Don't Get the Wrong Idea, I Just Want Sex

Cielle's Amour

JeanSasha; Hints of other pairings

Art Icon - Tumblr: cielle-amour

They were in it for the sex. No attachment, no relationship, no anything, just sex. Jean and Sasha thought they could handle an open relationship, but jealousy drove them way too insane. JeanSasha AU [Warning: Sex, language]

1. Inside the Potato Girl

What was he doing? He couldn't remember. Everything in front of him tangled into a messed-up blur. All he felt was the soft, plush feeling meshed under his fingers. He grabbed it harshly, enjoying the feel. He knew that something under him was moving and his body tingled, but his mind was spinning too much for him to comprehend the full situation.

The ashen-haired man realized he was doing something sexual to a girl in a bed, or so he hoped. Dear god, he hoped it was a girl. He grabbed the plush feeling with his other hand, trying to reassure himself that it wasn't the wrong gender he was fucking. It was big and bouncing; it must be a girl. Or an extremely big man.

At that moment, Jean tried his hardest to concentrate on the figure below him. He lowered his hands down to the waist and traced what seemed to be an extremely sexy curve. He rubbed the curve up and down with his hands, relieved it wasn't a big man. But as he did, he heard a moan from the girl under him. It was a charming and erotic breath of a moan, making the man more hot and bothered than he already was.

"Please put it in…" Her plea was incredibly adorable. He became incredibly excited and definitely couldn't wait anymore. He couldn't deny anyone who sounded that cute.

Jean clumsily grabbed his penis to what he thought was her entrance, but he wasn't too sure. He was still a bit too dizzy to tell. He struggled for what felt like a good minute, until he felt slim fingers wrap around it.

Much to his embarrassment, he let her guide him; the tip of his hard-on rubbed against something soft and wet. After he felt more poised, he pushed in deep and panted. It felt way too good. He thought he would burst just from entering. He grit his teeth hard and tried to control his body from ejaculating prematurely.

The girl underneath wasn't helping either. As soon as he entered inside her, she gasped loudly. Her erratic breathing turned Jean on even more, but he tried hard to sustain his control. He refused to give in and humiliate himself by coming five seconds in!

He breathed deeply in and out trying to maintain his composure. His eyebrows furrowed as he gripped tightly to the sheets underneath. Jean, you can do this man. He told himself this, trying desperately to boost his confidence.

He started moving his lower body, sloppy at first but then eventually a rhythm. The girl panted short breaths in pleasure and grabbed Jean's arms with her shaking hands. He grinded his hips against her body faster, moaning in heavy breathing. He couldn't believe how great this feeling was; it gripped down on him excruciatingly tight and the sloppy noises coming from beneath made him go insane.

He wished desperately to sober up faster. He wanted to know which cute girl he was losing his virginity to, but the haziness from the drinks also made this situation a whole lot more exciting. Maybe it was that cute girl from his French history lecture or the really sexy one from his English writing section. Either way, this girl was incredibly erotic moving her hips along with him.

Everything, her body, her movements, her moans, made his groin hot. He didn't know how long it's been, but he was sure it was definitely past five seconds. Good enough, he thought. He couldn't handle the pressure anymore and he just wanted to let it all go.

He quickened his pace, the sound of their bodies smacking intensified. She gripped his arms harder, slightly digging her nails into them. "Y-You're being…" She talked between gasps as he continued to slam into her. "Being…t-too rough…" Jean heard her say this happily, her sweet breaths filling his ears.

He felt extremely naughty at that moment. His lips curved into a smirk. He wasn't sure how he didn't get embarrassed from saying it, but it might've been the alcohol talking.

"You like it rough, don't you? You perverted slut." He probably would have never said anything like that aloud if he was sober.

"Yes, I'm a perverted slut! Please, fuck me more!" She must've been influenced by the alcohol as well when she responded back. He felt her hips move more vigorously against him, her breathing more fitful than ever. Jean couldn't take it anymore; he was at his limit.

"I'll come—!" He closed his eyes in pleasure, his eyebrows furrowed and teeth gritted. With all his strength, he shoved inwards one final time before he met his climax inside her.

She gasped loudly while arching her back, "Ah! Y-Your dick! It's twitching so much inside me!" This girl, he thought, is extremely dirty screaming out kinky things like this. Maybe she was the one. Jean was tempted to go again with this newly found dream girl of his, but he felt her body slack in his touch. He sighed; he was pretty tired as well.

As he pulled out of her, he became awfully aware how much the alcohol was still affecting him. He crashed onto the bed next to the girl with a flat thud. The room spun and his mind dizzied. The moment he closed his eyes, he fell into a deep sleep.

His mind remained numb and panged harshly against him. It was dreadfully painful. He groggily opened his eyes—the bright light shining through the curtains made him want to slightly hurl. Go away, sun. He tried to keep his eyes open, while covering one side of his face from the light.

He barely remembered what happened last night. He tried to trace back the events. He got invited to a party by some people from the same class as him, he drank a shit ton of shots, invited a girl over to his place, had sex, and then knocked out. The end. What a great story, he thought.

As he turned over to his side, he saw the girl's deep brown hair cascaded downwards onto the pillow and draped around her shoulders. He smiled. Oh wow, he never realized how cute Sasha was while she was sleeping. …Wait.

He froze.

In an instant, he sat his body upwards. The sudden movement made his head wrack in pain even worse. He clutched his forehead with the palm of his hand while breathing heavily with uneasiness. No matter how much he tried to calm down, a series of questions came flooding to him. What's Sasha doing here? When did she come in here? Why is she sleeping in his bed?

As he looked over at her again, his eyes widened. When he sat up, the blanket that covered her slipped off and revealed her nude body. The man next to her started to sweat profusely, while she slept peacefully.

Was Sasha the one he—? No way. It couldn't have been. It was just a coincidence that he had a pleasant dream about sex and she was naked in his bed. Yah, pure coincidence.

But he had to admit, she does have a great body. Despite how much she eats. He checked her relaxed face and resting body. Her steady breathing raised her chest up and down with a tempo, making him dart his eyes to her breasts. Shit, he was starting to get horny from staring at her.

"She wouldn't mind, right?" He completely forgot his head pain at that point as he crept closer to her body. His hands trembled as he leaned in towards her breasts. As soon as both his hands landed on them, Sasha moaned. The ashen-haired man froze deathly still, until he heard the soft, even breathing from the girl. He let out a sigh.

There was no mistaking it. This was what he felt last night. Even after confirming it, his hands remained on her breasts. Alright, just take the hands off now. But he couldn't; all he could do was stare at her nipples that were starting to point upwards from the cold air.

"She wouldn't mind this either, right?" His fingers edged closer to her nipples. Jean gulped. With more determination, he started to fondle her nipples with his thumbs, rubbing them in circles. The girl gasped in short breaths, her fingers digging deep into the covers.

Jean's mind became cloudy and he couldn't quite focus on anything other than her. He was so far in the deep end that he couldn't care much anymore. He told himself to fuck everything, let him worry about it later. He wouldn't back down now. After managing to convince himself, he leaned his mouth to her nipples. His tongue flicked her nipple gently at first, but then started to swirl around it with a faster pace.

She arched her back in pleasure, eyes still closed but her mouth wide open in heavy pants. Jean's face turned a bright red. He couldn't believe she had such a sensitive reaction to his touches. He was starting to think that she was… cute. Really sexy, too.

He wanted to see more of her kinky side. He gently bit on her nipple, while tweaking her other with his fingers. She gasped and twisted her body in pleasure. He wanted to do more with her, but he sure wanted to relish this feeling a bit longer.

He continued, pleased with this situation he was in, until he realized the girl stopped moaning and moving. He didn't feel too comfortable anymore. Please, oh please. The man desperately hoped she just fell back asleep. He slowly moved his head upwards scared from the tension. As he scanned upwards to her face, he found her staring back with trembling, wide eyes. It took a while for both of them to assess the situation, but Sasha took a deep breath.

"Pervert! Molester! Rapist!" Her voice rang out throughout the room. He panicked; the head pain he had earlier started to come back with full force. Jean quickly dashed forward on top of her and covered her mouth with his hand. She thrashed around violently while he tried to detain her, her voice muffled within his hand. "Mm-mmph!" She looked defiantly at him, while trying to hold back the tears forming around the corners of her eyes.

"Calm down, Sasha! This isn't how it seems, I swear!" But as he said that, he had to admit that it was actually exactly what it seemed.

She wouldn't listen to anything he had to say and started whipping her body around even more aggressively. He pushed his body farther onto her, grabbing one of her wrists with his hand while the other still secure over her mouth. She squirmed with tenacity while Jean tried his utmost best to keep her at bay. This stupid animal was way stronger than he anticipated. He grabbed her body with a firmer grip, until he felt a sudden jolt of pleasure.

He looked downwards and found that with all the struggling, his semi hard-on from earlier was now prodding her entrance. This was not how it was supposed to happen, he thought, but this wasn't bad either. He didn't realize he was drooling a bit.

Sasha closed her eyes tight, tears pouring down, trying her best to edge away from his growing boner. She was still muffled, but felt the hand around her mouth relax. She took advantage of Jean's distracted mind and bit his hand with all her strength.

His vision went white. Everything travelled in slow motion past that point. This had to easily be one of the worst pains he's ever experienced in his life. He couldn't cry out. He couldn't even shed a tear. He was too much in pain and shock for his body to comprehend on what to do. Her fangs felt like it was cracking every bone in his hand, all twenty-seven of them. He was sure they were all shattering and he would never be able to use them again to their full function.

After she spit out his hand, she quickly crawled away from him. Still on the bed, Sasha edged towards the corner of the wall and hissed like a trapped animal. Jean was too much in agony to move. He didn't even realize the girl shifted away from him already.

He snapped back to attention when Sasha yelled at him with a piercing tone, "Jean, what is wrong with you!" Her wide honey-brown eyes brimmed with angry tears as she leaned further away from the man, trying to cover her privates with her arms and hands.

He didn't know what to say. His mouth gaped open, which surely didn't help his situation. He couldn't even remember how it came to this in the first place. "Sasha…" he said without thinking. She hissed back at him. Ugh, stupid violent girl. Although she did have every right to behave this way. Kind of.

He tried desperately to recall what happened to both of them last night. He knew he had sex, and after reviewing this certain situation, he was pretty damn sure it was with Sasha. He turned to her figure to see if she remembered anything. She glared daggers right at him, baring her teeth. "Don't even look at me, you pervert!" Nope, pretty sure she doesn't remember anything at all.

Jean started to become extremely irritated. He glared back at her and snarled, "Shut the fuck up! Whose room do you think you're even in?"

Suddenly, she stopped and her mouth formed to an "o" shape. She looked around the room, her arms dropping to her sides. Jean's eyes rushed instantly towards her breasts when she did so. She glared at him more viciously and raised her arms to hide her body again. "I refuse to become your basement sex slave! You rapist! Abductor! "

A lone sweat slipped down his face. His expression turned completely blank. What was this crazy girl saying? He didn't know anymore and he was caring less and less; he just wanted to get up from the bed, walk out the door, and never come back. And that's what he intended to do, at least the first part.

He ran a hand through his hair and stood up from the bed. He bent down to reach for the lump of clothes sprawled on the ground and threw them to the girl. "There. Your clothes. Change and get out."

She caught some of them in her arms, while some articles slipped past to her lap. She gave him a frustrated and confused look. "Wait! You jerk! You can't just order me to get out after what you did to me!"

He looked at her and scoffed. "Sure, I can. Get out." He saw her eyes water with tears again, raising her arms to wipe them away. Yah, he felt like an asshole, but with her kicking, scratching, and biting him, she totally deserved this. Sort of.

While he slipped his legs through his boxers, he heard sniffling coming from the bed. Okay, he was starting to feel like a complete asshole now. Maybe he shouldn't have been so harsh on her. He peered towards her way and he froze.

Her head hung down low, her bangs shielding a portion of her face. She clutched her clothes to her chest, sobbing quietly. Time moved slowly for him; he was at a loss on how to rectify this situation. Before he could say anything to her, she murmured, "Did we do it?"

He bent down closer to the bed to hear her better. "What did you say?"

She wiped her eyes and her nose again, and barely spoke louder than the last time, "I asked…if we did it."

What was she trying to ask him? If they did it? Was she talking about last night? Jean sat in front of her on the bed. "Are you talking about… whether or not we had sex?"

Sasha meekly nodded her head up and down. Her tears continued to stream down; embarrassed, she tried to dig her head deeper into her clothes to hide it. Her nude, pale skin quivered as she tried to control her crying.

It was so bizarre for Jean to see her this way. He wasn't exactly on best terms with Sasha back in high school, but he knew she would smile at anything. And he meant that. Anything and everything.

He remembered the time when he accidentally knocked her sandwich to the ground when he bumped into her during lunchtime. She stared intensely at the fallen pieces of bread, meat, cheese, and vegetables lied out on the floor. She looked devastated. Her eyes were watery as she looked blankly at her ruined food. But instead of an apology, the words that came out of Jean's mouth…

"Next time, watch out where you're going, you weirdo."

Yah, he's a dick; everyone at school knew that. After that moment, Connie blew up on him, and Marco frantically apologized. Jean simply looked away from the whole scene as if he wasn't responsible for anything.

After she wiped some of her tears away, she looked up at Jean. "That's okay. I'll just ask people if they can share their food with me." Her eyes were still bleary at the corners, but she smiled. At the time, he only thought of her as the Potato Girl, this annoying food eccentric. Why couldn't he have gotten a smile from someone cute like Mikasa or Christa? When she smiled at him, he dismissed it and walked away from her.

But this morning… Sasha charged into full frenzy. He knew it was a reasonable reaction for any normal girl to be pissed off after waking up in a stranger's bed, but it was Sasha. She was always smiling; if not smiling, then stuffing her mouth with food. Even when she was sad, she bounced back with a smile. But this time, she remained this angry and miserable figure, endless tears streaming down; Jean desperately hoped she would look up and tell him everything was "okay" and they would move on.

He snapped back to reality when he heard the girl in front of him mutter softly, "Did we do it?"

This was incredibly awkward for him. How should he respond to that? Should he lie and tell her they stopped before anything happened? No, he couldn't lie; she would find out sooner or later. He breathed in harshly.

"Yah, we did."

Author's Notes:

Hello again! This is my 2nd SnK fanfic and I hope to complete this one! Even after the various Persona 3 fics I've done (and others long ago), I've never finished a story before . I aim to do so with this one! YAH -fist pump-

I plan to update each chapter on Mondays and Fridays! If not Monday, then every Friday!
(By the by, I'll be releasing 2nd chapter this Monday)

Thank you for reading! Make sure to review and follow if you're interested!