A/N: None of this would have been possible without Sabrina06's story 'Life Turned Upsidedown.' This story wouldn't been possible without her input.I highly recommending reading that story first as this makes several references back to it. And I personally think they should get a say here.

AN Sabrina06: What starts out as simple banter about a couple of story points can really turn into something incredible. While putting the pieces of this story together (and filling in the blanks) I believe that both Robot Wolf 26Z and myself are having (potentially) too much fun

.Twenty-one year old Ferb Fletcher watched as his wife of a year was coaching the local baseball team for some of the neighborhood kids. They were breaking in a new baseball and it was her day off. Then one of the kids scraped their knee sliding into home plate. A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as she quickly reacted, treating the wound and giving the little girl some gentle words. He knew that she would be a great mother one day but with him in near constant pain, it seemed like a fantasy. It started getting dark and the kids left one by one to their respective homes. Ferb made his way over to greet her as she came in. Ferb smiled as he saw the soft smile on his wife's face.

"Have fun?" Ferb asked as she wrapped her hands behind his neck.

"Always," She replied with a smile.

"Ready for dinner?" Ferb inquired.

"Yes, just let me get cleaned up first," Gretchen replied as she head toward the bathroom.

As the young couple ate they discussed several things varying from his job to hers, how his father and step-mother were doing, how his biological mother was doing. Throughout the conversation one thing kept persisting at the back of Ferb's mind, but he kept brushing it off, now was not the time. After the meal was finished and Ferb got lost in his own mind, Gretchen cleared the table and started washing the dishes.

"Hey, I thought it was my turn to do the dishes tonight," He remarked after he snapped out of his thoughts and saw her drying them.

"You have to be quicker than that," She teased.

He laughed at her teasing tone. Then he got up and wrapped his arms around her waist. She laughed and made to put away the dishes but he wasn't letting her out of his arms so easily. She gave him a quick kiss before finagling out of his arms to put away the dishes.

As soon as everything was said and done in the kitchen, they watched the news and got ready for bed. The thoughts that had been popping up in Ferb's mind returned. Once again Ferb tried brushing them away, but this time they persisted until he resolved to ask her. Ferb sighed before gathering up the nerve to speak.

"How'd the appointment go today, love?" He asked.

She froze as she was buttoning up her pajama shirt. Her hands started shaking as she buttoned the next one. In that instant Ferb knew something wasn't right. He placed a loving hand on her shoulder. She turned and nearly knocked him over. Ferb pulled her close and she started crying into his chest.

"I'm not," She cried.

"Oh," Ferb muttered quietly. Third time since they've been married that they could have been expectant parents, but each time, it ended like this.

"I can't satisfy you," Gretchen's words were muffled by his shirt and her tears but Ferb heard her clearly.

"Yes you do. I love you Gretchen. It hurts me to see you so upset," Ferb replied running his hand through her hair, gently pulling her onto the bed.

Ferb crawled over to his side and pulled her close to him. He didn't know what else to do other than to hold her. As he held her, a thought came to mind. It might work, of course he'll have to wait for her to calm down before he could suggest it. If they qualify for his idea, then she might put this behind her.

"Hey," Ferb's voice was gentle as soon as he figured that Gretchen was calm again.

"Hmm?" he heard in response.

"What do you think about adoption?" He suggested softly.

"Adoption?" Gretchen questioned.

"Yes adoption. Since we can't have one of our own, we can find a child who needs parents who will love them and care for them," Ferb murmured as he ran a hand through her hair.

"Do you realize how long the adoption process takes?" she asked him as she snuggled in closer to him.

"A few years, but if it'll make you happy, it'll be worth it," Ferb replied.

"It would, it really would Ferb," Gretchen mumbled as she fell asleep.

Ferb looked down at her. He smiled at her now content expression. He could, however, still see where the tears had rolled down her cheeks. He frowned slightly, it stung a little to know that they couldn't have children of their own. He let out a small sigh as he gently removed her glasses and set them on the headboard above her head. He then snapped off the light and adjusted the covers.

The following week, on Gretchen's day off, the young couple were seated in the Adoption Agency's office filling out paper work. Ferb sighed as he filled out some of the paperwork to apply for adoption. Gretchen looked over at him with an expression of concern on her face. He quickly gave her a reassuring smile. She nodded in reply and continued filling out her portion of the paperwork.

Three weeks later, Gretchen was working the night shift. She would get home just as Ferb would be getting up for work. Despite the schedule change they still made time to sit and talk before he left the house. It was one of those mornings which Ferb thought it was a good idea to tease his wife about her 'time of the month' and one of the side effects, bloating. He only got the words 'Puffy Hormone' out before she cold cocked him.

"Okay, I deserved that," Ferb muttered as he got back up.

"Are you all right Ferb?" Gretchen asked as he retook his seat.

Ferb raised an eyebrow before noting the small pile of paper napkins next to her plate. Who knew one little word could set her off so bad? He made a mental note to never say that word when it was that 'time of the month' or if by a very, very slim chance they actually got pregnant.

"Maybe you should go to bed, love," Ferb suggested gently as he noticed her weary expression.

She gave a slight nod but didn't get up from the table. Ferb sighed and placed his hands on her shoulders. She slowly stood and he guided her back to the bedroom. He made sure that she was in bed before he left.

The next day Ferb awoke and got ready for work. 'That's strange, Gretchen's usually home by now,' He thought. He finished his breakfast and scribbled out a quick note. 'Missed you this morning. I'll see you this evening. Don't forget we're having dinner with my parents. Love, Ferb,'

During his lunch hour Ferb met with his brother at one of their favorite diners. The red-head looked like he hadn't had a good night's sleep: rumpled clothing, red fuzz on his face and a weary expression. Ferb raised an eyebrow at his brother's appearance.

"Sorry bro, the baby wouldn't settle down last night," Phineas apologized.

"And your girlfriend?" Ferb asked.

"She made me get up with the baby because my phone woke her up," Phineas replied.

"You need a good shave," Ferb remarked as he looked over the menu.

"Yeah, I know. So, how are things going with you and Gretchen?" Phineas inquired, as he picked up his own menu to peruse his options.

"Everything is fine," There was a slight tightness in Ferb's voice as he answered.

"Are you sure Ferb?" Phineas asked, lowering his menu.

"Just a few difficulties," Ferb replied, not bothering to look at his brother.

Phineas looked at a loss as to what to say. He and his girlfriend had only been in a relationship for a year and half, and they had a little four month old girl. Phineas recalled at how well his sister-in-law got along with the small child last week. Phineas had been wondering why his brother and Gretchen hadn't had a child yet. Given his brother's expression, Phineas decided not to say anything.

"What is it that you normally get from here?" Phineas asked.

"Generally a BLT, but I'm going to go with just a salad," Ferb replied, setting down his menu.

"Uh, okay," Phineas remarked, "Uh Ferb are you going over to Mom and Dad's tonight?"

"I was planning to, since Gretchen and I already made a commitment to go," Ferb answered.

"Isn't she working the night shift though?" Phineas asked.

"How do you know that?" Ferb asked in return.

"I accidentally called her yesterday when trying to call your number," Phineas replied sheepishly.

"She told you off didn't she?" Ferb inquired with a slight smirk.

"Yeah, something about phone calls while she's working…..I didn't know she was fluent in German," Phineas said, reddening slightly.

"Oh really?" Ferb asked with a knowing look.

"You know she can speak it?" Phineas asked.

"I only married her," Ferb responded as the waiter came up to take their orders.

Later that evening, When Ferb returned from work, he found Gretchen watching the news report on the television. He raised an eyebrow as she was rarely awake by the time he got home when she was on the night shift. There was a report on the broadcast about a late night pile up on the highway that ran just north of Danville. The broadcast went on to report that some of the more severely injured parties were sent to Danville Hospital. It was then that the broadcast moved on to the weather.

"Ah so that's why you were late?" Ferb inquired as he reached for his medication.

"Yeah. They had to pull some of us down to the ER," Gretchen replied, uncurling herself and started heading for their room.

"You do remember that we are going over to my parent's house, right?" he asked as he too headed towards the room to get changed out of his work clothes.

"Yes, I got your note," She replied as she came out of the bathroom in more suitable clothing.

Ferb got changed and the couple headed for his parents' house. They were greeted by Linda Flynn-Fletcher at the door. Ferb slipped an arm around Gretchen's waist. Ferb was still wary about a few things between his wife and his step-mother. Everything was going fine until about mid-way through dinner. Linda watched as Gretchen entertained Phineas' daughter, Lillian. The small girl's mother, Sienna, smiled as the girl giggled.

"So when are you going to have children?" Linda inquired of her step-son and his wife.

Ferb and Gretchen both froze. Gretchen gave her husband a worried glance. Ferb shut his eyes and took a breath. He squared his shoulders and looked directly at his step-mother.

"It'll happen when it happens. We aren't doing anything to prevent it," He replied, hoping that he was able to keep any notion that he was upset out of his voice.

"Oh okay then," Linda let the subject drop.

"How are your jobs?" Lawrence inquired.

"Just fine," Ferb replied.

"All right I guess, I had to lift a two hundred pound patient that fell out of his bed two days ago," Gretchen answered nonchalantly.

This caused the others at the table to stare at her. Each one was conveying a different expression. Sienna's was one of utter shock, amazed that this small woman was able to even lift such weight. Candace was not at all surprised. Linda looked surprised. Lawrence looked impressed. Phineas just gave a Ferb a look. Jeremy looked slightly amused. Ferb sighed and shook his head.

"You can lift two hundred pound people?" Sienna inquired, her eyebrows raised high.

"You'd be surprised at what Fireside Girls or better put, former Fireside Girls, can do," Phineas told his sandy haired girlfriend.

Gretchen went to reply but felt Ferb's hand squeeze her thigh. It was a silent signal to NOT mention other things that Linda might deem 'unsafe' for someone of Gretchen's petite five-foot-one stature. There were several things that Gretchen had told Ferb that he really rather not know.

"So what exactly do you do at the hospital, again?" Sienna asked Gretchen.

"I just do general things. Checking on patients, making sure they get their medication, help prepare them for surgery. That sort of thing," Gretchen answered.

"Are you sure that's a safe profession for when you become pregnant?" Linda asked.

"It's safer than most," Gretchen replied evenly, "I work in a hospital; I'm surrounded by doctors and nurses all day. We're like a tight knit little family, always looking out for each other."

"That was-" Gretchen hesitated slightly.

"The most awkward dinner conversation ever," Ferb said with a sigh.

"Interesting, I was going to say interesting," Gretchen remarked.

"I don't think she was too impressed that we got married last year without an 'Oh for the sweet love of King George, I got her pregnant, I have to marry her' sort of thing," Ferb said as he got dressed for bed while she got ready for work.

"Now would that have been so bad?" Gretchen asked him.

"No it wouldn't have been. I would have gotten chewed out by mum for doing so, like Phineas did after Sienna announced she was expecting. Your father wouldn't have been too happy if I got you pregnant while we were at school," Ferb answered, placing his hands gently on her shoulders.

"Did Candace get that lecture?" Gretchen inquired.

"No, but Jeremy got the evil-eye for a few months," Ferb replied moving his hands from her shoulders to her waist.

"Ferb, I have to get going in a few minutes," Gretchen muttered, slipping out of his arms.

"When do you get a schedule change?" Ferb asked as she gathered her ID badge and car keys off the night stand.

"Well I have tomorrow off and then they have me on the day shift," She replied as she turned around.

"Okay, I'll see you when you get back then,"Ferb answered.

"Don't make me pull you out of bed like last week," She teased as she went out the door.

"He wants to go further but I don't, what do I do?" Isabella Garcia-Shapiro said to Gretchen as the two sat in the coffee shop, the following afternoon.

"Isabella, you know I love you like a sister but do I look like your therapist?" Gretchen returned before blowing on her tea and taking a sip.

"But…Gretchen.." Isabella started.

"Iz, I know. You're having problems with Dominic. You have to trust yourself… and him," Gretchen interrupted.

"You wouldn't know a problem if it bit you in the butt," Isabella retorted.

"You don't know what you're saying," Gretchen said while trying to hold back a sob, after a short pause.

"You and Ferb have the perfect relationship. I heard you're planning on starting a family," Isabella remarked.

Gretchen shredded a serviette before replying, her voice barely above a whisper, "Yeah, We're talking about it."

"Is something wrong?" Isabella asked.

"Who's says there's something wrong?" Gretchen returned as she shredded another serviette.

"Well the serviettes for one," Isabella commented, noting the pile of shredded serviettes.

Gretchen didn't answer but shredded another serviette.

"Come on Gretch, I tell you everything. Something's wrong, you can tell me," Isabella commented.

"I can't talk about it," Gretchen replied.

"Can't or won't?" Isabella's voice took on a tone akin to an interrogator's.

"Can't. This is something between Ferb and myself. I knew..." Gretchen stopped herself before she revealed too much.

"He's cheating on you? Oh, Gretchen. Honey, I'm so sorry. You can stay with me for as long as you need," Isabella switched from interrogator to concerned best friend.

"He's NOT cheating on me Isabella. He's just not," Gretchen snapped.

"Then what's the issue?" Isabella asked with a raised eyebrow.

Gretchen shredded a serviette as she replied, "I can't talk about it."

"Come on Gretchen, you can tell me-" Isabella began.

Gretchen once again interrupted, "Iz, it's something personal and not something I can talk about with you. Yes, you are my best friend, but this is something that needs to stay between Ferb and myself."

"I remember the night you called me saying he kissed you for the first time. I remember how upset you were when he left for school the first time; and how angry you were at him for not calling when he said he would," Isabella shot back.

"I was young and emotional," Gretchen protested.

"You always had a reason. Then when he came back and stayed for the year? You were on an out of control emotional rollercoaster. I'm not quite sure what happened after you both went to England for school. Obviously things worked out in the end," Isabella pointed out.

Gretchen shredded another serviette and nodded; Isabella did have a point.

"Gretchen, honey, we know everything about each other; and I mean E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G," Isabella continued.

Gretchen sighed, "You aren't going to let me avoid this are you?"


Gretchen shredded a few serviettes while trying to figure out how to put things into a way Isabella would understand.

"Well?" Isabella asked.

Gretchen's voice was tight when she finally spoke, "You know how I knew I wanted to be a mother when we got older?"

"Yeah?...Wait...Are you-" Isabella started but stopped when Gretchen started shaking her head.

"Are you sure?" Isabella asked.

Gretchen gave her a hard look. She sounded upset when she answered, "Yeah, I'm sure."

Isabella tried not to laugh as she asked her next question, "Is Ferb... you know..." She then made an accompanying hand gesture.

"The doctors said that he's fine... that I'm fine... that there's no reason why we can't," Gretchen replied rolling her eyes at Isabella's hand gesture.

"Maybe you're just stressing about this too much. Remember the time that Katie thought she was pregnant because she missed two months? It turned out she was just stressed," Isabella suggested.

Gretchen scowled slightly, "I remember, but a teenager's body works differently than a grownup's."

Isabella raised her eyebrows, "Oh really?"

"Isabella, I'm a nurse. I would know the differences between the biological differences between a teenager's and adult's physiological-"Gretchen started on a babble.

"I'm gonna stop you right there because you are about to get into 'I have no idea what you are saying' territory," Isabella said with her hands raised.

"I know THAT all too well. You were getting that glassy eyed expression," Gretchen replied with a sigh.

"I was not!" Isabella protested.

"You were so. It happened a lot when I became all over informational. Remember the Bubble?" Gretchen shot back, relieved of the change of subject.

"Even Baljeet didn't understand you," Isabella muttered.

"I know," Gretchen said.

Ever the one to keep on a subject of someone's relationships, Isabella asked, "But you're SURE neither of you are-"

"Isabella! Not suitable conversation in a coffee shop," Gretchen said as she flushed a bright red while looking around.

"Let's go back to your place then," Isabella suggested.

"Fine," Gretchen said with a sigh and an eye roll.

"Tell me you're at least having fun trying," Isabella asked leaning forward to get the skinny on her married friend's relationship.

"It's not unenjoyable," Gretchen answered, worry clear in her tone, despite her being curled up in an overstuffed chair, in the comfort of her own home.

Both women heard the lock click. Ferb entered the house, removing his key from the door as he did so. He shut the door behind him and turned to see his wife and her best friend sitting in the living room. He raised an eyebrow at the two.

"What were you two ladies talking about?" Ferb asked as he took off his jacket.

"Ummm, my boyfriend issues," Isabella said quickly.

Ferb raised an eyebrow in reply.

"How was work honey?" Gretchen asked, mostly to avoid an awkward situation.

"The usual," He replied as he lightly kissed her.

"And your back?" Gretchen inquired looking up at him.

"Just fine," Ferb answered.

"Ferb, as a guy could you answer a question for me?" Isabella asked him.

Gretchen looked horrified while Ferb raised his eyebrow.

"Are guys willing to wait a while to become intimate with their girlfriend?" Isabella asked.

"Each guy has his own reasons behind his decision," Ferb replied tentatively.

Gretchen started to shake her head when she realized what her long-time friend was up to. Thankfully Ferb wasn't paying attention as he reached for a glass and his medication.

"Isabella, please don't do this," Gretchen pleaded with her friend.

"Do what?" Isabella returned innocently.

"Isabella, please," Gretchen muttered.

"Care to give an example, Ferb?" Isabella asked.

Ferb blinked in response. He was unsure of how to answer the question.

"I need to start dinner, would you like to stay?" Gretchen asked Isabella.

"I don't want to put you out," Isabella replied.

"Not a problem, Iz. You're always welcome here," Gretchen replied, a tightness in her voice.

Isabella turned to the green haired, six foot tall, Brit, "So Ferb, tell me... do guys fall in love just as easily as girls?"

Gretchen stopped short on her way to the kitchen, and commented with her voice raised and an octave higher than normal, "This is NOT an appropriate conversation!"

Ferb looked between the two women, "Some do, others never truly fall in love." He then looked closely at his wife.

"How did you know you were in love with Gretchen?" Isabella's blunt question caught Ferb off guard.

Ferb looked stunned as he stammered out, "I- I just knew."

"How about you give me a hand Isabella?" Gretchen asked, mostly to save her husband from 'Interrogator Isabella' and partly to avoid Ferb getting a back spasm.

"I'm sorry about Isabella today," Gretchen told Ferb as the couple got ready for bed.

"Why did you keep changing the subject?" Ferb asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"You know as well as I do, discussion of intimate relations is NOT an appropriate conversation," Gretchen replied.

"Well, what do you think of Dominic?" Ferb returned.

"He's better than that boyfriend that got her pregnant and then beat her. I think he's very good for her," Gretchen returned.

Ferb ran his hands along her back. He paused a few times whenever she tensed up. Ferb knew her job was stressful, he also knew that she wouldn't unload her stresses on him. Ferb's brow furrowed as she tensed up no fewer than eight times. He sighed internally, there's no way she'll fess up to the stress, at least not right now. She snuggled into him and he wrapped his arms around her. Ferb proceeded to massage her shoulders, kissing along her shoulder blades and her neck in an effort to get her to relax.

"You do know that you're beautiful," he whispered into her ear.

Gretchen felt the color rise in her cheeks. Ferb always knew how to make her blush. She tensed as he hit another tender spot. Ferb then proceeded to kiss the other side of her neck and along the other shoulder blade. Gretchen giggled softly as he did so with soft butterfly kisses.

"You know there is something we can do tonight that might make you feel better," Ferb whispered the suggestion in her ear.

"If we both had tomorrow off I might consider it, but they are having a mandatory meeting for some of the nursing staff at six," Gretchen whispered back.

"Then do you just want to snuggle?" Ferb asked.

"Snuggling sounds just fine," Gretchen replied.

"Gretchen?" One of Gretchen's co-workers Jennifer Clayborne called the slightly younger woman's name to get her attention.

"Hmm? Oh, What's up Jen?" Gretchen asked when she looked up from the file on one of the unit transfers.

"Dr. Wilson needs Mr. Morris's file," Jennifer replied.

"Is Henry planning on transferring Mr. Morris? Because you know, he's fallen out of his bed three times this week," Gretchen replied as she pulled the file and handed it to dark haired woman.

"I have no idea what he's planning on doing, to tell you the truth. He just wanted the file," Jennifer said with a slight shrug.

Gretchen was about to reply when a light lit up, she looked at her co-worker, "Duty calls."

Mid-way through her shift, Gretchen took her scheduled lunch. She sat at a table with a steaming cup of coffee, sipping on it. She barely noticed when one of the few male nurses sat across from her. He was grumbling about one of the rude teenaged patients from the pile up. Gretchen then looked up at him with raised eyebrows.

"Something wrong Shane?" She asked.

"Teenagers. They have no respect for anyone," The twenty-six year old exclaimed, his bright, light brown eyes showing his irritation.

"Shane, most teenagers don't like being confined to hospitals," Gretchen reasoned with him.

"That doesn't give them the right to disrespect people," Shane returned.

"Shane, might I point out another thing?" Gretchen asked him.

"Fire away Fletcher," Shane replied, using her last name to let her know she had his full attention.

"They're teenagers, that's what they do. That's the age when they think they are the coolest thing since sliced bread," Gretchen pointed out, "And besides, what would your partner say if he knew you were in a foul mood?"

"Perce would start singing that one song from the movie about the fish," Shane replied, a faint smile coming to his lips.

"There you go Shane, If something happens to get you in a funk, just envision Percy singing it," Gretchen encouraged her sometimes flamboyant co-worker.

"Thanks. Hey are you going to the-" Shane began.

"I don't know. It depends on a few things," Gretchen answered with a shrug.

"You know what, since you got me out of my funk, lunch is on me today," Shane said with a smile.

"That's really not necessary Shane," Gretchen protested.

"I insist," He replied with such a flourish that Gretchen had no choice but to laugh.

Gretchen shook her head as he went off. Sometimes that man could get even the grumpiest of the patients to smile when he was in this type of mood. She leaned back in her chair and took a drink from her coffee. She jumped when Shane set a tray in front of her, when she saw what he bought her for lunch, she looked at him.

"Shane what have I told you about stalking?" She joked.

"It's bad and wrong," He returned his end of the joke, acting pouty.

"I swear sometimes you know things that some of the doctors don't," Gretchen said with a shake of her head.

"Oh come now, give us some credit," Dr. Henry Wilson remarked from the table across from them.

"I do keep it in mind, especially when some of you have your hand inside of someone," Shane remarked with a joking tone.

"You have more education in the medical field, hence you're a Doctor and we're nurses, Oh great one," Gretchen joked.

"But you know the old saying, 'Doctors make the worst patients,' I believe that would be because we know the procedures," Dr. Wilson returned smiling slightly at the jokes.

"So Fletcher how's that little hottie of yours?" Derrick Mercer asked Ferb as he came to pick up his packed lunch from the break room fridge.

Ferb glared at his co-worker. It was a good thing he made a small complex lock for the soft-sided cooler. He grabbed the cooler and slung it over his shoulder.

"Come on Fletcher there must be something between you and your hot little number," He persisted. Ferb turned to look at him and raised a finger, ready to say something when he was interrupted.

"I would appreciate if you wouldn't speak of my daughter like that," Will Wiess's voice boomed from the doorway.

"Aren't you supposed to be in YOUR department?" Derrick shot at the older man.

"The reason I'm here is above your pay-grade," Will returned evenly, adjusting the file of paperwork under his arm.

"Hello, sir," Ferb greeted his father in law.

"Hello Ferb," Will returned the greeting before returning his irate look on Ferb's co-worker.

Ferb took the opportunity of slip out of the break room. Ferb knew how Gretchen's father was about people making comments like that. Ferb sighed, Derrick doesn't have enough sense to keep his mouth shut, although he might be wary of things by tomorrow. Ferb knew Will well enough that he wouldn't harm the younger man, but would strike fear into his soul.

Ferb arrived home before his wife did. He winced as his back twisted up in a spasm. Thankfully his cane was nearby. Ferb muttered under his breath, Derrick Mercer really needs to mind his own business. As his hand grasped the familiar groove of the handle, his back spasmed yet again. He leaned heavily on his cane as he headed towards the kitchen, to start preparing dinner as it was his night to do so. He was halfway through pulling out the bowls when he heard Gretchen's car pull up. He stopped what he was doing and made his way out to the living room. When she entered and found him leaning heavily on his cane, she pointed at the sofa.

"Lay down, face down," She told him, her expression one hundred percent unamused.

"I'm fine, love," He protested.

She shot him another unamused look and pointed at the sofa. He gave a small sigh and compiled. There was no use in putting up a resistance.

"What are you planning?" he asked.

"You're getting a massage," She replied simply, running her hands along his back.

"You don't have -" Ferb tried protesting.

"Don't worry about it Hon," Gretchen interrupted as she worked her way down his back.

"Gretchen….Please," Ferb said, his voice strained.

"I understand dear, ich liebe dich Honig. Just relax and let me take care of you," Gretchen said as she felt something shift under her hands.
Ferb felt something pop and he screamed.

"I'm so sorry," Gretchen apologize as she rubbed the spot more gently, "How's that?"

"I…..think that's better," He replied.

"Are you sure?" Gretchen asked in return.

"Yeah, that's much better," Ferb answered.

"What happened to cause your back to spasm?" Gretchen inquired as he sat up.

"Just an issue with a co-worker," Ferb replied simply, purposefully neglecting to mention that her father overheard the conversation.

"All right then. Why were you in the kitchen?" Gretchen asked him as she slipped off her shoes.

"It's my turn to make dinner," He answered quietly.

"You are stubborn as an ox, Ferb. Only you would try and prepare dinner while in pain," Gretchen said shaking her head slightly.

"It's my turn," Ferb insisted.

"Well, now you're not," Gretchen replied.

"You worked a full shift after a two hour meeting," Ferb protested.

"I was just going to order in," Gretchen replied, phone in hand.

"Oh," Ferb muttered.

"It's quick and simple, plus it won't make a mess of the kitchen," Gretchen said as she dialed a number.

Three months passed without any real incident. Gretchen's work schedule changed twice, going from day shift to night shift then back to day shift in the ER. Ferb's co-worker, Derrick, hadn't made any further comments about Ferb's 'hot little number' since Will had a little 'talk' with him. Derrick, however, upon realizing that Will was only in the R&D Department for that one day, started making suggestive comments again. It was one of the days that Ferb had only a few projects on his desk that Phineas came in to talk with him.

"Phineas, what are you doing here?" Ferb inquired as the red-head stepped into his work area.

"I was in the area," Phineas replied with a slightly unnerved expression.

"What's the problem?" Ferb asked without looking up.

"Who says there's a problem?" Phineas replied nervously.

Ferb looked up at his step-brother, giving him one of his 'Seriously?' looks. It had been a while since Phineas had been on the receiving end of one of Ferb's disbelieving looks. When the red-head answered the unspoken question, he was scratching his ear; a tale-tell sign he was lying.

"There's no problem," Phineas said.

"Phineas, you're scratching your ear. That's your habit when you lie. So what's the problem?" Ferb asked, setting down his white pencil.

"Well, Lillian's teething and she cries every time I touch her now," Phineas answered, looking downcast.

"Well her gums must be hurting her. Do you remember when your wisdom teeth came in?" Ferb returned.

"Yeah," Phineas muttered.

"Try some oral pain relief gel,that should help. Get the baby formula, not the adult," Ferb said quietly.

"How do you know that'll work?" Phineas asked.

"Three things, One: I've minded Amanda before when she was that age. Two: My wife's a nurse and Three: I've watched Xaiver and Fred at that age as well," Ferb replied.

"Oh yeah, they just got over that phase themselves," Phineas muttered under his breath, then adding something about Candace thinking Ferb was more in tune to what little kids need.

"Any other reason you're here?" Ferb inquired.

"How did you broach the subject of marriage with Gretchen?" the red-head inquired.

The Brit paused and looked at his step-brother with a raised eyebrow. He blinked then spoke, "I'm not sure, but it was just mentioned in passing. You should really ask for Sienna's father's blessing before you even try broaching the subject. I asked first, and then told Will that I was willing to wait to marry Gretchen if he had any issues with us getting married, at the time."

"He must have given his consent otherwise you two wouldn't be married," Phineas replied.

"Her parents were very hesitant to let her marry at nineteen," Ferb pointed out.

"Sienna's twenty though, so there shouldn't be an issue," Phineas mused.

"Didn't you say the man utterly loathes you?" Ferb asked, eyebrows raised.

"Nah, that's her oldest brother. Her dad is on the fence still," Phineas admitted.

"Try and find out what her father likes, something you have in common, then expand on it," Ferb remarked.

"You see the problem is, he speaks Dutch and very little English, so I have no idea what he's saying," Phineas said, looking unsure of what to do.

"I suggest getting an English-Dutch dictionary, or just have Sienna translate," Ferb replied.

"Sienna hates being relegated to translator," Phineas muttered.

"Well then it looks like your only option is an English-Dutch dictionary," Ferb said.

"What about you, Ferb, or Gretchen? You're both multi-lingual," Phineas inquired.

"Last I checked, neither mine nor Gretchen's spoken languages include Dutch," Ferb replied.

"Isn't German close enough to Dutch?" Phineas asked.

"I don't really know Phin," Ferb replied, a little uneasy.

"So I guess I'll have to get that dictionary then," Phineas remarked.

"I can suggest a great little bookstore down on Seventh Street," Ferb commented.

"Thanks bro," Phineas said.

"Hey Fletcher- " Derrick began but stopped upon seeing Ferb had company.

Ferb raised an eyebrow at him, as if daring him to continue the thought. Derrick retreated back to his own work space. Ferb sighed to himself and shook his head.

"Ferb? Is he causing you problems?" Phineas asked noticing the obvious tension between his brother and the man who just left.

"It's nothing I can't handle," Ferb replied, as he shuffled some of the blueprints.

Phineas caught sight of some of the measurement jotted down along one side of it. He quickly figured it in his head. The calculations were slightly off.

"Uh Ferb? I don't mean to intrude but you might want to check some of the equations," Phineas said.

"Hmm?" Ferb turned his attention to the equations and quickly rewrote them.

"I better get going, I can tell you're busy," Phineas said as he made to leave.

"Stop by my place this evening, you left something last month," Ferb replied.

"Oh all right, see you later then," Phineas said with a nod then left.

Phineas sat uneasily in Ferb's living room as Ferb and Gretchen had a quiet talk in the hall. Apparently Gretchen's non-skid shoes weren't as non-skid as she had thought. That was evidenced by the air cast on her right wrist. Phineas lifted his head when Ferb came back into the room, frowning slightly.

"Everything okay Ferb?" Phineas asked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, it's fine," Ferb replied.

"What about the 'thing' I forgot?" Phineas asked.

"Well technically, Sienna forgot it," Ferb replied with a smirk.

"Forgot what?" Phineas asked.

"Forgot this," Gretchen replied, holding up a small pink pacifier.

"Lillian's favorite binky! I've been looking everywhere for that thing! She's very picky about it," Phineas' expression lit up as he realized what it was.

"Told you that you forgot something," Ferb said with a smirk.

"Not funny Ferb, do you know how long it takes me to get Lilian to fall asleep without that binky?" Phineas replied.

"I found it under the couch. I sanitized it too," Gretchen remarked handing the red head the pacifier.

"Thank you!" the red head replied enthuastically.

"You're welcome," Both Ferb and Gretchen replied.

"It's creepy when you two do that," Phineas commented.

A/N: I think this is a good stopping point for chapter one. Next chapter….Well let's just say some issues get pushed that should be left alone.