It takes time to heal… When you have a wound, probably a week or two before its completely healed. 6 months for Tuberculosis. A lot of time for cancer. With healing comes a remedy or medicine. Povidone-iodine for your normal wound. And probably a lot of meds for tuberculosis and cancer. All of these were already calculated. These have studies. They have people for that. Doctors, nurses and you study it. Get to know it. Know how the human body works like a machine. When something's broken, you fix it with the right materials. Healing the human body is easy...

But how do you heal a broken heart?

How do you fix what was broken?

How do you take back what you believe is yours?

Healing a broken heart, a wounded soul, is more... complicated, than the human body. Instead of the regular chemicals and minerals for healing, there's these comfort food, the sad love songs, the chick flicks and chocolate. All these lies that were planted on our gullible little heads... To think about it, the human race is pitiful. We're so caught up, tangled, in these emotional strings... We think that after one heartbreak, we get stronger, but when the next heartbreak comes, we're reminded that we're still so weak and fragile. It takes more time to heal a broken heart. And after you heal it, you think you feel better... That you're heart is shiny new, when in reality, its just put together by glue, duct tape and stitches and you covered it up to make it look new. Then when it breaks, it shatters again, and you have to put it back together again.

Its the hard truth.

Apparently, a truth that everyone needs to face. A truth that only some know. Some who are called bitter. But actually, bitter people know the truth and you should listen to those bitter people. Its the truth.

A truth that I had to face, when the one person that I loved broke my heart.

Hi guys! :) I'm back from my hiatus and things are great now. My dad is better, the emotional rollercoaster is fine now and schoolwork toned down. So that's the teaser of my upcoming Sherlock story "Heal" and I don't know if it should be a oneshot. Please comment what you think about it and guess who's POV its on? :) Anyways, I'll post the story soon, so keep an eye out ;)

Lots of love
