I had the brilliant mistake to replace the document for this chapter, so I had to retype something I typed out again! I was so unmotivated to do so since I could hardly remember what I wrote the last time, but well, here's the chapter.(;_;)

(For the readers who have followed this fic since a few months ago)

On the bright side, I've edited the first 2 chapters! Or maybe it's called a prologue and an all too soon interlude, but yeah. You can reread them if you want, but if you don't, it's Daijoubu! It won't affect much of the story line.


Should I put the disclaimer for this and the rest of the chapters after I've put it in the first? I don't think I specifically need to, but if you want me to, do inform me~


Chapter 1

When the little fox turned around to face him, Fon expected a lot of things. Like a glowing face, or a menacing, ready-to-pound-anytime kind of face, but he certainly did not expect himself to receive a full blown attack called 'Cuteness'.

"C-Cute-" Fon unknowingly gasped as he bent down, hands stationed to pull the little fox into a hug when the flinch from the fox made him pause.

Staring at the trembling form of the little fox that was wrapped tightly buy it's own bundle of furry tail, Fon was hesitant to even get close to it, worried that it would run away before Fon gets to touch it.

But, wait a second... Tail?

Fon blinked a couple of times before launching his attack on the poor, unsuspecting fox. He couldn't control himself from pouncing. The little fox was just so cute!

Especially the tail. Yes, the tail.

Picking the still shaking fox up by the waist, Fon got a hold of the swaying tail as he experimented caressing the very very soft fur on the tail.

'S-So fluffy!' Fon closed his eyes in bliss as he started to rub the fur against his cheeks, fully intending to indulge himself in the activity before someone came and interrupt him.

And of course, from the fifteen years old's action, the little fox in his arms had a hard time trying to escape from his powerful grip. Even when Tsuna had tried to bite the human(albeit reluctantly), Fon did not notice it at all. He was busy floating on cloud nine, still in his own Utopia of soft, furry tails.

Fon, with all his seriousness and gentleness, just can't fathom out the reason to why he cannot control himself when faced with a bundle of furry tails. For some reason, he could handle furry, cute things, but he just couldn't stop himself before burying himself in the softness of animal tails, and before he knew it, he had a whole collection of fur tails, artificially made from various materials since Fon didn't have the heart to encourage pouching. They were all hidden inside a secret room behind his bedside so that no one, especially his Father, could find it. He had made quite a big sacrifice from his pocket money to build the room without many noticing.

Those who knew where silenced with money.

At first, Fon had thought that it was just him, having a disease of sorts. Something like a fetish for tails. He had kept quite of it, of course. The Hibari family were known for their aloof and strict personality. Although Fon was aloof, not wanting to get tied down by anything, he was in no way strict. It was already bad enough that he could not understand the messages behind the various forms of 'hn' passed between his family members. He didn't need to feel as if he had wronged the family even further with his strange obsession.

However, things changed when he first stepped into his uncle's room. It was a horrifying sight to behold, to say the least.

Fon could still remembered how when he first entered his Clan's Head's private quarters for tea, he was quite literally stunned into silence.

It went like this. Fon was just going to his uncle's room as he was invited for tea as courtesy, since Fon is technically that man's nephew, no matter how unfamily-like he acted. And Fon accepted, out of basic respect. After Fon had knocked on the door towards his uncle's room, he had a brief inspection of the room. On his left was a row of beautiful bonsai held in various meticulously crafted pots. Which wasn't a strange sight in anyway, since the whole house was decorated elegantly in Japanese style, but what caught his eyes was the row of carefully displayed cute animal figurines on his right.

Numerous glass figurines of various animals met his eyes and when Fon hesitantly looked below the shelf that held the too-cute-for-someone-like-Hibari-sama figurines, Fon's eyes involuntarily widened as he took in the piles of animal cushions and plushies lying on the carpeted flooring.

It was really a horrifying sight that Fon could not forget even till now. To see the Hibari Head, the widely feared and notorious Demon of the Clan, known for his merciless acts towards his enemies, having a collection of cute animals. Saying it was a surprise is an understatement.

Fon had been really nervous before stepping into his Uncle's room, thinking that if he offended said Uncle, he would lose his head by the various weapons displayed in his room.

But how wrong could he have been? Hibari-sama was know for being blood-thirsty, and everyone would have expected him to have a weapon collection in his room.

Being silent in front of the clan head when he was so patient in waiting for Fon to recollect his thoughts was very rude of Fon. So he had immediately apologized afterwards and join Hibari-sama for tea. Eyes wandering off every minute just to see if the mirage was over.

It was never over. The animal figurines were still there. The cushions and plushies too, innocently lying on the floor, much to Fon's dismay.

Fon's opinion of the Head changed slightly after that day. Him becoming even more respectful of the Head was just one thing.

Ever since that day, Fon had tried to relate his fetish to his Uncle's weird love(?) Obsession(?) Fon didn't know what to name it. And Fon concluded that it had to be genetic.

After carefully observing his parents, Fon had discovered that, Yes, his parents too had some sort of love for cute things.

Is this a family thing? Fon didn't really know, but he conveniently blamed everything on the genes. It must be a family thing.

From the various small icons of little canaries and petite dolphins hidden from plain sight, Fon mentally applauded his parents for hiding their obsession so well. He hadn't even notice his mother daily rendezvous with a small Monkey in the backyard for so long. Not that Fon blamed her. Fon had to hold himself back from pouncing on the little monkey himself.

So, blaming it all on his DNA, Fon forgave himself for having such fetishes and continued to squeeze the life out of little Tsunayoshi.

He couldn't control himself after seeing such a perfect, fully fluffed, -insert adjectives-, tail in his range of sight. Moreover, the cuteness the little Youkai just radiates was unbearable! So Fon cannot, I repeat, CANNOT, resist himself from wanting to satisfy his fetish's needs. After all, real tails were so much better than his fake collection.

And he prided himself in his tolerance.

Now that his cousin had his fun with the birthday party, its his turn to enjoy himself. He;s sure the little fox don't mind a little bit of hugging.

But in truth, little Tsuna did mind the hug. Minded a lot too. Tsuna had panicked with he was first embraced by Fon, and he had tried to make the other unhand him, but to no avail. No matter what, Fon was stronger than him, and even biting didn't work.

'Lemme go! Lemme go!' Tsunayoshi all but screamed, trying to push the human's hands away using his front paws. That too, failed.

And after quite a while of the (one-sided) power struggle, Tsuna gave the idea of escape up, and just limped in the stranger's hold.

When unrecognizable squealing was all Tsuna heard, he had sighed and wondered where the servant Maihime was. Was anyone going to save him?

Tsuna shook his head. Of course someone is going to save him! He believes in Tsuya and the rest.

So Tsuna waited, and waited.

His patience paid off when after a seemingly long period of time, the stranger's grip on Tsuna finally loosened.

Tsuna let out a sigh of relief and relaxed in the stranger's arms after a bit of squirming.

Fon, sensing Tsuna becoming comfortable in his arms, smiled gently. Perhaps he had been too forceful. But well, who can blame him after being presented with such perfect fluffy tail?

Fox in arms, Fon strolled back into the Japanese castle, trying to sneak in so that his younger cousin wouldn't stop the little white fox.

If Hibari Kyoya out of anyone found out about the little fox... A chill went up of Fon's spine as he clutched the little Fox tighter.

"Don't worry, I won't let him get to you." Fon whispered, petting the fox's head lightly.

Sensing the stranger's sudden change in mood, Tsuna shifted and licked the stranger's fingers in an attempt to comfort him.

Fon smiled.

"Now I really can't let Kyoya meet you."


End of chapter

And back to replying reviews~ Yay!


DeathLadyShinigami – Thanks for pointing that out, I have changed it! Thanks for the indirect praise(?) For thinking the fic's interesting :3 Hope to see you in the next chapter too!

Lovleydragonfly- Ikr! It's kind of heartbreaking to delete so many chapters at once, but I hope the new version is to your liking. I had added more details in it, and from now to chapter 20 or so, I am clearer of where the story is proceeding since it's not really on a whim anymore.

Natsu Yuuki- Not so much as to remake, but a major editing? I dunno. Maybe remaking is a good word for it. Although it's been really, really long, hope I see your brilliant reviews soon.

Jgood27- Yay! Thanks for the like! Here's the next chapter, and good to meet a fellow 27 fan!

Guest- Yup, yup! Here's the next chapter. Would you perhaps want to review in your account of change your name so that I can recognize you next time with you review? So that I can know who I should thank:)


Thanks for reading~