Hey guys, a new chapter o/ I wanted to write two chapters a week, but that...is probably not going to happen, maybe. Here it is \o/ This one was hard, I also reread it and thought the flow of it was weird, please do say what you think about it if you review, I'm not sure if it's just me or what… SMUT CHAPTER! My biggest yet XD thank you for the reviews, favorites and follows, they mean a lot to me!

I don't own the Hunger Games.


Kelper142: Here's more \o/

mattiboi: OMG mattie! I'm not such a pain! XD Thank you! Auhhauuhahuauahuha, Well you know already that it won't be XD YES OMG HE IS SO SURE OF HIMSELF I ALMOST MADE HIM THE TOP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CHAPTER, at least not in this story he won't. I really really hope the smut is good XD THE CHAPTER IS BASICALLY A BIG ASS SMUT!

CrystalXHeartlace: That is pretty much what I had in mind in the last chapter! I hope you like this one too \o/

pumpkinking5: Yes! This time I made it head on XD \o/ yes yes yes, this is a big thing in this story! *squeal* Thanks, I hope this one has a good quality too o/

fanboyingfiction: Thank you! I didn't update soon though XD I do hope you keep reading \o/

Dreams or fantasies: OMG thank you for the support! \o/ yes it will be very lustful XD

hdds3: More! \o/

Chapter 2

I am getting closer and closer to him, the excitement almost killing me and making me horny as hell. He is getting too, as I can see him straightening his posture, becoming a bit taller and showing off his muscles. He looks as cocky as they can possibly come.

He is wearing tight jeans and a dark blue v-neck, one of his hands is in his pocket while the other is holding a red cup. The shirt hugs him nicely and I can see his welcoming nipples against it. He keeps his head a bit high, like he is looking down on me, but I know from his eyes and the tip of his tongue wetting his lips, that he is enjoying what is in front of him.

Ooh, I am so enjoying him too.

Finally closing the distance between us, I hook my fingers on his belt and swiftly turn us around, me leaning on the wall now. I pull him close so our bodies are up to one another, never taking my hand from his belt, but moving it, so I am caressing his happy trail with my thumb. My face fitting right on his neck.

"Hey." I whisper to his ear. "Cato, isn't it?" Backing my head a bit, I see him looking at me, his mouth slightly open, and I know I have him hooked in more than one way. The hand on his belt starting to open the button of the jeans and the thumb caress going lower every passing moment. "Or did I get the wrong person?" I turn my head towards anyone else.

"No." He pushes me even more to the wall. "You got the right person." His pocketed hand moves up and stays above me on the wall.

"Really?" I move my head back to him.

"Oh yes."

"Good." I finish unbuttoning his jeans, but still leave the belt there. "Now, this party is nice and all, but…" I unhook my fingers and move my hand under his shirt, feeling his muscles, the tip of my fingers travelling up and down his stomach. He truly has a very hot body. When his bulge starts to poke me, I continue. "We could go somewhere else and make it much better."

He moves his jaw forward and back, thinking, as if pondering if we could do it here and now. He presses me one more time, now grinding himself on me, looks right and left, backs away and says. "Yeah." With this he puts his arm around my shoulder and we start to walk away.

I leave my cup on the first surface we pass. I want both of my hands free for this. We walk around a bit, on the grass and through the building, passing a few couples making out, until we get behind one building, we can still see the lights from the party and some people drinking, but it is dark and far enough. The moment I see we won't be disturbed, I push him to the wall.

My lips go directly to his neck and my hands once again under his shirt. My nails scrape upward his skin, until they meet hard nipples, squeezing them once.

"Fuck." He says.

I pull his shirt up, just over his head, but not really taking it off, and start to kiss him lower. Getting to the middle of his chest, I go to suck one of his nipples, which takes out a groan from Cato. Knowing that my work is appreciated, I start to take his belt off.

Freeing him of his belt, my hands go up and down, slowly working his body. Up his sides, stomach, pecs, neck, then going down, feeling, taking, squeezing everywhere and moving his underwear lower a little bit. I repeat three times, hearing "Fuck." And moans of approval of a tipsy Cato, before I get to what I wanted.

With his cock finally out, I start to massage it against his skin, my palm open and him between the L of my hand. I go to my knees, and biting his happy trail, I breathe in his musk. I position one hand on his leg, and the thumb of the other on the head of his cock, leaving it straight up, my hand still open and pressing him against the wall every time he tries to grind himself on me.

I look up and see a very hot and bothered Cato, eyes overcome with lust. Still holding his beerless cup, he grabs my shirt by my shoulder and pleads with a look and trying once more to grind his hard-on on me.

Happily, I start working his tension away, beginning from the base. I free his balls and kiss and suck the underside of his cock, which twitches with the warm contact of my mouth.

I am flicking my tongue between his balls and massaging it with my free hand, when I hear the crump sound of the plastic cup. I turn a little to see, but without stopping, and catch the glimpse of Cato throwing it away and closing his hands on hair.

Wetness falls on my thumb and I know that it is pre cum. I want him to want more, until he can't resist anymore, so I move my thumb in a circle motion, right under the head. This brings Cato to moan even more, and not being able to contain his grinding as much I did before.

Thinking this is enough, my kisses start to go higher, but before I take my hand off, I stop and feel the same wetness in my underwear, in a moment I realize my hips are moving involuntary, trying to grind my own clothes. Using this to make him go even crazier, I stop my mouth from going any higher and use the hand that is teasing his balls to opening my own jeans, letting out a moan against Cato when my hard member is free from the tight confinement.

A louder whimper snaps my head up. "Please." I smirk. "Let me in." I take a look at Cato and see the mess he is. His body slid down the wall a bit, legs open, knees bent, one in each side of me, his hair is everywhere, and his stomach contracts in little spasm, showing off his well-built body, with a thin layer of sweat forming on it. One drops forms and softly glides down his pecs to his stomach. When it reaches the middle of it however, I stop its track by kissing the place it was.

I stop the circling motion my thumb is making and move my hand lower, at the same time, my free hand starts to excite the head of my own bother. Experimenting, I flick the tip of my tongue on the slit of his cock. Immediately his body respond by completely tensing up for a second and the most arousing moan coming out of Cato's mouth.

It is enough to make go down. I suck the already lubed head and Cato starts grinding again. This time, I use all my strength and keep him pushed up against the wall. My tongue circles his head, the tip twirling down and circling up to the slit. I try to only suck him occasionally in between the twirling, but the taste of his pre cum, Cato's eager sounds and grinding, and my own arousal have the best of me.

First sucking the head, I keep my lips tight, tasting as much as I can take of his pre-cum. Sensing hi will cum soon if I keep this up, I slow down and take more and more of his cock in my mouth, easily getting half of it in. At this point I take my hand off to feel his tensed up form, and let my mouth work to have him whole inside it, my other hand already fast paced, jerking me back and forward in full speed.

Cato, free of my grip, grinds away, putting the most of his cock he can, taking it out and trying to put more. The hand I have on him focus on another one of his nipples and I have one finger move up and down to excite him faster.

It doesn't take long before his cock is all in my mouth. He shifts his weight, so he is using the back of his shoulders to keep him up, his hips moving up and down now, fucking me. He is almost there, I can feel in his tensed muscles, in the twitches his body and cock makes. I am almost there too and my moans are a hint for that. My throat tightens and vibrates with my moans and makes Cato go over the edge.

"Fuck, I'm gonn-"

With the last thrusts, he buries himself deep in me. The last one, he presses my face against him and starts cumming. I take the musky scent he has, invading directly, and the taste of the thick bittersweet cum he shoots, the taste I so longed for.

In my turn, my body spasms, while thrusting, a few times and I am the one shooting now. It falls on the wall and in the grass, my continuing jerking hand also ends up full of cum.

Cato relax considerably, but he keeps a firm grip of my hair, as he thrusts sometimes, still riding the orgasm. My mouth continues working up and down his cock, I can't leave any cum behind, and I smear his cock with my own cum, which is in my hand, and suck it in too.

I stop when it is half its hardened size and stand up, kissing his body along the way. His chest heaving up and own, I kiss each side and press my body against his. My kisses go up his neck, jaw line, then to his ear lobe and I start grinding myself onto him.

Cato groans, his head back in exhaustion, but has both of his hand grabbing my ass. I can feel the two of us getting bigger down there.

However, the sound of sirens stop us.

"The cops." Cato groans.

We fix our jeans the best way we can, now that we are hard again, and Cato fixes his shirt, hiding his sexy sweaty body. Though, I whimper when I can't see it anymore.

He grabs me by my butt and pulls me. "Don't worry, you're going to see a lot more of it." A smirk in his face.

I turn in his arms and grind my ass in his even harder cock. "I am counting on it." I whisper in to his ear.

"Peeta!" The moment is broken. I break it off and look for the person shrieking my name and she appears shortly after, running and in a mess. "Come on! Gloss and his stupid friends started a fight, now they are getting everyone they see." She grabs my hand and pulls me in a run.

I take one look at Cato. Messy sex hair, smelling like sex and cum, happy for relieving himself and sad for wanting more. Okay, I may be the one smelling like sex and cum, but I am sure he wants more too, I felt him getting hard again. I didn't even get his number. How am I supposed to ride that warrior like body if I can't even contact him? Damn whoever called the cops and made Delly come after me.

We run for a while, going out of the uni and getting to the main street.

"Okay." She says out of breath. "I think we are safe."

Damn right we better be safe. I was not expecting this type o exercise.

"I had a lot of excitement for the day." She breathes out and puts her hands on her hips. "We should go eat!"


"Yeah, let's go to McDonalds." She says, already skipping towards the nearest one.

"Delly wait!" I can't believe her.

"What?" She stops her track.

"I'm tired, no, I'm exhausted. I'm going home." I say it in a matter of fact.

"Oh yeah! Sorry." She touches her palms together apologetically. "I saw how you went and POW got him all to yourself. Damn boy you really went for an attack."

"Yeah yeah yeah, thanks. I'll see you later okay?" I want to finish this quick and go to bed, I have more important issues, down there.

"Aw, okay." She hugs me. "I'll see you tomorrow then! Bye." She stretches the last word, walking in the direction of McDonalds.

She is still going, huh? Maybe what happened today, happens quite often…

Time to go home.

I start walking in the direction of my house…



I wake up with a fright, punching the alarm off. The hangover not being excruciating, but enough to make me in a bad mood. Worse yet, having to jerk off when I could possibly have done better last night. This day better be good or productive, I don't think I can take a shitty day. What do I have for today anyway? I roll off my bed and go to the bathroom.

Who in their right mind makes a uni party on Sunday, by the way? Don't we all have classes on Monday? Cursing under my breath, I get ready for class and in no time I am ready and on my way there. I have to find Cato and get his number, I need to make we turn last night into a booty call level. Entering the building. What was it that Delly said he is studying? Going up the stairs. What were the classes we were taking together? Dammit, does that mean I will have to wait like the whole week to find her and subsequently find Cato? I stop at the door. Oh my god, so much work. Thank goodness I am pretty certain it will be worth it.

"Peeta!" Someone shrieks. I am definitely awake now. "I saved a sit for you."

I turn around to see who it is… This may be the only time I am happy to see this crazy person. "Hey Delly, good morning."

She gaps dramatically. "You remembered my name! I. Am. Flattered."

"Of course I did you silly. Why wouldn't I?" Let us skip the pleasantries and go where I want.

"Oh you! You're the silly one." She says, blushing and laughing. "Now, come, sit here and let's talk, 'cause you have a lot to update me with." She pats the sit beside her.

I sit and look in front of me. There is a blank canvas.

A canvas?

Painting! I take painting and drawing with her.

"So, what happened? Tell me everything, every detail! No wait, not every detail. Wait again, yes I want every detail." She confused herself.

"Yeah…" I really don't want to talk about these things with her, I should just change the subject. "With Cato, right?"


"Well we started by me going up to him and, you know what?"

"What?" She asked expectantly.

"What is he taking again?"

"A sculpting and metal making deegree."

Good, good. "I wonder if it's interesting."

"Ooh, I actually…" I turn off this moment, I have a feeling this will be enough to keep her going for a while…