Disclaimer: I own nothing


It was a beautiful summer's day. A small family of three, could be found sitting under a tree, enjoying a family picnic. "Mom, what's color's like?" asked a 5 year-old boy "Colors are some of the most beautiful things in this world. We use them to tell one thing from another or create something entirely different. While they are beautiful, they remain impossible to describe for those who can't see them. Blue is the color of the sky and sea, yellow is the color of the sun, green is the color of the grass and leafs on the trees, brown is the color of the earth, white is the color of the snow." "What about red?" the boy interrupted, full of curiosity "Red is different from the others while it's often seen it's rarely connected to one specific thing. Red is the color of passion, in other words love. However, while the feeling of love is connected to red, it remains unseen by us all." The boy looked confused and gave his mother a skeptical look "Then how do you know its red?" the parents looked at each other and chuckled at their son's question. "Because we believe it to be." The boy still looked confused but let it go.

"What color is my hair?" the boy asked his mother, who chuckled "your hair is as white as the freshly fallen snow, it shines with an unusual brightness that can't be found anywhere else." The boy thought about her words before asking "then what about my eyes?" she moved closer to her son and cradled his cheek with her hand before she answer. "Your eyes are the color of the sky, a truly breathtaking color that you should carry with pride." Her words caused the boy to smile. "Then what's the color of your eyes and hair?" "Both your father and I have brown hair and eyes." the boy stopped smiling at that "Then why am I different?" his father ruffled his hair and said, "Because you are special." The boy looked skeptical and both adults laughed at that.

The two adults couldn't help but regard their son with a slightly saddened expression. While they truly adored their little boy, they couldn't help but wish they could share the beauty of this world with him, but it remained impossible as their son was born blind.

On the way home, the white haired boy was happily walking hand in hand with his parents, when he suddenly heard a faint whisper as the wind passed by. He frowned in concentration, focusing hard to hear more clearly. That's when he heard it. "I found you."

A/N a very short introduction to my new story. The idea came to me while I was still writing my Jack the mute fanfic. hopefully you will come to enjoy this fanfic as much as I already do. I'll return with chapter one very soon so look forward to it.