Parmida Jamie Lily Potter was ready to head to bed, completely warn out after a long day filled with, non-surprisingly, more chores from the Dursley's. It had been almost a whole month since she had returned, and two months since the Triwizard Tournament had ended with Voldermort dead, forever, and her dear friend, Cedric, was nearly killed. It had taken a lot of energy to get him back to the school, and when they had reached Hogwarts both were whisked away to the Hospital Wing. She was very glad that he had survived. The duo became great friends in a short time and it would have been a great loss if he had died.

A deep sigh escaped her lips, which quickly was replaced with a happy small grin.

After all she had been through she was tired to look over her shoulder in fear of Voldemort, aka Tom Riddle, and was very glad that she had to do it no more. Finally, she didn't had to worry about Voldemort, because he would never come back, and the death eaters, especially Peter Pettigrew, because all of them had been captured. The auror's were successful in capturing the evil wizards all thanks to Andromeda Tonks.

Parmida was very glad that the woman had gone against Dumbledore's orders. Tonks had managed to track her down, because she had asked Amelia to put a tracking spell on the young teenager. It was so that in case the young witch was in any trouble, then auror's would come to her rescue, which succeeded. They had located her and the rest was history. Although, it was rather funny when she caught the sight of Fudge when he had found out that the rat was alive and that Sirius Black was innocent. The man had gone so pale that he might have been mistaken for a vampire or had all of his blood drained out by one.

It was then Parmida happy thoughts were interrupted by the pigs, which, unfortunately, happened to be her family. She glared at her door, as if the pair of eyeballs could curse the thing for not blocking out those dreadful noises.

Well, the good news is that Sirius is free and received custody of me, but, for some reason, Mrs. Weasley wasn't very happy about that. She shook her head sharply at the last thought. She really hoped that Mrs. Weasley was just worried about her, and that's all. Now, I really have to get some sleep. After all, it wouldn't be good when Sirius will come and pick me up tomorrow for my birthday. Parmida thought happily and finally fell asleep.

"Hey, are you all right?"

A young female's voice asked Parmida, who had started to wake up. The teenage witch groaned with annoyance but quickly it turned into confusion, for two different reasons. One, somebody had woke her up, and it wasn't either Sirius because he wasn't young and a girl or her crazy family because they would have pounded onto her door and screeched. Two, the bed was really comfortable. Last time she checked her bed at the Dursley's felt worse than the couch downstairs. Something all of a sudden poked her side. Parmida grumbled and opened her emerald eyes, only to find herself staring up at a blue ceiling. Wait a second! This isn't my bedroom! The black headed her with red stripes thought with confusion. Her bedroom was white, so it was a shock to wake up to a different color.

Parmida then groaned loudly with annoyance. She ran her hand over her face.

What had she gotten herself into this time?

Parmida rolled onto her side facing whoever poked her only to come face to face with a girl around 13 years of age, with sandy blond hair and blue eyes, who stared right back at her. The female that lay in the comfortable bed asked with confusion:

"Where am I? Who are you?''

The other girl gave a comforting smile. She held her hand out for the other to shake. The mysterious girl replied:

"I'm Elyon Brown, but please call me Elyon or El, and you are in my house. I found you in the forest."

Parmida's eyebrows shot up so high that they hid in her hair. Did she just say a forest? What in the world? Well, she may as well get familiar with the person that took her in.

"I'm Parmida Potter, but please call me Parmida or Mida."

Parmida took her hand to shake and all of a sudden a ball of light surrounded the two girls. Both females were in such a shock that they didn't react until the light disappeared.

"What just happen?"

Elyon asked with confusion. The other almost face palmed as realization hit her. Who in the world had she made angry up there?

"I have an idea," Parmida started, "but we will need a blood test to confirm it. Oh, by the way-''

The witch then was cut off when two adults walked in. Both looked relieved when they saw that the girl, whom their daughter had found, was awake. The man said:

"It's great to see you awake, dear. Welcome to Heatherfield, I'm Thomas Brown, this is my wife Elanor Brown," He waved his hand towards the woman, "and I believe you've met our daughter Elyon."

"We were so worried that you would never wake up.''

Elanor said with both worrisome and relief. Parmida narrowed her eyes at them.

"Who are you really? I can see through your disguised.''

Parmida stated rather harshly and suspiciously at the couple. Hey, even though Voldermort wasn't alive anymore it was hard to get rid of old habits, which included being distrustful to anybody that she didn't know. Her comment made the three Brown's go into shock. Quickly, they came out of it, and the adults' shoulders tensed. They explained to both teenagers the truth about their home, Meridian, who Elyon was, why the three left, their real names and about Elyon's birth parents, which included pictures of the couple showing what they really looked like before they were killed.

"Even if our names are not our real ones, please continue calling us Thomas and Elanor." Elanor then turned to her adopted daughter. "I'm so sorry Elyon that we lied to you all these years, but I hope you can forgive us.''

Elyon looked rather shaken after she found out the truth, but she managed to smile and hug her parents to show them her forgiveness. Both adults smiled brightly and returned the hug gladly.

"Parmida, how did you know that we were wearing disguises?''

Thomas asked with confusion after Elyon let go of him.

"I'm a witch.''

Parmida started. She may as well tell them about the Wizarding World, because, as far as she was concern, they weren't categorized under non-magical beings, and if she was going to stay with them then they had the right to know. So, she wasted no time and told them her story, which took a good few hours.

"So, your parents were killed on Halloween, like my birth parents?''

Elyon asked.

"Yes. So, I guess we have that in common.''

Parmida said to Elyon with a small smile, which was returned with the same one.

"Well, if you don't have anywhere to go Parmida, you can stay here with us."

Thomas said firmly.

"Are you sure I can stay here? I don't want to be a bother.''

Parmida asked with concern.

"Of course, there's no way we're going to let you live on the streets. Now, would you mind explaining to us why do you need a blood test?''

Elanor asked Parmida with a raise eyebrow. The witch shifted in the bed uncomfortably. She explained quietly, but loud enough for them to hear her:

"I believe that my magic had somehow made Elyon and I blood related."

"Hmm, well we can take you two to the hospital tomorrow, but for now it's time for bed."

Thomas was right, it was 10 PM and a very eventful evening with secrets came into light. All of them needed rest. Still...

"What? I've been out all day.''

Parmida stated in shock. What in the world happened to her?

"Yes, you have sweetie." Elanor replied with a nod of understanding. Her eyes then narrowed slightly as realization hit her. She asked, "By the way, how old are you?"

"Hm?" Parmida hummed with confusion as she was brought out of her thoughts. The woman repeated the question. "Oh, I'm fifteen."

After the question was answered, the adults left the room for bed. It was then that Parmida had found out that she had to share Elyon's bedroom, which she didn't mind really. She could treat this as a sleepover until things get sorted out.

Once Parmida and Elyon got to the blond headed teenager's room, they fell asleep after they told to each other more about themselves.

Maybe it wasn't going to be so bad after all.

Please Review but if you have anything nasty to say I don't want to hear it

This is also a challenge that I accept TheAnimeWriterLover

Beta is TheAnimeWriterLover