So whatever it is that's bothering you.

I stare at my phone buzzing on my night stand. The number didn't seem familiar, but I knew it was best to pick it up anyways.

Be honest about it for your own sake.

I hit the "send" button and greet the stranger.

"Hello", I say with little enthusiasm.

"Good evening, Menma"

I could easily recognize the voice and it was making my stomach feel queazy.

"Let me guess, you only called to discuss the project. Not because you're concerned about my well-being", I grumble.

"It's not nice to make assumptions"

There's a long silence before he lets out an irritated sigh. "I called because I heard about what happened, and I was wondering if you were okay"

I snort at his so called "sympathy". "I'm fine. I'll be back in school tomorrow"

The disappointment in my voice was as clear as day. I'd never liked school. Not in the real world, and sure as hell not in this one.

"That's good to hear"

What's his deal? Since when did Sasuke fucking Uchiha care about me?

"Not to be rude Sasuke, but why the fuck are you even worried about me? Shouldn't you be worrying about yourself like you always do?"

Okay, so what I'd said was pretty fucking rude, but after all the shit he's put me through, I think he'll live if I'm not so nice to him today.

"I mean, what actually made you think about my well-being at nine o'clock in the evening? You could be studying instead of talking to me or you know, maybe even figuring out a few ways to make my life a living hell, but no, you decide to call the one person you've hated for most of your life once you realize his life might be in danger"

As I suspected, he stayed quiet, and it made me wonder if he'd hung up on me.

"Just what am I to you anyways? You've tripped me in the hallways, laughed at me while your friends called me rude names, convinced upperclassmen to beat me up almost everyday after school, told a group of girls to pretend to like me so I would get stood up on every date I asked them your next evil plan to befriend me and then leak out all my dirty laundry?"

Still, the other line was quiet, and whether he had hung up or not, I was going to keep going. If there was still a small chance that he was listening to me, I was going to tell him how I really felt towards him.

"How the fuck am I supposed to trust you? I don't even want to go to your house to work on that stupid project that you're going to take complete control over anyways", I say bitterly.

I swear, I heard the sound of footsteps in the background, so he was either listening to me or put his phone down and walked away to make me think he was still there. Probably my second guess, knowing him.

"And you know what?", I say growing even angrier as I continue to pour my heart out. "You can work on it alone for all I care"

"Naruto, I-"

"Oh, you're still listening? I'm pretty fucking surprised", I say spitefully. "But whatever bullshit half-assed apology you want to give now, I don't want to hear it. I've spent so much of my life a miserable mess because of you. You made me hate school, you made me hate the one sport I was actually good at…"

You made me hate myself.

"And I don't think I'll ever be able to go on a date with a girl without fearing being stood up", I add. "So-so...fuck you! You're a terrible person and I hate you! Don't bother calling me again!"

I hung up the phone, barely being able to breathe because of the adrenaline coursing through me. It's been so long since I've ever yelled at anyone like that…

I put my phone back on the nightstand and fell back on my pillow, staring at the boring white ceiling. There are so many squares...I wonder if I can count them all. And so to get my mind off of everything that was going on, I did. But I'd only made it up to forty because my phone started buzzing again.

I told his dumbass I didn't want him calling.

I hit ignore and go back to counting the squares, only to be interrupted again.

Is he really going to keep calling until I pick up?

Again, I hit ignore, but as soon as I hit ignore, he calls again.

Dammit! And the last thing I wanna do is turn my phone off.

So we played this game for about ten minutes. He would call, I would ignore. He'd call again, I would ignore again. And when he finally stopped calling for good, I couldn't help but feel relieved.

God, has he lost his mind?

I'd scrolled through the missed calls, and realized I'd ignored a few calls that weren't even Sasuke's. One of them being Iruka's. Shit.

I kept on scrolling through the list.






































Eventually, I couldn't take reading through the list anymore and put down my phone completely. Even though I wanted to call back the people I cared about, I didn't have the energy to, and in less than an hour, I was out cold. And the only thoughts that were going through my mind were about the bastard who called me over forty three times.

"I'm afraid he's asleep"

Whoever was talking was only half right. I was in between awake and being unconscious.

A visitor?

"But you'll see him tomorrow right?"

I try my best to move my head so I can see the person who came to see me.

"He said he would be back"


My fluttering eyelids become alert, and I sit up so fast that it's enough to make me dizzy.

"Sasuke", I grumble darkly. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

I can't even imagine the disgusted look on my face. The nurse can see that we don't have the best relationship, and slowly begins to walk out of the room.

"I'll leave you two alone", she says nervously with a smile.

The door shuts, leaving me alone with the stuck up douche bag. Why the hell is he here? Am I hallucinating again? Is this a dream? Because only in my dreams would Sasuke fucking Uchiha care about me this much!

"I wanted to see you"

"Why?", I snap back as soon as he gives the response.

Am I imagining this? Is this real? Did he really go this far to see me? On a school night especially?

"I've-I...I don't know"

He doesn't know? What kind of answer is that?!

"They say you're the smartest kid in our grade, but you can't take a hint can you?", I say harshly. "If I didn't want you calling me, why would I want you visiting me?"

His face remained blank and apathetic as always. It was almost as if it was stuck like that. It wouldn't surprise me if it was.

"My fucking god", I say as I begin to break out into insane, tired, uncontrolable laughter. "You've got to be the dumbest bastard on the planet if you think I want to hold a conversation with you"

"I want us to start over", he says calmly.

"For what?", I ask impatiently. "Start over for what?!"

"For the best", he replies calmly.

"Unbe-fucking-lievable", I say before throwing my head back on my pillow and pulling the blanket over me. "I have what, about seven months left with you before I never see your lifeless face again?"

"I know you're not fond of the idea, but I think you should reconsider"

"No", I hiss. "I don't know why you'd even propose something so ridiculous"

"Because I'd like to move on. I don't want to work with someone who has a grudge against me. It's too much drama, and would hinder our progress"

"I told you to work on that fucking project without me", I say through gritted teeth. "Now beat it. The doctor told me I need as much sleep as possible"

I could no longer see the expression on his face, but by the tone of his voice I could tell he was growing impatient.

"You passed out because you were tired and you're spending the night here. You'll have plenty of time to sleep"

I didn't bother to respond until a random question popped up in my mind.

"And how the hell do you know that?", I say as I sit up.

At that moment, I'd finally seen him show an expression that wasn't one of unamusement or boredom. He looked a deer caught in headlights...but only for a few seconds.

"The nurse told me"

I narrow my eyes at him suspiciously.

Sasuke was the last person I saw at Sakura's party.

He's glaring at me so hard that he could burn a hole through my face.

And he's the only person in this new world whose personality hasn't changed.

I cross my arms and continue to snarl at him.

That day he raised his voice in one could hear him...but as soon as I raised my voice, everyone heard me

"I want us to be adults about this", he states firmly.

And when I thought I was drowning in the bathroom, the illusion stopped when he touched my back.

"I don't want to work on this project alone. I'm not the control freak you think I am"

That fucker bit me too...but that's nothing to be too concerned about. It was still pretty fucking weird and I don't even want to bring it up.

"Uhuh", I say dryly.

"You're not listening", he accuses.

"Not one bit", I begin. "I have too much on my mind right now, and you being around doesn't settle my nerves"

He rolls his eyes, but I don't let his dismissive attitude stop me from talking.

"I have no idea why you went so far as to come and visit me so late at night", I begin. "But I want you out of here. I don't want to see you and I don't want to talk to you...just fuck off"

I wasn't sure if I'd hurt him or not. I know if I said something like that to any other human being, they would've at least showed some type of disappointment...or anger...but this is Sasuke I'm dealing with. Someone so emotionally impaired that it made me wonder if he was even human at all. This is the guy who had no problem leading a desperate girl on and ignoring her the next day. This is the guy who lost his parents junior year but didn't let it interfere with his attendance and kept his composure every day afterwards. This is the guy who can get elbowed in the nose during a basketball game and barely let anyone see a glimpse of his pain.

To my surprise, he shrugged my words off like they were nothing. "Hn"

"Yeah...that's right. 'Hn' to you too asshole!"

The comment wasn't necessary, but I couldn't help it. If there was anytime for me to be as rude as I wanted to be to Sasuke and get away with it, the time was now. None of his stupid friends were around to defend him, and there's no way he would lay a finger on a hospital patient. I was in the clear...for now.

Casually, he left the room, but murmured something softly before he left.

"You're going to regret this", he says coldly.

I snort at the threat. "There's no way I would regret this...There's no way you could make me regret anything!"

I had to have the last word. Even if it was something stupid and immature or even laughable. To my surprise, the stoic, straight-faced bastard chuckled. He fucking chuckled. I think the fact that he could even manage to smile is almost as strange as the hallucinations I've been having.

I want to go to sleep and never wake up again.

The soft thumping underneath my bed wakes me from my peaceful dream. Not this again. I didn't know what to do, and I didn't know what to expect. My first guess was that I was going to get a visit from the creepy bird thing like the first time this happened, but in this world, anything can happen.

I hold on to my blanket and look on my nightstand for anything I can use as a weapon. Nothing comes to mind, unless I want to throw a book to defeat my enemy. I don't know what to do. I don't know where to hide. If I scream for help I already know that the monster will be gone by the time the help gets here. The doctors will think I'm fucking crazy!

"Sh-show your face already", I demand.

I didn't want the monster to show his face, but it was better than anxiously waiting for the surprise to come.

"Come on you pathetic fuck", I hiss. "Stop being a coward and show yourself"

Unfortunately, I got exactly what I wanted. The front of the bed lifts up, causing me to slide towards the headboard. I end up hitting my head on it, and the pain of the injury makes me want to scream. That fucking hurt!

Still, I see no monster, which makes me even more angry. So it was time for plan B. I guess I'll just have to find the monster myself. Before I can even put my big toe on the floor, the front of the bed falls to the ground. What the fuck!?

The bed slides from one side of the room to the other, and the force causes me to roll of the bed. As soon as I get up, I see the bed charging towards me like a rhino and I have to jump over it to avoid getting hit.

Again, I end up on the floor, almost face planting from dodging the bed. What the hell is going on? I get to my feet as quickly as possible, but realize the bed is no longer moving. I need to get out of here! As quickly as possible I run to the door, and when I'm half way there, I begin to believe there's hope for me. Maybe I can make it out of here on time. My hopes are crushed when the door swings out and hits me so hard that I fall backwards.

"You're not going anywhere"

A/N: I'm really interested in hearing about what you think of everything that has happened so far. Leave reviews!