Chandler looked up as the scarlet and yellow leaves waved in the soft breeze and fell slowly to the ground.

Then his eyes caught a flash of ivory and long, cascading ebony hair.

And he smiled.

At the end of the makeshift, leaf covered aisle, Monica smiled right back at him.

She was in charge of most aspects of this day, but the one and only thing that really mattered was the man standing by the minister, under the old sunset maple tree near the fountain in Central Park.

Jack smiled at his beaming daughter. She hooked her arm with his and slowly walked down the path that Phoebe and Joey, then Rachel, Ross and Emma, in her father's arms, had walked just before them.

It was mid-October in New York and as the low autumn sun passed through the colorful clusters of leaves clinging to the nearby trees, a beautiful play of light and shadow brushed the landscape.

It was a gorgeous day for a wedding…

Chandler planned to propose to Monica on the Fourth of July.

Ross had rented a houseboat to celebrate he and Rachel's first anniversary, and he asked their friends to come with them to see the fireworks. After much arm twisting and promises that Emma would be just fine, Rachel had agreed to leave her newborn daughter with Judy and Jack, and the gang set out to enjoy the day.

Right before the fireworks were to begin, everyone quietly moved into the cabin of the boat and watched from inside as Chandler approached Monica at the rail.

He wrapped his arms protectively around her waist and she fell back into his embrace.

"May I have this dance?" he whispered.

She smiled and turned to look into his eyes.

"There's no music," she whispered.

"Don't need it," he grinned as he pulled her to him and they slowly swayed back and forth.

About 30 seconds into their dance he turned her in his arms so she was facing away from him, out toward the water.

"I have something for you," he said softly. "Close your eyes."

"OK," she said, as she complied, leaning back against his chest.

He pulled the diamond ring, with sapphire begets on each side, out of his pocket.

Taking her left hand in his, he gently moved her fingers and with his right hand slowly slid the engagement ring on, as she gasped and tilted her head back a little, tears brimming under her lashes.

"I will love and cherish you forever, Mon," he whispered into her hair. "Will you marry me?"

The gang watched in tears as Monica slowly turned in Chandler's arms and nodded her head up and down as she whispered "yes, yes, yes, yes…"

They were locked in a passionate kiss when the fireworks show began in New York Harbor.

Everything changed very quickly before - and again after - that day.

Richard, who had gone back to Arizona with Michelle and Phillip after what was supposed to be his wedding day, decided to stay there.

He sold his half of the eye care practice to Tim. He didn't come back to New York for three weeks after Monica left him, giving her time to move out of the apartment and in with Chandler. And when he came back it was only for a few days to clear up some business and put his place on the market.

Judy had initially been mortified that her daughter canceled her wedding on her wedding day. But after several discussions with both Jack and Monica, and one important talk with Chandler, she came around and was now overjoyed that Monica hadn't married Dr. Richard Burke.

Eventually Jack told Monica that Richard had met a divorcee, in her mid-40s, who had two kids in college at Arizona State.

"Much, much better," he had told her, with a wink.

Joey told Chandler that he heard through the theatre grapevine that Kathy had moved back to Chicago. She and Nick had broken up at the end of the show's run.

"Good riddance," Joey had said, slapping Chandler on the back.

Phoebe had met a cop named Gary and seemed to be very smitten with him, though she was also mulling over being a surrogate for her brother and his wife.

Joey was, well, still Joey but he was a big help to Monica and Chandler when it came time for them to move again.

Shortly after Emma was born it became clear to Ross and Rachel that a two-bedroom apartment wasn't going to be enough for them - especially since they had Ben, too, every other weekend.

So they searched for a three bedroom in the Village and found one, right in the next building over, where Ugly Naked Guy lived.

They moved in early September as Monica and Chandler planned their simple, outdoor wedding for the following month.

Chandler had called Tom to tell him he wasn't coming to LA after all. Tom was happy to hear the reason why. He called his counterpart in the communications department in New York and gave Chandler a glowing recommendation. Shortly thereafter a position opened up and Chandler accepted it. He ended up subletting his two-bedroom, pre-war apartment to the woman who took his old job and her husband.

Then he and Monica moved "back home," to Apartment 20, and the gang was as close as could be once again.

The rehearsal dinner was held at Sturky's and it had been quite a party. Chandler had everyone in tears, cracking jokes about everything and everyone - including Christy - who laughed right along with them all.

Nora and Charles were there, and remarkably, got along very well.

The betrothed couple ended up going back to Central Perk accompanied by Chandler's parents, talking with them until late into the night. They told his Mom and Dad the tale of how they came to realize they were in love. Halfway through the story Nora grabbed a napkin and started taking notes for her next book, much to Chandler's dismay.

Charles got all teary-eyed, more than once.

Then they all decided to get a few hours of sleep. Charles slept on the couch at Monica and Chandler's, and Nora in the spare room at Joey's.

Monica and Chandler fell asleep in each other's arms amid broken down boxes that were stacked neatly in their bedroom.

They were almost all settled back into the purple apartment.

The only thing left to do was to paint the pink nursery blue.


"You may now kiss the bride," the minister said, smiling, after Chandler and Monica had said their vows and exchanged wedding bands.

There wasn't a dry eye in the park as two of the people Ross, Rachel, Joey and Phoebe loved most in the world pledged their eternal love to one another.

Chandler slowly cupped his new bride's face and whispered "I love you" as his lips brushed hers.

Then they melted into a simple kiss full of promise for their future.

After he broke their kiss Chandler slowly took one knee and placed his lips to where their son was growing inside of his mother. Monica smiled down at him, running her fingers through his hair, as happy tears fell from her bright blue eyes and rolled down her face.

They'd found out a few days before the wedding that they were having a baby boy, and Daniel Chandler Bing was due right after Valentine's Day.

Chandler stood and smiled at her, happy crinkles on either side of his shining, dancing eyes.

It was her turn to cup his face between her hands as she whispered, "My whole heart will be yours forever..."

He breathed in deeply, closed his eyes and pressed her palms to his cheeks.

After a moment they turned to their friends and family as the minister introduced them as "Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Bing" for the very first time.

Everyone around them burst into applause.

The newlyweds smiled at them all before turning to each other once again.

Chandler pressed his lips to Monica's forehead, clasped his right hand in hers against his chest and ran the palm of his left hand along her baby bump and around to the small of her back.

The clapping around them faded into the background.

He looked down into her eyes and rested his forehead against hers.

"I love you, Mrs. Bing," he said quietly.

"I love you, Mr. Bing," she whispered back.

He smiled.

"We finally got it all right," he said.

She smiled and pulled him closer.

"Yes we did."


NOTE: I feel like, if this were a movie, this is when Sara Bareilles's "I Choose You" would begin and the credits would roll.

I thank you from the very bottom of my heart for indulging me, and enjoying "Slow Me Down" so very much. You have made this writer's soul "happier than I ever thought I could be." And I mean that as sincerely as the "real" Chandler did when he proposed to the "real" Monica on the show. Your never ending, motivating reviews meant more to me than you will ever know…thank you, thank you, thank you!

It's remarkable to me that, after all these years, this fictional couple we've all come to know and love still mean so very much to so many. What a testament to the show's creators and writers. But it is also a testament to Matthew Perry and Courteney Cox, whose obvious chemistry all those years ago was the catalyst for Mondler, and whose continued friendship and affection for one another 20 years hence has helped keep the Monica and Chandler fantasy alive for us all. (I know they'll never read this, but I thought they were worth a mention!)

Oh, and one more thing - Isa, that baby bump was planned for the epilogue all along, but knowing your deep love for pregnant Mondler I'm dedicating little fetus Daniel Bing to you. :D LOL!

Now, I'm kinda exhausted - you too, maybe? Not too sure when another Mondler fic will come out of me, but I would bet one will sooner or later - & I may (or may not) make it less angsty next time. ;)

Til then, I'll enjoy reading all your Mondler fics - esp. yours, Ines & starbuckmeggie! Have a great summer. And, again, thank you!

Kel (aka OldMondlerLover)