Author note: so it's been a while since I last updated. Like 3 years haha. Anyway I'm going to make this short and sweet I do plan on finishing this story now, especially since I now have WiFi and my own laptop. I do'nt know how often I'll be able to update but I will I promise. Also I went back and fixed some things in earlier chapters. nothing major.

And the last thing I want to say is FEMSLASH COMES LATER. This story is going to be a slow burn and if you don't like that I'm sorry but don't read it.


Here's that update you wanted.

I was falling back farther and farther into darkness. The fall to the ground seemed to be so long. And then it stopped. I was no longer falling, but I couldn't bring myself to care. All I wanted to do was curl into a Ball and sleep.

What every had stopped me was definitely not the ground. The unknown force was soft yet firm,their scent was overwhelming. It smelled sweet like vanilla yet earthy. It was like smelling sunshine and I couldn't get enough.

The unknown force was also an odd temperature. They were so freezing cold it seared my skin wherever it touched. And just like their scent I adore it.

"Nice Eddy boy, you made her hurl." My eyes snapped open the unknown force apparently wasn't so unknown. Opening my eyes so fast and suddenly caused another wave of nausea and I was again demanding to be put down. I was set gently to the ground and heaved painfully. The not so unknown force,Addison, Helped me to the grass where I drop to the balls of my feet and lose anything I had left in my stomach.

"Shhhhhh." Addison cooed rubbing my back and pulling my hair out of the way. I could have sworn I heard a growl coming from one of them, but I was too busy trying to stop vomiting and not passing out to care.

"Stop it," Edward says through gritted teeth.

"Stop what? Stop being polite?" Addison said with annoyance.

"It stopped being polite when you put your hands on her." He spat. I could practically hear Addison rolling his eyes. My stomach now empty I roll back on my feet to land on my back. Only to be caught by Addison who rolled back with me landing on his bum and let's me fall between his legs and the back of my head falling back against his stomach. Which was very firm if I may add.

"I have some spare clothes in my car if you want them," he said mockingly. I shut my eyes and groan. He was so cold...but it was oddly comforting. "We should get you to the nurses now." Addison says while getting up gently yet swiftly and picking me up in the same fashion.

I hear Edward huff behind us."I'll take those clothes."

I don't know how but Addison somehow gets his keys from his pocket and tosses them to Edward.

"I'll be back momentarily. Don't try anything stupid." He growled. I could feel Addison chuckle making me groan and my stomach churn.

"No promises." he mocked beginning to walk away. His steps were a lot lighter compared to Edward's. Instead of the a nauseating rocking motion like his. Addison's were soft and precise and caused a nice swaying motion that were practically rocking me to sleep. I closed my eyes and snuggled closer to him. Again unlike Edward who had held me away from him. Addison held me closely.

"So you faint at the sight of blood?" he teased. I groan softly turning my head away from him towards the cool air. " And not even your own blood," He continued enjoying teasing me.

"Are you making up for not being an ass for five minutes?" I mutter weakly.

"Hmmmmm if that were the case I would mention the fact you puked on Dickward, but that in itself is far too funny to have to mention."

"Don't mention it." I groaned squeezing my eyes laughs and we walk in silence as I fight against sleep. I don't know how he opened the door while he was carrying me, but it was suddenly warm, so I knew we were inside.

"Oh my," I hear a female voice gasp.

"She passed out in biology," Addison explains.

I opened my eyes. We were in the office and Addison was walking towards the nurse's door. , the redheaded front office receptionist, ran ahead of us to hold the door open. The nurse,who had a grandmotherly air to her, looked up from a novel slightly astonished as Addison places me gently on the crackly paper of the leather burgundy cover of the cot. Then he moved across the small room beside the door. As far from me as possible in the narrow room. He had a gentle quality to his features yet a mocking look in his eyes. There was also glint in his eye that I couldn't quite place. I groaned shutting my eyes.

"She's just a little faint," He reassured the startled nurse. "They're blood typing in biology."

The nurse nodded," There's always one."

Addison looked off for a moment only to turn back a moment later with same glint in his eyes from lunch, but when he noticed I was watching his expression changed to one of teasing.

"Does this happen a lot?" she asks gently.

"Sometimes," I admit sheepishly. Addison coughs to cover a laugh. I look up to glare, but when our eyes meet that glint in his eye is darker.

"You can go back to class now," the nurse says sternly obviously annoyed with his amusement of the situation.

"I'm supposed to stay with her." He had such an assured authority- that even though the nurse pursed her lips- she didn't argue any further.

"I'll go get you some ice for your head,dear," she says to me before hurrying off.

"You were right," I moan, my eyes falling closed.

"I usually am- but what is it this time?"

"Ditching is healthy." I practiced breathing evenly.

"It seems I'm a bad influence for you," His tone was playful but you could hear the dark undertone in it.

" I've skipped before," I snap. "I just don't like it…" I mutter the ending.

Addison chuckles," yeah, sure." I huff. At least I was beginning to feel better. "And why did you ditch? Were you pressured by the popular kids? Hmmm? Were you trying to impress them or perhaps you were trying to impress a certain someone…" I attempt to protest against him only to be interrupted by more of his badgering and teasing.

"I wonder who that certain someone could have been. hmm if it happened in Forks I would put my money on Mike."

"What! Are you implying I like Mike like that?"

"Not implying, Stating." He mocks smirking.

I huff. "I assure you that I don't feeling for him like that."

"Then who do you have feelings for like that?" he raises an eyebrow and his smirk widens.

"No one," I say a bit too fast and defensive.

He laughs. "Very convincing. I'm still going to assume he's your boyfriend."

"Well you'd be assuming wrong," I snap. Then realization hits me. "Wait early were you saying Mike was the one contemplating whether or not to intervene?"

He rolls his eyes," Well nothing passes you, princess."

"Whatever. At least I didn't cause him to want to intervene. That was you being a stubborn jerk."

"Yes, but if I recall it takes two to tango."

I open my eyes narrowing them at Addison. "You're implying that I would want to be in close contact with you."

He shrugs."You didn't seem against earlier when you were snuggling against my chest."

I blushed looking away at the wall beside the bed and close my eyes. "Poor Mike," I breathe.

"Hmmmm? Why the sudden change of heart towards him?"

"I bet he's pissed," I say choosing to ignore his comments.

"Eh I don't particularly care considering he loathes me." Addison says cheerfully.

" Hmmph everyone loathes you… and how do you know anyway?"

"I've seen how he looks at me…like I stole his favorite toy or something." He says with a mocking glint.

"How did you see me and Edward. The question was sudden and random but I was curious.

"I was in my car listening to a CD." Such a normal response- it surprised me.

Before I can comment I hear the door and open my eyes to see the nurse with a ice pack in her hand.

"Here you go, dear." She says laying it across my forehead. "You're looking better," she adds.

"I think I'm fine." I said, sitting up. The only sign of my earlier episode was a slight ringing in my ears,no spinning. The mint green walls stayed where they should. I could see she was going to make me lie back again when pokes her head in.

"I have another one for you," she warns. I hopped down to free the cot for the next poor soul.

I hand the nurse the ice pack back. "Here, I don't need this."

Mike staggers in through the door with Lee Stephens,another student from my biology class, in tow. Addison and I draw back against the wall to give them more room.

"Oh fuck," Addison mutters. "Go out to the office,Bella." I look up at him bewildered.

"Trust me- go."

I spun catching the door before it closed, darting out of the infirmary. I could feel Addison hot on my heels.

"You actually listened to me," Addison laughed lowly.

"I smelled the blood." I said wrinkling my nose. Lee wasn't sick from watching others like me.

"People can't smell blood," he contradicts.

"Well I can...that's what makes me sick. It smells like rust and… always leaves a awful taste in my mouth...I can practically taste the blood." I scrunch my face. Just thinking about it had the same effects.

He stares at me with an unfathomable expression.

"What?" I question.

"It's nothing."

Mike came through the door then, glancing between me and Addison.

"YOU look better," he accused.

"Just keep your hand in your pocket." I warned.

"It's not bleeding anymore. Are you going back to class?"

"Are you kidding? I'd just end up here again."

"And puking again." Addison chimes in snickering. I glare at him making him laugh harder.

Mike narrows his eyes at Addison. Thankfully ignoring the comment he had made. "Ya I guess...are you going this weekend? To the beach?" While he spoke He kept his eyes trained on Addison glaring. Who Just stared back his expression mocking. He had his famous smirk in place leaning against the wall. He didn't bat his eye at Mike's "menacing" glare.

"Maybe I said I'd have to ask Charlie...But I'm sure he'll say yes." I added the last part because I couldn't handle the flash of disappointment Mike had.

"Cool. We're meeting at my dad's store, at ten." His eyes flickered back to Addison, wondering if he was giving out too much information. His body made it clear that it wasn't an open invitation.

"I'll be there," I promised. Charlie would be fishing with Billy anyway. So I knew for a fact he wouldn't care.

"I'll see you in art then." It only half registered to me that we in fact both had that class.

"See you then." Mike moved uncertainly to the door. He looks at me once more, his round face pouting slightly, and then as he walked slowly to the door, his shoulders slumping. Sympathy swelled in me for him. Maybe in another life time we could have been together, but not this one.

I groaned,"Art." I look back to Addison who looked oddly pleased. I glared at him harshly. "Would it kill you to have a Heart?" I said glancing back to the door Mike had went through.

"Maybe." He says shrugging nonchalantly.I glanced back to the door Mike had went through."Oh and I can take care of the Art problem." I hadn't noticed him moving closer, but now he was speaking in my ear."Go sit down And look pale...well more pale than you usually are." He mutters in a teasing tone.

I huffed while it was true that it wasn't a problem for me to look pale he didn't have to mention it. I sat against the wall with my eyes closed.

I heard Addison speaking softly at the counter.

" ?"

"Yes?" I hadn't her return to her desk.

"Bella has art next hour, and I don't think she feels well enough to attend and I was wondering if it was ok for me to drive her home. Would you mind excusing us, so I can." His voice was melting sugar. I could just imagine his eyes. How overwhelming they must be.

"Of course." fluttered. Gah why couldn't I do that?

"Thank you so much, ." He says smoothly.

"Anytime,dear." flutters. "Okay, it's all taken care of. You feel better bella." she called to me. I nodded weakly hamming it up for effect.

"Can you walk or do you want me to carry you again?" With his back to his expression became mocking.

"I'll walk."

I stood carefully, I was still fine. He held the door open for me his expression polite but his eyes mocking. "Aw but I oh so enjoy you in my arms." he teases lowly in my ear so only I could hear. I march out the cool air hitting me, with a soft mist- and for the first time I don't mind it as it washes the icky sweat from my face. Right when I was about to retort to his comment I'm interrupted by a familiar voice.

" You wish." Edward says between gritted teeth.I look him over and can't help but giggle. His or rather Addison's clothes hung off his body showing the obvious difference between their body types. Edward grabbed his pants pulling them up. I realized this was probably the first time I've seen him in jeans. Although these jeans looked like he was trying daddy's clothes on. The pants legs were obviously too long and the waist was well...lets just say he was wearing white briefs today.

His shirt was a plain black tee with Black Veil Brides Written in red seeming to drip down like blood on it. I couldn't help but laugh harder at the band tee he was wearing. But his shoes were what sent me Spiraling into a fit of laughter. They were Osirises marked with skulls and lucky 13 every where visible. He glared at me and Addison who were leaning on each other for support due to our heavy laughter.

He huffed," Very Funny now can we leave?"

Addison gasped his laughter only stopping enough to be audible. "Gah yeah sure…I'll drive emo boy." He smirks chuckling.

"Need I remind these are YOUR clothes? You little Emo Punk."

" The only little one here is you, Dickward." He said narrowing his eyes at Edward.

Edward reaches into his pocket of his sagging pants and toss the keys to Addison. Their eyes never leaving each other. Addison caught the keys with ease slipping into his pocket. The stare only stoped when I shivered. Edward huffs as Addison slips his jacket off placing it around my shoulders. My protest falls on deaf ears as he just turns away walking to his car.

I sigh and put me arms in the giant jacket wrapping it closer to me. when they aren't looking I dip my head and inhale deeply...Yup still sweet and earthy…

I could have sworn I see something pass between Edward and Addison. As if Addison is teasing Edward about something. I just can't hear it, But I just write it off as the side affects of what happen early.

"Thanks." I said as I follow them to the parking lot.

"Anytime." Edward and Addison say insync...they also look at each other and glare insync…

"So...are you going? This saturday? I mean." It was directed at Addison but I had a feeling Edward knew what I was talking about. I was hoping at least one of them was, even if it seemed unlikely. I couldn't picture either of them loading up to carpool with the rest of the kids from school; they didn't belong in that world. But just hoping caused a twinge of enthusiasm for the outing.

"Where are you all going, exactly?" Edward questioned. Ah, so he did know about it. Addison says nothing...just looks ahead...expressionless.

"Down to La Push, to first beach." I study Edward face his eyes narrowed infinitesimally. Addison smirks and looks at Edward. Edward glares darkly at him.

Edward glanced down at me from the corner of his eye and warily smiles. " I don't think WE(he points a look at Addison as he says we) weren't invited."

I sighed."I just invited you."

"Let's you and I (Addison scoffed at this) not push poor Mike anymore this week. We don't want him to snap." I glanced at Addison his eyes were dancing at the idea of Mike snapping...he was enjoying the idea more than he should.

"Mike-schmike," I mutter, preoccupied by the way He said you and I (I liked the way it sounded way too much) and how Addison reacted. We reach the parking lot and I veer left toward my truck. Something catches Addison's jacket, yanking me back.

"Where do you think your going?" Edward said outraged. He had a fistful of Addison's jacket in one hand. Addison growls...yes growls lowly, his eyes fixed on Edward's clasping hand. Edward's eyes flicker to Addison's and after a brief stare down. His hand releases me and falls to his side. And Addison visibly relaxes and ceases growling.

I was very confused. " I'm going home." My eyes flickered between the two of them. Addison walks forward grabbing my hand. A bolt runs through it up my arm and I gasp. I look to see if Addison had a similar reaction but since his back was to me pulling me tugging me after him I couldn't tell. I noticed he was tugging towards his car and I pulled my hand from his grasp. Instantly missing the contact.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Addison turns around tilting his head giving a charming smile. "Didn't you hear me? I promised to take you home. Who knows what could happen to a girl like you in your condition." he said it in a sickly sweet tone with a mocking undertone.

I narrowed my eyes. "What condition? What about my truck wise guy?"

"Insanity. and I'll get Alice to bring it to you after school."

He said while picking me up and placing me on his shoulder. I began beating his back with all the force I could muster.

"I am NOT insane you Big hairy ape. The only insane person is you! NOW, .DOWN."

He only chuckled as I began to twist and squirm in his grasp not letting up on my punches...That didn't seem to affect him at all… He only walked ahead as if he was on a Sunday stroll and not carrying a hundred and ten pound girl who was attempting to beat the shit out of him.

I glanced at Edward in hopes that he would get his brother to put me down. But he was only laughing at the sight of me. Then I'm falling back...well what seemed to be falling. I was put in the passenger seat. Addison locking the car doors with a beep.

I huffed crossing my arms over my chest watching Addison walk around the car to the driver's side. He unlocked the door slipping in and cranking the car turning the car on. The car was filled with the deafening scream and drums being pounded in a loud rhythm along with a hard and rough guitar solo. I flinch as Addison turns the radio down for it only being background music notting even batting an eyelash the entire time. He then turned the heat on full blast. A tap was heard on the back window and I turned to see Edward was waiting to be let in.

Addison smirked leaning forward opening a big case full of CDs looking through it slowly scanning each one and flipping the page. The tapping happened again hard and more annoyed this time. Addison payed no mind to it… picking a cd and putting it in and taking the other CD out and taking his sweet time putting it back in its rightful place. .TAP. It was even louder now and more frustrated rather than annoyed.

But once again Addison took his sweet time in searching for the perfect song. Not finding any that appeal to him. He takes the CD out and searches for a new one. With every new CD the tapping gradually turned to banging. This cycle continues several times before he finally unlocks the door for Edward. For a brief moment I wonder if i could get to my truck before one of them caught up to me.

"You can't. Don't even bother. I'll just carry you back." Addison says guessing my plan. He puts the car in drive and pulls out of the parking lot.

"You're such an ASS!" I grumble.

"Honestly you need more insults. I'm growing tired of being called the same thing everyday. plus Ass isn't much of an insult." He smirks.

"You're right you insult asses everywhere just by being one."

Addison laughs lowly. "Yes because they agree I'm much too charming and SWEET to be an ass."

I scoff. "Charming and sweet MY ass."

"With all this talk of ass I'm beginning to sense a fetish." He teases glancing to me and back to the road.

I wrinkle my nose. "Gross. No. That's disgusting."

He chuckled." So my ass isn't worthy of your fetish?" he pouts.

I open my mouth to retort when Edward interrupts. "Shut up Addison. You're not cute. Just infuriating."

"That's not what your mom said last night." He smirks cruelly. Edward head snaps up from looking out the window and full on glares at Addison in the rearview mirror. His glare was matched with an equally as harsh glare from Addison. I had an awful feeling in the pit of my stomach that there was something I was missing. I broke the stare off by clearing my throat. Their stare broke and Addison looked back to the road and Edward's back out the window.

"I could have drove myself you know." Silence. hmm perhaps another strategy to break this tension.

"This is completely unnecessary." I said my voice harder and more stubborn. 'OKAY PLAN B THEN'

I listened to the song and recognized it instantly. "Addicted by saving Abel, right?"

"Mhmmm." Addison answered and smirked glancing at edward through the rearview mirror. I sighed and slumped against the window looking out of it.

"Uh you know Saving Abel?" I could tell Addison was only talking for my benefit, but hey can't shoot a guy for trying.

"A few of their songs...My mom went through a fad of adoring them." My chest tightened at the mention of my mother. I looked back out of the window watching the rain blur by along with the trees. Noticing that we were going fairly fast. Even though you can't tell by how smooth the car is going. The only hint being the blurring scenery.

"What's your mother like?" Edward asks suddenly. I catch his reflection in the rearview mirror. He was studying me with curious eyes.

I look back out my window." She looks a lot like me… but prettier." I see Addison's eyebrows shoot up out of the corner of my eye. "I have too much of Charlie in me. She's more outgoing than I am, and braver. She's irresponsible and slightly eccentric, and she's a very unpredictable cook." I stopped. Talking about her was making me depressed.

" How old are you?" Addison asks. He sounded slightly frustrated and I don't know why. He stops the car and we're at Charlie's house...maybe that's why he sounded frustrated…

"Seventeen." I respond confused.

"You don't seem seventeen." His tone was reproachful; which made me laugh, but the knowing undertone cut it short.

"What?" He was curious again.

"Just that my mom says I was born forty and get more middle-aged each year." I laughed and so did Addison. I sighed. "Well someone has to be the adult." A knowing look passes through Addison's eyes. "You know you don't seem like a junior in highschool yourself."I noted. It still bewildered me a guy his size and intellect was still a junior.

He makes a face and says nothing drumming his fingers on the steering wheel.

"Why did your mother marry phil?"

The question surprised me considering I had never told Edward about that...only Angela one day at lunch at least a month ago if not more…

It took me a moment to answer I looked over at Addison, He was staring off again still drumming on the steering wheel. "My mother was very young for her age. I think it made her feel even younger to marry him. It doesn't matter though, she's crazy about him." I shook my head the attraction between the two was still a mystery to me.

"Do you approve?" Addison questions not looking away from what he was staring at...which was nothing in particular.

"Does it matter?" I counter. "I want her to be happy...and he's what makes her happy."

"That's very thoughtful...but I wonder." Addison looked at me now his expression was one I haven't seen on him before. It was a mix between curiosity,something gnawing at the back of his mind, and calculating.

"Would she extend the same courtesy to you? No matter who your chose was?" He tone was intent, eyes searching mine.

Edward sat in the back listening closely watching me.

"I-I think so," I stutter out. "But she's the parent, after all. It's a bit different."

"So no one too scary then?" Addison teased. I liked this kind of teasing from him. It was light hearted and carefree.

I grinned in response. "What do you mean by scary? Multiple facial piercings and sleeves of tattoos?"

"That's one definition."

"What's your definition?"

He shrugs and asking a question of his own."Do you think *I* could be scary?" His raised an eyebrow a teasing smile adorning his features.

I thought for a moment, wondering which go over better, the truth or a lie. I chose the truth.

"I think you could be if you wanted to."

I hear Edward scoff. The smile on Addison face is gone replaced by one of sadness and disappointment. confusing me completely. This was unlike him to show any emotion beyond teasing and mocking.

"Are you frightened of me now?"


"That's a really dumb choice."

"Agreed." Edward pipes in.

"Are ya'll going to tell me about your families now?" I question to distract them. The sudden glint in Addison eyes were startling me. "It has to be more interesting then mine."

The glint was gone and replaced with a guarded look. "Why do you want to know?"

"The Cullens adopted you two right?"

Addison looks away out his window.

"Yes " Edward answers.

I hesitated for a moment,"What happened to your parents." I asked them both.

"They died. what else would happen?" Addison snaps.

I flinch."Sorry. That was a stupid question." I reached for the door to leave only for Edward to stop me.

" There are no stupid questions. Only stupid people." He said pointing a look at Addison who paid no mind to him.

"I don't really remember my parents anyway. Carlisle and Esme have been my parents for a while now."

"And you love them?" It wasn't a question, but a statement. You could tell he loved them by how he spoke of them.

"Yes," Edward said smoothly.

"You're very lucky."

"I know I am."

"You BOTH are very lucky." Addison didn't move an inch.

"And your brothers and sisters?"

"Are waiting to be picked up." Addison says emotionless. His face was still. It unnerved me.

" . Sorry."

Edward smiled crookedly."No worries. Although I'm sure you'll want your truck back before Charlie comes home."

"Doesn't matter. He probably already heard what happened. There's no secrets in Forks." I sighed

Addison smiled bitterly and Edward laughed with an edge.

"Have fun at the beach. Good weather for sunbathing." Edward says glancing at the sheeting rain.

"Won't I see you tomorrow?"

"Me and the guys are starting the weekend early."

"What are you going to do?" A friend could ask that...right? I hope the disappointment isn't apparent in my voice.

""We're hiking in the Goat Rocks Wilderness, just south of Rainer."

I remembered Charlie mentioning the camp frequently.

"Oh well, have fun this weekend." I tried to sound enthusiastic. I don't think I fooled him, though. A smile played on his lips.

"Will you do something for me this weekend?" He said looking at me fully utilizing the full intensity of his stare. I saw Addison stiffen beside me as if wanting to intervene, but he only looks away.

I nod helplessly.

"Don't be offended, but you seem to be one of those people who just attracts accidents like a magnet ...try not to fall in the ocean or injury yourself or something, alright?" he smiled crookedly.

The helplessness faded as he spoke. I glared at him.

"I'll see what I can do," I snap as I jump into the rain. I slammed the door behind me with unnecessary force.

Edward was grinning in the back and Addison still looked distant as they drove off.

Author note:

Thank you to anyone who finshed the chapter I appreciate it. Again I apologize for leaving this story for so long but it will get finished now.

Reviews are welcome good or bad and constructive criticism is the boom.