A/N: This is just a little drabble of how I imagine the kind of father I imagine Fitz would be. Let me know what you think and give me requests please. XOXO

Fitz blinked awake at the sound of Isabelle whining coming through the baby monitor on his nightstand. He had taken if after Olivia fell asleep because she was exhausted and needed the uninterrupted rest. He rolled out of bed, careful not to wake his wife. After using the bathroom, he turned the monitor off and went to Isabelle's pink and green nursery. She was sitting up in her mahogany crib, looking at the door with a frown that instantly became a smile at the sight of her daddy. At 9 months, she was practically Fitz's twin but her personality was all Olivia: fire and spice all day. The quote painted above her bed, "Though she be but little, she is fierce!" was completely accurate for the little girl. She pulled herself up in her crib and held out her arms for him to pick her up.

He smiled, kissing her chubby cheeks. "What's with all the fussing, little girl?"

She took hold of the curls at the crown of his head, something he didn't understand that she did to everyone. He yawned as he went to open her mint green lace curtains. "Daddy hasn't been up this early in a long time, baby. Look. That's a sunrise."

She smiled, leaning forward to grab the rising sun, babbling happily. Fitz noticed the heaviness of her diaper. He made silly faces at her as he carried her to the changing table. Once she was in a clean diaper, Fitz carried his baby girl downstairs, singing a silly song. She babbled happily as he settled in his favorite leather chair with her in his lap. He turned on the TV, flipping to the news.

"Lakers lost," he remarked. He had developed the tendency of talking to her like she could respond to him because he hoped it would make her talk sooner. Isabelle babbled a reply as she stared at the screen. She soon grew bored and pulled herself up, her little feet planted firmly on his thigh as she began tugging at his curls. He moved her so that she was standing on the chair, a sturdier base, so that he could still see the TV. She pointed at the screen when he changed the channel to ESPN, babbling excitedly at the noise of a basketball game. Fitz explained, "That's the Clippers. That's Daddy's other team."

He continued flipping channels, stopping on CNN's daily stock market report. He commented, "I'm glad I got out of the market when I did. These numbers are in the toilet."

Isabelle laughed as she understood him and he smiled at her. She was the only girl other than her mother whose laugh filled him with immediate happiness. A dog food commercial came on and Isabelle pointed at the screen, babbling excitedly as she bounced. Fitz smiled at her excited, mostly toothless grin. He explained, "Those are puppies. When you have brothers and sisters, we're gonna get two puppies: a big one and a little one."

The commercial ended and another featuring ducks came on. "And duckies too. What do duckies say?"

Isabelle stopped pulling Fitz's hair and looked at Fitz as if she really knew the answer. He smiled at her little befuddled face and said, "They say quack quack. Can you quack like a ducky?"

He quacked until she picked up the sound and parroted it back, laughing and clapping. Fitz wondered how it was possible to love someone he'd known for so short a time so much. It had taken him time to connect to his other children and even that was iffy sometimes but with Isabelle, his Izzy, it was love at first sight—very similar to the way he had felt when he first laid eyes on her mother. He picked her up, headed for the kitchen.

"Are you hungry? Daddy's hungry," he said as he took an orange from the fruit bowl on the island. He set her next to it and she watched with interest as peeled it. He gave her a juicy wedge, smiling as she smashed it with her tight little grip before putting it in her mouth. "You eat like a piggy, Izzy!"

She laughed as she licked her hand. He gave her another wedge before eating one himself. They finished the orange, her smashing it and making a sticky mess of her polka-dotted pajamas. He cleaned her up as best he could with a wet paper towel. "Wanna make Mommy some breakfast?"

He went to the cabinet and pulled out the box of Aunt Jemima pancake mix. He held up the box in front of Isabelle, shifting her to his hip. "Waffles or pancakes?"

She babbled and poked the box. He smiled at his smart baby girl. "You're right. Definitely waffles."

He found the waffle press in one of the bottom cabinets then retrieved a bowl from a top one. He put the large spoon in Isabelle's hand, placing his on top of it as they stirred the batter. He sang softly, as he breathed in her perfect baby scent, "Heart and soul/I fell in love with you heart in soul/The way a fool would do, madly/Because you held me tight/And stole a kiss in the night."

Isabelle looked at her father like she hadn't known he could make that kind of noise. After putting the waffles in the press, he put her in her high chair. He asked, "You want Cheerios or those Gerber puff things?"

She babbled, banging on the chair's plastic tray excitedly. He wasn't sure what that meant so he went with the Gerber puffs. He wiped off the little tray with a Lysol wipe then poured the little pink puffs on the tray. Isabelle squealed and began stuffing her face. He went to turn off the press after it dinged, announcing that the waffles were finished. She held one out to him and he ate it, remarking, "These really aren't that bad."

She ate almost all of the puffs and whooped for more. He poured more on the tray then went to get her cup from the dishwasher. He poured grape juice in it then, after making sure the lid was screwed on tightly, gave it to Isabelle. He smirked when she put it down a moment later, a deep frown on her little face.

He asked, "Are you making poopsies?" She continued to frown, even grunting a little as she strained. He shook his head. "Yeah you are."

He waited for her to finish then took her upstairs to change her. While he cleaned her up, he said, "Mommy wants us to go to one of those Daddy & Me classes, but I don't think we're gonna do that. I think we're gonna play hooky and hit the park."

She babbled as he put a fresh diaper on her. He had a second thought. "No. We're gonna hit the zoo. Daddy hasn't gotten to take you to the zoo yet."

He put her pajama pants back on then set her on the floor while he went to her closet. It always amused him that such little clothes had such a big closet. He pulled out white overalls and a pink t-shirt. Isabelle was pulling herself up by a leg on her crib. She had yet to attempt walking but he was sure she was close. She turned to look at him as he held out her white sandals. "These good? Okay."

He found her little white floppy sunhat then left the outfit on the changing table. He picked her up and carried her downstairs on his shoulders, smiling as she laughed uncontrollably. When he got to the kitchen, he found a pajama clad Olivia taking the waffles from the press and putting them on a plate.

"Those aren't yours," Fitz announced. She turned around and smiled at him.

"Well you left them unattended so I figure finders keepers," she replied. He took Isabelle off his shoulders, settling her on his hip as he walked into the kitchen. Olivia reached up and rubbed his stubbly cheek, still a little awed by the fact that she went to sleep next to him every night and woke up next to him every morning. He was hers, free and clear. He had been hers for a decade and some change, but only hers in the open for two blissful years. She couldn't believe she had been able to wait a year to marry him, despite his daily proposals during their "official" courting. But she had wanted to do it right. And he had wanted to give her everything she deserved.

The got married in April, on a sunny, perfectly warm day. Karen had been a bridesmaid. Mellie had smirked on a back row after showing up unexpectedly. She had been invited out of politeness but no one had actually expected her there. Cyrus was Fitz's best man and Teddy had been the ring bearer. Huck walked her down the aisle, actually smiling. Abby was her maid of honor, grinning like a proud mama in her Tiffany blue bridesmaid dress. Olivia had surprised everyone by wearing blush instead of white. She didn't need to wear white anymore, didn't feel the need to project purity. She was in love and the blush hue against her mocha skin made her feel like she was glowing, like she felt when Fitz held her hand in front of people and looked at her like she was the sun warming him after a long, desolate winter. Fitz had watched her with awe-struck misty eyes as she marched toward him, dashingly handsome in a smoke gray tux. She still wore the diamond ring he had given her years ago before they were out in the open, the one that held all the promises of the world of dreams he wanted to give her. Their white gold wedding bands bore the same engraved promise, "Ever thine. Ever mine. Ever ours."

Now, they were a real family. Olivia was over the moon, looking down at the rest of the world from Cloud 9. Fitz couldn't believe he was so happy, so free, so content. He had never known such love, such absolute elation.

Olivia asked, "So what are you and my princess doing today while I trudge around doing errands?"

"We're going to the zoo," he announced proudly.

Olivia smirked. "So you get to shoot the bull at the zoo while I pick up dry cleaning and get the car washed. Seems completely fair, Fitzgerald."

"I could get the car washed on the way to the zoo, and pick up the dry cleaning. I'd do anything for you, Mrs. Grant."

She smiled at being called Mrs. Grant. "I suppose you could. Maybe I'll go shopping, or get a manicure, or go cruise the sexy pretzel guys in the park. The possibilities are endless now that I don't have anything to do!"

He stepped close to her, invading her personal space. He grinned wickedly. "'Sexy pretzel guys' huh? I might just have to chain you up in the basement, little woman."

She smiled defiantly. "As long as you promise to teach me a lesson I won't soon forget while you're at it, Mr. Grant."

He gave her one deliciously soft kiss. "Go eat your breakfast before you talk your way into some trouble, Livvie."

She smiled at him as she carried her plate to the table, giving his boxer-covered butt a little pinch as she passed. He smiled at her as she sat down then carried Isabelle to the table. She had been content to stay with him for a while but now that her mommy was up and about, she was eager to get away.

"Did you miss Mommy?" Olivia cooed as she snuggled her baby girl. The little girl giggled at having her face covered with kisses. "Mommy missed you. Daddy stole you away this morning."

"Well Daddy is gonna go get in the shower so he can steal her away again," Fitz announced then went upstairs to get in the shower. He could hear Olivia singing "Heart and Soul" to their baby girl as he climbed the stairs, a goofy smile on his face.