A Stranger's Tale

Summary: An unknown woman confronts the council before the fellowship is chosen. She holds secrets that were not revealed to anyone because none knew of what she spoke. What kind of secrets does she hold that could be of use to this quest?

Disclaimer: I do not own either works. I just use them as my muse.

Author's note: This plot has been beating against my head since I've been re-reading the Lord of the Rings as well as other works from Tolkien. There will be mentions of things from the Silmarillion and the creation of Arda and Earth. If you haven't read it please do it is quite fascinating. Another note is that I'm making the Glorfindel of Gondolin and the Glorfindel of Rivendell the same people so please don't be mad at me .

P.S.S I apologize for not updating my other stories. Many I have lost interest in and am trying to find what first drove me to write them in the first place so I'll be working on the ones that I have planned for right now and then I'll post what is happening on the biography.

Chapter One: A Prisoner released

The sky was that of a blue that one would see on a daily basis but this particular person has seen barely any light since she was captured from her house long before men could remember. She was being released because many who once locked her up had forgotten what crime she had done and what her role was for they were dead. However she was not being released on her own. She was being released to a guard she had known for many ages. He had become her friend through many conversations in her dungeon home.

Her guard led her through the forest slowly as they traveled to her new home. She was moving into the house of Elrond. She was happy to be able to have a home that wasn't barred in the strongest of materials known of the dwarves.

"Vanyӛ, we must quicken our speed if you can muster it. It will be nightfall soon." The guard spoke softly and kindly to her.

"It has been many ages since I have traveled a distance so far. I would like to see what has changed since I last stepped foot on ground. Please be patient with me Glorfindel. I know you are eager to go see your home as I am as well. "Vany stated with a smile and a kind voice.

Glorfindel smiled at his charge and picked her up around the waist gently as he carried her to his horse. His smile brightened as he heard her laugh.

"It has been many ages since you have laughed so dear Vanyӛ. I am glad to hear it once more." He stated as he placed her on his horse and climbed on behind her.

She smiled and fixed her clothing. She was dressed in a green and white dress that made her eyes sparkle. As she was straightening her dress Glorfindel placed a hood over her face. She heard him laugh as she huffed at it being in her view of the landscape.

"Vanyӛ, we have a long trek ahead of us. Let us be off." He said as he placed a kiss on the top of her head.

"Glorfindel please call me by my given name, the one given to me by my mother." She smiled and looked over her shoulder at her friend and guard.

"As you wish, Kagome."

Please Read Review and Enjoy. Tell me what you think of it so far.

So I've decided that this will be uploaded on a bi-weekly basis. Monday's and Thursday will be the days that it will come out on and I'll post the schedule for my other stories on my Biography. Please check it out and tell me what you think.