Hi everyone this is my first fanfic ever and I hope I do it right
Here goes nothing. Let me know what you think, feel free to message me. Don't forget to follow, fav and review.

Italic is for thoughts

All characters are property of Cassandra Clare. I own nothing, I wish I did though.

Beep. . . Beep. . . Beep. . . Beep
"uhhh" (smack) Beep. . . Beep (smack) Beep. . . Beep
"Where is the stupid snooze button!" (smack)
"Finally" Clary nestled back into her covers smiling.

"Clarissa, if you are not out of that bed I will send your brother with a bucket of water" her father, of course, who else. It surprised her it wasn't Jon threatening her in the morning. He and their father were always up at the crack of dawn. Typical.
"I'm up!" yelling hoping her dad wouldn't send him up
"You better be little sis. I don't want to be late on the first day" There he is. As bossy as ever.

'Love you too' she thought smiling making her way to her bathroom. She takes a quick shower and then blow dries her hair. It's easier now that her 'mane' was getting under control. She loved the slight changes of her body over the summer. She styles her hair slightly and only puts on eyeliner. Makeup has never been her thing. She walks back into her room and opens her closet, having rich parents has its advantages, and walks through her clothes to see what she feels like wearing. She decided on black skinny jeans with a navy blue spaghetti strap shirt and a lace black half sweater. Lastly her favorite studded grey boots and done. Looking at herself in the mirror makes her smile. She never thought she was pretty but this was close.
She takes her phone off the nightstand and grabs her messenger bag on her way downstairs.

"It's about time Clare-bear" "What took so long. . . CLARRISSA MORGENSTERN what are you wearing?" Jon looked at her with anger and concern in his eyes.
"Why are you yelling at me? I'm not showing any skin at all and you act like I'm wearing booty shorts or something." She scoffs at him and it didn't look like he liked it.
"It just took me by surprise, my baby sister actually looks attractive and I don't want to get expelled on the first day because I had to beat up every guy who looked at you" He looks at his little sister realizing she is growing up. He definitely does not like that.
"Awwe,I have such a sweet big brother. Jonathan, I won't get any attention for two reasons. One, I am not 'attractive' guys never look at me. Two, once guys find out I'm YOUR little sister they will stay away like if I had the plague." She giggled and that did the trick. He can never withstand her charm. He loved her too much.
"Clare-bear you are pretty. I just don't want other people to know that" He smiles trying to get the thought out of his head.
"Hurry up and eat, I'll put our stuff in the car and wait for you in the car"
"Ok, I won't be long. I'm not really that hungry." She makes her way into the kitchen and there on the counter is a plate waiting for her from her mom with a note.
'Sorry I couldn't watch you leave for school had an emergency at the gallery. Love you, good luck on your first day. Love mom.'
One Grilled cheese sandwich and some fruit. 'Perfect mom' She ate half the sandwich and the fruit then put the plate in the sink and walked out with the other half making her way to the car.

O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O. O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O. O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O. O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O

Clarys P.O.V

'Hope Jon doesn't mind if I finish eating in his car'
The first thing that catches my eye as I walk outside is a moving truck next door. Someone had finally bought the huge house next to us. I see pink and immediately hope there is a girl my age moving in next door.
'Finally a girl, hope we are the same age'
All I have ever had as a best friend is Simon. He has been my best friend since we were in 3rd grade. I'm so lucky to have him in my life. I smile at the thought.
Then reality snaps be back when I hear a loud honk.

"I'm coming Jon calm down"
"It's about time, you better not get any crumbs in my new car Clary." He says glaring at me.
I chuckle at the attempt to look menacing.
"Calm down, I won't ok. Now let's go before we really are late"
"Fine, buckle up lil sis"
And with that we pull out of the drive way and on our way to school.

O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O. O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O. O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O. O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O.O

Alecs P.O.V.

The night before.
"We're here." dad said as he parked the Buick in the driveway. Izzy and Jace pulled up next to us in the Mercedes. We all get out of the cars and dad goes to the back seat and picks up my little brother Max. 'Of course he is fast asleep.'
"The moving truck will be here with the rest of our things at six in the morning. So get some sleep before it arrives so we can finish unpacking. We had your belongings set up already, hope you all like your new rooms." He walks away towards mom as he carries max looking exhausted. 'It was a long drive'
"I hope you made sure my room has the biggest closet" Izzy asks dad as he is opening the door. 'Figures that's what she truly cares about'
"Yes Izzy, I made sure."
Izzy beams, most likely thinking of getting to decorate her new room.

We go inside and the house is breath taking. Somehow its bigger on the inside. I make my way upstairs and hear Izzy squeal. 'I guess she likes her room.' I walk into the room next to hers and find Jace laying on his bed already.
"Sorry Jace, I thought this was my room."
"No problem" he looks up at me "I found my stuff here, figures dad would give me the room that's completely white" He smirks one of his signature smirks that drives girls crazy. I can tell why, he looks cute when he smirks. 'No that's your brother and a guy! Don't think like that.' I shake my head trying to get the thoughts out of my head.
"You ok Alec?" He looks at me with a quizzical face
"Yeah, i guess im just tired." i turn away and go towards the door "I'll try another room. Goodnight"
"Goodnight" I hear him say as i close the door. I don't like having those thoughts, its bad enough im confused but i don't want to make it worse by liking my brother.

I walk towards a room nest to Jace, near the front of the house. 'Bingo' Found my room, it looks decent not too big or small. Good thing it has its own bathroom. Although with the size of this house i think all the rooms have them. My bed and furniture is already set up all im missing now is the rest of my things. Good thing we all packed a suit case with our essentials for school tomorrow. Well, everyone except Izzy. Apparently 'essentials' means three huge heavy suitcases. I swear she doesn't know the meaning of 'light packing'.

I go to close the window so i can wake up early and help with as much unpacking as i can before school. Then a flash of red catches my eye. I look across to the house next door and i see a red headed girl siting at the window. She looks beautiful, she keeps looking at the sky, i think she is drawing. I have never seen someone so beautiful. She's short with pale skin and red hair. She stands out alright, i wish i was closer to truly see her face. If she is pretty for this far away i can only imagine what she will look like up close.
'I hope we got to the same school. Wait what am i thinking. She's so small. Oh god please don't be in middle school. Wait, am i actually thinking like this about a GIRL?'
I have always wondered about who i am. I find guys attractive and only ever a few girls. But she is different. I don't know how to explain it but there's something about her. I close the window and get into bed.
'Thanks dad, you picked a great room.'