Hi! Long time no talk!

So, I'm really hoping that this doesn't get flagged or taken down, but this is me officially coming back from hiatus. Or just being lazy? I'm not sure lmao. I know I really fell off of the wagon with writing Bethan fics and don't think it's because I've left the fandom! Because I haven't! I've already rewatched the series like 3 times this year alone. I watch it all the time still and I want to keep writing for these babies since I love them very much and they still hold a huge chunk of my heart.

I'm planning on getting back into the swing of writing for them, because I know that some of you still really love MBAV and are dying for any sign of life in this fandom (same bishes I want all of the fics and I WANT THE FUCKING SHOW TO COME BACK SO BADLY IT LITERALLY HURTS MY HEART THINKING ABOUT HOW BADLY WE WERE SNUBBED, I MISS OUR KIDS) so I'm going to force myself to get back on track in terms of writing for these boyos. I have some fics planned! I'm still going to be writing some little one shots here and there to post in All Your Little Things so even if I'm not feeling the long haul 5k+ fics I can post a little 900 word fic of the boys canoodling or something. But I do have some stuff planned out, and I do want to continue writing for Ethan and Benny. You'll have to pry these two gay little babies from my own cold gay hands.

I can't promise a strict schedule since I still want to write quality fics and have a pretty packed schedule, but I can promise that I'm not going to fall off of the face of the earth for months and months again, and if I do need to pause again, I'll actually let yall know lmao.

I also am going to be posting on Archive of Our Own! Another reason I've been so MIA on here is because I honestly hate how is formatted in terms of uploading and publishing and AO3 is a million times smoother and easier to use and cleaner and I just really prefer to use that. So, if you guys have AO3 accounts, let me know, and I might just gradually migrate over there permanently.

Anyway, long story short: I'm really sorry for disappearing (I'm in college now and between that and work and mental health stuff I've written very little over the past year and a half, Bethan aside) and I promise you that I'm going to continue writing for these two because I fucking adore them and love them and they really truly hold a huge part of my heart and I'd be a shit idiot fool to let them go.

I love you all! Thank you to those who are still here and somehow? want me to continue writing? And I'm sorry this is just an update! I'm going to be posting soon, so please look out for it! I'm planning on some little ficlets, some music shuffle type of challenges, and some regular sized fics, so we'll see what comes first! I'm so excited to be back and in business, and also, praise the Sun God :-)

PS: a sneak peak of some ~things~ I want to post soon: a fic about a potion and a fic about tarot cards . that's all you get buddies