And...we're here - the final chapter!

Now: one last thing before we get back to the story – it's a LONG chapter. Grab a cup of coffee/tea and pull up a chair.

Looks like Ducky being left out of the loop this time leads to a little out of character behavior from him in this final chapter – but we still love him, right?

Tony's return to the job had gone peacefully and without any fanfare; just the way he'd told Tim he wanted it. With cheerful greetings from Ellie and Tim, but nothing more, Tony had been met with the quiet brooding glance of the boss as the others quickly returned their attention to their work. The work day had gone by quietly and with plenty of paperwork and cold case reviews for everyone.

For the next seven weeks, Tim had remained chained to his desk every single day; just the way he'd expected to be. It had come as no surprise when Ellie became Tony's partner in the field, just the way Ziva had during her newbie phase. While it had bothered Tim a hell of a lot back in the days when he'd felt literally replaced by Ziva, this time he'd felt relief that he still had a job and relief that Gibbs, deep down where he rarely lets anyone in, apparently still regarded him as a good man, enough that he'd let Tony know it. The question of why that had become something the two had discussed crossed Tim's mind at that point, but he'd let it go to the wayside so it wouldn't distract him from his tunnel vision of work. That had been where he needed to be to not digging this hole under the dog house he was in, any deeper.


The squad room is empty now, this Wednesday afternoon, exactly two months since Tim returned to work after confessing his crime of the past. Tony's order to hold on to what Gibbs had told the Senior Field Agent has stood Tim well in these last eight weeks and in looking back now, still bears the weight of the anchor that's holding Tim in place because nothing else seems to have changed between Gibbs and himself. That in itself is a very painful realization to come to after this much time has passed.

Trust and respect are both very hard to earn back once they've been shattered or lost and this isn't news to Tim. He's not entirely surprised that this is still an open wound between himself and Gibbs, but he's deeply disappointed that the bigger picture does seem to have been ignored after all. Well, okay, maybe not, if part of the reason he's still here is the reasoning Gibbs gave Tony in the beginning. It just feels like he's out here blowing in the wind on this and he's really beginning to worry that this is the photo finish of his future. If it is, it's bleak and painful on a soul-deep level.

With the rest of the team working on a call-out, two hours away, Tim allows himself a minute to breathe freely, but just one. Any more than one and he begins to think on things enough that the pain seeps in through the edges, blurring his focus and prying the lid off all that has no place here at work. Restlessly and with a touch of anger, Tim surges to his feet. Wiping a tired hand across his face, he blinks several times and strides out around his desk to the head. How could he possibly have thought he could handle whatever Gibbs dished out-, stretching out for weeks and weeks like this? He'd never anticipated this going on for this long!

His only escape these last few weeks amid the glares from Gibbs any time he even shifted in his chair enough that it appeared he was trying to get up, has been this trip right here; one he's made often enough now that he can get there blindfolded. Heading there now reminds him of the call outs the team has had in the two months. Each one has been accompanied by that death glare from the boss in Tim's direction as if daring him to even consider getting up to go with them. In fact, it hasn't been that long now since the man's abject disappointment and anger had simmered down into 'low' enough that he no longer glared at Tim whenever the younger man attempted to move from his desk.

When had that changed? Tim thinks for a minute and remembers. When they'd gotten the call out on Monday, two weeks ago, Gibbs hadn't glared at Tim. In fact, he hadn't looked at him at all! That realization stops Tim in his tracks. Every call out they've gotten since then has gone the same way.

Four new call-outs since then and in all cases, the boss hasn't glared at him. In fact, in every instance, he hasn't looked at him at all; not even this morning! What the hell does that mean? Shaking his head in confusion, Tim continues on his way, making good use of the time he has to himself, still trying to figure this out in his mind.

Once headed back to his desk, he glances at his watch. The team won't be back for at least another two hours. He's already done the searches they needed and already sent the information to Ellie's tablet and Tony's phone an hour ago so they can chase any local leads while they're down there. There's nothing left for him to do until they contact him with more information or requests.

"Agent McGee." Vance's unexpected voice speaking to him startles Tim into freezing in his footsteps, his eyes automatically finding and locking onto the Director as he casually walks to Tim's desk.

"Yes, Sir?"

"I understand your team is out in the field on a new case."

"They should be back within the next two hours or so, Sir."

"Any reason you're not out with them?"

"You'd have to ask Gibbs."

"So, he hasn't told you."

"Told me?"

A long pregnant pause and then a stern "That will be all." Is all the answer Tim gets.

"Yes, Sir."

"What exactly is it you've been doing these past two months, Agent McGee?" Vance asks with genuine curiosity. He's watched from afar all these weeks, surprised as hell that Gibbs didn't outright demand the kid's badge from the moment Vance had dropped the ball into his court on this mess. On second thought, it made an odd kind of sense not to let him go, since he is a good agent and a great technical addition to the Agency.

"The technical aspects when we get a new case. Going through cold cases in the rest of the time." Tim answers him without hesitation and surprisingly enough, without any trace of nervousness.

"I see. Carry on." Vance instructs him seriously as he turns and leaves the squad room as silently as he'd entered it.

As the director heads back upstairs, Tim breathes a sigh of relief. The man's minor interrogation raises new questions; though he's in no position to ask them, no matter how badly he wants to. The one thing he can do without overstepping his bounds is talk to the M.E. He's long overdue with his conversation with him. Somehow the active caseloads as well as the speaking engagements and teaching Ducky's done away from the yard, as well as Tim staying stuck to his desk like Velcro, that just hasn't happened yet and now that he has this time to kill, hopefully he can remedy that. Besides, in Tony's words, he can talk to Ducky about Gibbs while he's at it.

Reaching Autopsy, he finds he's in luck in that Jimmy's out for the afternoon and it's just the M.E. present for the foreseeable future. Tim's he's unsure enough of what to expect since it's been so long since they've spoken, that Tim treads lightly not only in his foot- steps but in his words to the older man as well. "Ducky?"

"Timothy!" Ducky stands to his feet and just barely stops himself from reaching out to grasp the younger man by the arm in greeting. "How are you, dear boy? I haven't seen much of you these last weeks. You're looking well."

"Thanks. I'm sorry I haven't been down here. I haven't been anywhere but my desk."

"Yes, I know. And rest assured young man, you do not owe me an explanation. Although I do wonder what brings you to my humble abode now."

"The team's out – fresh case; one with no body, but plenty of leads to chase down in the local area. They'll be gone a while. You and haven't talked for a while, thought maybe we should."

"Is that all, Timothy?" Ducky asks knowingly. It would have to be more than that to bring Tim down here like this, not that the young man wouldn't concern himself with making sure everything was alright between them, but there's something in the Tim's eyes that says he's here for advice as well.


"Come, lad. Sit. It is obvious that something is playing on your mind. Tell me what's troubling you."

Tim swallows hard and blinks. Maybe it won't hurt to at least ask the man what he knows. "Do you know? Did Gibbs tell you? What I couldn't tell you before?"

"No, Timothy. No one has told me. And I suppose that has much to do with not bringing any further attention to the matter. A true need to let sleeping dogs lie, as it will."

"Yeah, I figured. Let's just say, with all the screw-ups I've committed- Benedict, Brandon almost killing Abby, Mawher getting past me because Abby opened the door, accidentally sending Gibbs to the wrong house so he winds up with a houseful of crying girls all night and even Erin Kendall being killed on my watch – none of them put me in near as much of a dog house with Gibbs as this one – even years old as is it."

"Timothy, I do wish you had taken some time to talk with someone about this before you exposed your crime so ruthlessly that there was little hope that it would end well for you."

"I know. But, it wouldn't have changed what I needed to do. And the last two months hasn't been anything I didn't expect, except…."

"Except what, dear boy?"

"Nothing. They've been exactly what I expected. Besides, I still have a job and that's what's important, right?"

Ducky doesn't miss the wistful tone in the younger man's voice. He knows there's something going on beneath the surface and that Tim, still too grateful to have his job to complain, won't speak of it, no matter how bothered he may be by whatever it is.

"Timothy, it is obvious to me that you are not happy. Beyond being grateful for still having your job, you are conflicted about something. What is it, lad?"

Tim sighs. "I told Tony that if I ever got to the place where I thought this was going to be the permanent state of things for me on this team that I'd reconsider being okay with it."

"And that time has come?"

"I don't know. I mean, it's been two months and I know Tony expects me to not let however Gibbs is handling it get to me, but…."

"But you are wondering if your punishment will go on forever?" Ducky sympathizes

"It does seem that way." Again, Tim's tone is wistful, his hope for things getting better soon, obvious.

"Perhaps, Timothy, Jethro is simply waiting for you to step up and reclaim your rightful place as a full member of his team and rightfully so."

"What? No. That can't be right, Ducky. It's not my place to make that decision. That's his as Team Leader!"

"Perhaps. Then again, these are certainly unusual circumstances, are they not? Maybe it is time for you to step up in your own defense; defend his choice, as it were to keep you."

"Prove myself to him, in other words." Tim paraphrases in discouragement.

"I suppose that's one way of putting it."

"I thought I was doing that by working myself to the bone at my desk every day for the past two months."

"Rest assured, Timothy, your dedication and worthiness have never been questioned, most especially by Gibbs. Are you certain that absolutely nothing has changed in his interaction with you, something small enough that you just may not have noticed it yet, perhaps that points to things improving?"

"No. I mean, I know his glares aren't as full of fire as they were and he's stopped glaring at me when they get ready to go out on a call out, but other than that, nothing's changed."

Maybe it's time you spoke to him about it."

"If he's ready to send me back out in the field again, why wouldn't he just say so? You know, tell me to go with them the next time he sends Tony out?"

"Why don't you ask him, Timothy?

"Wouldn't he tell me if he was ready for me to go out in the field again?" Tim repeats the question, his gut not liking the fact that Ducky isn't exactly answering it.

"The man does keep his silence, doesn't he?"

"Surely he's not expecting me to read his mind?"

"Stepping outside of your comfort zone and asking him outright may be the only way to get the answers you seek, Timothy."

"You think that's what he's waiting for?"

"It may very well be that he is. Regardless, I do not believe it will do any harm to ask him. And do remember, that I am here if you need to talk further, Timothy."

"Thanks, Ducky. And thanks for listening."

"You are quite welcome, Lad."

Making his way back to his desk, Tim had barely settled in and checked on the searches he had running again before the elevator opened up and Tony and Ellie stepped out. "Hey, Probie!"

"Hey guys." He's quick to answer as he pulls up the partially filled in report for the case that he filled in earlier. The basic case information has already been filled in and now only needs his step by step contribution to the case along with the end result, when they solve it.

"Got your report done, youngster?" Tony jibes with a grin,

"What? You solved the case already?" Tim can't hide the shock at that news.

"With your help, my man. Don't you read your email? Open and shut; this time. A rare occasion, I know. But apparently, they do happen."

"Well, that's great!" Tim gets to work uploading the information they brought him back on the pen drive Ellie silently hands him, thankful that Gibbs hasn't walked in with them now that he does see the email they'd sent with the info he'd needed to get his report done. Since Tim technically should have already had this done with the emails they'd sent him while he'd been talking to Ducky, he'd be in an even bigger doghouse with the man over this and may still be if he doesn't hurry up and get it done now.

"Where you been, man? Thought you'd have had this done already." Tony calls him on it, albeit quietly.

"Talking to Ducky." Tim replies just as quietly, sending Tony a quick yet telling glance that says everything that needs to be said before returning his focus to his report and very quickly typing it up. "Got the basics input already."

"You get what you needed?"

Knowing Tony's talking about his talk with the M.E. and not the case information, he answers him honestly. "I'm not sure. Guess, time will tell."

"Drinks after work. My treat." Tony orders quietly, the surrogate big brother making a rare appearance in the midst of work.

"Sounds good. Thanks." Tim is quick to take him up on the offer, the need to talk things out with him, too sharp at this point. Sure, talking to Ducky helped but Tony's got much more insight to the inner workings on this as well as what's driving Tim and what he's concerned about. The guy speaks better Gibbs speak, too; an added bonus that will really come in handy right about now.

"Gibbs was headed down there when we got here, so maybe…." Tony hedges as he turns to go back to his own desk. "Let's get these reports done and get outta here as soon as we can."

With nothing further said, the squad room goes quiet except for the noise of work being done on their reports. Without Gibbs presence, Tim actually finds it easier to breathe freely for the first time in weeks. It's not that the man's never left the squad room in the last two weeks, but rather, that he's finally broken his silence and shed some of his fears and concerns enough that he finally feels a little lighter in spirit enough that he can enjoy the moment.

Into the blessed silence, Tony's cell phone rings. The Senior Field Agent is quick to answer it.

"DiNozzo…..yeah, Boss…. Okay…. Got it…. Okay…. Will do, Boss." Closing his cell phone, Tony calls out to the two junior agents still working. "Boss says pack it up and go home. So, pack it up and go home. Like now."

"Without our reports being finished?" Ellie questions in surprise.

"Bishop, when you're given the free pass, you take it, you don't question it." Tony admonishes her. "Finish the report in the quiet time tomorrow. As long as it's in by noon, we're good. Now let's go. You too, Tim."

Elated, Tim smiles and gets busy telling the computer to print his report as it. Next, he closes down his work station and puts away the files and everything else that's loose on his desk. Stowing his phone in his shirt pocket, he strides to the printer and gets his report, reading it over carefully.

"Doesn't matter if it's done, Probie. Stick in your desk drawer and go back over it in the morning. Now let's go!" Tony orders as he stands waiting at the edge of the squad room.

Without further hesitation, the trio head out together, for once silent as they make their escape.


"You wanted to see me, Duck?" Gibbs asks as he strolls into Autopsy and comes to a stop at the M.E.'s desk where his friend is sitting.

"Yes, Jethro. I did. I wanted to ask you about this affair with Timothy."

"What about it?"

"How long are you planning on punishing him for his crimes of the past?"

"This concerns you how, Dr. Mallard?" Gibbs asks with a definite edge to his voice. There was a reason Gibbs hasn't included his long-time friend in this mess. Ducky pushing him on it now is akin to poking sleeping bear with a stick. Not a good idea.

"It concerns me because that young man is convinced that the present tenuous situation between the two of you is all he has to look forward to in his future. If that is the case, Jethro, I must warn you, he will not stay indefinitely. If it's a wider chasm between the two of you that you are looking for, you're certainly achieving that goal quite splendidly."

That stops Gibbs cold as his eye brows go up in surprise.

"Don't get me wrong, the lad is grateful to have his job and that it is still on your team, Jethro. However, it is your continued disapproval that he will not punish himself with for much longer."

"Not gonna baby him because he screwed up, Duck! What he did…."

"Is in the past. So much so that no one even tells the tale for fear of reprisals no longer prudent in today's time and place. If you expect others, like Anthony and Abigail to move forward, then you, too must do so, my friend."

"What the hell's Abby got to do with this?" Gibbs demands in angry surprise.

"Oh dear. I can only relay what it is I overheard the day they all came down here to discuss Timothy's confessing of this wrongdoing, Abigail mentioned having discussed it in confidence with Tony, to which Timothy became quite angry with her, as apparently, it had been his confidence she had broken, after all."

"That's what they were talkin' about? "

"That's right, you did walk into the midst of that, didn't you?"

"Damn it! This just keeps getting better 'n better! How long ago did he talk to her about it?" The Team Leader mutters as he paces the room between both sets of doors. Stopping in the next pass near Ducky's desk, he glares at the M.E.

"That is something you will have to ask her, Jethro." Ducky replies quietly. "I am not privy to anything further on the matter."

"So, she's known about this all this time and never said anything either?"

"As I said, Jethro, I am not aware of anything more than what I have just relayed to you. You may very well be jumping to erroneous conclusions."

Pulling out his cell phone, he makes a call. "DiNozzo. Go home. All of ya's. Make sure you take McGee with you!"

Closing his phone, he puts it away. Pointing to the camera that feeds to Abby's lab, he gives his friend an order. "Get her."

Ducky frowns but does as Gibbs requests, turning on the connection between the two rooms .


Abby's closing up her lab at the end of the day. With no fresh case, she's excited at being able to go home at a relatively early time which is something she's not able to do very often. When the camera on her desk springs to life with the sound of not Ducky, but Gibbs calling her and not very cheerfully, she's startled into flying over to put herself in front of it. What the heck's going on?

"Hey, Gibbs." She replies to his call for her.

"Get down here!"

"Gibbs, I was heading out fo…."


"Okay. I'll be right there." She turns the camera off and hustles out of the room, more than prepared to come back for her stuff later. Whatever this is about isn't good if Gibbs is that pissed at her. What the hell's going on?


Being silently ushered into Ducky's office by one pissed off looking Gibbs is never a good sign so when Abby experiences this along with the door being closed behind her as she enters the small room, her heart drops down to her shoes, although she's still clueless as to what's going on. The fact that Ducky's nowhere to be found is equally unsettling as is the sight of Gibbs actually sitting down in the older man's chair while he waits for her to sit on the couch.

"What's this about, Gibbs?"

"How much do you know about what happened between Tony and Tim back then?"

"Well, I know that T…"

"No details, just…how much of it?"

"All of it."

"Tim tell you?"



"The day it happened." Abby admits quietly. "Gibbs he told me in confidence! What was I supposed to do?"

With a heavy sigh, Gibbs slakes a hand through his hair in frustration. "I dunno, Abbs. Why'd he tell you about it?"

"Because he felt so bad about it, he couldn't stand himself but he was afraid he'd get fired if he fessed up. He was going to apologise to Tony. But Tony said that never happened. So Timmy must have really been scared to mention it again at all."

Gibbs' only response at this point is to sigh heavily. This is just another layer of this mess he thought was finally blowing over. What the hell's he supposed to do with this?

"You're gonna add this to his sentence now, aren't you?" Abby asks sadly as she watches him think about what she's just told him.

"Abby, his sentence was over weeks ago." The Team Leader replies without censoring his words, too tired and frustrated to think about it.

"Don't you think you should tell him that? He's nowhere near as good at 'Gibbs speak' as Tony and I are and he's never been very good at mind reading. He thinks you're still punishing him."

Getting to his feet, he offers her a hand up off the couch. "Thanks, Abbs. Go on home. Enjoy your evening."

"So, you're not mad at me for not saying something back then?"

"Disappointed. But I can see why you didn't tell me. Just, don't set yourself up to be in that position again, Abbs. It's no better than you asking McGee to do something for you that you know you shouldn't be doing. You're both risking your jobs doing that."

"Gibbs, that was years ago!"

"Doesn't make it less wrong."

"Meaning you are going to add this to his punishment because he shouldn't have asked me to keep his confidence." She surmises sadly. "Gibbs, he already thinks you're still pissed at him!"

"Didn't say I wasn't."

"Good night, Abbs." The Team Leader opens the office door wide enough for her to walk through in front of him as he dismisses her.

"Gibbs! Why are you still pissed at him? It's been two months!"

"Good. Night. Abby" Gibbs firmly repeats in a measured tone that leaves no doubt she's testing his patience to the limit.

"Good night, Gibbs." She murmurs before walking out of the room.

She's boarded the elevator and the doors have closed before Ducky reappears from his supply closet. "Were you able to get the answers you were after, Jethro?"

"Oh, yeah." Gibbs answers tiredly. "He told her the day it happened, Duck. Told her all of it."

"While it is not a surprise that Timothy confides in Abigail, I do wonder what his reasoning was for involving her in such a cover-up. Perhaps he just wasn't thinking clearly at the time."

"Sounds about right. According to Abby it was a mix of fear, self-loathing and the need for a friend. With that combination? It'd be hard for anyone to think straight."

"Yes, well, it's certainly understandable. It's no wonder Timothy fought so hard to maintain the secrecy of the details when finally coming forward. He had the career of three others to safeguard."

"Two. Ziva's gone. And that's no excuse for putting Abby in that position in the first place."

"Oh, Jethro, did you not just say you understood? And don't you remember putting Abby in that very same position with Pedro Hernandez?"

"NO!" Gibbs barks in fury. "I told her NOT to cover for me!"

"Oh. I had no idea. I'm terribly sorry. I…"

"What am I supposed to do with this?" There's more frustration than anger in the younger man's tone now and it invokes a wave of sympathy from his friend.

"It seems very clear, Jethro. You need to decide when to let Timothy off your hook and then figure out what it is you need to say to him so that he understands future consequences will be much more dire than what he's experienced this time. And not necessarily in that order! Then, you both need to let it go."

"Duck, he's been off the hook for weeks now." Gibbs quietly informs him as if this is not news to anyone.

"Well, he's certainly not aware of that. And it's the first I've heard of it, myself! In fact, I'm not certain anyone else is aware of this. Did you by chance, happen to mention that to Timothy at some point?"

Sighing heavily, Gibbs turns to go. "Thanks, Doc."


Abby walks slowly into the bar, noticing Tony and Tim there at a booth. She's surprised to find them here but relieved at the same time. She needs to talk to both of them and now is as good a time as any, even if they're not going to like what she has to tell them.

"Abby?" Tim questions, knowing the look on her face means something's not right in her world.

"McGee, I'm sorry." She quietly says as she slides down onto the bench seat next to Tony, facing her former lover, turned friend.

"About what?" Tim's concern at Abby's expression overlays his earlier anger with her but he hopes this is about that and nothing new.

"Well, all of it."

"C'mon, Abby. Out with it." From beside her, Tony urges with a touch of authority in his tone.

"The day we went to Autopsy? And Ducky left us alone and went in his office?"

"Yeah? Wait. He overheard enough that something's come up about that now?" Tim questions worriedly.

"Well, you do get loud when you're pissed." She reminds him reluctantly.

"And I'm betting by the look on your face, he's said something about that to Gibbs for some reason." Tony surmises with something akin to regret mixed with anger.

"Yeah. The boss man wanted to know when you told me and how much you told me about that day, Timmy, I'm sorry."

"Don't be, Abby. It was wrong of me to put you in that position in the first place. A mistake he's undoubtedly gonna rip me a new one for, but I guess I have it coming now that that's been brought into the mix."

"Will you stop with that, already, McGee? Damn it! Enough already! The man's been punishing you for two months now! How much more are you gonna just sit there and take?" Tony explodes angrily.

"Actually…." The Lab Rat hedges reluctantly.

"Spit it out, Abbs." gently encourages her, too tired and frustrated now to stay angry at her. He really shouldn't have ever confided something like that in her.

"He said your punishment was over weeks ago, Timmy."

"Hmm. Imagine that." Tony mutters sarcastically as he watches Tim's reaction to this news. "Did you get that memo, Tim?"

Shaking his head in rising anger now, his eyes not leaving Abby's face, Tim replies with a deadly calm. "Nope."

"Maybe it's in the way he was acting. Did anything change?" The only woman in the group attempts to reason it out for them.

"Does it matter, Abby? Was I supposed to read his mind?" Tim asks angrily. Getting to his feet, he tosses down his napkin, no longer hungry. "I gotta go."

"No! McGee! You're not leavin' this pissed off. " Tony orders in his most authoritative tone that Tim never argues with.


"Abby, go with him. Walk. With him. No driving until you calm down. That's an order, Tim!"

Breathing out deeply, Tim speaks to his own defense. "Wasn't planning on it, Tony. But I do need some air. Coming, Abbs?"

"Sure." Taking his arm, Abby walks with him outside and down the street a few blocks, silence keeping them company, oddly enough. Seeing her friend this angry and knowing why seems to have seriously dampened her mood.

After what seems like hours, they stop underneath a street lamp that fully illuminates their surroundings. Finally, Tim stops internally fuming and looks down at her. "This is ridiculous. Gibbs isn't even here and he's ruining my night. The last two months have been hard enough without giving him this too. I know I deserved whatever he dished out there at work. But, he doesn't get to take this from me, too."

With a smile on her face, Abby proudly walks with him as he turns back and purposefully stride back into the restaurant; sitting back down in the booth as Tony's jaw goes slack.

"Flies for desert, Tony? Tim quips as he picks the menu back up and hands it to Abby. "Order something. I know you didn't eat lunch today. Jimmy told me he checked on you and you were knee deep in samples."

It's a moment of humor that Abby will cherish for a long time to come. The next two hours pass in a haze of companionable dining and banter with no further foray into the conversations from earlier that had brought anger and worry. Now was a time for rebuilding and reknitting. Tomorrow's problem of taking on the boss will be here soon enough.


0530 Thursday morning finds Tim's phone going off as he enters the squad room more than ready to get an early start to the day in complete peace and quiet. His anger is still burning at Abby's revelation regarding Gibbs, but he's determined to hold off that thought process until the man himself shows up. The ringing of his phone is a surprise and he's quick to answer it, almost on impulse.

"Tim McGee."

"Timothy, I know it's dreadfully early and I apologise for that. I simply wished to ask that you spare me a few moments of your time when you arrive this morning, if you would be so kind?"

"I'll be right there, Ducky." Tim replies with just enough anger that he's drawing in his breath to bring it under control.

"Oh dear. Are you already in the building?"

"Yeah. And I've already talked to Abby. Last night. I'll be there in a minute." Closing his phone, he drops his bag off at his desk, stowing it safely underneath before double-timing it down to Autopsy, more than ready to get to the bottom of this very un-like Ducky situation that had undoubtedly added even more rooms to the dog house he's been in with Gibbs for the past two months.

"Good morning, Timothy. Thank you for agreeing to talk with me before the work day begins, although, I must say, I had no idea you would be in quite so early."

"Was coming to see you anyway, Ducky."

"Yes, I imagine you were. I take it Abigail informed you of the conversation she had with Gibbs last night."

"She never said anything about you being there."

"I wasn't. At least, not while she and Gibbs were talking."

"But you said something to him before that that pointed him in her direction."

"Yes, I did, although I did not mean to do so. And I had no idea that he would pursue it."

"What'd you think he'd do? Wait, what exactly did you tell him, Ducky?"

"Timothy, let's take this into my office, shall we? I believe we need to sit and talk this through a bit more calmly."

"No thank you. I'm fine. And I'm calm. I just need to know what you told him, Ducky. Please."

"I simply told him that if he intended for Anthony and Abigail to put it to rest and move forward, whatever this whole sordid mess was about, then he needed to do the same with you."

"And from there he jumped to Abby keeping my confidence about what happened that day?" Tim asks doubtfully. "Something's missing."

"When Jethro asked what Abby had to do with it, I must confess, that I told him that I only knew what I had overheard that day you three were down here. But, Timothy, you must remember, he walked in on the same discussion at almost the exact same moment and heard just as much as I did. What I said to him merely reminded him of that."


"I am terribly sorry, Timothy."

"Yeah. Well, can't very well blame you when we weren't exactly quiet about it, now can I?"

"So then you're not terribly angry with me?"

"Disappointed. I mean, I always figured everything we said down here was in confidence. But like you said, he walked in on that same conversation himself, so, that's not exactly your fault." Tim replies calm enough that the feeling of sadness is evident as well. "Thanks for answering my questions. I gotta get upstairs now"

Without another word, Tim's gone from the room, taking the stairs two at a time, anger at what he found out last night and a slice of disappointment at Ducky's part in this mess driving every one of his movements. Yanking on the stairwell door, he jerks it open and strides through it on his way to his desk, barely pausing in mid-stride at the sight of Gibbs already sitting at his desk, going through his emails. Without speaking to the man, Tim continues on to his own desk and fires up his work station

Just seeing Gibbs now, his anger at him is growing hotter with each passing minute that nothing is said between them. As Tim happens a glance at the man across the room from him, he can see that there's anger from over there as well. Well, this is gonna be a swell day!


Arriving at work earlier than usual, Gibbs had planned on taking the time to sit in the peace and quiet of the squad room and think about the situation with Tim and figure out how to get it sorted out with him and put behind them once and for all. Seeing the younger man's gear bag already stowed under his desk had thwarted that plan enough that his concentration turned to trying to think why he'd be here so early.

Surprisingly enough, it hasn't been but ten minutes since he's sat down before Tim is nearly flying into the squad room, obviously pissed and just as obviously coming from the back elevator, as the dinging of it has given testimony to. That means a visit to Ducky has already taken place which tells Gibbs that Tim most likely heard from Abby last night since there's no way he'd have woken her up this early to talk to her or been down to talk to the M.E. already, at least, he doesn't think so.

Putting the pieces together, he figures that the anger he can almost see vibrating off the younger man is multi-faceted, both from the situation with him and what he found out had come from Ducky. His first concern right now, is fixing things between himself and Tim. The place is otherwise deserted and there's not going to be a better time to hash it out than right now. Yes, he's still pissed about Abby being put in the middle but he's pretty pissed that she kept the secret, too, whether the reasoning behind all of that is understandable or not. He can't help it. It's not in him not to get angry about all this behind his back stuff or his people putting teammates in impossible situations like this.

Still, this has to be done and it needs to be done right now. Getting to his feet, he approaches Tim's desk, perching himself on the corner diagonally across from Tim's monitors, quietly addressing his agent. "Tim."

Shocked that the man's not only making the first move, but calmly and with his first name, Tim looks at him steadily but says nothing just yet.

"Talk to me."

What Now? Isn't that his line? Tim frowns. What's he supposed to say to that? The man wants to know what's on his mind. Well, why not start with the burning question? With a sigh, he stands to his feet and looks the man in the eye. "Is what Abby said last night true?"

"I dunno. Is it?" Unprepared for the question, the boss throws it back at him in his typical fashion, albeit more calmly than usual, completely forgetting he'd every intention of handling this differently; handling it better. The question from him is just as valid, since he does want to hear it from him that he did in fact put Abby in that position.

"Yes. And I know that I shouldn't ever have asked her to keep that to herself and honestly, with all the chaos on this job, I completely forgot that I had."

With a tired sigh that expels a dose of his own frustration and disappointment, Gibbs gets to his feet and begins to walk back to his desk, not sure what else to say. He's reluctant to make this worse and right now he's just itching to head slap the younger man but figures it's not the best move. Putting some distance between them sounds like a much better idea.

"Boss, no disrespect, but I can't read your mind." Tim gripes with enough frustration in his tone that it's impossible to miss.

Gibbs stops and turns around. Cocking his head at that angle that says he's actually hearing what's being said to him, Gibbs remains silent for a long minute before finally nodding and offering a short, quiet reply. "I know."

Tim stands there with shock when the man turns to walk away again without answering the question yet or addressing the elephant in the room between them. Surprisingly enough, the Team Leader pauses and turns back to look at Tim once more. "Can't read yours either, Tim."

"Read mine? About what?" Tim is baffled to say the least.

"Whatever it is you won't come to me with."

"Boss…I'm not sure we're on the same page here and I'm not sure why you haven't answered my question. Is what Abby told Tony and I last night, true? Did you really stop with the 'punishment detail' two weeks ago and not tell me?"

"Thought you'd figure it out on your own."

"How did you expect me to know what you weren't telling me?

Again, the eyebrows go up, the silent question in the air between them. This time the invitation to keep talking is the open door Tim needs to let it out.

"I was waiting for you to let me know. What else was I supposed to do? I still wouldn't have a clue that you were ready to be done with it if Abby hadn't told me last night!" The anger is out, in the air thick enough to cut it with a knife and Gibbs feels like he's been kicked in the gut. Ducky was right. Then again, the M.E. usually is when it comes to reading people; especially this team. Thinking back over his way of handling this, the Team Leader frowns. He knows he left clues. Is it his fault Tim didn't pick up on them? "No clue at all?"

Now it's Tim that's frowning. "I noticed that you quit glaring at me when the team got called out. But, I wasn't sure that amounted to anything."

The look on the boss' face says Tim just hit the nail on the head. "Wait, so I was supposed to take that to mean I could go back out into the field again?" He asks incredulously.

"Or you coulda just asked me." Gibbs replies nonchalantly as he walks back to his desk.

"Unbelievable!" Tim mutters as he flops down in his desk chair, still furious. All this time he's been worried sick about the man trusting him again and respecting him and being ready to let him prove himself out in the field again and Gibbs' boils it all down to this? Seriously? Snatching up his coffee cup, he stalks angrily from the room. He definitely needs some space to breathe now. Unbelievable!

Unusually early in an effort to be there to support Tim through whatever situation develops between the angry young man the boss pulling the strings, Tony arrives on the tail end of Tim's disappearance that even a blind man could tell has been driven by anger. "What I miss?"

Startled by his Senior Field Agent's unusually early appearance, Gibbs frowns as he shrugs slightly. "Guess he didn't like what I had to say."

Tony knows that it takes a lot to piss Tim off at Gibbs enough that he'll let it show in public; let Gibbs see it. With his branch of stubbornness, he approaches the boss' desk, not willing to let this go. "Boss?"

Gibbs sighs as he relays the brief discussion between himself and Tim with his SFA. He's taken aback when Tony reacts with his own anger and even disappointment, judging from the look on his face. "You do realize that he's been worrying himself sick these last two months about whether or not you respect him anymore or trust him to go back out into the field? And then you just kick him like this when he's been down, waiting for you to tell him he could get back up? Thought you thought more of him than that, Boss?"

Having said his peace, Tony heads to the break room in search of his teammate, a frustrated team leader behind with the space to think of how badly he's just bungled his chance with Tim. Heaving out a heavy breath, he sits back in his chair, his eyes staring at the space between his desk and Tim's. Now what?

Some ten minutes later, the two men arrive back in the squad room, both quiet yet obviously comfortable with each other. Getting to his feet, Gibbs a shot in the dark at fixing things between himself and his junior agent. "Tim."

Warily, Tim looks at the boss, knowing deep down that this conversation has to happen as much as the last one did. Watching the man gesture for him to go with him to his 'office', he feels his frustration level climb. Following behind him a few steps, it's not long before they've sequestered the elevator, even with the work day almost upon them.

"You know how I feel about apologies."

Tim nods without speaking, not ready to believe this discussion's going to be better than the last one.

"Not with family."

Tim knows Gibbs believes this only because Ducky's been kind enough to relay this to the rest of Gibbs' team quite some time back in hope they'd better understand what drives the man they trust to lead them every day.

"I am sorry, Tim. Shoulda told you that we're okay."

"Thank you."

"Thought my not glaring at you said what I didn't."

"So I was right?"


"Guess I shouldn't second guess myself on my "Gibbs speak" huh?"

With a smirk on his face and while hitting the button to release the elevator and send them back to their floor, the Team Leader reaches out and cuffs Tim very lightly on the back of the head.

"Got that right."

Tim grins. He can't help it. It's been ages and ages since he and Gibbs have had any conversation much less one as positive as this interaction. His grin fades when the switch is pulled on the elevator again. With surprise he looks at the man again. "Boss?"

"You ever pull a stunt like that again – endanger the lives of one of your teammates again or even think of asking anyone to withhold information…." The man's finger is up in the warning that equals the promise of all hell breaking loose if Tim doesn't heed this warning in the strictest sense that's in the man's eyes and steel tone.

"I know, Boss. I won't I promise." Tim's answer is quiet and solemn and soul deep. Hell will freeze over before he ever does anything like that again.

"I'll kick my boot so far up your ass; you'll wish you'd never left that closet of yours up in Norfolk!" The boss continues on as if Tim hasn't spoken.

"Thanks, Boss." Tim replies reverently as he soaks up the fact that the man cares enough to come down on him on top of the repercussions he's swam through in the last two months.

"C'mon, let's get back to work."

Wearing small smiles of accomplished understanding, they both step off the elevator, the sound of Gibbs' desk phone ringing, hurrying their steps. Snatching the receiver up off the cradle, the Team Leader answers gruffly.

"Yeah Gibbs….okay got it." Setting the phone down, he rounds his desk to gear up as he sounds the call. "Gear up!" This conversation with Tim is barely over and there's no time to see to it that what's been said sinks in, but pride and bridges have to take a back seat for the job. He heads back out around his desk, tossing the keys at his junior agent,

Watching from in front of his own desk, a geared up and ready Tony yells out in warning. "Heads up, McGee!"

Tim barely catches the flying keys, a look of shock on his face.

"Well, what're ya waiting for, McGee? We've got a dead body and you're driving!" Gibbs jibes as he strides ahead of the pack.

Tim smiles slightly as he savors the moment before hurrying to catch up with the others. A wave of relief flows through him as it begins to sink in that everything's starting to fall back into place. From here, all things are possible.