
They were separated as children, separated in the worst way possible. Though a few hundred years can change everything. AU Vampire. Not SM Vamps.


Isabella, Rosalie, and Mary sat in the room anxious to get out of there, even if they had to escape. They were ready to leave, but of course, the people there didn't really like that idea, no one did. All the other girls here were afraid of going outside during the day, but of course, those girls were a bit older then the young ages of Isabella, Rosalie and Mary who were only a year over the age of seven.

"To leave Mary," Isabella whispered to her baby sister.

Isabella, Rosalie, and Mary were all sisters. They had been discarded as babies and put into this place, which they hated with a passion.

"I can't. Thou will catch us," she cried.

"No thou won't. Not if we go through thou window," Rosalie said to her younger sisters.

Rosalie was the oldest out of her sister, though just minutes older then Isabella. She was twenty minutes, or more, older than her youngest sister Mary.

"I'm afraid," Mary said with tears in her eyes.

"Don't be," Isabella whispered looking at her sisters.

"What if one of us doesn't get out?" Rosalie said, lowering her voice a bit.

"We need to get out no matter what. Even if one of us doesn't get out," Isabella whispered.

"If we have to leave each other I'm going to scream," Rosalie whispered.

"We won't be able to stay with each other forever Rosalie," Mary whispered.

"Well of course not. One of us will die eventually," Isabella whispered.

The girls heard footsteps coming from outside the room and fear instantly consumed them.

"We have to go now," Rosalie whispered, afraid of what would become if the person outside the door came in.

Isabella's eyes instantly went for the window, which was slightly open but not open enough for them to slip outside. She quickly walked over to the window to look at the outside, which was something the girls barely saw anymore. Isabella felt the glass, and when she squeezed it hard enough, the glass had cracked a bit. She immediately smiled.

When the girls heard the door knob begin to wobble they immediately ran over to their sister, scared of what was going to happen. After hitting the window multiple times while someone tried to get it, the window cracked enough that it would open. Once the window was open enough for the girls to fit through, they immediately began going out, not minding that they were on the second floor.

Rosalie had gotten out first, so she could help her little sisters escape. Though after Isabella was out and they reached for Mary, someone was there, and grabbed her.

"No! Let me go!" Mary cried out, desperate to be with her sisters.

Isabella immediately felt bad for her sister and knew, knew that she should have gone out last so that her baby sister wouldn't have to stay in the horrible place anymore, but she also knew she needed to get out.

"Get back here you rotten children!" the man hissed from the window.

They saw their little sister in his grasp, but that didn't stop them, Isabella and Rosalie sprinted, desperate to be away from the people in the awful place. They knew Mary would never been seen again, but they knew, really knew, leaving was the best thing for all of them, including Mary.


Isabella hissed at her sister, the one who had always been there for her when they were running, running from the awful place they lived in until they were eight years old.

"Yes Isabella, bite me," Rosalie murmured as she tilted her head her sisters way.

"I am not going to bite you in anyway Rosalie," Isabella hissed.

"Please Isabella?" she asked, with tears in her blue eyes.

"I can't," Isabella murmured.

Over the 21 years that Isabella and Rosalie had been running, things had happened to both of them. Isabella had gone through the horrible changes of mortality to immortality. She had suffered through having to go through the bloodlust and trying to stay with her sister, while trying not to kill her. Isabella had only been changed a year and a half before and just then did Rosalie start to beg her sister to change her.

"You can," Rosalie said.

"What if I kill you?" said Isabella.

"You won't kill me Isabella. Just do it, now," said Rosalie.

Isabella immediately released her fangs and went to bite her sisters neck. Rosalie closed her eyes and concentrated, concentrated on how she could live forever.


Isabella watched her sister lick the blood, the red, hot blood off of Rosalie's fingers. She made Isabella so hungry for more blood when she did that.

"This blood is always the best," Rosalie said.

Of course it was Isabella thought, the blood was from the blood bank. Ever since Isabella and Rosalie started coming there and forcing them to give them the blood. The girls really like drinking from these blood bags.

"Have you ever had anything but blood bags?" Isabella hummed to her sister.

"Yes," Rosalie said.

Isabella knew she shouldn't have even asked her if Rosalie had anything but blood bags, because Isabella knew she had drained a few humans before.

Rosalie stopped draining the blood and looked my way.

"I miss Mary," Rosalie murmured.

"I could bet that she's not around anymore. You know what they must have done to Mary," Isabella said.

"Though what if she is? What if Mary was looking for us?" she asked.

"Rosalie!" Isabella hissed.

"Isabella I mean it," she said.

Before Isabella could respond she heard footsteps. The girls' eyes instantly flashed to the door. One of the doctors was awake.

"We have to go," Isabella whispered to her sister.

She nodded and dashed over to the window, opening it in a flash.

Once the window was open Isabella and Rosalie had made their way out of it before climbing up the side and silently closing the window. Isabella and Rosalie immediately escaped, not bothering to leave a trace of them being there.


Isabella watched the boy from the shadows, not bothering to make her appearance known in the large city.

"He's only nine years of age Isabella. You can't have him. You know the rules," Rosalie hissed quietly to her sister.

"His blood cries out to me," Isabella hissed.

"If you kill the young boy Isabella you will reveal us. We don't need to move again," Rosalie said.

"But," Isabella complained.

"But nothing. If you kill him Isabella we will both die," Rosalie said, glaring at her younger but older sister.

Isabella didn't respond to her sister, but her eyes rolled back into her head and she fell to the ground. Rosalie, who was instantly annoyed, grabbed her hair in frustration.

Lately, Isabella had this odd habit of passing out in random places and waking up and said she knew things, things that hadn't happened yet.

Rosalie didn't like how this happened to her sister at random times and had wished that Isabella had stopped doing horrible things, things that had triggered this gift.

Isabella had begun drinking human blood again, not even bothering to waste her time to go to a blood bank and still the blood bags, she went right for the main resource.

Rosalie had tried and tried to get her sister away from the main resource but everytime Rosalie got close enough to getting her sister away she had been almost killed. Not wanting to be killed after living a few decades more than she should have, Rosalie stayed away from her sister.

When her sister stopped drinking from humans directly, Rosalie finally found her way back over to her sister. Isabella instantly asked her sister why she hadn't been there for her, and Rosalie stood there shocked. Rosalie quickly explained about how Isabella had been drinking from humans and had threatened to kill her.

Rosalie had been shocked that minute when her sister had told her she had no clue what she was talking about. Rosalie knew that minute that Isabella would never be the same again, she knew that Isabella had lost her control and had wished, wished that she could have known a little more.

Though Rosalie could only wish couldn't she?

I couldn't keep it in anymore, I so wanted to wait until it was finished until I posted but...I gave in. I really this story right now. It's full of drama, full of tears you will shed, and much much more.

I hope you liked this :)