Sooooo it's been two months or so. :/ Sorry. I got caught up in school.

Regina hated birthday parties

She hated the way her mother would invite people she barely knew to celebrate an occasion so personal. She despised the way everyone would give out fake smiles and pretend to be happy that she survived for another year in life. Deep down inside, she knew that only one person really cared for her special day. Emma cared, and at least that'll never change.

Emma planned the surprised down to a T, as Ruby would describe it. She bought a box of Regina's favorite cupcakes, which took out a huge part of her savings since her dearest girlfriend preferred the ones with extra frosting and toppings, calculated the approximate time when she'd drive over to their special place in the park, and left everything to chance.

"Please don't let her murder me."

"You idiot, she'll love it."

"Holy shit, what if she doesn't like the cupcakes?!"

Emma groaned and slammed on the brakes, dwelling on the worst scenarios her head could conjure. Regina was waiting for her in a secluded area a few blocks from her house; a safety measure ever since Cora found out.

"Keep it together, Swan. Don't panic."

She drove on a few blocks, and saw Regina in the shade from a distance. As the brunette saw the yellow bug piling up the driveway, she quickly picked up her bag and ran to the sidewalk. She looked from side to side, silently praying that nobody saw her or the car within a five meter radius to avoid further punishments from her mother. Emma momentarily stopped the bug, waited for Regina to get in as quickly as possible, and did a 360 degree turn, revving up the engine as they drove away.

Regina glanced at Emma the same time as the blonde glanced at herm and both let go of their worries and laughed until their stomachs hurt. Emma parked that car under the shade of a giant tree, and grabbed the brunette for a hungry kiss. Regina could only kiss back in return, smiling at every bite Emma would give to her bottom lip. She grabbed the brunette by the waist and moved down to her neck, sucking and kissing the soft flesh, rewarding her with a competitive tug in the hair. Emma fought harder, and finally got Regina in her grasp. She gave the brunette a passionate kiss, first making it as long as their breaths can manage, and then rapidly trailing soft kisses down her neck to that sweet spot Regina loves. She sucked and bit her girlfriend's weakness, and in return heard that melodious moan from the latter. She smirked, and withdrew from her position to face Regina. She looked at her with pleading eyes, just begging for more attention.

"Hey, babe."

"You are so dead for stopping, Miss Swan."

Emma flashed her goofy smile, and Regina could only roll her eyes at the childishness of the other. She looked out the window, and saw the sun set a gold and pinkish hue in the sky. She looked back at Emma, who took out a handkerchief and smiled.

"'Gina, I need you to cover your pretty little eyes now."

"And why would I do that?"

Emma pretended to act innocent, and childishly shrugged off the topic. She tied the makeshift blindfold over Regina's eyes, making sure that the knot will hold and won't slip off at the slightest movement. Regina huffed, and slumped back in her seat, crossing her arms while giving her cute pout. The blonde could only laugh at the cuteness of Regina, and got out of the car to lead Regina to the spot she reserved.

"Okay, Your Majesty, time to get off the royal carriage. Take my hand."

"How do I know you're not going to kill me, Emma?"

"I'm afraid you'll have to trust me, 'Gina."

Regina smirked at the blonde's remark, and took Emma's hand as she slowly got out of her seat and eas being led to the grass. Emma stopped under their tree, where they've been meeting ever since they've been prohibited by the mayor herself to ever see, or let alone speak to each other ever again. She gently motioned the brunette to sit down, and took one more glance at her efforts before untying the blindfold. Regina gasped, water welling up in her eyes as she saw the surprise Emma prepared for her.

A checkered cloth was laid on the grass, and had a box of chocolate cupcakes with her favorite frosting and cinnamon on top placed at the center. A thermos of hot chocolate and two cups were in the left side, and a little red box with a silver bow on the right. She looked at Emma, who was now holding out a cupcake with a pink candle in the center.

"Happy birthday, Regina."

She closed her eyes, made a wish, and blew out the candle. Emma genuinely smiled at the brunette, and hugged her tightly.

"I love you so much, 'Gina. Don't you dare forget that."

Regina giggled, and hugged the blonde back as tightly as she could.

"I love you too, dear."

Emma let go of Regina, and took the little red box. She saw Regina's eyes light up, and slowly held it out to the birthday girl. Regina reached out and took the box, and shook it lightly to get an idea of what it was.

"What's in the box, Em?"

Emma smiled as innocently as possible, and gave a knowing wink to the brunette.

"Open it."

Her fingers nimbly fumbled with the bow, and tore off the wrapper. Inside was a white box, with a note written on the lid.

To the cutest and the craziest. Always and forever, Regina. Happy birthday.

She glanced at the blonde, who in turn turned bright red from embarrassment. Regina smirked, and slowly opened the box. Inside was a ruby encrusted crown pendant, graciously hanging from a moon lit silver chain. She found herself staring wide-eyed at the necklace, and couldn't find the words to say.

"'Gina, do you know how much I love you?"

Regina sat there wide-eyed, still staring at the pendant, and glanced at her, muttering under her breath trying to find the right words to express her astonishment. Emma laughed, and fastened the necklace onto Regina's neck.

"You don't need to say anything, 'Gina. Your reaction was the best one I've seen."

Regina hugged Emma, thanking the heavens again and again for someone like Emma to know her inside out.

"So far, Emma. Best reaction you've seen so far."

She glanced at her necklace again, and finally recovered from her astonishing state of shock.

"It's beautiful, Em. Too beautiful. Thank you so much, honey."

"For you, babe, anything. That's how much I love you."

Regina felt a tear stream down her cheek, and Emma wiped it away with her thumb and caressed her girlfriend's face. She kissed her slowly, as Regina wrapped her arms around her neck and deepened it.

Both knew that it was going to be more difficult with everyone against their little piece of forever, but at least they've got today, and they'd take whatever they can get to keep their happiness.

Written by sunnybipolarhybrid . go check out her Tumblr, guys. Message her or what, she won't bite (not much anyway)

anyways, reviews are very much welcomed. :D