Chappie 8! Yay! The 7th chapter is finally done! I wanna take the time to apologize for the long time, as I've been super busy with School. Let's start things off!

Disclaimer: Totally Spies! is not mine. Respectfully, it belongs to Marathon/Zodiak.


Jerry stood there speechless. What just happened? Tim Scam confessing to infidelity? Something was not right, at all. "You...cheated? She drugged you, didn't she? Did you take her to her favorite restaurant where you had your first date? Tim, I know how jealous Sam can get, but you're usually able to handle it, right? Tim, how could you do this? Is this because of...Dean?" he asked curiously.

"No, it's not because of him. It's because of...her. I couldn't help myself when I was around her. Now, I know we're supposed to be enemies, but it's like I was falling in love all over know?" he asked. Sounding more disappointed & annoyed, Jerry scolded, "No, I don't know, Tim. You're married to the love of your life, Samantha Simpson, & you have the audacity to sleep with that woman after what she tried to do to your family?! I'm very surprised at you." Sighing, Tim replied, "Jerry, you don't understand. I was wrong about Miranda. Everything she said about me was true. I gave up starting a family with her to be with Sam. That's something I truly regret doing. Now I see why she's hell bent on eliminating Sam."

"Oh, for God's sakes, you don't think I'm gonna sit here & listen to this bull, do you? Tim, Miranda's out of your life. Sam's a part of it now. Are you seriously thinking about leaving her for...THAT?" Jerry asked, pointing at a picture of Miranda. "Listen to this man. He actually thinks I cheated on Sam. Speaking of Sam, I wonder how she & my hologram are doing...Clover & Alex are probably on their way back here to 'set me straight'. Clover would totally flip if she found out about my alleged affair. Better keep up this charade before Miranda finds out that I wasn't really into her...but then again, who cares?" Tim thought, smirking.

Spies' Villa; Sam's Room

Sam looked at Miranda with nothing but pure disgust in her eyes. "I'm sick & tired of you. All of these pathetic ass attempts to try & steal my husband & get me & my team to forget about catching your ass & Terrance are over. Get it?" she scolded. Miranda laughed, saying, "Oh, Sam. It's so funny to see just how naive you really are. What are you gonna do if I don't stop seeing Tim?" Tempted to pull the trigger on the pistol, Sam shot, "Don't test me, slut."

"I see you still love calling me siliconed-filled sluts, huh? Is that the only insult you can come up with, Sam? Because from all I know, that's all what you've been calling me ever since we met. Just so you know, I'm 100 percent REAL. Nothing you see before you is fake. I'm not filled with silicone. The only thing I'm filled with is the desire to have this man...inside of me...all the time for the rest of my life." Miranda teased. Soon, Jerry, the real Tim, Clover, & Alex were just outside of the house, when Sam became alarmed by the increasing footsteps of her boss. "Sam! Sam! Don't kill him! He didn't mean to hurt you, it wasn't intentional. Tim loves you with all of his heart." he yelled as he burst into the room. "What? Scam, Why are there 2 of you?!" he asked."Jerry, I'd like you to meet 'Scammy'". he said, pointing to his hologram. "Scammy, Meet Miranda." he said, smirking.

Speechless, Miranda looked like she'd just lost all of her money at a casino. Looking at the hologram, she said, "Y-You're not the real Tim? But we made love to each other & it felt so...real. How the hell is this possible? This was one of your plans again, wasn't it? You just had to find a way to keep me away from my baby, right? Yeah, that's it. You just couldn't bear the thought of me being with my one true love, right? So, to get me out of the picture, you figured, 'Yeah, I'd find another way to keep that delusional tramp out of our lives. Tim, let's create a clone & make your ex think that you're finally available.'

She continued, "Well, You know what? It worked. I can't compete with the likes of a Red-headed Superspy. You've got a good woman here, Tim. I'm tired of playing this game with you. I don't want you, I never wanted you. I tried to tell Sam that this was all a part of a plan created by her boss's wannabe brother. Tim did tell you he had feelings for me, when we were married, right?" "Yes, he told me he had an attraction to you when you were married to him,...but I didn't believe him at first because being the jealous wife I am, I immediately assumed he was trying to reconnect with you. He said you had no interest in him at all. I saw the way you were smiling when you saw us together. I thought it was just a fake attempt to pretend that you were actually happy for us...when you really were excited that he'd found someone who meant the world to him." Sam said, feeling crappy.

Soon, a tall, muscular man with Blue Jeans & a Chicago Cubs t-shirt walked into the room, unaware of what's going on. "Miranda, What are you doing here? What are all of these people doing here? Is there something you wanna tell me?" he asked. Miranda abruptly turned around, only to see her husband, Leo standing before her in the flesh. "Woah, hottie alert. Wait a minute, Clover, you're engaged. I-Is that the deceased hubby? Miranda told us she killed him. Well, I guess she wanted us to believe he'd died, so she could keep up with this charade Terry has her pulling. My wedding's in one month, & I'll be damned if he has her try & pull something over. I know Sam told me not to worry, but she of all people knows how that sick, twisted man operates." Clover thought, a smirk forming across her lips.

"I smell plan." Alex said, sounding perky & concerned. "Uh, Sam, Can I see you outside for a second? You, too, Al." She asked as she, Sam, Jerry & Alex all headed downstairs to the front yard. "Clover, What's up?" Sam asked. "That man in there." Clover said. "Yeah, What about him? Are you reverting back to your old ways, Clover? Ugh, I should've known you'd do this...again. Arnold's not gonna be to happy about this, honey. Look, I can't get mad at you for feeling a bit lonely, but you promised me as your friend, that you-" "Sam, I was not feelin' him, alright? That man is Leo James, Miranda's 'Deceased' husband. You remember the pictures Jerr showed us a couple months ago? With the Insta-Snap Cam? He was wearing his Security Guard uniform. Sam remembered something. She thought back to the recent argument she & Miranda had a while back.

"You were cheating on him with Scam! You told us he died of an illness to cover up the fact that you actually killed him, just so you can continue on with this plan to keep hiding the fact that you're a WOOHP agent. If he found out, he'd divorce you." "Oh, my God! She was right. Tim didn't sleep with her. All this time she was chasin' after him, trying to keep her cover, because they've worked together in the past. No wonder they hate each other. She didn't want anything to do with him, but put up with him because of Terry, not you. Terrance was an evil schemer then, wasn't he? Even before we found out the 2 of you know...related?" Sam asked, turning to Jerry.

"Sam, Terry put me up to this. I know Tim didn't want to get married, but being the controlling bastard he is, he flagged Rugby tickets in my face & I fell for it. For an entire decade, I pretended to be happy with the whole idea of Miranda/Tim wedding thing. Believe me when I say this: Tim loves you, honey. I know this recent plan you conjured up was just another way to make her stay out of your lives & stay away from Tim. The truth is, she was actually trying to find a way to end this so-called 'Obsession' with a man she's loathed practically her entire career as a spy. Once Terrance found out she had returned to town, know the rest." he explained, tears falling down his cheek.

"Jerr, honey. I'm so sorry. Here I was, blaming you for the reason our marriage was at the end of the rope. I-I didn't mean to place all the blame on you. I just automatically assumed you were hiring her just so she can sleep with him, when she didn't even want anything to do with him in the first place. Dammit! I was gettin' all jealous of a woman that was married to my husband for his enemy's own selfish greedy purposes. I can't believe how stupid I acted." she said, crying.

Meanwhile, back in Sam's Room

Miranda was absolutely floored. Here she was, standing before her husband, as she tried her best to try & explain this situation to him. "Leo, I can explain." "Alright, explain to me why you're here with all of these people. Are you associated with them? It's Tim Scam, isn't it? The man you cheated on me with? Are you two back together? Because if you are, let me tell you something, Miranda. I went through this same ordeal with my 1st wife, who left me for my best friend of 30 years. I'm not-no, I won't go through that again." he said, looking heartbroken.

Sighing, he asked, "Why did you do this? It was because of my job, wasn't it? Of course it was. I stayed out all night, trying to make a lot of money just so we could make ends meet. It's no wonder you'd seek for attention from someone else." "Leo, I-" "I know, you were pissed at me for getting this job. You told me that it'd take away from us spending time together. I'm sorry, baby." he said, apologetically.

"I need to tell you something, Leo. During the first 11 years of our marriage, I was going on secret missions as an undercover agent. I began working for a woman named Geraldine, who's the founder of a company named SPI. I realized this would help me make a lot of money for us to split evenly, but I was fired once I learned what her motive was. Then in 1990, I was hired by Jerry at WOOHP." she explained. "WOOHP. I've heard of this. The World Organization Of Human Protection, right? Is this where she met you?" Leo asked, looking at Tim.

"Yeah, but we didn't have an affair. You see, my boss Jerry has this revenge-obsessed twin brother, whose only motive is to finally get even with him after years of losing to him. Terrance is jealous of Jerry because he's always been better than him at everything. This whole rivalry started over a test they took back in Elementary school. Pathetic, isn't it?" he said, laughing. He then continued, "That's where this whole marriage came in. Terrance tricked Jerry into suggesting that me & your wife get married. It wasn't finalized, so we just had to pretend to be Husband & Wife, for Terrance's sick pleasure. Jerry had to pretend that he was happy for us, so he could get access to everything WOOHP-related." he finished.

"Why didn't you tell him you wanted out of this plan? Instead of just going along with it? " Leo asked. "Because he would've threatened her life & yours, & she didn't want to risk losing you." Sam explained, walking into the room. "Who are you?" he asked. "I'm his wife, Samantha Simpson-Scam. I've dated him for 6 years & am now married to him. We met back in '01, when he was still with her, which I had no idea about, until now." she explained. "So, You mean to tell me that your boss' brother is the reason I was on the verge of filing for a divorce?! Based on a fake marriage?! Just so he could get revenge on him over a damn test he ratted him out for in GRADE SCHOOL?!" he asked, in full-blown rage.

Rushing over to him, Jerry put a hand over his shoulder. "Now, I know this is a lot of information for you to take in, but you have to understand, Terry never gives up. EVER. He's still jealous of me after all these years, & he'll do just about anything to win against me, even if it's hurting those we love." "Where's this sick son of a bitch?! I wanna get my hands on him when I see him. He's not getting away with this. And I'll make sure of it." Leo said.

January 1st, 2009; The Wedding

Clover sat in the vanity room, admiring herself in the mirror. She felt tears roll down her face as she looked at her reflection."You're getting married. Finally, after all of these years looking in the wrong direction, dating the wrong guy, you've finally made your way back to Mr. Right, the man you should've been with your entire High School life. You'll be spending the rest of your life with the man of your dreams, Arnold Jackson." she happily thought to herself. She suddenly became startled by a loud knock on the door. "Come in." she said. "Hey, sweetie. How are you doin'? You nervous?" a man asked. Clover slowly turned around to see her father, Tristain standing before her. "Dad? W-What're you doing here? I thought you had another mission in China?" she asked, completely taken aback.

"I did, but I didn't wanna miss my baby's special day. Plus, your mother had called me a week before Thankgiving to inform me about it. You know, after everything that's happened, I thought she'd be dodging a bullet & would do anything she could to avoid talking to me." he said, looking at her in shame. "Why? Why did you cheat on her? Was she not good enough for you? What made you wanna leave her? She gave you 20 damn years of her love & you had the nerve to sleep with Mandy's mom. Of all the women in the world, you'd think you'd sleep with a woman who's less...repulsive." Clover snapped.

Taken aback, Tristain replied, "Baby, I know what I did was wrong, but I was getting bored. You know how your mom is. She's all...high strung. She wants you to do everything her way or it's no way at all." "I'm sorry, but is that gonna be your explanation, because from where I'm standing, that sounds like alot of bull coming from you. You expect me to believe that my mom's uptightness was the reason for you screwing my enemy-turned-friend's mother?!" she screamed.

Soon, Clover became startled by a loud knock on the door. "Clover, Is everything alright in there? Everyone's waiting for you, sweetheart." Jerry said, his tone of voice almost sounding a little concerned. "Jerr, I'm fine. I've just finished getting ready." she replied in tears. Jerry then opened the door & let himself in. "Honey, Why are you crying? I know, it's Pre-Wedding nerves, right?" he asked, embracing her in a hug. He then looked up to see the man whom he knew as Clover's father. "What the hell are you doing here, Tristain? Didn't Stella tell you that you weren't invited to this wedding?" he asked.

"No, I don't recall my ex-wife telling me that I wasn't invited. However, I do see that my daughter's become very dependent on her WOOHP boss over the years since my absence from the family. What is it, Jerry, huh? Did you happen to just swoop in Clover's life & take over my role as a father figure to her?" he asked, sounding annoyed, along with a hint of jealousy.

Laughing, Jerry replied, "Wow. For a moment there, it almost sounded as though you were...jealous. You lost your right to fatherhood when you decided to join the Army & leave your wife & daughter home alone. Stella had to play the roles of Mom & Dad throughout Clover's entire life. And where were you? In Iraq fighting to end a war against Korea. Not once did you fly home to see her 1st outfit she wore when she entered the 3rd Grade, when she was in the play, I'm Gonna Be a Star (Dreams Were Meant to Come True) in the 7th Grade, or when she was involved in her very first relationship in the 9th Grade, to a man she's been in love with & is marrying in about 30 minutes. Now you tell me if that's me swooping into your daughter's life, Dad."

Speechless, Tristain then asked, "Is there anything else you know about my daughter, Jerry? Like her favorite movies, food, fashion designers, turn-ons/offs? "

"Yeah. Her favorite movies are 10 Things I Love About You, but Wanna change & The Girl Who Loved a Bad Guy. She loves Sushi, Mac & Cheese, & her favorite dessert is Red Velvet Cake. Yves Mont Blanc is her favorite shoe designer of all-time. She's a very caring woman, especially when it comes to her friends. Alex has said she's made her laugh on many occasions. She doesn't take any bull from those who've hurt her repeatedly. Sam says that she can also become vulnerable at times, when it comes to men, but that was then. Now, she's changed. Clover's no longer a little girl in need of protection, but you can always count on her to protect you." he replied.

"And?" the man asked curiously. "And that's all I'm gonna inform you on, Tristain. Now, if you excuse me, I have to get Clover ready for-" "What the hell are you doing here, you sadistic son-of-a-bitch! You are not gonna ruin this day for her, alright?!" Alex threatened Terrance from outside. Anxious to see what the commotion was all about, Jerry, along with Clover walked outside.

"All I want is-" "To keep on using Miranda for your own selfish purposes, right? To get all access to WOOHP, so you can gloat at Jerr for finally winning against him? Terrance, We told you before, LET. IT. GO. WOOHP will never be managed by you. You're a loser, always will be. So, if you were thinking about oh, I don't know, crashing my best friend's wedding, you better think twice on that plan,'cause it ain't gonna work." Alex snapped.

"All I want is to come & congratulate Clover on her big day. Since Miranda pretty much told you all everything, I guess I'll just go on back to my lair & think about what I've done." Terrance said, looking as if he was ashamed.

Meanwhile, back in the Vanity Room

Tristain walked over to his daughter, who was smirking at him, thinking about the way Jerry literally served him on a platter. "Clover, I'm suprised at you. How dare you even think that man can replace me as your father? He wasn't there your whole life, I was." he snapped.

"Uh, hello! Delusional, much? All that stuff Jerr listed was true. Am I wrong? When Mom called me to tell me about the divorce, he was the 1st person I went to. When Caitlin told me about Blaine & Mandy's year-long affair, you wanna know who I ran to? Jerry. So, don't you sit here trying to make me look like the bad guy because of your mistakes, okay?" Clover said.

"What was I supposed to do, Clover? I was trying to cope with the way Stella managed things. But I couldn't take living there anymore. That's why I took that offer to join the Army when you were 12. You think I wanted to leave you & your Mom? Is that why you resented me your whole life? Because I left? Baby, I'm sorry." he said apologetically.

"You know, most people I know who've been in the Army do whatever they can to make it back to their families. They don't send them Birthday Cards or Christmas presents via mail. They bring their presents to them in person. I guess that's why you can say we've had such an unstable relationship. You never even acknowledged the fact that I was working for WOOHP. I'm doing a good thing for the world, dammit! The least you could do is have a little bit of happiness for me!" she screamed.

WOOHP Wedding Chapel

Everyone was sitting in their assigned seats, chatting about the bride & groom, as well as engaging in conversation. "This is it, Sammy. Clover's finally gettin' hitched. This time it's for real & not some dream she had. You know, I talked to Arnold last night & you should've seen how thrilled he was to be getting married. He told me his mother wasn't coming because she somehow dispises her because of the way she presents herself...whatever that means." Alex said.

"Well, I'm sure whatever it is, it can't be too bad. Clover makes him happy & he's not gonna leave her because of his mother's opinion of her." Sam assured her. "I know. Clover's been super insecure with this, but Tim told her not to worry too much over it. Eventually, she'll come around & realize that having her as a daughter-in-law isn't so bad after all." Alex replied. "Where is she? She's supposed to be out here by now. I'll go check on her. Keep my seat, I'll be right back." Sam replied as she got up from her seat & headed towards the back.

When she exited the room, she was startled by what sounded like Clover & Tristain arguing...still. As she walked closer to the door, she heard Clover crying & giving her dad a piece of her mind. "You know, I thought you'd try to make it an effort to be happy that I'm doing the world a favor by keeping it away from sadistic villains, but you can't seem to let go of this damn jealousy & grudge you're holding against Jerry. You can't-you shouldn't even be mad at the fact that he stepped into my life. I've loved working for him since I started this job. Okay, I admit, he can get on my nerves at times (& Sam's), but he does it out of love." she said.

"I'm your father, not him. You know I didn't mean to leave you. I was only doing what's best for the family." Tristain explained. "Well, you left us, & didn't look back. As much as I appreciate you being here, you have to leave. Please. I can't accept you back in my life until you take responsibility for your mistakes." she said. "Clover, don't do this, please. All I'm asking for is a 2nd chance in your life." he pleaded.

Stella appeared in the room looking absolutely shocked. "Why are you here? I thought I told you that I didn't want you here. Tristain, I get that you wanted to come here & support our daughter, but you ruined our family when you slept with that woman for the 1st 10 years during our marriage, & then the previous 10 years of our marriage, you pretended as though everything was peachy keen between us when it was very much the complete opposite!" she scolded.

"I'm attracted to her! That's why I cheated. I wanted nothing to do with you. All you did was nag & complain about everything. I never came home on time, I never shown up to any of her school activities, because when Gabby or Carmy could be there for her, they were. I was never a part of our family photos later on in her life. Phoebe was always there for me." he selfishly replied. "Oh, my God! Are you actually justifying that your reason for sleeping with that bitch is because I nag too much?! Pheobe was a married woman who'd sleep with anyone available. You should've slept with anyone but her. But you being the superficial man you are, you just couldn't keep your pants zipped, right?" she snapped.

"Uh, Mom. You cheated too, right? With Pheobe's husband. You had a year-long affair with him before he found out. He threatened to leave & you begged him to stay & work things out. Mrs. S told you not to give up on him because you know deep down in your heart you still loved him, no matter what happened. So, I have to ask you: What was your reason for sleeping with him? To piss her off, right? As much as I hate to say this, you & Mrs. J are just like Mandy & I used to be: Jealous of one another." Clover said, smirking.

"Clover, What are you talking about? That tramp & I are nothing alike. You've got your theories all mixed up, honey." Stella replied, sounding annoyed. "Well, you know what they say: Like Mother, like Daughter. Clover, sweetie we have to get things going unless you wanna be late to your own wedding to Dr. Reid." Sam joked. "Dr. who?" Stella asked, confused. "Honey, It's a Criminal Minds joke." Tristain said. "Sam, You know that guy's Alex's obsession. She looks up YouTube videos about him all the time. You gotta admit he's super hot." Clover said, blushing.

"I am?" a man asked, walking into the room. Clover slowly turned around to see Dr. Spencer Reid standing before her. "! You're him! Let me guess. You've recieved a lot of E-mails from someone who goes by the name-" "Mysteriously Sexy Spy? Yeah, Maybe she should've chosen a more sensible pen name. Her name's Alex?" he asked curiously. Laughing, Sam responded, "Yes. Her name is Alex. She's happily married. She's fallen in love with you since your team flew down to Beverly Hills to solve a murder case. I guess you could say she's your biggest fan. Oh, I can't wait to see her face when-" There was a soft knock on the door. "Clover? Sammy? Is everything alright? You're not getting the Pre-Wedding nerves like Jerr said, are you? Why's the door locked?" Alex asked.

She digged into her pocket & pulled out the Hairpick Lockpick. Using the gadget, she carefully inserted the instrument inside of the keyhole & slowly turned the knob, successfully unlocking it. Opening the door, Alex slowly walked inside of the room where everyone was."Okay, What's going on? Why are you acting so suspicious? Is there something I should know about? Did Miranda lie about everything just so she can snag Tim all to herself? Is the wedding off? What is it?!" she asked anxiously.

"Well, I think I could answer all those for you. I don't know who Miranda is, but I'm guessing she has something to do with your friend with Red hair & that gentleman standing by her. Clover has about 15 minutes left to make it to her own wedding, or else somebody isn't gonna be too thrilled when he finds out his fiancee doesn't want to marry him because of her fear of his mother possibly not welcoming her into his family. Your friends didn't want you to know about this special suprise." the man said. "Who else would talk that fast in a single breath, other than Jerry? His voice sounds familiar. I just can't place it." Alex thought. "Need a little help figuring it out?" he asked as he slowly stepped out from behind the curtain. "Hi. Judging from your facial expressions, I guess you know who I am? Alex? Uh...Okay." Reid said as he blushed a little at the woman's inability to speak.

"Al, Can you say something? Anything?" Sam asked, looking over at her friend, who was in a frozen state. "I-I'm sorry Dr. Reid. She's usually not like this." she said, slighty embarrassed. Walking over to her, Sam whispered, "Alex, I know you're excited about meeting Dr. Reid, but you've got to say something. Okay? Honey, I know you're nervous, but-What's wrong? Awww, sweetie. Come here." she said as she pulled her in for a hug. "Is she okay? If my being here is upsetting her-Would you mind if I talk to her, alone after the ceremony? I think the excitement of me being here is a little too much for her." he said. "Sure, Go ahead." Clover insisted.

The Ceremony

Clover walked out of the vanity room & entered the ballroom, her stomach filled with little butterflies as she walked out further into the room. Everyone was in awe as they slowly turned around to see her beautiful wedding gown. "Here Comes the Bride" played in the background as she, along with Sam & Alex at each side, walked down the aisle, their arms intertwined with hers. She held a bouquet full of Pink & White roses in her hands. Her hair was pulled into a bun. "Honey, You look beautiful." Arnold said as he grabbed onto her hands & looked into her eyes. "Told ya he'd love it." Scam said, winking.

Jerry stood before the bride & groom. He was very thrilled to see his 3rd WOOHP agent tying the knot. Although he couldn't help but think about how life for her would've turned out had she married Blaine almost a year ago. "It wouldn't have lasted long enough anyway, seeing that he wasn't faithful to her, even when they were engaged for 4 years. But she's moved on. She's with someone who means a lot to her." he thought as he smiled at the 2 soon-to-be Newlyweds.

"We're here today to celebrate the union of Arnold Jackson & Clover Ewing. This wedding is a celebration of two High School sweethearts, who've proven to all of us that love has no boundaries...or obstacles. If there's anyone here EXCEPT Terrance, who objects to this wedding as to why these 2 lovely people shouldn't be married, speak now or forever hold your peace. Please hold your peace." Jerry said as he shot a hateful glare towards his brother.

"Arnold, Do you promise to love & cherish Clover, not only on this occasion, but for the rest of your life? Do you promise to remain faithful, loving, compassionate, & most importantly, honest with her through the good, the bad times, in sickness & in health, 'til death separates you?" he asked. Crying, he responded, "I do. With all my heart." Arnold then took out the ring & placed it on Clover's ring finger.

"Clover, Do you promise to love & cherish Arnold, not only on this occasion, but for the rest of your life? Do you promise to remain faithful, loving, compassionate, & most importantly, honest with him through the good & bad times, in sickness & in health, 'til death seperates you?" he asked. "I do. With all my heart." Chelsea walked up to Clover & handed her the wedding ring. "Here you go, Auntie Clover." she said in a soft, meek tone. "Awww, Thank you, honey." she said as she picked the little girl up & kissed her on the cheek. Sam walked up to them & kissed her again. "Good job, sweetie." she said.

"Well then, That settles it. By the powers that be, I now pronounce you, Husband & Wife. Arnold, You may now kiss your wife." he said. With that in mind, Clover wrapped her arms around her husband & moved in to kiss him passionately. Everyone in the room clapped & cheered as they turned around to face their loved ones. "Ladies & Gentleman, I give you, Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Jackson!" Jerry happily announced.

The Reception - Spies' Villa

As everyone surrounded around the Newlyweds, Alex took the time to meet her idol, Dr. Spencer Reid, who was sitting at a table away from all of the commotion. Shaking nervously, she walked over to the table & sat down. "Uh, Reid, I'm sorry about earlier. It's just that I've been your biggest fan ever since the BAU traveled down in my hometown, Beverly Hills to investigate that quadruple cheerleader murder case. Clover's a huge fan of yours because of your long hair. I-I know that sounds weird, but it's true. I just love you so much & I'm rambling, aren't I?" she said nervously.

"I'm flattered. I appreciate your admiration for me, & I've done some research on WOOHP, too & I have to say you guys have done a lot of work for your organization as well, too. Sam's husband, Tim Scam is a lot different than most of the unsubs we've caught over the years. I just wish we'd have more like him. Instead we have criminals who steal children & pass them off as their own, some who've murdered innocent people because of some traumatic event they've suffered throughout their childhood, you know, things of that nature." he replied. "I'm curious. Do you sometimes get criticized for knowing everything?" she asked.

"All the time. Mostly by Morgan. He sometimes gets annoyed by me knowing everything that's related to the cases we've solved. But I sometimes have to remind them, they wouldn't know where they'd be if it wasn't for me." Reid replied, laughing. Soon, Scam walked over to their table & sat down. "Well, If it isn't Dr. Spencer Reid, the BAU's genuis. My wife has told me so much about you." he said. Looking at the man, Reid suddenly replied, "I know this is gonna sound a bit...odd, but my boss, Aaron Hotchner looks exactly like you. Here's a picture of him."

Reid pulled out his iPhone & flipped through the photos. When a photo of Hotch was available, he then handed him the phone. As Tim viewed the picture, he raised his eyebrow in astonishment. "Now, that's somethin. He really does look like me. He doesn't smile as much, does he?" he asked, laughing.

Clover & Sam walked over to the table & sat down. "Hi, Reid." both women said in almost hypnotized voices. Snapping out of her trance, Sam then asked, "Hey, We've got an unsub of our own we need help taking care of. Would you mind helping us out?" "No, not at all. What's his name?" Reid asked. "Terrance Lewis." Clover replied in a disgusted tone. Suddenly, Reid had a look of pure disgust in his eyes. "Terrance Lewis? Are you kidding me? That son of a bitch tried to use me to help him find out all of the secrets that are based off WOOHP. Just because I'm very unique in what I do. I'll help you with whatever you want me to do." he said, looking devious.

"Well, he used our boss, Jerry, too. For his own personal reasons. He used that slut to try & break up our marriage." Sam said. "Sam, I thought we were over the name-calling incident. Miranda explained everything, remember? I didn't sleep with her. Don't tell me you were just acting as though you were ready to make amends with her just so you can have an excuse to get rid of her." Tim said, annoyed.

"Are you defending her after all the crap she put us through?! You love her, don't you? I knew you were lying. Tim, I'll be back. Clover, Al, Reid, come with me. I've got something I need to take care of." she said as she, along with the others walked out to the car. Sam couldn't take it anymore. There was something-someone she had to get rid of & she was not gonna wait any longer until she was gone & finally out of their lives.


Miranda & Leo, along with Terrance were standing around as they waited for Tim to arrive. When he walked through the door, there was a long sigh of relief. "Oh, I thought you'd never show up. I'm just waiting for Jerry to give me the key to this building & my dream will officially be granted." Terry said, almost too excitedly. "Well, all I have to do is kill Miranda & WOOHP'll be yours. Looks like you're on your way to livin' Jerr's life after all these years." Tim lied, smirking.

"Wait, kill me?! I-I explained everything to you! Terry used me to help ruin you & Sam's marriage! He even used Jerry in the process! Tim, you have to consider all the things I did. They were for him not you. I was forced to do those things!" she said, her voice in complete fear.

"Oh, like you desperately trying to seduce him, knowing full well that he was happily married to Sam. Or when you were desperately trying to fight with Sam any chance you got, just to get under her skin? You know something, Miranda? You're a pathetic ass woman. I cannot believe just how much trouble you went through just to prove your so-called love for a married man. You remind me of an unsub we caught named Diane. Now, Diane was a stalker who was overly jealous of this woman-" Reid said, as he suddenly stopped, lowered his head down & broke into sobs.

"Named Maeve. This woman was using her own way of intellegence to impress me, but none of her theories were correct. I never even got a chance to have a proper meeting with Maeve, you know other than a face-to-face interaction. Till this day, I wish I would've been the one to kill Diane." he continued, through tears. "Well, what we had was real. You didn't understand real love. I did. I didn't meet Scammy through the phone like you met Maeve. Tim & Sam are fake compared to what he & I shared...& still share." Miranda said, sounding delusional.

Pissed, Reid snapped, "What you had was real? Miranda, You & Tim were only married for Terrance's reasons. There was no marriage license, wedding ceremony, you never exchanged vows to each other. Tim only married you because of Terrance. Jerry was only pretending to be happy for the two of you, only because he was bribed into it. You know that. If Maeve hadn't died, I would've gotten a chance to at least experience a real relationship. So, don't you DARE tell me I don't understand real love, alright?!"

"Oh, he's so sexy when he's angry." Alex swooned. Miranda looked at the man with a blank expression on her face. "Wow, I didn't know that woman meant so much to you. Look, I didn't mean to upset you. I just wanted to get my point across. I love Tim so much &-" "Shut up, NOW! I was gonna let you try to weasel your way out of this, but I'm just gonna go ahead & kill your ass, just for talking badly of her." Reid demanded, as he pulled out his gun, preparing to shoot her.

"Apologize." he demanded. "I-I can't believe you're getting that upset over a woman you had just met, let alone met face-to-face for the first & last time." Miranda scoffed. "Shut up. Apologize or I'll shoot." he demanded. "You're kidding yourself with this whole 'Real relationship' thing. Had Diane not found out, do you really believe you'd be with Maeve now?" she asked.

Reid then pulled the trigger & shot at the woman 4 times in her chest, causing her to fall back onto the floor. For the first time in his life, Tim actually felt relieved that his & Sam's nightmare was finally over.

He then walked over to Miranda's body & coldly stared down at it. Sam walked over to him, wrapping her arms around him. "It's over, honey. We got our lives back." she said. She then walked over to Reid, who was crying. "Maeve meant so much to you, huh?" she asked. "You know she didn't really die, right? She called Morgan to let him know about her 'death'. She was alive the whole time."she explained. "H-How's that possible? I was there when she was killed. There's no way she could've survived that." he said, lost for words.

"Well, I'm here, Spencer. There's always room for another shot-uh chance." a woman replied, laughing. Reid looked up to see his phonebooth lover standing before him in the flesh. Speechless, he slowly got up from the floor & hugged her. "Maeve? It's really you! Y-You were shot last year, by Diane. I couldn't stop thinking about you after your death. I'd have dreams about our future every night because I loved you that much. I'm so glad you're back in my life." Reid said as he kissed her passionately.

He turned to everyone & cried, saying, "Thank you. Thank you so much for everything. I owe you big time." "Awww, We're just glad you helped us finally get rid of that bitch." Clover stated, hugging him.

"Aww, don't you just love happy endings?" Scam asked, looking over at Terrance. "Uh, so what happens now? Miranda's dead, so I get WOOHP right?" he eagerly asked, hoping for a breakthrough. "Not on your life, Terrance. But I got a better alternative: You get up to 30 more years in prison, so you know. that'll give you just enough time to conjure up a newer yet, lamer plan to have us stop you from going through with." Jerry said, smirking as two cops came in & wheeled him out of the room to arrest & finally throw him in prision, where he belongs...for now.

MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes! I'm finally finished with the last chappie! *Holds for applause; crickets* Wow, tough crowd, lol.


Happy belated B-day, sweetie! I hope you've enjoyed your 25th. Tim didn't actually sleep with Miranda, he just used the Holographic mood ring (A hologram of himself) to trick her into believing that he'd wanted her. So, he's not turning into a player (I'd never forgive myself for making him appear as such:-( ). Dr. Reid (Criminal Minds) also makes a cameo in this chappie & is reconnected with his now girlfriend, Maeve who's from the Season 8 episode, "Zugzwang". She died at the end of that eppie but her death was fake here so in this case, she never died.

Enjoy! :-)

Much luv,
