Disclaimer: I do not own DGM! Obviously. Katsura Hoshino does, and we all wish her the best, because we miss her and her awesome manga!


There is a very large chance that this story will contain very dark themes like self harm, mental illness, homophobia, ect. I have not decided with 100% certainty yet, but the chances are very high. If these topics upset or trigger you, PLEASE be careful. I PROMISE to alert you at the top of the chapter if such themes are involved, and if they do end up in the story I will also place them in the overall story description.

Without further ado, let's begin!

I hope you enjoy! :)

I never really considered that things would turn out like this, you know. To me, life was always… pretty meaningless. Get up, train, eat, go to school, eat, do my homework, train, eat, take a shower, go to sleep… I never really thought there would ever be anything to break the monotonous nature of my life. But I guess that's just how the world works, huh? It lulls you into a false sense of security, and then one day… WHAM! It just punches you right in the face.

All my life, I'd been waiting, without ever even realizing it, for… something. I never thought that there might be someone who felt the same, someone else like me. Not that you'd think the two of us have anything in common. The two of us, we're like night and day, that damn moyashi and I.

How is it, that someone so irritating, someone so infuriating, can turn out to be so similar to you? Why does the world have to work in such a way that the one guy in school you want to punch the living daylights out of is the only one who seems to understand you, and the way you feel?

Honestly, if just a little while ago you would have told me that I'd end up going out with Yuu Kanda, of all people, I probably would have tried to check you into a mental institution, because obviously something isn't working right upstairs. But now… I can honestly say that he means the world to me, and sometimes even I still wonder why. I guess that's just the way things are. They do say the world works in mysterious ways, don't they? And all it took was one moment in time, one glorious coincidence. Or a series of them, I guess.

I hope it was an interesting start. :)

The following chapters will of course be longer; this was just the introduction. :)