I would like to thank all my reviewers. It means a great deal to me that you like what you have read so far. I know you are all wondering about why she was imprisoned and I know for some of you it is killing you to not know but I have a good reason to prolong it until a certain time. So forgive me for not giving you answers immediately. Well let's continue on with the story.

A Stranger's Tale

Chapter 4: An unpleasant meeting

It continued to be an interesting travel through all of Forlindon and out of the Blue Mountains. Glorfindel and her talking about the sights and the histories they remembered of the land. It was a week that Kagome will not soon forget. She was reliving events from the past both small and large. It was both sorrowful and comforting as the same time. Sorrowful for the lost lives of families and friends in these events as well as comforting to know that no matter how they ended their memories are still written in stories and told throughout the land.

It was during one of these thoughtful days that she felt a shiver run down her spine to the tips of her toes. She shot her head up and placed her hand on the horse's neck gently telling it to stop. She looked to her left and got off the horse. Glorfindel watched her carefully as she walked around slowly taking in the sights with a sharp keen eye. When she stops in a spot where she feels the tingle of something familiar yet evil she calls out in a foreign tongue.

"Khamûl, I know you are there. Come out!"

Glorfindel narrowed his eyes towards the direction she was facing. He knew that name and what it meant. He also knew the language that hadn't been spoken since the Second Age. He rubbed the neck of the horse softly as he scanned the area for anything unusual. As he was scanning an eerie laugh filled the area around them.

"My Lady, I have finally found you!" A voice said stepping out of the forest nearest to Kagome. The figure was dressed in a black cloak with nothing showing any feature of it.

"You have no business here Black Easterling. Leave us," stated the rigid guard. He was watching him closely. He knew the relationship between the two. The travel will be more difficult with her being noticed as she is.

The figure looked at him and growled. It was a rather guttural and decayed sound that sounded nothing like living being.

"My business is with the Lady Kagome, not her pet of an elf." He snarled in his direction taking a few steps closer to the said female.

"Leave Khamûl. Tell him nothing of me being found. I want nothing to do with him. Tell him you know nothing of my whereabouts. Leave now!"

Kagome's command resounded around the area. It caused the being before her to cower and bow low.

"Of course my lady, your whereabouts are kept secret from him. Before I depart know that my Lord has found his treasure and will do almost anything to get it back. I shall take my leave."

The figure stepped back into the forest and disappeared in the shadows. Kagome didn't move from her spot until she sensed him no more. When all presence of him disappeared she collapsed on the ground. She wrapped her arms around her waist trying to comfort herself.

Glorfindel jumped off the horse and went towards his friend who was reliving the most painful of her past. She had wanted to put it behind her for so long but it keeps just coming back as a slow tortured pain. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close as her tears finally started to fall.

That is how an unknown party of little beings came across them. None of the rag tag group said anything until a voice broke the tension.

"I'm sorry for ruining your moment but uhm do you know the way out of this forest?"

Sorry for being late for this chapter I have no excuse.