Hello Readers. First let me apologize for how long it's taken me to update, but I've lost my mojo for this story. This will be the last chapter. Thank you everyone who has stuck with me with this story. I hope you enjoyed it. Again, the characters in this story belong to Shonda Rhimes.

The week after Blake and Suzanne came back they had two big announcements. One, Suzanne fell in love with California and she was moving. Two, she was pregnant like Sam had said. Fitz called in a favor from one of his old professors at Harvard, Cyrus Beene. He was now President at Stanford and got Suzanne a spot at Bass Childhood Cancer Center. The sizable donation from Grant Oil didn't hurt either.

One afternoon Olivia walked out to Sam's tree and sat down with her beautiful baby boy.

"How's my favorite twin?"

Sam looked up and gave a big goofy grin to his mother. She always said that to him and Lily.


"Sammy, can you tell me when GG Candy and Grandma Maya started talking to you?"

"Sure, last year. I was sitting out here just watching the wind blow and the clouds go by when they sat down beside me. They told me lots of stuff and when to tell it to you and Daddy."

"Have you told us everything yet?"

"Not all of it, but soon. They told me I would get really sick, but not to worry everything would be fine, but I had to get sick so Uncle Blake could meet Auntie Suzanne."

Olivia held back her tears knowing that Sam was never really scared he would die.

"They won't stay with me long Momma. Grandma Maya said that we will have to figure things out on our own from now on. She told me to tell you she is so very proud of you. She's so happy that you found the large family you deserved and she would be with you always."

That broke the damn of tears that she was holding back. Sam climbed into her lap and gave her a hug and tried to wipe away the tears.

"Why are you crying Mommy?"

"Because I'm so happy. You, Lily, and Fitzgerald are the greatest things I've ever done in my life and so will this new baby."

Sam kissed her on the cheek and hugged her as he laid his head on her shoulder.

Months went by before Liv was ready to give birth. Suzanne was only a few weeks behind her on her delivery. Both had found out what they were having and as Sam predicted Liv was to have Talia Candy Grant and Suzanne was having Joshua Daniel Grant.

On October the 5th, Olivia's eyes popped open with the familiar pains of labor. She smiled and ran her hand over her belly as she knew that she would not have long to view the newest member of her family. This had been the easiest pregnancy she had enjoyed. Her family would read to the baby all the time. Fitzgerald would get up early and come into their bedroom and read Robin Crusoe as he laid his head on his mother lap like his father did. The twins would take turns with Dr. Seuss books and Fitz would read Paradise Lost at bedtime like he did with all his children. So Talia would know all their voices.

She turned over on her side and watched her Tommy sleep for a while until it was time to go. She moved over and started to kiss his face until he woke up. He opened his eyes to see his beautiful wife smiling at him and he knew it was time.

"How are my two little loves tonight?"

"One of us is ready to make an appearance."

Fitz sat up kissed Liv's belly and got out of the bed to put on his clothes. He woke up his mother who had flown down a week ago to look after the kids. He went back in to help Olivia put on her clothes and grab her overnight bag. They made it to the hospital and as soon as they wheeled Liv into her room her cervix dilated rather quickly. They had to move into delivery after only two hours in the hospital. Fitz smiled down at Olivia.

"Someone is really in a hurry to come into this world. She must really want to be with her family."

Olivia laughed and said, "she not messing around. I guess she misses her family too much to continue to bake in Mommies oven."

Liv wasn't far off, it took only two long pushes and Talia Candy Grant came in the world as calm as you please. Eyes open and quiet until they gave her a little slap to make her cry. Fitz and Olivia couldn't believe how sad she sounded. It only lasted until they cleaned her up and brought her over to her parents. Fitz and Olivia were shocked by what she looked like. She was Olivia twin in all her features other than her skin color. There was nothing of Fitz in this child. She had her curly brown hair, her nose, her potty lips and her eyes. Fitz nearly lost it. It was his Livie in miniature form. He took her out of her mother's arms and just stared at her. Fitz swore she just stared back at him. He finally started to talk to her.

"Hi, Talia. Mommy and I have waited to see you."

He took his finger and stroked her little cheek as he talked to her. Olivia started to cry as she watch her husband falling in love with their daughter. If she thought Lily was a Daddy's girl, Fitz was certainly doomed with Talia. She already had quite the personality. She seemed so calm and serene. Where as Lily had always been loud and brash. This little beauty was going to steal hearts from everyone. There would be no one left in her wake, but she exuded a sweetness as well, like Sam.

Fitz climbed into bed with Olivia so they could just lay down and look at what they had made. When she yawned they both laughed at how sweet it was. Olivia reached over took her so she could breast feed her. Fitz wrapped his arm around Olivia as the baby fed. Little thing went to sleep while she ate. Olivia lifted her to her shoulder and made her burp, then laid her on her father's chest as the three of them went to sleep. When the nurse came in an hour later, she found all of them out for the count. She was going to put Talia in her bed, but she thought better of it and let them sleep.

The kids and family arrived nice and early to see their new sister. Fitz sat all three children down on the sleeper sofa in the room and let them hold their new sister as he kneeled in front of them as they held her. Talia never squirmed or cried, all she did was look at who was holding her. When Lily held her.

"Hi Sissy! We are going to have a lot of fun when you get home. Momma can I put sissy in my doll house?"

There was a chorus of no's in the room when she said that. Lily just shook it off as one thing she couldn't do with her sister.

When Sam held her, she started to make noises like she was trying to talk. Sam smiled and whispered to her, he knew. He gave her a kiss on her cheek and handed her off to Fitzgerald.

Their eldest was not one for emotion, but when he held his little sister, he got a tear in his eye.

"What's wrong buddy?" Fitz asked.

He smiled that goofy lop sided smile like his father and said, "she looks like Mama."

"She does, doesn't she?" Fitz said.

He knew what he was feeling because he felt it to. His family was complete in so many ways. He looked around the room as he took his daughter and saw how far they had come from two 18 yr olds. He saw Fitzgerald when he was born and how he almost lost Liv. He saw his twins come into the world and almost losing one of them. Now he saw his hearts desire for his wife manifested in this brand new bundle of joy. He walked back over to Liv with tears coming down his face. He placed a kiss on her lips as she wiped away his tears. She didn't need to ask what was wrong, she saw it in the way he looked at his children and her.

Big F showed up a few hour later to see his new great granddaughter. When he walked in to see his family all packed in the room with the baby his heart soared. His son and daughter-in-law were there as well as Eli. He stood in the door way just a moment to listen to the chatter around the room. Sam saw him in the doorway and ran over and hugged him as well as Lily. They had saved his life after Candy died, and now this new little one was a beacon to the Grant family continuing on into the future.

"Grandpa! Come over and see the newest addition."

Big F went over and sat in the chair by the bed as Fitz put Talia into his arms. It was love at first sight. She was awake and looking in his eyes, so he thought and she smiled at him. For a moment that smiled reminded him of his beloved wife.

"Grandpa...we named her Talia Candy Grant. We wanted Grandma to live on with us."

Big F wiped a small tear away as he smiled at Fitz. "That's grand son, just grand."

Fitz had always seen Big F as tough as nails, but looking at him and his baby his heart was overwhelmed by his smile.

When Big F got up to leave to go home, Fitz asked to walk him out.

As they headed down to the lobby of the hospital, Fitz turned and stopped Big F.

"Grandpa, I just want to say thank you. For always believing in me and Liv. For placing your trust in me when you handed over the reigns to Grant Oil. For being my backbone when Sam was sick. And most of all I want to say that I love you more than I can express. You've been more of a father than a Grandfather and my role model in life. I am who I am because of you."

Big F grabbed Fitz and hugged him until his tears subsided.

"Little F, you've never disappointed me son. On a daily basis you have made me so proud by the way you handled getting married, starting a family, and running Grant Oil. I'm so very proud of you and what you've become. I can honestly say that if I leave here tomorrow, I know that I've left all of my affairs in good order with you. Now go back in there with your family. I have to get the plane ready to go to California tomorrow. Blake and Suzanne are due soon. I don't want to miss Joshua's birth."

He turns to walk away and then turns around, "Fitzgerald we will always live on in the next generation, take care of my babies."

And with that Big F leaves.

The family didn't have long to wait for Joshua Daniel Grant to appear in the world, it was a week later when he made the scene. He was a perfect example of Blake and Suzanne. Joshua was a blonde baby with striking dark blue eyes. He had Suzanne's perfect heart-shaped lips and her cute button nose. Other than that he was all grant with his curly blonde hair and the Grant eyes. Suzanne said they were as blue as the deepest sea she'd seen.

Although Fitz and Olivia had been old pro's at having a baby, Blake was a complete mess. Suzanne had decided to work until she gave birth and then take maturity leave. Blake was such a sweet heart through her pregnancy. He bought book upon books to get ready for the arrival of their baby. In the Grant tradition and Fitz's advice along the way, he read to the baby every night and rubbed coconut lotion on Suzanne's tummy before he went to bed at night. He would spend his lunch time with Suzanne at the hospital. It was close to his lab. Each night as he spooned against Suzanne, he would rub her stomach until she went to sleep. He could not remember being so happy in his life before them.

Suzanne was still working at the hospital when he got the call that she had gone into labor. His lab partner had to drive him to the hospital. He kept coming back into the lab for things he forgot, the third time, he told him he would drive him to the hospital. Blake had prepared theoretically as much as he could, but the reality was a bit more than he could take. When he saw the blood coming out, he fainted. All was forgiven when they laid their eyes on their bundle of joy. Blake blubbered when he saw his son for the first time. Suzanne just laughed and smiled at how her husband was falling in love with their son. A couple of hours later found the entire Grant Clan minus Fitz's family in the hospital to greet the newest member. Suzanne's Mom and Dad had come a week earlier to help get ready for the baby.

Suzanne's dad was still a little salty about the marriage and pregnancy, so it surprised Blake when he slapped him on the back to congratulate him for his grandson. While the Grant's were mostly boys, the Rice clan had nothing but granddaughters. So Joshua was their first grandson and Bradley Rice couldn't have been more proud of his new grandson.

Big F flew in with Blake's parents and some of his brother's to see the new bundle of joy. When Blake placed Joshua in his arms Big F started to cry.

"What wrong grandpa? Why are you crying?", Blake asked.

"Because my heart is so full now. I know you haven't seen Talia yet, but they look like they could be twins, and they both share a connection with Candy with their names."


The Grant clan had been bursting at the seams. But with expansion came the harsh realities of life. Two months after Big F returned from seeing his Great Grandson, he passed away in his sleep. Olivia found his body in his bed with a smile on his face, the family was devastated.

Another tragedy befell the family two years later when Abby was struck by a drunk driver and killed in the process. Greyson was shattered by the events. He had to leave the Navy to take care of their three-year old son Carter Grey. If it hadn't been for his son, he would have had no reason to continue on. Fitz brought him in to run the offshore drilling operation. Liv took on the roll as mother to Carter and the kids just accepted him as their sibling. Fitz built a house next to theirs for Carter and Greyson to live, so Liv could feed and get him to school with all the rest. Liv would greatly feel the loss of her friend everyday when she saw her son, but she was bound and determined to make sure he didn't feel her absence as much as she did growing up without a mother.

Blake and Suzanne the same year as Abby died expanded again with the birth of their triplets. Again all boys. Blake decided to take a two-year sabbatical to care for his children. Suzanne was doing amazing things at the hospital so it was a no brainier for Blake to take the time off. He turned out to be a better house husband than Physicist.

Thus life goes on for the Grant clan as it should.