Chapter 1- The 5 Guardians?

The rain was falling heavily onto the pavement. Kuroko sat there holding a picture of his grandmother while looking around at all the people in the room who was weeping and whispering. He didn't what was going on. He just wants his grandmother to pick him up and hush him to sleep.

Sick of waiting, Kuroko stood up and walked towards the woman near him. "Where's Obaa-chan?" Kuroko asked. "Obaa-chan promised me that we're going to pick strawberries today. When is she coming back?"

The women stopped sobbing and stared at the teal head boy. She took on look before engulfing Kuroko in a suffocating hug. "Oh, you poor boy!"

Kuroko didn't know what's happening so he started screaming for his grandmother. The room was filled with whispers of pity for the boy.

"Is he the boy that Mukuda looked after" one woman said.

"Oh poor little thing!" One man said

"Who's going to take care of him now? He's only 6." another woman asked.

Feeling afraid than ever before, Kuroko shoved himself away from the woman who was hugging him, and made his way out into the rain. He ran as fast as his tiny little legs could hold him, bringing him to the garden his grandma nurtured ever since he was 3.

Reaching his favourite tree, he curled up into a ball and waited for someone to find him. Kuroko wished that his grandmother would come and find him soon. He waited for a few minutes before the rain above his head stopped. Kuroko looked around and saw that the rain was still going on everywhere else and only his spot was dry. Thinking it was his grandmother he looked up. Staring up he found deep, midnight blue eyes looking at him with pity, sorrow and understanding.

"Nii-chan?" Kuroko said before sneezing. Another pair of hands picked him up carefully and wrapped him in a blanket. This person's hand was strong and yet so warm and caring. Turning around to see the person's eyes, Kuroko was met with only red. The red head boy smiled at him softly before wrapping him up in a cocoon.

"Shintarou," The red head commanded. "Erase his memory of Mukuda's death and his powers."

"Akashi!" The green head replied. "We can't just seal it. More and more demons well keep on coming if he doesn't know how to use his power."

"Midorimacchi," The blonde one joined in. "I think that's what Akashicchi meant. If Kurokocchi doesn't realised he has power, he won't use them."

"But Aka-chin," The tall purple head whined. "Kuro-chin won't remember us and he won't remember Mukuda's last smile."

Akashi looked down at the quiet child before looking back up. "I know!" was the only thing he said. However, to his comrade this meant more to them as they realised that this was the only way to keep him safe.

The green head walked towards Akashi and murmured something under his breath. His fingers then began glowing green, lighting up the whole scene under the tree. Kuroko watched curiously as those green fingers went up to his forehead.

"I bind thee!" the green-haired man shouted.

Kuroko's vision started too unfocused but before he could black out he saw the tanned man looking at him. Those deep dark blue eyes looked at him with sorrow, loneliness and yearning. Before he lost consciousness he heard the man whisper his name.


Kuroko woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the sunlight creeping up from the slightly parted curtains. He rubbed his eyes sleepily before getting out of bed to get ready for his trip. For the last 7 years, Kuroko couldn't remember much of his childhood. He gets flashes of memories once or twice but that's all. After his grandmother's death he was adopted by his aunt, and his uncle, and moved to the city. Today he was going back to the shrine he lived in when he was young to see if he can figure out anything.

Kuroko hauled his backpack and dragged his suitcase out of the house and into the cab. Kissing his aunt's cheek he went in to start his journey. The ride from his house to the train station was fairly peaceful or more like very boring. The scenery never changes and the road was always packed. He turned his attention away from the window and read his book.

Reaching the train station, he grabbed his luggage, said thank you to the cab driver, before getting off to catch his train. Apparently, he woke up a little late and was one minute away from missing it. Panting heavily against the sliding door he went in to find his seat. Walking in, he saw many vacant seats and sat closest to the window. Finding a comfortable position, he closed his eyes and let sleep over take him.

"Baa-chan!" a five year old toddler screamed gleefully before wrapping his hand clumsily around her legs. "Let's go play!"

The old woman smiled down at him before replying to his energetic request. "Baa-chan will play with you later okay? I need to do some cleaning first."

Pouting cutely, the teal head toddler didn't release her legs. He was about to beg her to play when he heard someone calling him. "Tetsu let's go play!"

Turning around he saw five different figures all with different colour hair and eyes. The teal head toddler released his grandma to run up them, with his arms wide open. He got closer and closer until-

Kuroko was shocked out of his dreamland as the train jostled a bit. He looked around his seat dazedly before realising where he was. The train is more packed now as the train has passed many stations. He rubbed his eyes in frustration and gave a long sigh.

It was those dream again huh? Kuroko thought sadly. I keep on seeing five figures of men in my dream. Who are they? Do I know them? Why can't I remember?

Slowly, as these thoughts filled up his head, he got a powerful headache. Kuroko turned around to search for some painkillers in his bag, which he always brings around everywhere. After swallowing two pills, the pain subsided and he was back to normal.

Kuroko let out a satisfied sigh before looking at the scenery outside his window. It was different from what he sees everyday. Instead of polluted air and long traffic, he saw clean air and no cars. It looked peaceful to the mind and heart. Buildings were also replaced with trees and rich housing areas were replaced with shabby homes.

Kuroko smiled at the big difference. I used to live in an environment like this huh? He thought with amusement. When he was young he used the catch disease very easily. Kuroko now knows why he had a weak body when he first came to the city. He was used to clean, fresh air not heavily polluted ones.

He kept his eyes glued onto the scenery outside. It's not that it was beautiful and breathtaking, although it is, it's because a part of him feels longing, as if he missed this scenery very dearly.

Arriving at the train station, he stretched his stiff body and inhales the fresh air. Grabbing his luggage he went out to find a taxi. He walked out of the station and found himself in the village.

The people here were friendly. Everyone waved to him and smiled at him. He couldn't help but feel that he belongs here, that he's welcomed here. He smiled sadly to himself before shaking his head in denial.

No one wants a useless boy who can't do anything. With this thought Kuroko went in the cab and told the driver where he wants to go. He did not realise that a pair of dark blue eyes were staring at him.

After thanking the cab, he went up the long stair case, up to the front of the shrine. He had to stop twice as tiredness came over him and his luggage only adds on his burden. Only when he reached the top he collapsed onto his knees. He panted heavily and beads of sweat rolled down his chin.

"Hello," Kuroko said between pants. "Is anyone here?"

The question echoed around him and all he could hear was the tree rustling. He stood up and dusts himself before going around the shrine to check for any sign of humanity. He didn't realise that 5 pair of colourful eyes were watching him from the distance.

As if on its own mind, Kuroko's legs brought him to a beautiful, well kept garden. He walked into it to find many types if plants growing there. There was many type of flowers, such as roses and daisies, some vegetables, such as cabbage and lettuce, and some fruits.

He's eyes held awe as he saw the fruits that the garden was growing. Kuroko was about to eat them when a sudden headache filled his mind. Crumpling to his feet he curled up in a ball and whined pitifully. His hands automatically went up to hold his head.

His mind was filled with different memories. He mostly saw him and his grandmother in this garden, planting strawberries for his next year birthday cake. The scene then changed to his grandmother's funeral and how he-

"ARGHHHHH!" Kuroko howled in pain and trashed around lightly. "It hurts! Please, someone stop it!" He tried to go to his back but only ended up lying face first on the ground.

Kuroko didn't realise when he started crying. He only realised it when he felt someone's hand on his cheek. He looked up to find a tanned man's face, scrunched up in worry and anger. The image was pretty blurry as Kuroko's eyes was filled with tears.

"Midorima!" The guy shouted.

As if in an instance, four different figures appeared behind him. One of the figure walked up to the tanned male and they exchanged looks before the glasses men bent down and put two fingers on Kuroko's forehead. He chanted something under his breath while the tanned hols him closer to his body. The finders on Kuroko's forehead the glowed green.

"I free thee!" the man shouted.

Kuroko screamed in agony as the seal was broken. Different types of memories flashed before his eyes, only stopping when he remembered what happened during his grandmother's funeral. The searing pain in his head subsided and Kuroko fell limply against two strong, tanned hands who wrapped around him protectively.

Kay this fanfic was unexpected so I just wanted to try it out. If there are many reviews then I would continue if it's only a few thenthis would be a one shot. Anyway, review and read.