The Raging Galaxy


I do not own Star Wars the Clone Wars or Avatar the Last Airbender. They both belong to their respective owners.

Chapter 1-Holocron Heist

Jedi trapped on Felucia! Clones are surrounded by droid forces. Their only hope is to escape on Republic gunships waiting to land on the embattled surface. Jedi cruisers have managed to blow a hole in the droid defenses and have sent the gunships to the rescue.

1 year, 3 months, 28 day after the Battle of Geonosis

Earth Year 2010

The three Jedi cruisers hammered the Separatist fleet with everything they had, but it didn't do a lot of damage. Though, after awhile, they managed to destroy one of the Separatist frigates, opening a path straight to the planet. A group of gunships flew out of one of the cruisers hanger, led by High General Plo Koon and Avatar Aang. "Warthog, protect the gunships. Me and Aang will take out the fighters." Plo said over his ships comm. "Copy that, boss." Warthog answered.

Aang sped up, keeping up with Plo, as they fired at the vulture-droids. Aang blasted fighter after fighter into pieces, dodging others that were too close. He twisted his ship away from two incoming missiles then immediately blasted at them, hitting them both.

"They've made it through the first wave. Concentrate all fire on the cruiser to the left." A clone officer ordered from the bridge of a Jedi Cruiser. The three cruisers turned all of their cannons on the left frigate and opened fire, tearing the ship apart.

Aang and Plo led the gunships and Republic starfighters through Felucia's atmosphere. They sped as fast as they could towards the stranded troops. The many vulture-droids were in close pursuit. "They're on our tail." Aang said as he watched the multiple red dots appearing on his starfighter's HUD. Aang flipped his ship upside down until he was facing the vultures, then opened fire on the closest ones. Two of them were hit and slammed into three others.

Rose POV

"I should've known this would happen." I said to Obi-Wan and Anakin while we deflected the very fast blasterfire coming towards us. Hundreds upon hundreds of battledroids, superbattle droids, and dwarf spider droids. There were even a row of tanks further away. The clones were behind the tanks, firing at the droids as they marched closer. Rex and Cody had ordered the tanks to fire at the droids, but they were hit by cannon fire earlier and are useless now.

Two vulture-droids made it past Aang and chased after one of the clones in their fighters. "I can't shake these two droids!" The clone shouted. "Come around and I'll try to get them off your tail." Plo said, turning his ship around and flew towards the clones position. "Uh, General!" The clone said, panicking, as the droids closed in on him. Plo flew past the clone and quickly opened fire on one of the droids pursuing him. He hit one of them and it slammed into the second one, plummeting towards the ground.

Me, Anakin, and Obi-Wan continued to deflect blasterfire, but it was getting tiring. Then, me and Obi-Wan heard the sound of a ship heading for them. "Look out!" Obi-Wan shouted, pulling Anakin away as the vulture-droid slammed into one of our tanks. "Well, there goes another one." I said, deflecting a bolt that almost hit me. "That was close." Anakin said, deflecting two more bolts. "If those fighters got through, then our gunships can't be far behind." Obi-Wan said. "Right, prepare the troops to evacuate." I ordered.

The four gunships arrived a moment later and landed behind us. Two US soldiers jumped out of one of the gunships. "Go, go!" They shouted. The clones began slowly moving backwards to the transports while firing at the advancing droids. One of the clones was hit and fell to the ground at Rex's feet. "Come on, grunts! We are leaving!" Rex shouted while moving towards the gunships.

"Ahsoka should be back from her jungle patrol by now." Anakin said, deflecting more bolts.

"I'll try to contact her again." Obi-Wan said. "Ahsoka, where are you?" He said into his comlink.

Ahsoka's Forces

Ahsoka stood on top of a Heavy Assault Vehicle/wheeled (HAVw) A6 Juggernaut. Flanking the large vehicle was two AT-TEs. She deflected the multiple droid blasterfire coming her way, flipping and weaving around the bolts. "Ahsoka, what is your location?" Obi-Wan said over her comlink. "About six klicks east, Master. We've engaged the enemy, and we've got them on the run." Ahsoka answered. The clone next to her was sitting in the gunners chair, firing the HAVw's cannon at the large force of droids. "They're here to extract us. We're leaving." Obi-Wan said. "What? Wha-We can't retreat now, Master. I've broken through." She said, spinning her blade to deflect multiple bolts.

"Move it troopers. Come on, double time!" Anakin ordered the clones as everyone boarded the gunships. "The droids are retreating." Ahsoka said over Obi-Wan's comlink. "We're outnumbered. You must evacuate. That is an order!" Obi-Wan shouted. "Master Skywalker taught me never to let up when the tinnies are on the run." Ahsoka said. "They are running back here to regroup with the main force." Obi-Wan said. The four gunships closed the blast-doors, once everyone was on board, and took off towards Ahsoka's position, escorted by Aang, Plo, and the rest of the fighter squadron.

"You are putting your troops' lives in danger, young one." I said, joining the argument. "You will get on the gunship when we arrive." I said.

"Where's Ahsoka?" Anakin asked.

"Following your teachings." Obi-Wan said.

"Is she winning?" Anakin asked.

"For now."

We flew over Ahsoka's location and could see that some of the droids were indeed falling back, but there were much more coming in as reinforcements, with a LOT of tanks. "She's not stopping." Obi-Wan said to Anakin, watching as Ahsoka continued to deflect bolts and didn't even pay attention to the gunships above her. "Land in front of them." Anakin ordered.

The four gunships landed directly in front her and her forces. The blast-doors opened and the clones opened fire on the droids, forcing them back. Anakin jumped out of the gunship and walked over to Ahsoka. "Get in the ship, now!" Anakin ordered. "Can't you see they're retreating?" Ahsoka argued. "They're about to overrun you, Ahsoka. You just can't see it. Now follow orders and get in the ship!" Anakin said. Ahsoka reluctantly got on the gunship, along with the rest of her men. We took off and watched as the thousands of droids marched onto where Ahsoka's forces where. The droids destroyed Assault vehicle, along with the two tanks. Ahsoka looked away from the explosion and looked up at Anakin. He shook his head in disappointment of her.

Jedi Temple-High Council Chamber

Ahsoka and Anakin stood in front of the Masters of the Council. Though only six of the Masters were in attendance: Yoda, Windu, Obi-Wan, Plo, Mashu, and new member, Rose. Ahsoka was visibly nervous.

"Padawan Ahsoka, do you feel Master Kenobi's description of the incident is accurate?" Windu asked.

"Y-yes, my Masters." Ahsoka said. 'Masters? It's so weird to be associated with the other Masters.' Rose thought to herself.

"More to add, do you?" Yoda said.

"I know I was wrong. I just got so caught up in my own success, I didn't look at the battle as a whole. I wasn't being disobedient, I just... forgot." She said, looking down.

"Masters, this incident is my responsibility. Because of Ahsoka's advanced abilities, I forgot how young she is. I gave her more freedom than I should have." Anakin said, looking at Ahsoka. She nervously rubbed her arm.

"That may be, but it doesn't excuse what happened on Felucia." Windu said.

Finally, Rose spoke up. "I think she just needs time away from the battlefield." She said.

Master Yoda nodded in agreement. "On archive security, reflect on your actions you can, Padawan."

"Guard duty?!" Ahsoka said, but then realized her mistake as the Masters gave her a look. "I-I mean, for how long?" She said, nervously.

"Longer now." Windu said, frowning at her.

Anakin looked down at Ahsoka and she avoided his look, staring at her feet. "As you wish, my Masters." Ahsoka said, bowing along with Anakin.

Jedi Archives

Anakin and Ahsoka walked into the large Archives, where thousands of holobooks lined the many, many shelves. They found the Jedi librarian in the rooms center rotunda, looking at a computer holo. "I'm... sorry I... let you down." Ahsoka said to Anakin as they walked silently. "I know. I was a Padawan not that long ago." Anakin said. "Madam Jocasta Nu, this is Ahsoka Tano. She is to be your new security officer." Anakin said, gesturing to Ahsoka. She smiled at the elderly Jedi. "Hello, madam." She said, bowing. "So good to meet you, young one." Nu said, as Anakin nodded to Ahsoka and left the Archives. "Let's show you around." She said, leading Ahsoka through the room.

"There is more knowledge here than any other place in the galaxy." Jocasta Nu said as she and Ahsoka walked by the endless rows of holobook shelves.

"Master Kenobi says there are even texts here that are forbidden to be read." Ahsoka stated.

"Oh, the Archives hold a great many secrets, tis' true." Nu said, chuckling as the approached a circular, metal door. "Beyond this door lies the holocron vault. The holocrons contain the most closely guarded secrets of the Jedi Order." She explained as they saw Master Kit Fisto walk to the vault door, holding a holocron. "Good morning, Master Fisto."

Fisto looked behind him and flashed them both a smile, then waved his hand over a control panel, using the Force to open the vault door. "Can we go inside?" Ahsoka asked, curious.

"Oh, I'm afraid not, my dear. I haven't been inside myself for years. Only members of the Jedi High Council are allowed access." Nu explained as she and Ahsoka walked away from the door. "Guarding the holocrons is one of the most important duties a Jedi can be given, Ahsoka. Do you think you're up to the task?"


Coruscant-Underworld Hotel

The underworld of Coruscant was a place for the most vile criminals and smugglers to hide away in or do "business". The underworld was mostly away from the Jedi's watchful eye, so long as nothing worth paying attention to happened. Beneath Coruscant were thousands and thousands of levels going deep underground. The lower you went, the worst it gets.

Notorious bounty hunter Cad Bane was on one of the deepest parts of the Underworld, in an old, seedy hotel. After the death of Jango Fett, Bane became the galaxies number one bounty hunter, even successfully killing quite a few Jedi in his career. Bane stood next to his hotel window, watching the many starships fly by about their business, in deep thought, with a toothpick in his mouth.

"Excuse the interruption." A voice said, behind him. "As I was saying, bounty hunter, I have need for your services." Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious said from a holoprojector behind him.

"I'm listening." Bane said, tossing his pick away.

"I need a Jedi... holocron." Sidious said.

"To get a holocron, I'd have to break into the Jedi Temple. It's impossible, not to mention...deadly." Bane said.

"Perhaps your reputation has been exaggerated."

"I want a Rogue class starfighter with elite weapons, cloaking device, the works. Oh, and triple my usual rate." Bane said, sitting in a chair in front of the holoprojector and put his feet on the table.

"Your price is of no concern. I will also provide you with the means to get inside the Temple."

"You've got a deal." Bane said, smiling.

Jedi Temple-War Room

Rose, Mashu, Yoda, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Aang, Sokka, and Ayla Secura were in the very large Temple War Room, watching the huge holoprojector in the middle of the room. "Things aren't going good in the Outer Rim." Rose said, watching the red dots of enemy fleets covering most of the map, outnumbering the Republic. Then the door behind us opened and Alix, Mashu's son and Padawan, walked in. "We have another problem, Masters." He said, walking over to the large holotable. He is a little on the short side, kinda looks a lot like Mashu, and he was only 11 years old and already quite powerful and skilled for his age. But, to Rose and mostly everyone else in the Order he was... well, crazy. He switches from serious to weird, and not serious at all. For that reason, he isn't allowed on the battlefield with a Master or Knight with him. "The Separatist have blockaded one of our supply routes." He said, pushing a button on the holoprojector and showed the supply route and the Separatist fleet.

"They took advantage of us pulling out of that system to block out supplies." Mashu said.

Master Yoda gazed down at the ground as the Force sent a warning to him. A very powerful message.

"The setback at Felucia has affected our efforts in the whole system. We'll have to act quickly before we can-" Obi-Wan was interrupted as Master Yoda groaned loudly and held tightly onto his walking cane. "Master?" Aang said, worried. "Master Yoda, what is it?" Anakin asked, also concerned. "A... disturbance in the Force. Intruders, there will be. In this Temple." Yoda said. Everyone exchanged looks. "Wait, I wasn't listening. What are we looking at each other for?" Alix said, confused. Everyone groaned in annoyance.

Coruscant-Underworld Hotel

"You know, if you would just tell me what it is you're doing back there, I could probably be of some assistance." Cad Bane's techno-service droid, Todo 360, said. Bane was behind the droid, working with the droids circuits from it's back.

"Look, I'm just doing some maintenance. You've been having memory crashes." Bane said, taking a small chip out of his back pocket.

"That is preposterous. I have no memory of any crashes. Oh, my goodness. I have no memory of any crashes." Todo said, worried.

"Exactly." Bane said, placing the chip inside the droid.

"Oh, no. I am doomed." Todo said, frightened. "Bane, you have to help me."

"Calm down. I'm done." Bane said, walking to his computer.

"Oh, thank you." Todo said as the door buzzer sounded.

"Get the door." Bane ordered.

"I am a techno-service droid, not a butler droid." Todo stated.

"Can it, Todo. You are what I say you are." Bane said.

"Well... I..." Todo scoffed and walked to the door.

He opened the door and a Clawdite female bounty hunter, by the name of Cato Parasitti from the planet Zolan, stood in the doorway. "Who are you?" She asked. "I'm Todo 360, techno-service droid. Who are you?" Todo asked as she walked past him. "None of your business." She responded. "Everyone seems to be in a good mood today." Todo said, sarcastically, following behind her to Bane.

Cato took off her helmet and looked over Bane's shoulder at his computer screen. "Who is that?" She asked. On the screen was a Rodian male, with his information on the side text area. "Bolla Ropal, Jedi out in the Mid Rim." Bane said. "We going after him?" Cato asked. "Soon. Right now, we're stealing a holocron." Bane said, pushing a button. A hologram of a Jedi holocron appeared in front of them. "Impossible. The only place you can get a holocron is-" Cato started but Bane interrupted her. "I know. Inside the main vaults of the Jedi Temple. Fortunately, our Sith Lord client has set us up with some help."

A hologram of the Jedi Temple and it's surrounding area appeared. "For one, the map of the Temple you're looking at now. For another, a security chip that I've placed in my droid this morning." Bane said, turning slightly to Todo. "I have been given all the technical data regarding the security systems in the Jedi Temple." Todo explained. "Both the vent shafts and the vault itself are equipped with all kinds of traps and security measures. Todo can take them out, but we'll need help from the someone inside the Jedi Library. That's where your talents as a changeling comes in." Bane said. He and Cato turned to the bed behind them. On the bed lay a dead Skrilling male.

"He looks like a Jedi." Cato stated, turning to the corpse. "He was. His name was Ord Enisence." Bane explained then pushed another button on his computer. A map of the Temple appeared and he pointed out the library. "You should be able to walk into the Archives and monitor us without a problem." He said. Cato walked over to the dead Jedi and touched his hand, causing herself to transform completely into an exact copy of the Jedi. "Now that I am a Jedi..." Cato said chuckling, "I can do that." She finished in Enisence's voice. "Good. You will need these." Bane said, tossing her/him an ear piece. "They're ear comlinks so we can keep in communication." He explained. "Mm, the vault is in the library, which backs into the communications center. There will be swarms of Jedi nearby." Cato said, looking at the map. "We'll use that to our advantage." Bane said, simply. "Even if you get into the vault, how are you going to crack that safe?" She/He asked. "Let me worry about the safe. First things first."

Jedi Temple

Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Aang walked through one of the main halls of the Temple, walking past the large and tall windows overlooking Coruscant, with Alix behind them. Mashu sent Alix to help them, but it was probably to get him out of their hair for awhile. "Where do we start looking for these intruders?" Anakin said. "I highly doubt they've come to hijack starfighters." Obi-Wan said. "What's here that they can't get anywhere else?" Aang asked. "A LOT of information." Obi-Wan said. "The Jedi transmitter codes." Anakin said. "Every piece of troop information, in one place. Can't forget that." Alix added, catching up to them. "And it's all in the east tower." Anakin said, nodding to Alix and Obi-Wan. "The east tower communications center." Aang said, remembering the map of the Temple he had to study. "Me and Alix will head there right away." Anakin said. "Me and Aang will monitor the perimeter defenses from the Central Security Station." Obi-Wan said, and everyone ran off towards their separate destinations.

Outside the Jedi Temple

Cad Bane and Todo 360 flew along the temple ziggurat using their rocket boots. Once they reached the top, they landed on the ledge of the ziggurat. "That was much easier than I thought." Bane said, smiling.

Jedi Archives

Ahsoka walked around the very large library, watching Jedi, young and old, come and go. She was VERY bored. Then, she saw Jedi Master Ord Enisence enter the archives from the main entrance. "Good afternoon, Master Enisence." Ahsoka greeted. "Good afternoon, young one." Enisence replied as he walked by. "May I be of assistance, Master?" Ahsoka asked. "No. Uh, no, thank you, my dear. I don't want to bother you." He said, continuing on his way. "Oh, it wouldn't be a bother at all, Master." Ahsoka said, quickly moving in front of him. "Things are slow right now. I could use something to do." She said. "Oh, uh, um,-" Enisence stuttered. "Cato, come in. Are you there yet? Come in." Bane said in his ear comlink. "Thank you, but I'll be fine on my own." He finally said and walked past Ahsoka. "Are you sure?" Ahsoka asked. "Look youngling. I said I was fine. Now let me go about my business." Enisence said, then quickly left. "Can't do anything right these days." Ahsoka said with a hurt expression on her face and walked away.

Enisence walked over to one of the many computers and took a seat. "I'm in." He said. "It's about time. Just tell us where to get in." Bane said in the ear piece. Cato/Enisence pulled up an image of the Temple and it's many security measures. "All rights, there's a weak point in the shield that Todo should be able to break through. I'm beaming him the coordinates now." He/she said typing into the computer.

Todo began beeping and his glowing eyes flashed as he received the coordinates. "Okay, I have got it." Todo said and hovered over to the ray shield that was blocking the outside air vents. "I will block the Temple's scanners." Cato said. "Let's see. It is around here somewhere." Todo said, scanning the ray shield. Then, he touched the shield in it's very small weak point. "We're in." Bane said, as a large hole opened in the shield. "You're welcome." Todo stated, following him.

Jedi Temple-Central Security Station

Aang and Obi-Wan looked at the many large screens of the Temple's perimeter. "Seems clear in the southern sector." Aang stated. Then, the computer screens and scanners shut down then immediately turned back on. "What was that?" Obi-Wan asked the nearby droid. "The system is just recycling, sir." The droid said and walked away. One of the holoprojectors activated and Alix and Anakin appeared. "Master, we're in the tower. No intruders, but something just happened." Anakin said. "All the scanners were acting weird for a moment." Alix said. "Yeah, something happened to the systems down here too. I don't believe this is just a coincidence." Obi-Wan said, as the door slide open behind them. "Arrived, the intruders have." Yoda said as he and Rose entered the room. "Well, if they are not in the tower, what are they after?" Aang asked. "Maybe the communications center is their target." Rose suggested. "They must be in the central ventilation system." Anakin said. "Let me check the system." Obi-Wan said. On one of the monitors, a red circle indicated where someone disturbed the ray shields. "You're right. There has been a disturbance. It's near the top of the south tower." He said. "We'll meet you up there." Alix said and they cut the transmission.

"On high alert, place the Temple." Yoda ordered. "Right away, Master." Rose said, bowing slightly.

Temple's Ventilation System

Bane and Todo hovered into the large, complex system of vents and lowered deeper. "The control board for the fan should be on your left." Cato/Enisence said. Todo found the panel and pushed a button. The large fan slowed down until it eventually stopped. "We are good to go, sir." Todo said to Bane as they lowered past the fan. "Not quite. The fan your about to pass has a security switch." Cato reported. "I do not see anything. Besides, we have already gotten past the fan." Todo said as they past by the security scanners, which activated the two fans they were in between. "Ohh." Todo said. They both began to get pulled towards one of the fans. "Todo, we're getting sucked into the fan! Turn it off!" Bane shouted. "I do not know how!" Todo said. "Cato do something!" Bane said into his comlink. "I got it from here." Cato said, and the fans began to slow down and stop. "Sorry." Todo apologized and they continued down. They reached another intersection and multiple paths lead in different directions. They chose the path that led to the Holocron Vault.

Jedi Archives

"Okay, Bane, the next part is relatively simple." Cato/Enisence said as he looked at the Temple's layout from his computer. "Make your way down the shaft until you reach-" He/she was interrupted by someone behind him. "Excuse me. I-I don't mean to disturb you, but the whole Temple is on high alert." Madam Jocasta Nu said. "Master Rose has ordered that the Archives be locked down." She added. "Thank you." Enisence said, then struck her in the head, knocking her out cold. Cato knelt down next to her and touched her arm, transforming again into the librarian. After taking Jocasta's lightsaber off her belt, Cato/Jocasta returned to the computer.

Temple's Ventilation System

Bane and Todo finally reached the vault, but when they looked through the vent shaft to the hallway in front of the vault door, they could see lasers in their way. "This is it." Bane said, smiling. "Perfect, let's go in." Todo said. "No. Cato come in. We are over the vault." Bane said into his comlink. "Give me a moment to check out the security system." Cato said in a new, female voice. "What's wrong with your voice?" Bane asked. "Change of plans. I'm the librarian now." She answered. "Hurry it up, Cato. We can't stay hidden for long." Bane said, looking behind him.

Anakin, Obi-Wan, Aang and Alix stood at the top of the Temple ziggurat, where Bane and Todo was, and stood where the hole in the shield was. "Well, this is where they broke in." Aang said. "Fortunately, we'll have a less troublesome time." Obi-Wan said and waved his hand over a control panel and the ray shield went down. "Let's go." Alix said and they all entered the shaft and into the large shaft where the fans were located.

"The vault is filled with laser sensors that go on every direction. I'll try to deactivate the whole system from here." Cato said. "Just hurry. I can hear them. They're looking for us in the vent system." Bane said.

Anakin, Obi-Wan, Aang and Alix used their extension cables to lower themselves down the large shaft. They stopped on a ledge and looked around at all the different paths to take. "Great. Which way do you think they went?" Anakin said. "The communications center is this way." Obi-Wan said, pointing at one of the shafts. "We have to hurry if we're going to catch them." Alix said, and they quickly moved down the path.

"The Jedi are coming closer, hurry." Bane said as he heard the Jedi moving through the vents. "I've got it. Go in." Cato said and the laser sensors shut down. Bane jumped in, followed by Todo, smiling at the vault.

Anakin lead the way through the vents but then couldn't tell if they were really going in the right direction. "I don't think they came this way." He said. "Master Yoda, are you picking up any other life signs in this quadrant?" Obi-Wan asked into his comlink. "Deep in the Temple, the intruders are." Yoda reported. "How are the managing to stay out of our way?" Aang said, annoyed. "Hmm. Possible it is, receiving assistance they are, from inside." Yoda said. "Oh. Well, that's wonderful." Obi-Wan said sarcastically, shaking his head.

Back at the vault, Bane was working on the control panel to the door, trying to get it to open. "Almost there. Are you done deactivating those laser beams yet?" He asked Todo who was working on the lasers surrounding the door. Once the beams shut down he nodded. "We are good to go." He said. "Very good. Start cutting through that wall." Bane ordered, pointing to the wall behind them. "This job just keeps getting weirder and weirder." Todo said as he hovered over to the wall and began cutting.

Jedi Archives

Ahsoka patrolled the halls of the Archives, making sure no one else was in the library while it was being locked down. Then her comlink began beeping. "Padawan, alert you must be. Sense deception, I do. Posing as a Jedi the intruder is. Find Master Jocasta, you must." Yoda ordered. "Yes, my Master." Ahsoka answered and ran off to find the librarian. When she reached the computer stations, she heard Madam Jocasta's voice. Ahsoka hid behind a bookshelf and listened. "Bane, the four Jedi have turned around and are making their way towards you." Jocasta said. Ahsoka ran over to confront the imposter.

"Who are you, and what have you done with Madam Jocasta?" Ahsoka demanded.

The Jocasta imposter slowly stood up. "The same thing I'm going to do to you." She said, activating her saber. Ahsoka immediately activated her blade and parried the downward swing. Jocasta and Ahsoka locked blades but Jocasta pushed Ahsoka back and ran off. Ahsoka jumped on top of a table and gave chase. Once close enough, Ahsoka jumped forward and again locked her saber with the imposter. Jocasta kicked Ahsoka in the leg and tripped her over onto the floor. Ahsoka quickly rolled out of the way as Jocasta swung for her head. The Padawan flipped herself back onto her feet and parried a strike to her left and jumped over a low swing for her legs. Jocasta ran off again, flipping over a table.

Ahsoka leaped over the same table and swung her saber in a downward motion, which Jocasta parried at the last moment. Jocasta dodged all of Ahsoka's swings and swung for her stomach. Ahsoka dodged the blade and rolled behind her, swinging for the legs. Jocasta jumped over the green-blade and roundhouse kicked Ahsoka in the face, running away soon after. Ahsoka recovered fast and chased after her. Using the Force, Ahsoka pulled a computer chair in front of imposter, causing her to trip over it and fall face first onto the ground. Ahsoka jumped forward and landed in front of Jocasta, her lightsaber aimed at her head. "You may have Madam Jocasta's shape, but not her skills." Ahsoka said, glaring. The imposter began to transform and she went from Jocasta to a Clawdite female. "A changeling. Interesting." Ahsoka said, picking her up and placing binders on her wrists.

Holocron Vault

Bane was still working on the vault door, with very little success. "Todo, are you done yet?" He asked the droid who was cutting through the wall. "These things take time." Todo answered, still cutting. "Some butler droid you turned out to be." Bane commented. "I am a techno-service droid!" Todo shouted.

Anakin, Obi-Wan, Aang and Alix came across a vent grate that has been removed, indicating that someone went this way. "Looks like you were right." Anakin said to Obi-Wan and they entered the opening. Then, Anakin's comlink began beeping. "Master, I've captured the imposter disguised as a Jedi. She says the other intruder is in the holocron vault." Ahsoka said over the comm. "I thought only a Jedi could open a holocron." Aang said. "That is correct. What are they up to?" Obi-Wan said. "They must be trying to gain access to the communication center from the vault." Alix suggested. "Maybe your right. Let's go." Anakin said.

Bane still had no success with the door, no matter what he tried. "I'm not going to be able to do this without a diagram." He said. "Cato, come in. Cato?" Bane said into his comlink, but all that answered was static. "What has happened?" Todo asked. "Something's gone wrong. Is the hole finished?" He asked. "Yes, but wh-" Todo began but was interrupted. "Go to the communications center." Bane ordered. "What?" Todo said, confused. "You heard me." Bane said, without looking at him. "Bane, the communications center will be crawling with Jedi. Why do I have to go in there?" Todo asked. "Now!" Bane shouted. "Okay, okay." The droid said, pushing the cut piece of the wall down and headed for the center. After Todo left, Bane took out a small chip and placed it on the console he was working on, stepping away into the dark.

Anakin, Obi-Wan, Aang and Alix just arrived over the vault and slowly walked towards the opened vent grate. The chip Bane placed on the console exploded then, sending smoke everywhere and shaking the vent shafts. Aang used airbending to clear away the smoke, then jumped through the shaft and hall below, followed by Anakin, Obi-Wan and Alix. They looked around and saw that the blast blew the vault door apart, but they also saw a hole in the wall that led to the comm center. "Quick! The communications center is this way, let's go!" Obi-Wan said, jumping through the hole, followed by the others.

After they left, Bane walked out of the shadows towards the vault. He pulled the pieces of the door away and stepped inside. In the vault were hundreds of holocrons lining the walls. He walked to the central wall and touched one of the many holocrons lining the cube-shaped wall. The holocron ejected out of it's slot and landed into his hands. Smiling, Bane placed the holocron into a small bag and quickly left the vault.

Communications Center

Rose, Mashu, Windu, Fisto, Ayla, and Yoda stood in the room, looking at a holographic map of the Temple, trying to track the intruders movements. "We've lost them again." Mashu said. Then, the vent behind them was knocked down and a small droid came out. Rose quickly shut off the holoprojector. "Oh, uh, heyyy, guys." The droid said, looking at them nervously. In the shaft, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Aang and Alix arrived at the center but stopped when they saw the droid talking to the Jedi inside. "Uh, I was just, um, testing the access hatch." The droid said, picking up the hatch. "Works great." He said. After he said this, he began beeping. "Bomb!" Windu shouted. "Bomb!? What bomb? Is there something going to blow up?" The droid said, equally frightened. Rose and Windu extended their hands at the same time and shoved the droid back into the shaft, closing the hatch as well.

"Bomb!" Alix shouted and he, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Aang ran away from the droid.

The droid began beeping louder and faster. He began reaching behind him, realizing the bomb was inside of him, and tried to take it out. "No. No. No. No. Noo!" The droid shouted as he exploded.

Everyone in the communications center ducked their heads as the explosion shook the room. They all exchanged looks and Rose just shook her head.

Jedi Archives

Ahsoka led the Clawdite away towards the exit, but stopped when she saw the real Madam Jocasta walking over, holding her head. "Madam librarian, are you okay?" Ahsoka asked, concerned. "I think I'm alright. We must call security." She said.

Across the room, Bane hid behind a bookshelf and watched them walk away with Cato. He was wearing a Jedi robe he took from Enisence and quickly left without being seen.

Holocron Vault

Rose, Mashu, Windu, Aang, Alix, Anakin, Ahsoka, Cato, Obi-Wan and Yoda entered the vault and saw that one of the holocrons was indeed gone. "Hmm. Our war operations, it was never about." Yoda said. "Come on, changeling. We have a new home for you." Ahsoka said, pushing Cato forward. "What would someone want with a holocron?" Obi-Wan said as everyone left the vault.

Once they were back in the library, Cato stopped. "Wait." She said, turning towards the Masters. "Bolla Ropal." She said simply. "What did you say?" Windu said, frowning. "Bolla Ropal. That's who Bane's next target is-some Jedi." She confessed. Anakin and Aang noticed that Rose, Mashu, Obi-Wan, Windu, and Yoda, the Council members, tensed up a little. "What's wrong? Whose Bolla Ropal?" Anakin asked. "He is the keeper of the Kyber Crystal, the data on it can only be read by holocrons." Windu explained. "What's on the crystal?" Aang asked. "A list of every known force-sensitive child in the galaxy. The future younglings. The future of the Jedi Order." Rose answered.

"We have to warn him." Obi-Wan said.

"That's going to be hard to do. He's out of contact, somewhere in the Devaron system." Mashu said.

"Seek him out, you must." Yoda said.

"Ahsoka, Aang and I will set out immediately." Anakin said as Ahsoka handed Cato over to Obi-Wan.

"If this Cad Bane is still here on Coruscant, I'll find him." Obi-Wan said.

Everyone nodded and went their separate ways.

Well, that's that. Bounty hunter Cad Bane has successfully broken into the Jedi Temple and steals a Holocron.

Next Chapter: Cargo of Doom

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy BOOK 2. :)

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