I'm doing some writing exercises in which I randomly generate numbers from lists of fandoms and characters! This is going to be my GoT set, and I'll have others, too. I'll update each fandom when I can. After picking a fandom and character, I go into my itunes shuffle and get inspiration from songs!

GoT, Sansa, The Crow and the Butterfly by Shinedown

Everyone was gone.

It couldn't be said enough, for Sansa had a habit of trying to forget the truth of her situation.

Her father, her mother, Robb, Bran, Rickon, Arya, Jon Snow. Even her aunt, though Sansa had never held a real affection for her mother's estranged sister who hid in the clouds.

The only relative left was her sickly cousin Robert, who snuggled at her side and made her uncomfortable.

But he didn't count.

No, all she really had left of her phantom life in the North was herself.

She slipped carefully way from Robert's grasping hands and scooted out of the bed. Out in the hallway, she walked along softly, watching the walls of the Eyrie pass her by.

Day in and day out, she just watched life pass her by.

She was surviving, to be sure. She listened closely to everything Littlefinger said and kept close watch on the comings and goings of the men whom now supported him. She listened to news of King's Landing, the ruins of Winterfell, the Wall, Riverrun…

She even paid attention to the rumors spiraling up from beyond the Narrow Sea. The lands of Qarth, the Drothraki grasslands, Mereen. All of these foreign lands, speaking foreign tongues, dealing with foreign issues. All of them sing the same word: Dragons.

Sansa did not yet know if she believed in the Dragons and their silver queen. The idea just seemed so…distant.

But yet so were Jon Snow and Arya, if they were alive. She didn't know if she believed in them either, if she were being honest with herself.

Sansa followed the spiraling staircase at the end of the hall out into one of the Eyrie's magnificent courtyards. The leaves on the trees dotting the rounded enclosure were almost gone. A few drifted down past her as she made her way to the center bench she favored. She sat.

Inaction was beginning to dig at her. She felt it gnawing at her insides along with the guilt it spawned. She needed to move soon…

A bird burst forth from the tree above here, screeching as it soared over the wall and out into the vast, plummeting sky. Sansa watched it circle for a short while, and then it disappeared behind the mountain.

Yes, she would move soon. But this time, she wouldn't go chasing ghosts or hopes.

She'd let herself lead.