A/N: : I have no idea why you guys are so nice to me! I mean, waaah! I think I'm gonna cry now with all the wonderful reviews you guys leave me!

First of all, I just want you guys to know that this story will become fast-paced because I need to update a lot of more my stories, and I cannot just focus on this one…it's taking more time than I intended. So, advanced sorry if it'll appear fast-paced for you guys.



Here's the promised chapter! Enjoy~

Ohhhh, feels on the way, by the way! Aaaaannnnnd, I have a big surprise at the end of this chapter. This is a very long chapter, mind you. Enjoy!


"Just Like A Merry-Go-Round"

Chapter Seven:

Kise stopped from taking down notes on whatever subject he was in, and looked outside the window, which was, actually, just right beside him. He sighed and stared at the clear skies.

"Three more hours." He murmured as he glanced on his phone's watch.

He quickly turned his attention back in front when their subject teacher turned around to face their class again. A smile appeared on his face when almost everyone hurried to look like he was attentive even if, in fact, this was the most boring class in the day.

He continued taking down notes and listened on the lecture at the same time.

He was so irritated with how long he needed to stay inside the room still was until his phone vibrated inside his pants' pocket. He hurriedly took it out, and read the text message from under the table, which looked like he was actually reading their textbook.

From: Aominecchi~ 3

Subj: Sooooo booorrrriiiingggg up here!

Mess: Today's classes are so boring, so I skipped them. Again. And, as usual. We're going to have a short practice only later, want me to pick you up there? In return, you should treat me three burgers and a sundae. By the way, how're you there?

Kise giggled with how natural the blue-head's message was, so he raised his hand. "May I be excused to go to the restroom, Sir?"

Their subject teacher nodded, and resumed.

He hurried off out of his table, and ran towards the restroom. He went inside a cubicle, and called Aomine's number. After three rings, the latter finally answered, "Mmmmnnn, yeah?"

"Aomineccchi! Geeez, you're skipping classes again!"

"Ah, Kise, it's you. Well, classes are boring. Only basketball makes me happy."

"But still-! What if you don't graduate at all because of your laziness?

"And when did you turn into a Second-Midorima, huh?" Aomine mocked from the other line.

He blushed. "Aomineeccchiii, you meanie! I just don't want you to end up repeating!"

"I won't. I promise." The bluenette mumbled. "Enough with this talk. Fine, I'll go to classes tomorrow onwards. So…how're you? It's been three days."

The blonde smiled. "Yep, quite long, huh. Well, nothing's changed. I am currently inside the men's restroom. I excused myself from our boring class since, well, it's suppppeeerrr borrrring." He complained.

There was no reply from the other line.


"…Yeah, still here."

He blinked. "Oh, did I wake you up-" He worriedly started.

But the power forward interrupted him, "No, not that…It's just…"

"Hm? What is it, Aominecchi?"

"…I miss you…"

His eyes widened and his throat felt like it got stuck that he became speechless.

"…Are you sick, Aominecchi? I mean, maybe you should go to the—"

"Idiot! You too? Satsuki said the same thing when I said that I wanted to see you right after we met earlier to go to school together. Seriously, just how do you see me?" Aomine grumbled.

Kise shakily laughed. "Sorry. It's just that…it's rare for you to be so straightforward."

"Geeez, I do miss you." Aomine repeated. "I mean, it was as if it was yesterday when we were just like cat-and-dog running around an endless Merry-Go-Round…and now..I've finally caught you. Well, yeah, it's feels great."

This time, the blonde's cheeks burned. "Stop saying it. Or else I might die."


"Nothing. Just pick me up later, alright? I'll be waiting for you!" Kise exclaimed.

He could almost hear the way Aomine smiled. "Yeah, yeah. Later, then."

"Ok, bye—"

"Oh, and Kise."

"Yes, Aominecchi?"

"I'll call you Ryouta from now on."

Kise's cheeks turned even redder than earlier. "But, Aominecchi—"

"That's Daiki or Daikicchi to you. No 'buts.' Bye."

Before he could complain again, the power forward quickly hung up.

And left Kise on the men's restroom. Red as a ripe tomato. And mentally squealing like a girl.

Oh, love.


Right before he could call out for Midorima, Takao was interrupted when a girl classmate of theirs approached Midorima, and shyly asked him something.

The dark-head watched from the far back, but could clearly see these two's expressions.

He frowned, and tried to hear their conversation, yet it was too loud.

Too bad I don't have Hawk Ears.

Wait, do those even exist?

The girl, whom he recalled named: Gumi Takashiro, placed a paper on top of Midorima's desk. The green-head set down his lucky item –a carrot huggie pillow- before looking at the paper. He pointed something, explained it as the girl nodded, and listened.

The conversation lasted for about ten minutes before the girl bowed three times. She blushed when Midorima smiled slightly with 'You're Welcome.'

Gumi gulped for a little, took out something from her pocket, and placed it on top of Midorima's desk. After doing this, she ran out of the classroom with two other girls squealing and pulling her away.

Takao smirked, stood up and approached his partner. He went behind Midorima and placed his chin on the latter's shoulder. "What's that, Shin-chan?"

They both looked at the small box placed in front of the green-head.

Midorima opened it, and blinked. "There's a chocolate and a letter inside."

Takao took the letter out, and read it with low voice, just enough for his partner to hear.

Dear Midorima-kun,

I am Gumi Takashiro. I have been your classmates since we've entered Shuutoku. I have watched most of your team's games, and I was always cheering you on. We were paired once before, and even if others called you weird—I found you actually kind, attractive, attentive and gallant. I admired you ever since I get to eye-to-eye contact you. Could we meet behind the Baseball Field at 3:30 pm this afternoon?

Thank you.

Sincerely Yours,

Gumi Takashiro

"Oh, an admirer." Takao dryly mumbled and placed the rolled letter back inside the box. "So, I guess, you'll be late for today's practice, ne, Shinchan?"

Midorima shook his head, placed the top back on the box, sealed it, and placed it back on where Gumi was sitting on. He left a note attached at the bottom.

Takao blinked. "Eh? Eh? Eh? What's that all about?"

"We still have forty minutes for vacant, right? Come on, I need something sweet for an apparent reason." Midorima lied, grabbed his bag, lucky item, and dragged the confused Takao out of the room while it was still vacant.

They both few candies, granola bars and two apple juice.

They walked towards the Matte Garden where only few get to know since it was quite behind a lot of buildings.

"…So, what was written on the note you left, Shin-chan?" Takao asked as he leaned his head against Midorima's shoulder.

"It's none of your business." Midorima mumbled.

"Buuuutttt, Shin-chan….!" The dark-head protested.

Midorima sighed and glared at the other beside him. "Why are so worked up on this matter?"

"Beeeeccccauuuuuseeee, you're getting more and more popular!" Takao complained. "It's like you're vibrating happy aura around you. You became more approachable these last few days! I heard some girls even talking on who will confess first."

The green-head looked at the ground. "Not an unusual thing, I suppose, nanodayo."

"Maybe about three girls are not unusual, but I heard all the girls on the classroom right beside ours."


"Shin-chan, that class consists of thirty-seven girls and six boys!" Takao grunted. "Thirty-seven girls? And I'm only one!"

"So what, nanodayo?" Midorima coldly countered.

Takao threw a tantrum as he grumbled, "Geeeeeezzzz, Shin-chan! We just got to be together! I just got to make you officially mine! Anyone can snatch you easily with how short we've been together yet. I nnneeeedddd toooo knoooowwww what's inside your letter!"

Midorima sighed and turned to his right before murmuring, "Fine."

Takao blinked, and stopped. "Eh?"

"The letter I left said: Dear Gumi Takashiro, I am Midorima Shintarou. I do not want to offend or hurt you, I just don't want to raise your hopes up. I am not suited for you. I'm sure there's someone elese better for you. And if you ever persist this matter, I shall remind you now that I'm already taken. And that person is very important to me. Sorry, and thank you. Sincerely, Midorima Shintarou."

There was silence at first until slowly blood rushed to Takao's cheeks, and puffed his cheeks red.


Midorima stood up. "Come on. Let's go back, nanodayo. We'll be late."

"But, Shin-chan, do repeat what your letter content is…Maybe just the last part."


They began to walk back.


"No. Shut up, Takao."

"But, Shiiinnn-chan."

Takao blinked when Midorima whirled around, and grunted, "I'll say it later. We're in public now, nanodayo."

"You can just whisper it—"

"Shut up. Or else I'll kiss you."

Takao's eyes widened. "Wow, Shin-chan, what—"

"Shut up. Boyfriend's order." Midorima grumbled under his breath and turned back to walking back to their room.

Leaving a speechless Takao.

After all, who would expect Midorima to use the B-word.

"Hurry up, Takao!" Midorima growled.

Takao smiled, ran beside Midorima, and placed an arm around the latter's shoulder. "You're the best, Shin-chan!"

We began with a hypothetical riding the Merry-Go-Round from different seats, but we're ending it by seating beside each other, enjoying the view and enjoying each other's company.


Murasakibara yawned as he waited for Himuro outside of the men's restroom.

They currently didn't have classes for their subject teacher was absent and didn't leave a single thing to do, so their class was free for another forty-five minutes.

"Oh, look, who's here." A familiar voice greeted him from his right.

The violet-head blinked, and turned. He stiffened a little upon seeing the guys who beat him up days ago just few meters away from him. Again.

"It's Murasakibara Atsushi. Looks like you're free. We're free, too. Want to accompany us?" The one with undefinied-colored hair growled.

He frowned. "…No."

"Oooohhh, and why? Looks like you want to get punched, kicked, and flicked again. We could do other things to you, you know." The other one threatened.

Murasakibara frowned even more, and just continued on sipping his strawberry juice, which Himuro treated him.

"Let's beat him. I'm getting so pissed, again!" The last one shouted.

The three halted, and Murasakibara turned his head a little upon hearing Himuro say from the doorframe, "Just what's up with you guys and beating Atsushi? Just what the hell did he do?"

"Well, he—"

Before any of the three could answer, Himuro raised his head and gave them a very, very, very, very cold look, which sent shivers even to those who were just passing by.

The three gulped, trembled backwards, and ran as fast as they could.

"SORRRRRYYYYY!" This, they yelled as they ran away for the fear of their life.

Himuro smiled. "Hey."

Murasakibara walked beside Himuro. "…Thanks."

"It's nothing. It seems that they've really thought they could beat you up just because it's fun." Himuro commented.

Murasakibara shrugged. "I don't know why. I was just drinking outside and then they bully me." He sighed. "I'm hungry."

"But you just ate." Himuro mumbled.

"No, not that hungry."

"Huh? I don't actually get it." Himuro murmured in confusion.

In a split second, the latter was dragged in a corner.

"What are you doing, At—"

He was interrupted when Murasakibara leaned down, and placed his lips with Himuro's.

The latter was about to protest when he felt the way Murasakibara intertwined their hands as they kiss deepened.

He closed his eyes, smiled and responded.

After about almost half or more minute, they released each other.

Himuro, with flushed cheeks, asked as he looked up, "What's the occasion?"

Murasakibara smiled a little. "Just a simple 'thank you' gift~"

Himuro blinked, blushed a little, and ran after the departing Murasakibara. After walking side to side, the former took the latter's hand, and squeezed it. Making it look natural, Himuro began a conversation, "Alex is gonna come over tomorrow. She will have lots of movies and snacks. Want to come?"

"Am I also invited…?"

"Of course!" Himuro replied, and smiled. "I was actually wishing that she would leave early so that we could have the whole day for ourselves."

Murasakibara blinked. "…I hope so~"

With this, Himuro laughed.

A Merry-Go-Round.

That's how they began.

But, now, they would go out, and try another ride. Because it wouldn't be nice to endlessly ride the same ride when they had each other already, right?


Hyuuga gasped, "We have a match today?"

Riko smiled. "Yeeeep~ And they'll be here after few more minutes, so start warming up!"

With that, the members of Seirin Basketball Team changed into their jerseys, and began to pick up their own basketballs.




Doing these for few minutes, the others began to notice that their freshmen-duo were not really duo today. They'd been quite awkward for about three to four days now, which made the others so worried.

"Water break!" Riko shouted after two more minutes as she pressed some buttons on her phone. "Ooooohhhh!"

"What is it, coach?" Izuki asked in curiosity.

She grinned. "Are we really going to have a party this weekend on the Amusement Park?"


"The dense pairs from the Generation of Miracles have finally become couples." Riko announced. "Aaaannnnddd, they want to have a little celebration with us on the Amusement Park the day after tomorrow!"

"Oooh, goodie!" Koga exclaimed.

"Generation of Miracles…couples? Wait, who are those specifically?" Hyuuga asked.

"…Well, Kise and Aomine. Murasakibara and Himuro. Takao and Midorima. Oh, and Kuroko with Akashi!" She answered, which brought silence between Kuroko and Kagami. Again.

"…Oops, sensitive topic?" Fukuda asked.

Before any could answer, the opposing team finally came in and greeted them with a bow.

Without even a warning, Kagami turned around, and began to warm-up and stretch his arms and legs.

Izuki tapped Kuroko's shoulder. "Will everything be alright?"

Kuroko sighed, made a frown, and nodded. "It's nothing big. I won't let our friendship end just like this. We've come this far."

Hyuuga smiled, and nodded back. "Now, that's what I wanted to hear! Teams Assemble!"

With that, the game began.


Kise sneezed right after he put on his uniform back. "Oooohhh, ssu." He mumbled as he shivered. "Cold, ssu."

Kasamatsu sighed as he put on his uniform back, as well. "Well, of course, moron! You put on your uniform without drying yourself first. Seriously!"

The blonde winced. "Waaah! So mean, I'm not a moron!"

"You are." Another voice agreed from the door.

The Kaijo's team members turned and found Aomine leaning against the doorframe. "Ah, it's Aomine from the Too."

Aomine smirked, and raised a hand. "Yo!" He greeted. "Came here to pick up Ryouta."

There was a collective gasps around as the bluenette called the copycat with his first name, for the very first time.

Kasamatsu frowned. "Kise can be a total idiot most of the time, so I hope you can control him, Aomine."

The power forward nodded. "I feel as if I'm talking with his family, and was asking for permission to be his partner for the upcoming prom. Wow, so that's how that'll feel if ever it would ever happen."

Kise's cheeks turned tomato red in embarrassment. "…And like always, he says the most humiliating things, ssu." He grunted.

The other members laughed. "Ooooh, permission granted!" They shouted in sync.

With that, the blonde turned even redder. "Guys, stop embarrassing me!" He complained.

Aomine grinned. "Come on, you moron. We'll be late for Seirin's practice game."

Kise pouted, grabbed his bag and bade, "I'll see you guys tomorrow!"

With a last wave of goodbye, the blonde approached the bluenette. "Let's go, ssu!"

"You'll treat me later, remember?" They heard Aomine ask.

Kise grumbled, "You're such a meanie, Ao—"


"Gaaah, fine, Daikicchi!" Kise grumbled.

With that, Aomine grabbed Kise's hand. "Come on, hurry up."

Kasamatsu crossed his arms, and smiled. "Just like what I thought, they complement each other."


"Hurry up, Takao." Midorima grunted. "Seirin's practice game will start after few minutes."

Takao pouted. "Fine, fine."

The dark-head then walked side by side the green-head as others stared at them in either admiration or awe. And the main cause of those stares: the ever-popular Midorima Shintarou.

"Ne, Shin-chan…why not call me with my first name?"

"Why should I?"

Takao pouted. "I've been calling you Shin-chan ever since I met you. Isn't it just fair that you call me back with my first name?"

"…Kazunari?" Midorima tried.

This murmur made both guys blush in embarrassment.

Takao hid his cheeks with his hand. "…Quite awkward, huh."

Midorima frowned as he blushed furiously. "…A-And that's why I told you I shouldn't."

Takao glared at nothing. "…But!" He grunted, and crossed his arms.

After awhile of walking, the dark-head realized something. 'Why are we walking out of the school without the rickshaw?"

"We're going to take the bus today since…I heard your body was aching."

Takao's eyes sparkled. "So, you do care!"

"I don't."


Midorima grabbed Takao's hand. "Just…come on, Kazunari."

Oh, how surprising this day turned out.


"We'll be going now. Good job." Himuro bade, closed the doors and walked beside the violet-head.

"I wonder who'll win~" Murasakibara mumbled in curiosity.

"I'm sure Seirin will." Himuro replied with a smile. "Hey, Atsushi…have you ever called anyone with their first names?"

Murasakibara shook his head. "Nope. But I like calling you Muro-chin, it's cute and so unique."

"How so?"

"Because Tatsuya sounds like Tetsuya, and I don't want you to be confused with you and Kuro-chin's name once I call you guys out with your first names. I like it more that once I say 'Muro-chin,' you'll eventually turn around because only you own that nickname." Murasakibara explained as he nibbled his lollipop.

With that, Himuro sighed in adoration, hugged Himuro and said, "I might push you away at times, but never ever leave me, Atsushi. Because you're the sweetest, and I think no one can ever replace you."

"Muro-chin…we're in public."

"I don't care. I love you."

Oh, young love.


Akashi smiled as Kuroko made a turn, grabbed the ball from the one called Fuyuki, and tapped it to Izuki.

"You look so…weird today, Akashi. What's up with that smile?" Midorima commented from beside him.

Akashi glared at him. "I'm clearly adoring my Tetsuya. How dare you question me like that, Shintarou?"

Takao frowned. "…Uh, I thought you stopped from calling people by their first names immediately?"

Akashi smirked. "No. And I know what the real meaning behind your words are, Takao Kazunari. But rest assured, Shintarou's all yours. I won't steal him. I just call him by his first name as a sign of authority, but never mistake it with the love I possess for no one else but Tetsuya."

With the one, last look the red-head gave, Takao hid behind Midorima. "He's as scary as ever."

Midorima sighed. "Be used to it."

Himuro hummed when Kagami jumped and made his 'Meteor Jam' without problem.

"He's improving." He murmured.

His attention was turned back on Murasakibara when the latter began looking inside Himuro's bag.

"What is it, Atsushi?"

Murasakibara made a sad face. "Snacks?"

He blinked. "No more."

The violet-head made an even sadder face. "Snnnaaaccckkkkssss."

Himuro laughed, and placed a pack of potato chips on his partner's hand.

"Can't open."

The dark-head opened the pack easily and gave it back to Murasakibara. As the latter began to eat, he poked the violet-head's nose. "Geez, I wonder how you'll be if I'm not around."

"We'll never find out because I won't let you and me be separated!" The center player exclaimed.

Akashi chuckled, "Quit a surprising attack, Himuro Tatsuya?"

The blushing dark-head nodded. "I was caught off-guard…!"

It was a good thing, the other two –Kise and Aomine—were just chatting –arguing- silently seats behind Akashi, because the red-head was actually ready to smack Kise when the blonde began to be noisy.

Right after Riko blew her whistle, Kuroko looked up.

As Akashi looked down from the bleachers.

Kuroko blinked.

So he smiled. "Good job." He mouthed.

Kuroko blinked, surprised. And then replied, "Thank you."

"Him and his formalities." Akashi complained with a sigh.


"We won!" Seirin High players shouted.

Kagami blinked when Kuroko approached him and raised a fist. "Not today, Kuroko…"

"Kagami-kun, please, don't be—"

"I said, not today, leave me alone!" Kagami growled and reflexively pushed Kuroko. Perhaps, due to is stress and anger, he pushed his partner a little stronger than he wanted. Everyone's eyes widened when Kuroko flew backwards and ended up hitting the bench and the water bottles on top of it.


Each's heart began beating so rapidly when the teal-head didn't respond, and didn't move an inch when they called his name out.

"If you are so angry with the relationship I and Tetsuya have built, be angry at me. Not at him." Akashi said as he walked towards the court.

Kagami turned. "As if it would be that easy—"

"I love him, alright? And we were in an endless Merry-Go-Round for years. Don't expect me to give up just because you turned up and fell for him as well. Love is a serious thing, Kagami, and I just won. I'm sorry, but it wasn't my decision- it was Tetsuya's. So if you cannot accept this fact, do you deserve to be his light?" Akashi growled as he knelt and checked Kuroko's pulse. "He's alive. He must have fainted because of exhaustion and lack of sleep." He murmured.

Kagami clenched his fists, and glared at the ground. "…I give up…"


"I want to ride that one!"

"No, I want that one!"

"Ah, look at that, it's so high and fast!"

"Haunted Mansion!"

"How about the teacups?"

As one by one, they separated into pairs, only Kagami, Akashi and Kuroko were left right after they entered the Amusement Park.

Kagami scratched his head. "Uh, I'll take…Nigou with me. I don't like freaking high or weird rides, so I'll sit this one out."

"Are you sure with taking Nigou?" Kuroko asked.

Kagami grinned, and picked up the joyful Nigou. "He's actually a great dog, so yeah, I'll be fine."

As the taller red-head began to walk away, Kuroko shouted, "Kagami-kun, thank you!"

Kagami raised a hand, and replied, "Enjoy!"

"…So, where should we start?" Kuroko murmured right he and Akashi were finally left alone together.

"That one."

Kuroko raised his eyes to where the other pointed, and couldn't help smiling. "I agree."

With that, the two walked few meters and fell in-line for the Merry-Go-Round.

A/N: I told you it was fast-paced.

I just really, really, really, really need to finish this now, because it was taking too long that I was ready to go insane.


I hope that even if it was a short fan-fic, you were still able to enjoy these seven chapters.

I will be looking forward for your support and reviews!

Don't worry, even if these old fanfics of mine are coming to their ends, there'll always be new ones that would cross my mind.




LFMH021 is now signing out of this fanfiction.