft moan from him. He trailed kisses across Rin's chest and sucked a nipple ring in his mouth, laving it with his tongue and causing Rin to arch into his mouth. He fisted his hand in the raven locks and pulled back, lifting Haru's head, but Haru refused to relinquish his nipple and he growled at the dull ache that followed and let go.

Haru smirked and released the ring and moved to tease the other before he sat back and slid Rin's boxer briefs down, tossing them away. He ran his hands up the inside of Rin's thighs, pushing them apart as he went and crawled between them, arching his back and swaying his hips as he leaned down and nipped and suckled at the soft skin at Rin's hips making him squirm and groan at the feeling as his eyes devoured Haru's tantalizing ass knowing that he would soon be buried in it.

"Haru…quit teasing." Rin said as he grit his teeth and clenched and unclenched his fists at his side to resist making him.

Haru pulled back to admire the little love marks that he left in his wake with a small smile. He placed his thumb on the head of Rin's cock and smeared the precum around. Then, staring up at Rin, he slowly raised his thumb to his mouth and placed his tongue on his thumb before his lips closed around it and he sucked seductively with a quiet moan. Rin took in the sight before him with a shaky sigh.

"So that new bartender Makoto..." Haru mentioned casually as if he weren't inches away from Rin's hard-on.

"What?" Rin asked with a breathy pant not sure that he heard his boyfriend right.

"He's hot. I think he'd be good…Those broad shoulders, that chest, then there's his arms…" he trailed off, his tongue following the path of Rin's v line to his weeping erection, feeling the muscles clench and quiver beneath him as he accentuated each body part he listed with a little bite to Rin's sensitized skin.

"Okay, I get it. I'd ahah do him. But he's mmm so nice…I dunno if he'd…ahh fuck… be into it" Rin gasped and tangled his fingers in Haru's soft hair when he nibbled at the underside of Rin's cock. Haru moved lower, his hand pumping him slowly and pulled one of Rin's balls into his mouth, sucking lightly and massaging it with his tongue causing Rin to whimper before moving to give the other side the same treatment.

"Let's feel him out…call it an initiation…next week." Haru mumbled distractedly as he lapped at the pearly bead of precum, humming in appreciation at the familiar flavor of his boyfriend. He stopped and looked up at Rin expectantly, "Well?"

"What?" Rin stared down at him in confusion, "Oh…yeah, whatever. Enough about him. My turn for attention." Rin pushed his hips towards Haru to remind him of what he should be doing.

Haru's sapphire orbs glittered and he swallowed Rin to the hilt in one swift movement. Rin shouted and slammed his head back into the pillow. The ravenette hollowed out his cheeks and pulled back, sucking as he went before taking Rin all the way into his mouth again and again, causing Rin's eyes to roll back into his head at the intense feeling.

Rin could already feel the burn beginning to swirl in his stomach. Unwilling to let Haru keep the upper hand he growled and shot up, flipping Haru on his back, and yanked his boxer briefs off, filling Haru's mouth with his fingers instead. Haru decided to put on a show for Rin and sucked with everything he had, as he lazily stroked himself and moaned around the fingers invading his mouth.

Rin's eyes went dark and when he couldn't handle Haru's talented tongue any longer, he pulled the digits from his mouth with a pop, a string of saliva still connecting them. Haru stared up at his lover and stretched his arms over his head, opening his legs slowly to entice him further.

"Fuck Haru, you're just begging for it tonight."

"I mean, if you can't handle it…" Haru said as he started slowly closing his legs, his eyes glinting mischievously.

Rin pounced with a growl and shoved his legs apart roughly before he slid two slick fingers into Haru with only slight resistance. He immediately began pushing his fingers deeper with a steady pace, alternating between scissoring them and brushing them against Haru's prostate, causing his toes to curl as he moaned loudly when Rin hit his spot dead on. By the time Rin inserted a third finger into Haru, he was trembling and panting. Rin smirked as he took in Haru's flushed skin, heaving chest, and the glistening trail of precum leaking from him.

"Well aren't you a mess." he teased as he leaned forward to lick at the swollen erection that was practically screaming for his attention. When goose bumps covered Haru's skin Rin raised his eyebrow, "Oh, does that feel good?"

"Rin please…" Haru whimpered.

"Please what? Tell me what you want."

"I want you to fuck me until I can't feel my legs anymore." he whispered staring into Rin's eyes.

That was all that Rin needed to spur him into action. He removed his fingers from the quivering male before him and positioned himself to ease into his boyfriend as he leaned forward to capture his lips in a heated kiss. The initial feeling of being stretched and filled by his boyfriend as he seated himself all the way in Haru was one of Haru's favorite parts of sex. Rin turned to whisper in his ear as he began pulling out of him.

"I'm going to fuck you until you can't even remember your own name…but you'll never forget mine." The moment he finished speaking he snapped his hips forward and buried himself in Haru with a possessive growl before moving to slam into him again.

Haru arched into him, wrapping his legs around him with a shout and bit his hand to dampen the sound. Rin tsk'd and tugged his hand away to pin next to his head.

"Don't do that. I want to hear every. sound. that. passes. between. those. lips." he grunted, enunciating each word with a deep thrust angled for Haru's sweet spot.

Haru was screaming and clawing at Rin's back nearly drawing blood. He couldn't have remained quiet if he tried. He felt like he was going to short circuit with Rin abusing his prostate the way that he was.

Every time that he pulled out, Haru's body clenched and drew him back in. Rin was quickly losing control as he felt the fire spreading once again. He grasped Haru's cock to drag him into the fire with him.

Haru let out a keening cry and Rin leaned back to kneel before him, lifting Haru's hips to thrust into him harder, causing white spots to appear in Haru's vision before he screamed Rin's name and came hard in between them, melting into the bed. Rin marveled at the way that Haru's body pulsed around him throughout his orgasm and continued afterwards with Rin's last few thrusts.

Rin pressed flush against Haru and placed his forehead against Haru's as he followed him into bliss with a hoarse shout and they rode out the aftershocks together, planting loving kisses anywhere that they could reach. This was Haru's other favorite part of sex.

"I love you so fucking much Haru. You are everything to me."

Haru gave him a tired smile as he reached up to cup his cheeks, caressing his skin with his thumbs, and pulling him down into another lazy kiss. "I love you too."

Rin gently slid out of his sleepy boyfriend and disappeared into the bathroom to clean himself off, returning shortly after with a warm, wet cloth and wiped Haru clean before tossing the rag aside and sliding into bed behind him, wrapping his arms around him and kissing the nape of his neck.

"Mmm, night RinRin." Haru mumbled exhaustedly with a small smile as he interlaced his fingers with Rin's and drifted off to sleep.

"Night love." Rin whispered not even caring that Haru had used that dumb nickname. He sighed happily and snuggled closer to the raven-haired male that had become his world as he let sleep take him to equally as pleasant dreams.

Work Friday night passed much like the night before. Electrically charged silences filled the club as Rin took the stage first this time, Haru followed after him leaving everyone in quiet wonder, and Nagisa did another playful number that had everyone turned on and smiling. Again, before his break Makoto went backstage to take drink orders from the dancers. His reception from Rin was a little warmer which Makoto was grateful for, and this time Nitori answered the door when he knocked because he had made sure to time everything so that he didn't miss seeing any dances.

Nitori opened the door wearing flesh colored legskins, his sky-blue eyes were framed by black eye liner, a delicate beauty mark near his right eye, and a matching black septum ring. He glanced up at him with a look of disinterest and crossed his arms, leaning against the door frame. "If it isn't the new bartender with his apparently daily round of ass kissing. You here for my drink order?"

"Yeah, I figured since none of you seem to go out there that I could come and see if you would like something. It's the considerate thing to do but you don't seem that interested so I'll just move on to the next-"

Nitori sighed when Makoto frowned and started towards Seijuro's door. "Wait. Matthew or whatever your name is. I'll have what you brought yesterday…it's my favorite…"

"Actually it's Makoto." Makoto replied patiently as he turned to meet Nitori's somewhat annoyed stare.

"Okay, Makoto." he said with an exaggerated roll of his eyes before turning and closing the door.

Nagisa was watching from his doorway with a shake of his head. "Like I said, an acquired taste."

"No kidding."

Makoto had delivered the drinks and was back working the bar when Nitori was announced as the next dancer performing. His ears perked up because even though he had just been pretty off-putting towards Makoto, he was still curious as to what his performance would be like.

Nitori walked on stage with two chains wrapped up his arm like a snake and a cigarette in his mouth. Taking a deep drag from the cigarette he unfurled the chains and let them dangle at his side before lifting them toward his face to let the cherry light the steel wool at the end of the two chains, which turned out to be fire pois, before tossing his cigarette aside. The moment that the pois were lit the room went black and 'Fireball (Eli Smith Remix)' by Dev came on. Now Makoto understood why he could smell smoke last night when Nitori was finished.

All Makoto could see were two little fireballs swirling around smooth and rhythmically almost like a heartbeat. Glimpses of Nitori's petite form could be caught when the flames ventured close to his skin. If Makoto hadn't seen him before the show he would have thought that Nitori was naked; now he knew that his costume was just flesh-colored. Still, it certainly kept the audience's attention. Nitori sprung into action with an aerial cartwheel and pulsed the pois aggressively to match the heavy dupsteb beat that began playing. It was really quite impressive to watch because he never lost pace and Makoto couldn't seem to take his eyes off the flames as they whirled around Nitori while he spun and danced around the stage. The way they moved was almost hypnotizing.

When Makoto heard the words "keep the money coming" repeating Nitori sauntered up to the edge of the stage and slipped both, still spinning, pois into one hand as smirked and flirted with the audience as he danced, with a 'give it to me' gesture towards the crowd. They cheered and bills were being tossed onto all corners of the stage. Nitori laughed and danced back upstage to rejoin the pounding rhythm that had started back up. When a smoother beat returned he went back to moving the pois in graceful patterns. All throughout the dance, Nitori always looked as if he were grinding up on some invisible dance partner. Acquired taste or not, Makoto still had to acknowledge that the guy had moves.

Near the end of the song in another dubstep break Nitori surprised everyone with a backflip, pois never faltering in their movements, before he burst into speedy, rhythmic turns and flares. He leaned forward, spinning the pois in a wheel in front of himself with the flames grazing his chest and abdomen, causing the crowd to cheer. When the song ends he just drops the pois into a bucket of water that Makoto hadn't noticed before, and the moment that those flames hit the water the room went dark again and all that could be seen were wisps of smoke swirling around where Nitori had been standing. Makoto clapped right along with everyone else and he was beginning to see why this club was called Elements.

Not long after Nitori had left the stage, Makoto noticed a pole slowly rising from the floor of the wide catwalk area of the stage. He hadn't realized that this club had pole dancing on top of all of the other unique acts he had seen so far. A fog machine began releasing a thin layer of mist across the stage floor and the women in the crowd went wild as Seijuro ambled onstage in a loincloth with a bright red rope tied just above his biceps, accentuating the muscles.

When the slow, sensual bass beat of 'Snakes' by Concrete Blonde filled the room he stared at the women with a predatory gleam in his eyes and raised his right arm above his head, left hand clasping his elbow as he bent his legs, swaying his hips before dropping to his knees and rolling his body. As he crawled towards the pole, he tucked his shoulder, flipped smoothly onto his back, and dragged his nails across his chest and stomach, leaving rows of thin red lines behind that the women couldn't resist leaning forwards in their chairs to get a better look at. He crawled the last few feet to the pole and leaned back on his knees into a deep arch, showing off his taut muscles.

He reached back to grab the pole and raised himself to his feet, grinding against the pole as he went, before weaving his body around the pole like a snake, gaining momentum to invert himself into some sort of primal kneel, still spinning. He hooked his top leg around the pole, extending the other to brace the ball of his foot against the metal as he hung there for a moment. His arms flexed as he raised himself up to grab the pole and sneakily climb his body higher in the midst of a few graceful turns. He turned himself so that he was hanging and the pole was behind him, in between his legs as he arched his back away from the pole, still flexing all the while.

Makoto had never seen a man dance on a pole before and he hadn't imagined that it would have looked as graceful and sexy as Seijuro was making it look right now. The women were whistling and cat-calling him in nearly vulgar ways and he was eating the attention up. He released the pole with his legs and lifted them over his head to form a wide V, closing them just before they reached the pole above him and rotated his body just enough to be undulating and thrusting his hips right next to the pole using only his upper body strength. He repositioned the pole between his legs and spun around a few times, sitting up in the last rotation to climb up the pole. He pressed his back to the pole, holding himself up with only one arm, sliding around the pole again and caressing it like a lover with a sexy smirk on his face as he stared out at the women.

Before Makoto knew what was happening, Seijuro jackknifed his body around to fold himself around the pole, roll himself in a 360 over the pole, and catch himself in an inverted position by hooking the back of his knee around the pole. Of course, the women lost it at that point, screaming and cheering as he rolled his torso onto the ground, moving towards the audience the way that a jaguar would on a hunt, the lights dimmed the closer he came to the edge of the stage. Makoto smiled wide and cheered with the audience, joining them in their applause. He didn't know how Seijuro moved his long, well-muscled body around the way that he did, but once again he saw why this club and its dancers were so popular. He had now seen everyone perform and had been thoroughly impressed every time.

Makoto arrived at Nagisa's house to pick him up in a black tank top with black and green board shorts but Nagisa was still deciding what he was going to wear and forced Makoto to sit on his bed and watch him try on skimpy swimsuit after skimpy swimsuit. When he finally decided on a white bikini bottom, Nagisa threw on a white linen shirt, super short jean cutoffs, and a floppy hat. He dragged Makoto to the car, hurrying him along as if he were the one that just spent thirty minutes picking out a suit and not the other way around.

Everyone else was already at the beach by the time they got there. Nagisa tore off down the beach towards where Haru was swimming with Rin, a trail of clothes littered behind him, Seijuro had a girl that looks kind of like Rin hanging off of his arm while they joked around with another brunette with her hair in a bun, and Nitori was smoking a cigarette and flirting with some guy that Makoto had never seen before. Makoto spread a towel out and sat down, digging his toes into the sand with a murmur of appreciation at the warmth that soaked through his skin as he watched everyone with a relaxed smile.

Nagisa was laying to Makoto's left as he caught some sun, Seijuro was showing off his volleyball skills to the girls, and Rin was sitting in the chair next to Makoto with his eyes closed soaking up the sun. He smiled when his wet boyfriend climbed into his lap and sprinkled his face with kisses.

"Aww Haru you're all wet." he half complained even though he didn't care because it was Haru.

"I want a kiss." Haru replied snuggling into Rin's warmth as Rin wrapped his arms around him and chuckled and kissed his forehead. Haru grunted with a pout, "Not good enough."

"Then come here so I can give you a proper one." he mumbled as he lifted Haru's chin and kissed him passionately enough that it caused Makoto, who had been watching the cute exchange with a small smile, to avert his eyes and blush.

It was fortunate that he did because if he hadn't, he wouldn't have noticed the volleyball flying straight towards Haru and Rin as Seijuro cursed and stared, grimacing with guilt. Before he realized what he was doing Makoto's hand shot out and blocked the ball from hitting the couple. Startled they looked from the ball at their feet to Makoto who looked just as surprised by what happened as they were.

"Man I'm so sorry! I was trying to show Gou this cool trick I saw on TV once and obviously fucked it up…don't kill me Rin." Seijuro said as he jogged over somewhat and bent cautiously to grab the ball that was dangerously close to Rin's feet which could easily kick him in the head if they so desired. Rin let him pick up the ball without inflicting any bodily harm on him but his leg twitched showing how badly he wanted to. Seijuro turned to Makoto, "Those are some quick reflexes you got there, why don't you come play with us? We need a fourth."

"Oh I don't…" Makoto began hands raised in defense.

"Come on Mako you have to! I wanna see you play plus you're Sei's height so it would only be fair for ChiChi!" Nagisa cried out pointing at the brunette standing by the burgundy haired girl whom Makoto now assumed was Gou. Makoto sighed in defeat because he wanted to help the girl.

"Alright I guess I could play but it's been a while." Makoto stood and walked over to the net as Nagisa cheered. "Can we warm up a bit first?"

"Yeah no problem man we can just slap it around a bit. Girls this is Makoto, our new bartender. Makoto this is Gou and that's Chigusa, your teammate." Seijuro said with a grin gesturing between the girls.

"Nice to meet you ladies." Makoto said politely as his large hand swallowed the girls' hands one at a time.

After passing the ball around for a bit Makoto began to feel warm so he took his shirt off and being the responsible man that he is, he stretched a bit, completely unaware of the seven sets of eyes that were suddenly on him taking in his broad, tanned chest and back as his muscles flexed and were emphasized when he pulled his arms across his body to stretch his shoulders. Even Nitori had decided to come enjoy the show and perched on the nearest chair, eyebrows raised and wearing a smirk. Rin and Haru looked at each other and the smallest of smiles passed between them before they turned back to Makoto with matching hungry stares.

"Alright! Let's do this!" Seijuro said with extra enthusiasm feeling a little jealous of all the stares that Makoto was receiving without even trying. "Play to twenty-five."

It may have been a while since Makoto had played but his game had hardly suffered. Since Seijuro and Makoto were so tall, the girls hardly needed to do anything. In fact, both girls were more than happy to let the men do all the work. Makoto kept offering to let Chigusa get the ball but she seemed more interested in letting him handle it and would step back to force him to get it as she smiled and watched him drop to his knees in front of her to dig the ball back over the net. Eventually the game became one-on-one because Makoto stopped offering to let her get it and Seijuro gladly demonstrated his skills to his girlfriend.

The guys on the sidelines were fascinated as they watched the two compete. They especially enjoyed seeing Makoto's competitive side come out as he was usually so composed and gentle. Now his skin glistened with sweat, the veins in his arms were more pronounced, his gorgeous chest heaved slightly, and his calves flexed as he leapt into the air to spike the ball into the sand on Seijuro's side before landing with a challenging smile. They were catching a small glimpse of a burning, wilder side of Makoto and it was sexy.

It was now twenty-four to twenty-four. No one ever came this close to beating Seijuro before and he had become intense and focused because he was not willing to lose. Makoto got in a defensive position as Seijuro served the ball for the winning point. Makoto flew into the air and spiked the ball down only to have Seijuro catch it with a dig and they continued back in forth, neither making a mistake, and just as Makoto jumped up for another well placed spike, Seijuro appeared to block him but instead of hitting the ball back over the net like Makoto expected he set the ball into the air and spiked it to the opposite side of the court from where Makoto was and scored the last point. Nitori scoffed and went back to the guy he was flirting with earlier and dragged him off somewhere. Seijuro whooped and picked up Gou, spinning her in the air as she shrieked and giggled telling him congratulations. Makoto walked over to Seijuro and clapped him on the shoulder.

"Great game, I forgot how much fun volleyball was." he said with an exhilarated smile.

"Thanks man, you had me worried there for a second."

Nagisa ran over and jumped on a startled Makoto. "You were amazing! No one ever gets that close to beating him! You'll get him next time I know it!" Makoto laughed and politely removed Nagisa.

"Thanks. I'll be right back I'm gonna go cool off." he jogged towards the water and waded waist deep before he dove under, surfacing a few feet away and shaking his hair out of his eyes.

"Fuck he's hot…" Rin whispered as he nipped at Haru's nape.

"I want him." Haru mumbled with a sigh and leaned back into Rin's chest and ran his fingers through Rin's hair.

Rin was grilling up some mackerel and pineapple kabobs when Makoto wandered over.

"Need a hand with those?"

Rin glanced over at him and shrugged. "Sure. There's teriyaki chicken and steak, pineapple, and bell peppers."

Makoto assembled the kabobs and placed them at Rin's side before he opened the cooler he had brought and began mixing drinks as everyone made their way over to the men.

"Hey Mako, what's this?" Nagisa asked as he picked up one of the blue drinks and sniffed it.

"It's a new drink I thought up and I figured I'd test it out on you guys. I call it the 'Freefall'. You don't taste the alcohol and before you know it, you're drunk." he smiled as he watched as Nagisa took a sip and his face lit up.

"It's so good! What's in it?" After seeing Nagisa get so excited, the other boys stepped forward to try the drink as well.

"Yeah? UV Blue, coconut rum, Blue Curaçao, pineapple juice, and Sprite. I was going to see if Goro would want to serve it in the club."

"You should do it. It's good." Haru spoke up sipping the drink and Rin shot him a look silently asking him to be careful since he's a lightweight.

"Thanks I will." Makoto replied as he drank his own drink.

Everyone was more than a little tipsy by the time they had finished eating. Seijuro built a bonfire and sat back in the shadows making out with Gou, Nagisa hooked his Ipod up to speakers and was giggling and dancing around the fire as 'We Run the Night' by Havana Brown sounded through the speakers, and Rin was dancing up behind Haru, hands on his hips with Haru's hands around his neck. Makoto was cleaning up a bit of the mess, humming along with the music and bopping his head to the beat, sneaking occasional glances at Rin and Haru grinding on each other when Nagisa danced over and wrapped his small hands around Makoto's arm.

"Mako stop acting like such a dad, have a little fun with usss. Come dance Mako." he lilted drunkenly with a sweet smile as he tried to pull Makoto to the fire. When Makoto didn't quite move fast enough Nagisa released him momentarily to pull the garbage bag from his hands, scrunching his nose in distaste, and dumped it brusquely to the ground before he attempted to pull Makoto to the fire again. "Pretty please…wait you do dance right?"

"Yes I dance. I suppose a little fun wouldn't hurt." Makoto laughed and allowed Nagisa to grab both of his hands and pull him to the fire. He smiled and let the music take him.

"Woo! Go Mako! We run, yes we run the night. " Nagisa sang along and everyone put their hands in the air to cheer and clap with the beat when the chorus hit.

They all let loose and danced with smiles on their faces late into the night without a care in the world. Makoto could understand why the dancers did something like this regularly; it was liberating and incredibly fun.

Makoto's drink had done its job and everybody was stretched out on blankets strewn around the bonfire's embers sleeping peacefully. Makoto hadn't had as much to drink in favor of keeping an eye out on the others so he had woken up at the first sign of light. He wrapped a blanket around himself and moved to watch the sun's pastel rays as they stretched across the ocean towards him with a happy sigh.

Not long after he had moved he heard soft footsteps padding in his direction. He turned to see an adorably sleepy Rin sit next to him in his own blanket.

"Morning," Makoto whispered with a warm smile before he turned back to the sunrise.

"Morning, been up long?" Rin responded as he hugged his legs to his chest and rested his chin on his knees and took in the serene look on Makoto's face as he watched the sun inch over the horizon. Rin's breath caught when the light hit Makoto's features in such a way that he began to glow softly. He was beautiful.

"Nah I was lucky enough to wake with the sun. I don't get to see this often enough. Isn't it stunning?"

"Yeah it is." Rin pretended he was talking about the sun but his gaze had never left Makoto's face.

They sat in a comfortable silence as the sun climbed higher in the sky. Once the pastels faded to sunshine Makoto got up and dusted himself off before he turned and offered his hand to Rin.


"No problem. Thanks for the company. I'm gonna see if I can't whip up some breakfast for everyone."

"Looks like it's my turn to offer a hand," Rin said quietly as he fell in step with Makoto.

Rin and Makoto threw together a nice little breakfast of eggs with toast, fresh fruit, and a special hangover "mimosa" drink from Makoto. The other guys were only slightly hung-over; Haru being the worst since he was such a lightweight. He was grumbling and pouty which would have been cuter if he wasn't also slightly green around the edges. Makoto made sure to get him the "mimosa" first promising that it would make him feel better in no time. Rin was grateful that Makoto took the care to help his boyfriend first.

"Ugh Mako…Freefall is the perfect name for that drink." Nagisa mumbled, far more subdued than usual as he eyed the mystery drink Makoto had just handed him suspiciously.

"No alcohol in this one, just ginger ale for the nausea, orange juice to replace sugars and vitamin C, and sprite which is a hangover miracle."

Everybody munched on their breakfast, looking a little less miserable, for the most part, with every minute that passed by.

"Thanks guys this breakfast hit the spot, right babe?" Seijuro turned to Gou, who was also looking a little green, and rubbed her back gently as she nodded. "And Makoto feel free to come to these things every time man, you're good people." Mumbles of agreement could be heard around the table. Makoto smiled and scratched the back of his head.

"Thanks and thanks for letting me tag a long, I had a lot of fun." he replied.

Everyone said their goodbyes and headed home. Rin was driving as Haru leaned his head against the window enjoying the feel of the cool glass.

"Yeah, I like him. Guy doesn't have a bad bone in his body, even breakfast was his idea. I am officially on board for the "initiation", something tells me it'll go well."

"Me too. Even the water likes him."

"That's good." Rin smiled and shook his head at how cute Haru was as he reached over to hold his hand, smoothing his thumb over the soft skin.

Makoto was about to have one hell of a week.

A/N: Hey guys thanks for reading, I hope you liked it! Sorry if the chapter is a bit long but I wanted to set a really good foundation for the story. This is the first time I have ever written fanfiction (especially smut!) and am still feeling my way around so hopefully any bumps will be smoothed out down the road. Also, I know that there were quite a few dance numbers but there will be fewer throughout the story. I just wanted to make sure I introduced all of the dancers, their elements, and their styles in a proper way to give y'all the clearest sense of who they are in my story.